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Which Of The Following Functions Is Graphed Below Apex

Which Of The Following Functions Is Graphed Below Apex

The cell wall has many functions, which of the following is now one of its functions? tolong jawabb​

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1. The cell wall has many functions, which of the following is now one of its functions? tolong jawabb​


such functions include:

providing the living cell with mechanical protection and a chemically buffered environment.providing a porous medium for the circulation and distribution of water, minerals, and other small nutrient molecules.providing rigid building blocks from which stable structures of higher.

Penjelasan (translate):


dinding sel memiliki banyak fungsi, manakah dari berikut ini yang merupakan salah satu fungsinya?


fungsi tersebut meliputi:

menyediakan sel hidup dengan perlindungan mekanis dan lingkungan yang disangga secara kimiawi.menyediakan media berpori untuk sirkulasi dan distribusi air, mineral, dan molekul nutrisi kecil lainnya.menyediakan blok bangunan kaku untuk struktur stabil yang lebih tinggi.

(semoga membantu yaa, maaf kalau jawaban dan translatenya masih kurang tepat)

2. which one is the passive voice of the sentence below?

artinya "yang mana adalah suara pasif dari kalimat dibawah ini?"

maaf kalo salah :)

3. Which one is the passive voice of the sentence below ? * ​


a music program is being watched by me

maaf klu salah

4. 1. Which of sentences below is the correct arrangement of the jumbled words? are – Tasmanian – 10,000 – There – now – and – devils – between – 25,000 2. Which of sentences below is the correct arrangement of the jumbled words? bears – changing – is – endangered – are – because – polar – the climate -


1. There are 10.000 devils and 25.000 Tasmanian now between.

2. Polar bears are endangered because the climate is changing.


1. Di sana ada 10.000 devils dan 25.000 orang Tasmania sekarang.

2. Beruang kutub terancam bahaya karena iklim berubah

Semangat belajarnya!

5. which one below that is not the structure of procedure tact,?​


Genre teks ini menjelaskan bagaimana cara menggunakan / membuat sesuatu secara runtut. { Procedure text is a text which explains the sequential steps how to use or make something }


To explain how to make/to use something in sequential steps ( untuk menjelaskan langkah berurutan bagaimana cara membuat/menggunakan sesuatu )



"Goal" berupa informasi judul yang ingin disampaikan kepada pembaca/penonton. { The goal / title is the short information ( introduction) of the thing you want to make or share it to the readers }

Example : How to make fried rice, how to operate the stand fan


Dalam teks ini berisi informasi bahan-bahan, peralatan yang digunakan dalam mengerjakan sesuatu. { This part contains the supported material / ingredients / utensil of making or using something}


Dalam teks ini berisi informasi cara-cara ( langkah-langkah ) penggunaan/ pembuatan / pengoperasian sesuatu. { This part explains the steps/method of using / making something sequentially }

6. choose which one of the choice below is insert​


mohon maaf tidak ada pilihan lain

7. which of the fractions below is the simplest equivalent fraction of 10/25

= 10:5/25:5
= 2/5

8. Which is the statement below that state of how to get attention : ​


1) Attention Please!

2) Look At me , please!

3) May i get your attention,please?

4) Excuse me!

9. which are the functions of our circulatory system


yang merupakan fungsi dari sistem peredaran darah kita..

10. Which one of the words below is a noun.........​


Manakah dari kata-kata di bawah ini yang merupakan kata benda .........


itu transleate

11. what is the functions of leaf​

translate:apa fungsi daun?

jawabnya: Fungsi daun yang paling utama adalah sebagai tempat untuk mengolah zat makanan yang dimiliki. Proses pengolahan inilah yang disebut dengan fotosintesis. Fotosintesis adalah suatu proses biokimia pembentukan karbohidrat dari bahan anorganik yang dilakukan oleh tumbuhan.

dlm bhs inggris: The main function of the leaves is as a place to process the nutrients they have. This processing process is called photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is a biochemical process of carbohydrate formation from inorganic materials carried out by plants.

12. 5. What is the functions of things below! chairs b. Tables c. Broom d. Beds e. Plates​


chairs : for sit

tables : to put things on it

broom : to clean your floor

beds : for sleep

plates : to put your food in it

13. Given the 6x6 numpy array r shown below, which of the following options would slice the shaded elements


Mengingat array numpy 6x6 r yang ditunjukkan di bawah ini, mana dari opsi berikut yang akan mengiris elemen yang diarsir:


hanya bisa diartikan

14. What kind of poduct which is usually labelled by The text below? *​




15. solue the puzzle below 8. one of the things from which something is made

memecahkan teka teki di bawah 8 . salah satu hal dari mana sesuatu di buat

16. What is the meaning of these following words below :refrain, indulge, contributory.

Refrain means stop oneself from doing something (menahan diri), indulge means allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of (memanjakan/memuaskan diri), contributory means playing a part in bringing something about (koontribusi)

17. which are the functions of our circulatory system


yang merupakan fungsi dari sistem peredaran darah kita





semoga membantu


maaf kalo salah

18. What is one of the functions of brain stem

Obviously to connects brain to spine. Also, brainstem is responsible for basic autonomic functions like heart rate, breathing, or blood pressure control.

19. One of the functions of label is to ....​


where is the labelll?

20. which the statement below is false​


what to do with the same time as well as


what to do with the same time as well as the same thing as

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