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The Hero Who Seeks Revenge Manga

The Hero Who Seeks Revenge Manga

the writer seeks for her pen friend who has ..

Daftar Isi

1. the writer seeks for her pen friend who has ..

kemungkinan besar jawabannya : gone
"The writer seeks for her pen friend who has gone."
- Si penulis mencari teman penanya yang hilang.

2. Greatest - ?- is - hero - who - yourThe correct arrangement is.... a. Who is greatest your hero ?b. Who is greatest hero your ?c. Who is your hero greatest?d. Who is your greatest hero?​


A. who is greatest your hero ?




d.who is your greatest hero?


kenapa?karena yang ditanya siapa pahlawan terbaikmu? kalau ditranslate akan sama jawabanya.

semoga membantu (^v^)

3. Greates- ?- is - hero - who - your The correct arrangement is.... a. who is your greatest hero? b. who is your hero greatest? c. who is greatest hero your? d. who is greatest your hero? ​


a. who is your greatest hero?

Semoga Membantu(⁠•⁠‿⁠•⁠)

4. Song "Hero" by Mariah Carey Queations 1. what is the song "Hero" about ? 2. according to the song "Hero" , what makes a hero 3. who is your hero ?why ? 4. how does this song make you feel ? PLEASE ANSWER

kelas : X
pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kategori : song
kata kunci : Hero, Mariah Carey

1) The song "Hero" is about how to encourage yourself to be a hero.
2) According to the song "Hero", the strenght and the truth in your heart makes a hero.
3) My hero is my mother. Because she always raises and takes care with her heart.
4. This song makes me feel confident. Because this song makes me believe that I have a hero lies in my heart.

5. 1.who are your favourite heroes?2.why do you like them?3.in your opinion,what are the criteria of the hero?4.do you have a hero?hero in your life?who is he/she?5.do you think you can be a hero?TOLONG JAWAB YA,TERIMAKASI

1.My favorite hero is R.A Kartini

2.because she inspired Indonesian women to get education and a better life. In other words, she supported women’s emancipation.

3.in my opinion, heroes are people who want to help another poeple wholeheartedly

4.my heroes in real life are my parents. They take care of me, work hard for me, and willing to do anything for the happines of their children :)

5.yes. because i want to make this world a better place by helping another people :)

Semoga bermanfaat :)

6. 1. what is the song "hero" about? 2. according to the song "hero", what makes a hero ? 3. who is your hero?why? 4. how does this song makes you feel?



What is the song "hero" about? This song is about the importance of the confidence, bravery and spirit in facing anything in our live. We're a hero for ourselves. So don't be afraid and just believe in yourself.             According to the song "hero", what makes a hero? The confidence and bravery can make everyone becomes a hero for himself or other. Who is your hero? Why? My Hero is the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. He had brought us out of the dark ages to the era of bright light today, namely Islam. He is my role model. Because of him we know Allah S.W.T.    How does this song makes you feel? The song makes me feel optimistic, confident and brave as long as we are in the right path.


The social function of song are:  

To entertain the listeners. (Untuk menghibur para pendengar) To teach moral value through the lyrics of the songs. (Untuk mengajarkan nilai moral melalui lirik lagu) To provide a way of managing the relationship between our public and private emotional life. (Untuk menyediakan cara mengelola hubungan antara kehidupan emosional publik dan pribadi kita) To express personal feeling and cultural values. (Untuk mengekspresikan perasaan pribadi dan nilai-nilai budaya) To give someone to not only shares their emotions with others, but also to have an emotional connection that just can’t be experienced in any other way. (Memberi seseorang untuk tidak hanya membagikan emosinya dengan orang lain, tetapi juga untuk memiliki hubungan emosional yang tidak bisa dialami dengan cara lain)







Kelas : 10  

Mata Pelajaran: bahasa Inggris  

Bab : 15  

Kode: 10.5.15  


7. Who was the hero in the text?


"Who was the hero in the text?" terjemahan: "Siapakah pahlawan yang ada di cerita/tulisan?"


