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What Is 3 Of $2000

What Is 3 Of $2000

30% of 70 is what percent of 2000

Daftar Isi

1. 30% of 70 is what percent of 2000


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

You want to find a number such that −30%=2000 or equivalently


which can be written as




This gives


which gives



Bahasa Inggris

This might be something you're used to! You can kind of do this without using an explicit unknown, x, although after a while you may well prefer using x. O.K. Beginning with 100%, if you take away 30% you end up with 70% so that 2000 is equivalent to 70%.

Bahasa Indonesia

Ini mungkin sesuatu yang biasa Anda lakukan! Anda dapat melakukan ini tanpa menggunakan eksplisit yang tidak diketahui, x, meskipun setelah beberapa saat Anda mungkin lebih suka menggunakan x. BAIK. Dimulai dengan 100%, jika Anda mengambil 30% Anda berakhir dengan 70% sehingga 2000 setara dengan 70%

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

semoga bermanfaat

2. we offer you satisfaction. we have collections of updated games. it is cheap. only Rp.2000 per hour. we have friendly assitant. fresh water is free. 1. what kind of verbs appear in the text? is it the firts, second, or third form of verb ? 2.what do we call this kind of text ? 3.what is the social function of the text?

sorry im not understand1. second verb
2. advertisement
3. make an offer to sell something

3. April 11th 2000 X = What date is it? Y = It is....​


eleventh April of two thousand

4. kuiz malam Romi :What is the date today ( 25 Mei 2000) Wawan:​


Wawan : today's date May 25, 2000


moga membantu

5. The first day of the 21st century was January 1,2000. Which of these is not a correct versionof this date?A. 01.01.2000 C. 01.02.2000B. 1 Jan 2000 D. 01/01/2000​




Because in c it say 1 Februari 2000


karena di C mengatakan bahwa 1 Februari 2000

maaf bila salah

6. Ip= 0,5Np= 1000Ns= 2000 Is=...?​


semoga bermanfaat dan jangan lupa follow ya


0,25 A


Is/Ip = Np/Ns

Is/(0,5) = 1000/2000

Is/(0,5) = 1/2

2 Is = 0,5

Is = 0,25 A ✔️

7. An elevator with a mass of 2000 kg rises with an acceleration of 1.0 m/s/s. What is the tension in the supporting cable?​


T - W = ma

W = mg

T = m(g + a)

Asumsikan g = 10 m/s^2

T = 2000(10 + 1)

T = 22000N


maaf kalo salah


22000 newton


m = 2000kg

a = 1 m/s²

g = 10 m/s²

berat elevator terhadap bumi = m x g = 20000 Newton

tegangan yang ditimbulkan harus melebihi berat elevator terhadap bumi

dengan kata lain percepatan yang dihasilkan harus lebih besar dari percepatan gravitasi

sehingga percepatan sebenarnya tanpa pengaruh gravitasi = g + a = 10 + 1 = 11 m/s²

Tegangan yang dihasilkan = m x 11 = 2000 x 11 = 22000 newton

8. If 2000 is divided by a 2 digit number,what is the largest possible reminder. How to solve it........

2000 ÷ 10 = 200
2000 ÷ 16 = 125
2000 ÷ 20 = 100
2000 ÷ 25 = 80
2000 ÷ 40 = 50
2000 ÷ 50 = 40
2000 ÷ 80 = 25

So, the largest possible reminder is 200

9. A sequence starts 4, 7, 13, 25, 49, ... * 10 poin Pertanyaan ini wajib diisi 9. What is the missing number of these sequence 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, ... * 10 poin 2000 gram berapa kg​

1. 4,7,13,25,49,97.
2. 1,2,4,8,16,32.
3. 2000 gram = 2 kg
Semoga membantu.
Maaf jika salah

