how many square meters is for sale but currently being leased
1. how many square meters is for sale but currently being leased
bahasa Inggris : how many square meters is for sale but currently being leased :bahasa Indonesia berapa meter persegi untuk dijual tetapi saat ini sedang disewakan
semoga membantu ya kalo membantu tolong subscribe chenel fira official
2. Aje walks 3 kilo meters in 1 week. how many kilo meters aje walks in 1 month?
3 kilometers in 1 week.
3 kilometers x 4 weeks = 12 kilometers.
So, the answer is 12 kilometers in 1 month.
Aji berjalan sejauh 3 km selama satu minggu. Satu bulan terdiri dari 4 minggu. 3 km x 4 minggu = 12 km selama satu bulan.
i hope it helps you!
3. How tall is the giraffe?a.Five metersb.four metersd.six meters
a. Five meters
Penjelasan:The giraffe, with its long neck, is the tallest living animal. Males are able to reach a height of 18ft (5.5m). Male giraffes tend to be taller than females.
Semoga Membantu✌
4. Questions:1. Where is Budis book?Answer:2. Where are Budi's shoes?Answer:3. Where is Budi's bicycle?Answer:4.How many meters is the nearest supermarket?Answer:5.Where does Mrs. Melisa want to go?Answer:bantu jawab plissss
1. it's in his bag's under the table
3. it's in the parking area located 200 meters from here
5.she want to go to supermarket
maaf klo salah
5. A tree is 7 meters high. A giraffe is 2 meters shorter thanthe tree. How tall is the giraffe?
5 meters
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
maaf kalau salah
tree : 7 m
giraffe : 7-2 = 5 m
6. There is a library in my school. It is on the second floor. It is about seven meters wide and ten meters long. There are eleven bookshelves in the library. They are full of books. Students visiting to library because it is quiet, cool, and comfortable to read in itHow many meters the library area is?A. 7 meters B. 10 meters C. 17 meters D. 70 meters
C.17 meters.•because:
Di teks tersebut telah dijelaskan: It is about seven meters wide and ten meters long.
•in conclusion:
7+10 =
C. 17 meters.@guritaabu7. A frog is at the bottom of a 78 meter well. Each day he leaps 4 meters up the well. At night, while he is asleep, he slips 2 meters backwards. How many days does it take him to escape from the well?
total dasar sumur di bagi ( katak melompat setiap harinya dikurang katak tergelincir setiap tertidur)
cara penulisan angkanya:
78m : (4m-2m)=... hari (diutamakan dalam kuaung)
78m : 2M= 39 hari
78 m : (4 - 2 m)
: 78 : 2
: 39 hari
Sebenernya ini soal olimpiade matematika SD.
Kalo mau jawaban pake bahasa inggris bilang aja!
Kalo bingung tanya aja!
8. 2 poin32. The distance on a map using 1:700 scale of two places is 8 cm. Howmany meters is in the actual distance? *
scale 1:700.
distance 8 cm
700x8 = 5600 cm = 56 m
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
semoga bermanfaat
9. 25. How tall is Eiffel Tower ? It is ....a. 1000 metersb. 300 metersc. 300 feetd. 100 feet.26. In which country is Eiffel Tower located ?It is in....a. Parisb. FranceC Frenchd. Italy27. How do the visitors go to the top of the Eiffel Tower?a. On footb. By carC. By liftd. By escalator
Semoga Membantu :")
25.b.300 meters
26.a.prancis car
maaf klo salah
10. 1. How Many classrooms are there in SMP N 1 Weleri?2. How much rice do you eat in a day? 3. How Many feet does monkey have?4. How much is your mobile phone? 5 . How many school bags do you have?tolong jawab yang bener gue butuh sekarang jawabannya
Maaf adik soalnya khusus untuk adik (sekolah adik) tapi kakak bantu bahasa indonesia in ya :)