Jawabannya bakalan ketemu kalo anda menanyakan pertanyaan sekaligus ceritanya disini :)))

8. discussion Questions for Hero1)what is that song"Hero " about ?2)according to the song " Hero" what makes a Hero ?3)who ia your Hero ? why ? 4) how does this song make you feel ? ​


song hero is an song describe about all of heroes did to our country

who make a hero is us

my hero is prophet muhhamad SAW, because he's the best human being in this world and all over era

it make me feel , fun ,but also sad , cause remind me about all of hero was died

9. physics (seeks/seek) to understand the mysteries of the physical world


Physics (seeks) to understand the mysteries of the physical world


Simple present tense merupakan verb tense yang digunakan dalam penjabaran fakta kebenaran umum, kebenaran yang tak terbatas dan aktivitas yang terus- menerus berulang  { habit/ routines }

Keterangan frekuensi yang digunakan dalam menunjukkan aktivitas berulang, yaitu always, usually, often, everyday, seldom, rarely, daily, never, frequently, occasionally , ever, sometimes, regularly.

Struktur kalimat dikategorikan ke dalam 2 jenis, Verbal dan nominal.  

1. Rumus Simple present tense ( verbal )

Verbal sentence merupakan kalimat yang predikatnya berupa kata kerja setelah penulisan subject.

(+) Subject + Verb(s/es) + Object/C

(-)  Subject + do/does +not + Verb 1 + Object/C

(?) Do/does+ Subject + Verb 1 + Object/C?

Example :

(+) My aunt and uncle always exercise in the morning { Habit }

(+) The earth rotates around the sun  { Fact }

2. Rumus simple present tense ( Nominal )

Nominal sentence merupakan kalimat yang terdiri dari pengikat subyek dengan diikuti ole kata benda ( noun)/kata sifat ( adjective )/ keterangan ( adverb )

(+ ) Subject + is/am/are +noun/adjective/adverb

(- )  Subject + is/am/are + not + noun/adjective/adverb

( ? ) Is/am/are+ subject +noun/adjective/adverb?

Example :

She is a teacher.

Note :

Penambahan akhiran -s pada kata kerja dalam simple present tense, berdasarakan subject tunggal terdekatnya { He, she, it, name of person and singular noun }


Physics (seeks) to understand the mysteries of the physical world

Informasi yang disampaikan merupakan fakta, maka ini termasuk kategori Simple present tensePhysics merupakan kategori singular noun, sifatnya abstrak, bagian dari ilmu pengetahuan alamMaka, kata kerja / predikat yang megikutinya harus menggunakan suffix -s, yaitu "seeks."


Learn more about :

1. Simple Present



Level        : Jhs  (8)

Subject     :  English

Category   : Sentence structure

Categorization : 8.5.5

Keywords  : Simple present tense ; Fact ; Physics


10. 1. what is the song "hero" about? 2. according to the song "hero", what makes a hero ? 3. who is your hero?why? 4. how does this song makes you feel?

1. The belief heart
2. The strong of heart when face disbelief of something that exactly we can do it ourselves
3. My heart. Because we need to follow said the heart
4. This song make me feel belief the power of our heart. The strong heart make our personality become determined1.is about saviour or somebody that inspirited u the most because of his action
2.a honorable action thats worth to award
3.Jesus because His my saviour
4. feel that someone that I can believe that he can save me from all the trouble

11. what is the meaning of revenge the fallen​


balas dendam yang jatuh


maaf kalau salah semoga membantu ^^


artinya balas dendam yang jatuh


12. Queations 1. What is the song "Hero" about ? 2. According to the song "Hero" , what makes a hero 3. Who is your hero ?Why ? 4. How does this song make you feel ?


song hero is about ,, describe some hero to always remind us about our independent

who make hero is us

my hero is prophet muhamad SAW, cause he's rhe only one of human veing in this world who has a high level of honesty

this song make me feel ,become sad cause it make me rwmind to all of hero did in the past to take our independent

13. Who is the hero figure in your life? explain your answer.


Hello, kk coba bantu jawab yaa!

My hero figure in my life is my parents. My parents are really important to me because they are the ones who helped me with problems, homework, taught me things that I don't know and things about life, taught me things that I shouldn't do and things that I should do in life. So these are my hero, and they will always be with me.

But my real hero is my mother because A mother is my mentor and my support system. A mother's love for a child is unconditional and rare. For me, mother is the first influence and nothing less than a superhero.

14. 16. Who is the National hero from Kalimantan​




Hero of Kalimantan

kalimantan barat

abdul kadir raden temenggung

sultan syarif abdurrahman alkadrie

aspar aswin

kalimantan timur

H.abdoel moeis hassan

kalimantan selatan

pangeran hidayatullah

pangeran muhammad noor

gusti muhammad hatta

15. What is the Hero?...What is the Hero?...

Hero adalah PAHLAWAN.
hero = pahlawan
jadi , hero adalah orangyang menyelamatkan sesuatu

16. Apa arti dari the person who seeks news and write in newspaper is reporter...?

artinya: Orang yang mencari berita dan menulis koran adalah Reporterorang yang mencri berita dan menulis di koran adalah reporter

17. Artist Dari forgiveness is the best revenge


Pengampunan adalah balas dendam terbaik.

