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4 3 Practice Solving Quadratic Equations By Factoring

4 3 Practice Solving Quadratic Equations By Factoring

Solving multi-step equations by undoing the expression: x-4=-3 _ 3

Daftar Isi

1. Solving multi-step equations by undoing the expression: x-4=-3 _ 3

Persamaan Linear Satu Variabel

x - 4 = -3

x = -3 + 4

x =1

2. 1.Quadratic Equations x2 – 5x + 6 = 0 have roots x1 and x2Quadratic equations whose roots are x1-3 and X2-3 is .....​


X1 = 2 , X2 = 3

X1 - 3 = -1 and X2 - 3 = 0

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

3. Directions: Solve the following quadratic equations by: Extracting square roots 1. x² = 16 2. t² = 81 3. x² - 16 = 0 Factoring 1. x² + 7x = 0 2. 6s² + 18s = 0 3. x² + 3x - 10 = 0 Pls help I really need this now.​

Extracting square roots

1. x² = 16

x = ±√16

x = ±4

x = -4 or x = 4

2. t² = 81

t = ±√81

t = ±9

t = -3 or t = 3

3. x² - 16 = 0

x² = 16

x = ±√16

x = ±4

x = -4 or x = 4


1. x² + 7x = 0

x(x + 7) = 0

x = 0 or x + 7 = 0

x = 0. x = -7

2. 6s² + 18s = 0

6s(s + 3) = 0

6s = 0 or s + 3 = 0

s = 0. s = -3

3. x² + 3x - 10 = 0

(x + 5)(x - 2) = 0

x + 5 = 0 or x - 2 = 0

x = -5. x = 2

4. Directions: Solve the following quadratic equations by extracting square roots. 1. x² - 144 = 02. 2s² = 503. x² - 16 = 0Pls help.​


semoga bermanfaat ya buat kalian semua yang ada di sini

5. Directions: Find the solutions of each of the following quadratic equations by completing the square.1. x² - 2x = 32. s² + 4s - 21 = 03. r² - 10r = -17Pls help.​


1. x={-1, 3}

2. s={-3, 7}

3. r={5 - 2√2, 5 + 2√2}

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

1. x² - 2x=3

x² - 2x + 1=3 + 1

(x - 1)²=4

x - 1=√4

x - 1=±2


x - 1=2



x - 1=-2


2. s² + 4s - 21=0

s² + 4s=21

s² + 4s + 4=21+4

(s + 2)²=25

s + 2=√25

s + 2=±5


s + 2=5



s + 2=-5


3. r² - 10r=-17

r² - 10r + 25=-17 + 25

(r - 5)²=8

r - 5=√8

r - 5=±2√2


r - 5=2√2

r=5 + 2√2


r - 5=-2√2

r=5 - 2√2

hope that helps :D

6. contoh perjanjian factoring

factoring/anjak piutang adalah lembaga pembiayaan yang dalam melakukan usaha pembiayaannya dilakukan dalam bentuk pembelian dan atau pengalihan serta pengurusan piutang atau tagihan jangka pendek suatu perusahaan dari transaksi perdagangan dalam atau luar negeri.

7. tujuan factoring syariah?​

bertujuan untuk membantu masyarakat

maaf kalo salah ya

8. practice 3 dan practice 4tolong bantu kak​


1. i should have passed the exam

2. should accept

3. should have came

4. should have followed

5. should have checked

practice 4

2. daddy should not be going over the speed limit

3. my friend should come to my house at 8.00am

4. i should not eat spicy meatballs yesterday

5. i should not think about all my paperwork

6. my friends should not have talked about their personal life.

please mark as brainliest mks

9. How do you solve -4k^2 − 8k - 3 = −3 - 5k^2 by factoring?


k1 = 8, k2 = 0

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

-4k² - 8k - 3 = -3 - 5k²

-4k² + 5k² - 8k - 3 + 3 = 0

k² - 8k = 0

k(k-8) = 0

k = 0; k = 8

10. Write the quadratic equation given its solution x = 3, x = 4

x=3 and x=4

We get

x-3 = 0 and x -4 = 0

Next to do

(x-3)(x-4) = 0

x²-7x+12 = 0

Hope this will help

11. Arrange the quadratic equations whose roots are: a. 2 and 10 b. -9 and -4 c. 1/2 and 6 d. -3 and 7

a. (x - 2)(x - 10) = 0

x² - 12x + 20 = 0

b. (x + 9)(x + 4) = 0

x² + 13x + 36 = 0

c. (x - 1/2)(x - 6) = 0

x² - 6x + 3 = 0

d. (x + 3)(x - 7) = 0

x² - 4x - 21 = 0

So the quadratic equations whose roots are 2 and 10, -9 and -4, 1/2 and 6, -3 and 7 are x² - 12x + 20 = 0, x² + 13x + 36 = 0, x² - 6x + 3 = 0, x² - 4x - 21 = 0 respectively

NB : Perlu diingat bahwa untuk mendapatkan persamaan kuadrat dari akar-akar yang diberikan, kita harus mengalikan akar-akar yang diberikan dan menambahkan atau mengurangi konstanta yang diperlukan agar sama dengan 0.