10. Read the text and answer the following questions by choosing these options !1 Who is Rizki fajari Amanda ?(1) He is a journalist (2) He is an elementary teacher(3) He is a freelancer (4) He ia A college student 2 What is rizki's parents profession ?(1) Journalist and housewife(2) postman and teacher(3) Architect and nurse (4) Journalist and teacher3 How many members are in Rizki family ?(1) Two (2) Three (3) four (4) Five 4 When Rizki was born ?(1) on march 1st 2000(2) on August 1st 2000(3) on june 1st 2000(4) on December 1st 20005 What is rizki's characteristics ? (1) Honest (2) Enthusiastic (3) flexible (4) introverttolong please ??​


1. (4) He is a college student

2. (4) Journalist and a teacher

3. (4) 5

4. (4) on December 1st 2000

5. (1) Honest

11. 5. Wina : Wow,... How many passengers can she carry? Zita :About 2000. A. What is a big ship B. What a big ship is it!C. How nice is shel D. What ship is wonderfulljawablah pertanyaan berikut dgn benar​


b. what a big ship is it

(kapal yang besar)



12. Pay attention the following examples! (Perhatikan contoh-contoh berikut ini!) Examples: 1. Alma​: What is the date today? (23 July 2001) Yesa​: Today is on the twenty third of July two thousand one. 2. Liza ​: Today is on the nineteenth of June nineteen ninety nine. What is the date tomorrow? Alisa ​: Tomorrow is on the twentieth of June nineteen ninety nine. Answer these questions based on the examples above! (Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini berdasarkan contoh-contoh di atas! 1. Romi ​: What is the date today? (25 May 2000) Wawan​: ………………………………………………………………………….. 2. Salsa : Today is on the tenth of June two thousand fifteen. What is the date tomorrow? Dina : ………………………………………………………………………….. 3. Laras ​: Today is on the second of May two thousand four. What was the date yesterday? ​Rika ​: ………………………………………………………………………….. 4. Dito ​: What is the date today? (22 August 1996) Rudi ​: ………………………………………………………………………….. 5. Fito ​: Yesterday was on the sixth of April two thousand twenty one. What is the date today? Aldi ​: ………………………………………………………………………….. JAWAB PLISS LAGI BUTUH BANGET✊maksh kakak cantik/ganteng


1. Today is on the twenty fifth of May two thousand

2. Tomorrow is on the eleventh of June two thousand fifteen

3. Yesterday is on the first of May two thousand four

4. Today is on the twenty second of August nineteen ninety six

5. Today is on the seventh of April two thousand twenty one

1. today is on twenty five may two thousand

2. tomorrow is eleven june two thousand fifteen

3. yesterday is one may two thousand four

4. today is on twenty two august nineteen ninety six

5. today is on seventh of april two thousand twenty one

13. The result of - 2000 :(-40): (-10) is....mohon di jawab dengan cepat ​


-2000 : (-40) = 50

50 : (-10) = -5

moga membantu


jawabannya adalah : -2000:(-40)= 50:(-10)= -5

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

jadi hasilnya adalah -5 semoga membantu

14. A small car with mass of 1000 kg is moving eastward with velocity of 30m/s and big car with mass of 2000 kg is moving southward with velocity of 20 m/s.The magnitude of momentum after colliding is..


dik : m1 = 1000 kg

v1 = 30m/s

m2 = 2000 kg

v2 = 20 m/s

dit: momentum atau p.... ?


karna tidak ada diketahui koefisien dan cuma momentum setelah tabrakan maka menggunakan hukum kekekalan momentum sehingga persamaan seperti ini

p = p'

(m1 x v1) + (m2 x v2) = p'

p' = (1000 x 30) + (2000 x -20)

p' = 30.000 - 40.000

p' = -10.000

jadi besarnya momentum adalah -10.000 atau 10.000... mohon maaf kalau ada yang salah

15. a 2000 Kg ship is sailing at a velocity of 30 m/s: a. what is the ship's momentum? b. what is two actions could the ship take to reduce its momentum?

a. the ship's momentum: 60,000 kg m/s

b. two actions to reduce ship's momentum: reduce the mass and speed of the ship

Further explanation

Momentum is generally possessed by moving objects.