18. Song "Hero" by Mariah Carey Queations 1. what is the song "Hero" about ? 2. according to the song "Hero" , what makes a hero 3. who is your hero ?why ? 4. how does this song make you feel ? PLEASE ANSWER

1.The song implies that there is a hero inside all of us.
2.Those who have the strength to carry on.
3.(Ini isi dengan seorang tokoh yang kamu anggap sebagai pahlawan,kalo mau simple sih jawab aja "My mother" :>)
4.It makes me feel confidence of myself.

Semoga Membantu!

19. Song "Hero" by Mariah Carey Queations 1. What is the song "Hero" about ? 2. According to the song "Hero" , what makes a hero 3. Who is your hero ?Why ? 4.Which id the song inspiring song? Why do you think so? PLEASE ANSWER


'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*

Terjemahan liriknya:

There’s a hero If you look inside your heart You don’t have to be afraid Of what you are There’s an answer If you reach into your soul And the sorrow that you know Will melt away

Ada seorang pahlawan Jika Anda melihat ke dalam hati Anda Anda tidak perlu takut Dari apa Anda Ada jawaban Jika Anda mencapai ke dalam jiwa Anda Dan kesedihan yang Anda tahu akan mencair

And then a hero comes along With the strength to carry on And you cast your fears aside And you know you can survive So when you feel like hope is gone Look inside you and be strong And you’ll finally see the truth That a hero lies in you

Dan kemudian seorang pahlawan datang bersama Dengan kekuatan untuk melanjutkan Dan Anda membuang ketakutan Anda ke samping Dan Anda tahu Anda dapat bertahan Jadi ketika Anda merasa seperti harapan hilang Lihatlah ke dalam diri Anda dan menjadi kuat Dan akhirnya Anda akan melihat kebenaran Bahwa sebuah pahlawan terletak padamu

It’s a long road When you face the world alone No one reaches out a hand For you to hold You can find love If you search within yourself And the emptiness you felt Will disappear

Ini jalan yang panjang Saat Anda menghadapi dunia sendiri Tidak ada yang mengulurkan tangan Bagi Anda untuk memegang Anda dapat menemukan cinta Jika Anda mencari di dalam diri sendiri Dan kekosongan yang Anda rasakan akan hilang

And then a hero comes along With the strength to carry on And you cast your fears aside And you know you can survive So when you feel like hope is gone Look inside you and be strong And you’ll finally see the truth That a hero lies in you

Dan kemudian seorang pahlawan datang bersama Dengan kekuatan untuk melanjutkan Dan Anda membuang ketakutan Anda ke samping Dan Anda tahu Anda dapat bertahan Jadi ketika Anda merasa seperti harapan hilang Lihatlah ke dalam diri Anda dan menjadi kuat Dan akhirnya Anda akan melihat kebenaran Bahwa sebuah pahlawan terletak padamu

Lord knows Dreams are hard to follow But don’t let anyone Tear them away Hold on There will be tomorrow In time You’ll find the way

Tuhan tahu Mimpi sulit untuk diikuti Tapi jangan biarkan siapapun Tear mereka pergi Tunggu Akan ada besok Dalam waktu Anda akan menemukan jalan

And then a hero comes along With the strength to carry on And you cast your fears aside And you know you can survive So when you feel like hope is gone Look inside you and be strong And you’ll finally see the truth That a hero lies in you

Dan kemudian seorang pahlawan datang bersama Dengan kekuatan untuk melanjutkan Dan Anda membuang ketakutan Anda ke samping Dan Anda tahu Anda dapat bertahan Jadi ketika Anda merasa seperti harapan hilang Lihatlah ke dalam diri Anda dan menjadi kuat Dan akhirnya Anda akan melihat kebenaran Bahwa sebuah pahlawan terletak padamu

୨⎯ "answer" ⎯୧

: ̗̀➛The song tells the story of how weak a human being will be to accompany him on his own

: ̗̀➛myself who will strengthen myself to be a hero(diri sendiri)

cari di google translate

: ̗̀➛myself

: ̗̀➛yes it really inspires me because it can motivate us not to be sad and be able to stand up without asking for help from others

20. Who is the singer of “Hero”?​


mariah carey


maaf salah

Jawaban: Mariah Carey jawabannya


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