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Roman Religion Was Adapted From The Carthaginians Egyptians Greeks Germans

Roman Religion Was Adapted From The Carthaginians Egyptians Greeks Germans

the Greeks thought it was a brilliant idea

Daftar Isi

1. the Greeks thought it was a brilliant idea

Menurut Greeks iyu adalah ide yang hebat
Maaf kalo salah

2. ada yang tau terjemahan the fisherman and his wife, adapted from Grimm brother 1812?

The Fisherman and His Wife diadaptasi dari Grimm bersaudara tahun 1812. yang The Fishermanblalala itu jangan ditranslate karena judul buku
Seorang Pemancing dan istrinya,Diadaptasi dari "Grimm Brother" 1812

3. 1.Which beetle was sacred to the ancient Egyptians? 2.Who wore "paper" sandals


1.To the Egyptians the scrarab,or dung beetle,symbolized the sun-God Khepri.They imagined Khepri pushed the sun across the sky in the same way as the beetle pushes dung around.

2.The Egyptians made a kind of paper for writing on,by cutting and flattenig strips from the papyrus reed that once flourished along the river Nile.The word "paper" comes from papyrus.They also made sandals from papyrus,which were worn by people at all levels of society.Priests were forbidden to wear any other material on their feet

Hai,sekian dari saya ya..semoga bisa sedikit membantu ;)


1.Orang mesir kuno menganggap kumbang dung suci

2.orang mesir kuno


maaf kalau salah,semoga membantu

4. the ancient greeks 1............... good at making cakes.some people think


The Ancient Greeks Are Good At Making Cakes.Some People Think

5. Perhatikan gambar dibawah ini! Peristiwa Yang terjadi her dad Arkansas gambar tersebut adalah A. Germans bulan sebagian B. Germans matahari sebagian C. Germans matahari total D. Germans bulan total

Jawaban:D.germans bulan total

maaf jika salah

6. What are the ten plagues? Religion

the ten plagues are the disasters God sent the egyptians when Pharaoh refused to let the Hebrews go free.

7. This is story adapted from a French folktale. Read it carefully and answer the following questions!

1. is a 4 characters ( there was a woman with. her two daughters, and a poor old woman)

2. the younger daughter generous and kind-hearted and the older one was greedy and mean

3. the old woman is a witch or a ghost (I think)

8. From the second paragraph we can conclude thatA. the Greeks discovered to some planets.B. planets travel in orbits around the stars.C. Greeks thought that planets “wandered” in the sky.D. a planet is a body in space that revolves around a star.​


B. planets travel in orbits around the stars.


maaf kalo salah



planet bergerak di orbit mengelilingi bintang


Semoga membantu

jika suka jangan ragu untuk kasih jawaban terbaik atau brainlinest answer ya 

9. the best title for the story' above is.... A.aphrodite. B.pygmalion. C.a sculptor. D.the greeks​

cuma saran, liat google translate aja

10. the ancient greeks 1............. good at making cakes some people think


The Ancient Greeks Are Good At Making Cakes Some People Think


i think the most true is cristhian but christian not from the sky

sorry if not true. I Cant Give My Opinion about Religions who the true Religion is Islam,Christ, Or Jewish.The Religion is freedom for all Poeple. Maybe Moslem Think Islam Is The Right Religion and came from God,But Christian Maybe Think the Right Religion is Christ.

Thanks, Hope Can Help U

12. How did the Egyptians record the knowledge of medicine?​

Ilmu pengobatan bangsa Mesir menjadi dasar dari Ilmu kedokteran modern. Dibuktikan dengan ditemukannya papyrus pada Mesir Kuno yang merupakan buku ajaran ilmu kedokteran yang pertama dalam sejarah. Papyrus tersebut berisi tentang ilmu bedah dan cara pengobatan.

Awal spesialisasi kedokteran juga dimulai dari Mesir.


The ancient Egyptians were known to use honey as medicine, and the juices of pomegranates served as both an astringent and a delicacy." In the Ebers Papyrus, there are over 800 remedies; some were topical like ointments, and wrappings, others were oral medication such as pills and mouth rinses;still others were taken.

Translate in Indonesia:

Orang Mesir kuno dikenal menggunakan madu sebagai obat, dan jus buah delima berfungsi sebagai astringen dan kelezatan. "Dalam Papirus Ebers, ada lebih dari 800 obat; beberapa dioleskan seperti salep, dan pembungkus, yang lain adalah obat oral seperti pil dan obat kumur; masih ada yang diminum.


Semoga membantu dan bermanfaat ^_^

13. Lengkapi kalimat ini (+)islam is the last religion (-) islam is not the last religion (?) Doee islam is the last religion ? (-?) (-?)


(?) is islam the last religion?

(-?) isn't islam the last religion?

14. the ancient greeks 1............. good at making cakes . some people think.


orang Yunani kuno 1 ............. pandai membuat kue. beberapa orang berpikir.

15. what we can learn from Ancient Roman Empire?


•perbudakan bukanlah solusi untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaanmu.

• Obesitas yang menjadi epidemi adalah aib, bukan sesuatu yang pantas untuk dikasihani

• Pertentangan antar kelas akan selalu berujung pada bencana.


semoga membantu

maaf jika salah

16. The major religion in Bali is

Hindu Dharma or Religious Tirtha ("Holy Water Religion")

17. one of the religion tourism is

salah satunya adalah wisata religi contohnya borobudur temple

18. How do plants are adapted to take up and transport water from the soil to the leaves.


Root absorbs more water and minerals, while roots grow. The volume of water in the roots increases, so that the pressure increases, which forces the water into the xylem and up into the stems and leaves!!

19. the ancient greeks ..................... good at making cakes . some people think



(maaf kalau salah)



orang yunani kuno ..................... pandai membuat kue. beberapa orang berpikir

maaf kalau salah

20. Pay attention to the third paragraph! From this paragraph, we can reach the information that the Roman emperors began to use raw materials from the archipelago in…


maaf tapi bagian paragraf nya mana?:)

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