12. Rivai dan Sudjana (1989) menyatakan terdapat beberapa model pembelajaran berbantuan komputer yaitu .... a. Model latihan dan praktik (drill and practice), model tutorial (tutorials), model penemuan model (problem solving), simulasi (simulations) dan model permainan (games) b. Model latihan dan praktik (drill and practice), model tutorial (tutorials), model penemuan model (problem solving), simulasi (simulations) dan model ekspositori c. Model latihan dan praktik (drill and practice), model penemuan model (problem solving), simulasi (simulations) dan model permainan (games) d. Model latihan dan praktik (drill and practice), model tutorial (tutorials), model penemuan model (problem solving), dan model permainan (games).​




menurut Sudjana dan Rivai 1989 terdapat beberapa model pembelajaran berbantuan komputer, yaitu model latihan dan praktek(drill and practice), model tutorial(tutorials), model penemuan(problem solving), model simulasi(simulations) dan model permainan(games).

13. apa tujuan factoring syariah?​


Tujuan Factoring syariah adalah

pembelian persediaan bahan bakupembelian barang setengah jadi dan barang jadi yang akan digunakan untuk proses produksiPembelian barang untuk dijual kembali dalam rangka kegiatan ekspor




14. Solving systems by elimination

-3x - 3y = 12

-4x + 3y = -24

---------------------- +

-7x = -12

x = -12/(-7)

x = 12/7

-3x - 3y = 12 (× 4)

-4x + 3y = -24 (× 3)

-12x - 12y = 48

-12x + 9y = -72

---------------------- -

-21y = 120

y = 120/(-21)

y = -40/7

so HP = {12/7 , -40/7}

15. How do you solve -4k^2 − 8k - 3 = −3 - 5k^2 by factoring?

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

[tex] - 4 {k}^{2} + 5 {k}^{2} - 8k - 3 + 3 = 0 \\ {k}^{2} - 8k = 0 \\ k(k - 8) = 0 \\ k = 0[/tex]


[tex]k - 8 = 0 \\ k = 8[/tex]

16. There are x chickens and y rabbits on a farm.given that the animals have a total of 70 heads and 196 legs,formulate a pair of simulationeous equations involving x and y. By solving the simulataneous equations,find the number of chickens and rabbits on the farm

open the picture .........

17. a) x2 - 6x + 5 = 0 b) - Q2 + 6Q - 5 = 0 c) p2 - 7 = 0 d) Q2 - 6 Q - 9 = 0. e) x2 - 6x = 7 + 3 . Solve Quadratic Equations​


coba tulis soalnya dgn baik ,agar klw mau di jawab bisa

18. a + b = 25 a + d = 10 b + d = 35 What is the quadratic equations which the radixes are 2a and 3b

a + b = 25
a + d = 20
b + d = 35

a + d = 20
      a = 20 - d

b + d = 35
      b = 35 - d

                 a + b = 25
(20 - d) + (35 - d) = 25
    20 - d + 35 - d = 25
               55 - 2d = 25
                     -2d = 25 - 55
                     -2d = -30
                        d = 15

a + d = 20
      a = 20 - d
      a =  20 - 15
      a = 5

b + d = 35
      b = 35 - d
      b = 35 - 15
      b = 20

2a = 2(5)
     = 10

3b = 3(20)
     = 60

x₁ = 10
x₂ = 60

        (x - x₁) (x - x₂) = 0
       (x - 10) (x - 60) = 0
x² - 60x - 10x + 600 = 0
        x² - 70x + 600 = 0
Determine all the variables

Eliminate a from Equation 1 and 2
a + b = 25
a + d = 20  -
b - d = 5

Store the new equation to eliminate the d in Equation 3
b - d = 5
b + d = 35  +
2b = 40
 b = 20

Substitute back b to determine the value of d
20 - d = 5
d = 20 - 5
d = 15

And, substitute back d to determine a
a + d = 20
a + 15 = 20
a = 20 - 15
a = 5

From these known variables, the radixes of the quadratic equations are:
x₁ = 2a = 2(5) = 10
x₂ = 3b = 3(20) = 60

Arrange the quadratic equations:
[tex]$\begin{align}(x-x_1)(x-x_2)&=0 \\ (x-10)(x-60)&=0 \\ x^2-10x-60x+600&=0 \\ x^2-70x+600&=0\end{align}[/tex]

19. apa yang di maksud dengan factoring

Anjak piutang (bahasa Inggris: factoring) adalah suatu transaksi keuangan sewaktu suatu perusahaan menjual piutangnya(misalnya tagihan) dengan memberikan suatu diskon. Ada tiga perbedaan antara anjak piutang dan pinjaman bank. 

20. apa fungsi factoring syariah?​


Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pada prinsipnya anjak piutang syariah akan memberikan manfaat pembayaran piutang lebih cepat dari jatuh tempo, menambah dana segar perusahaan, dapat membantu peningkatan keuntungan, merupakan sarana peralihan risiko tagihan yang tidak bisa dicairkan, serta akan memberikan.

Semoga Bermanfaat

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