Momentum is the product of the mass and the velocity of an object

Can be formulated:

[tex]\boxed{\bold{P=m\times v}}[/tex]

p : momentum (kg.m/s)

m : mass (kg)

v : velocity (v)

From this formula it can be concluded that momentum is directly proportional to the mass and velocity of the object

If 2 objects collide with velocity va and vb, then the law of conservation of momentum will occur:

mava + mbvb = mava '+ mbvb'

the total momentum before and after the collision is equal (in the absence of external forces)

Collisions can be elastic, inelastic, and completely inelastic (the colliding objects stick together)


a 2000 Kg ship is sailing at a velocity of 30 m/s


a. the ship's momentum

b. two actions could the ship take to reduce its momentum


a. the ship's momentum

[tex]\tt p=2000~kg\times 30~m/s\\\\p=\boxed{\bold{60,000~kg.m/s}}[/tex]

b. two actions to reduce ship's momentum

Because momentum directly proportional to the mass and velocity of the object, then the actions that can be taken are:

1. reduce the load/mass of the ship by removing some of the objects on the ship2. reduce the speed of the ship by braking / slowing down the ship

Learn more

momentum: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/20891039

momentum: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/22212189

impulse and momentum: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/15054781


Answer details

Grade: 10

Subject: Physics

Chapter: Momentum and Impuls

Code: 10.6.9

16. My Dear Teacher,I found discipline, guidance,friendship, and love, all at oncein one person that is you!Happy teacher's day!Wish you all the best.Athan15 oktober 2000Date10.Answer the question :1) What is the text about2) What is the purpose of the text3) Why does Athan give the card​


1) Text about what: about his gratitude to the teacher

2) What is the purpose of the text: to commemorate teachers' day

3) Why did Athan give the card: to thank the teacher


maaf kalo salah

jadikan yang terbaik

17. The figure shows a square cardboard.A 6-cm square is cut from each of its corners and the remaining cardboard is then folded along the dotted lines to form a square tray.If the volume of the tray is 2000 cm^3,find the length of a side of the original cardboard. mohon di bantu yaa.

Jawab: Ha.........

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

18. if 3a3-187=2000 the value of a is?




Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

3a³ =2000 + 187

3a³ =2187

a³ =2187/3

a³ = 729



19. It is known that a 10kg cupboard with a potebtial energy of 2000 J is elevated to the 8th floor of an apartment building. What is the height of the apartment's 8th floor? (g = 10 m/s²)pake cara ya kaa​


Pada soal diketahui :

Massa (m) = 10 kg

energi potensial (Ep) = 20000 Joule

Gravitasi = 10 m / s²

Yang ditanyakan yaitu tinggi lantai ke-8 apartemen : h = ?

Maka,kita dapat menggunakan persamaan energi potensial di atas untuk mencarinya

Ep. = mgh

2000 = 10. 10. h

h = 2000/10x10 = 2000/100 = 20m

jadi tinggi apartemen tersebut adalah 20 meter


energi potensial adalah energi yang dimiliki sebuah benda karena benda tersebut mempunyai ketinggian.ketinggian ini diukur relatif dari tanah.

Energi potensial yang dipengaruhi oleh percepatan gravitasi bumi disebut dengan energi potensial gravitasi.

Persamaan energi potensial gravitasi dapat dituliskan :

Ep = mgh

Keterangan :

Ep = energi potensial (Joule)

m = massa (kg)

g = percepatan gravitasi (m/s²)

h = ketinggian (m)


Kelas : 8

Mapel : Fisika

Bab : usaha. dan energi


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

semoga membantu y kk^_^

terimakasih atas poinnya:^)

20. Ip= 05Np= 1000Ns= 2000Is= ...?​


0,25 A


Is/Ip = Np/Ns

Is/(0,5) = 1000/2000

Is/(0,5) = 1/2

2 Is = 0,5

Is = 0,25 A ✔️

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