1. Berapa jumlah ruang kelas di SMPN 1 Waleri?
2. Berapa kali makan sehari?
3. Berapa banyak kaki monyet? = 2
3. Ada berapa ponselmu?
5. Berapa banyak tas sekolah yang kamu punya?
Saya cuma bisa jawab nomor 3, karena nomor 1,2,4,5 adalah opsional untuk diri sendiri
Terimakasih! n sehat selalu
11. 1. We bring somethng with our2. I can smell their fragrance with my3How many feet do we have
1. Hand
2. Nose
3. 2
semoga membantu
12. 1. The distance from Bahrun's house to the POS office is about 4.05 km. How manymeters the distance from Bahrunl's house to the POS office?
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
4,05 km = 4,05 × 1000 (turun 3 tangga) = 4050 m
13. If on a map scale drawing 6,174 feet are represented by 45 inches, then a scale of 20 inches represents how many feet?
0,3 feet
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
Translate :
Jika pada skala peta gambar 75 kaki diwakili oleh 45 inci, maka skala 1/5 inci (konversikan ke desimal) mewakili berapa kaki?
Penyelesaian :
\begin{gathered}\frac{75kaki}{45inci} = \frac{x}{0.2inci} \\ \frac{45inci}{75kaki} \times 0.2inci \: = x \\ 0.3kaki = x\end{gathered}
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
yuyonghagileul balabnida(◍•ᴗ•◍)✧*。
14. Sebutkan how many meters are in a centimeter?
1 M= Cm
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
Kali 100 Bro
15. 19. A person travels at a speed of 50 km per hour. Then how many meters can hetravel in 30 minutes ? »Jawaban pilihan bergandaA.250 metersB.25 meters. C.25 000 metersD.250 000 meters
A person travels at a speed of 50 km per hour. Then how many meters can he
travel in 30 minutes ? »
translate Indonesia
Seseorang melakukan perjalanan dengan kecepatan 50 km per jam. Lalu berapa meter dia bisa
bepergian dalam 30 menit? »
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
50 km: 2 = 25 km
because 1 hour = 60 minutes then divide by 2 into 30 minutes
if 50 km per hour then divide by 2 into 25
so 30 minutes he can travel 25 km
translate Indonesia
50 km : 2 = 25 km
karena 1 jam = 60 menit maka dibagi 2 menjadi 30 menit
jika 50 km per jam maka dibagi 2 menjadi 25
jadi 30 menit dia bisa melakukan perjalanan 25 km
Jawabannya adalah B. 25 meters
C, 25.000 meters
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
30 minutes = ½ hour
50 km/hour x ½ hour = 25 km
25 km x 1.000 = 25.000 meters
I hope this helps! :>
16. How many meters distance if do you meet others?
1-3 meters
hope it helps
semangat bljrny
1 meter is rarely recommended
17. 1.How deep is the well behind the house?(17 meters deep) Answer...... much is the red t-shirt?(Rp.35.000.00)
1. The well behind the house is 17 meters deep.
2. The red T-shirt is Rp. 35.000,00.
@Hope it helps you!
@Sorry if I am wrong!1. The well behind the house is 17 metres deep.
2. The red t-shirt is Rp. 35.000
18. If on a map scale drawing 75 feet are represented by 45 inches, then a scale of 1/5 inch (convert to decimals) represents how many feet?
0,3 feet
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
Translate :
Jika pada skala peta gambar 75 kaki diwakili oleh 45 inci, maka skala 1/5 inci (konversikan ke desimal) mewakili berapa kaki?
Penyelesaian :
[tex]\frac{75kaki}{45inci} = \frac{x}{0.2inci} \\ \frac{45inci}{75kaki} \times 0.2inci \: = x \\ 0.3kaki = x[/tex]
19. ana: " that building ?" indah: " it is 12 meters." old c. how long d. how far
B. How long
Semoga membantu :) c. how high
Ana : " how high is that building?"
20. It is a small. It has many feet, it likes to depend. It is a
spider i guess?
i think it’s spider lolcmiiw!
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