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Let Be A Point On The Terminal Side Of

Let Be A Point On The Terminal Side Of

1. the scool is on the.......side of jln. durian 2. the bank is on the.......side of jln.anggur.3. the dispensary is on the.......side and the cafe is on the ......side of jln.pepaya.4. the bookstore in on the.......side of jln.jeruk.5. the supermarket is on the...... side of jln . mangga.tolong jawab ya​

Daftar Isi

1. 1. the scool is on the.......side of jln. durian 2. the bank is on the.......side of jln.anggur.3. the dispensary is on the.......side and the cafe is on the ......side of jln.pepaya.4. the bookstore in on the.......side of jln.jeruk.5. the supermarket is on the...... side of jln . mangga.tolong jawab ya​




3(left) (right)



2. 8. on-is - school - the - West - my - side-office-the-post - of The correct sentence is ... a. My post office is on the west side of the school. b. On the west side of my school the post office is. c. My school is on the west side of the post office. d. The post office is on my school of the west side.​


the answer is..

c. My school is on the west side of the post office.

hope ths help thx

3. 1.North easts is on the left sideof...2.Northwest is on the left side of...3.South west is on the right side of...4.South east is on the right side of....5.west is between.....and.....6.North is on the left side of...7.West is on the right side of....kak mohon di jawab ya:)

1. east.

2. north.

3. south.

4. east.

5. northwest and southwest.

6. northeast.

7. southwest.

Untuk menjawab soal tentang arah mata angin tersebut, kita harus memahami direction dan location pada kompas. Sebagai contoh pada soal nomor 1: North east is on the left side of? (Timur laut ada di sebelah kirinya apa?). Semua jawaban sudah tersedia pada point of compass yang dirimu gambar, hanya perlu pemahaman dalam membaca soalnya.


1. North east is on the left side of east. (Timur laut ada di sebelah kirinya timur)

2. North west is on the left side of north. (Barat laut berada di sebelah kirinya utara)

3. South west is on the right side of west. (Barat daya berada di sebelah kanannya barat)

4. South east is on the right side of south. (Tenggara berada di sebelah kanannya selatan)

5. West is between northwest and southwest. (Barat ada di antara barat laut dan barat daya)

6. North is on the left side of northeast. (Utara ada di sebelah kirinya timur laut)

7. West is on the right side of southwest. (Barat ada di sebelah kanannya barat daya)

Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang point of compass:


_____________________________Detil jawaban:

Kelas: SD kelas VI

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Materi: Bab 10 - Earth and Planets

Kata kunci: Point of compass, Direction and location

Kode: 6.5.10

4. they put a..... on each side of the building

they put a pot on each side of the building

5. the vertex of a parabola is at the origin and Q(3,-2) is a point on the parabola. Find the equation and focus of this parabola if the focus is on the negative side of the y-axis

Vertex origin = Pusat(0,0)
Melalui (3,-2)
Parabola terbuka ke kiri
[tex]y^2=4px \\ (-2)^2=4p(3) \\ 4=12p \\ p=\frac{1}{3} \\ $Persamaan umum:$ \\ y^2=-4px \\ y^2=-\frac{4}{3}x \\ $Fokus : $(0-p,0) \\ $Fokus : $(-\frac{1}{3},0)[/tex]

6. How many strings can be composed using letters of word “INFORMATICS” such that: (a) letter ‘I’ must be side by side. (b) letter ‘I’ must be on the first arrangement.



All two I's appear together II as one unit (so you are only arranging 10 objects rather than 11). this would be just 10! because there are no repeated letters

7. Two square tiles A and B are such that the side of B is 5 cm longer than the side of A. The sum of the areas of the tiles is 1525 cm. Let x cm be the length of the side of tile A. (a) Express the length of the side of tile B in terms of x. (b) Express the area of tile B in terms of (c) Find the value of x.​help pls :(


a. x+5

b. x²+10x + 25

c. 25

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

b. (x+5)²

c. x²+ (x²+10x + 25)= 1525

2x²+10x-1500= 0 ... divided by 2

x²+5x-750 = 0


x = -30 or x = 25

8. the fit hospital is on the west side of the ​


Personal Opinions:

the fit hospital is on the west side of the ​housing complex.


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran Personal Opinions (pendapat pribadi) dalam Bahasa Inggris.

the fit hospital is on the west side of the ​housing complex. (rumah sakit fit berada di sisi barat kompleks perumahan.)

Jawaban tidak bersifat mutlak dalam artian masih bisa digantikan dengan jawaban lain yang sesuai dengan konteks situasi dan fakta keberadaannya:

the fit hospital is on the west side of the city.the fit hospital is on the west side of the town.the fit hospital is on the west side of the main road.

Semoga membantu ya.

9. The bank is on the east side of the hospital. It means the hospital is on the ... side of the bank. a. b. east west c. north d. south​


The hospital is on the West side of the bank

10. post office - my - is - house - the - side - of - east - on - the house - west - of - your - is - the - on - side - police station - the urutkan.......

1. My house is on the east side of the post office

artinya rumah saya berada di sebelah timur kantor pos

2. Your house is on the west side of the police station

artinya rumah kamu berada di sebelah barat kantor polisi

11. the house is on the.....side of street​


The house is on the right side of street


the house is on the =right side of street


maaf kalo salah

12. People walk on the ... of the road.a. right sideb. left sidec. centrald. left or right side​


People walk on the ... of the road.

b. left side

Jawaban: D. Left or right side

Maaf klo salah

13. it is raining on the east side of the island.............. not on the west side​


It is not on the west side



semoga membantu ya !!❤️

14. the - left side - is - on - of - the - street - the bookstore ​


The bookstore is on the left side of the street

Maaf Kalau Salah

**Jawaban** :
The bookstore is on the left side of the street
Semoga membantu ^^

15. my heart on on the.....side of my body​


left side from first person view, right side on second person view


my heart on the left side of my body

16. Bank the on is west hospital the the of side

Bank the on is west hospital the the of side.


The bank is on the west side of the hospital.


Pertanyaan di atas tergolong materi Words Arrangements (Susunan kata-kata) dengan jumlah total 10 kata.

Pertama-tama, sebaiknya setiap kata disusun dengan nomor urut dari nomor 1 sampai dengan total jumlah kata yang tertera. Dari soal di atas penomoran sebagai berikut:

Bank = 1

The = 2

On = 3

Is =4

West = 5

Hospital = 6

The = 7

The = 8

Of = 9

Side = 10

Sehingga susunan yang benar adalah: 2, 1, 4, 3, 7, 5, 10, 9, 8, 6

Yaitu: The bank is on the west side of the hospital

Yang artinya: Bank tersebut berada di sebelah barat dari rumah sakit.

Kalimat di atas tergolong sebuah kalimat Simple Present Tense yang menjelaskan tentang lokasi sebuah bank dari sebuah rumah sakit.

Penjelasan lebih lanjut

Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang Words Arrangements https://brainly.co.id/tugas/12573255

Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang Words Arrangements https://brainly.co.id/tugas/27746945

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ1

17. it is raining on the eats side of the island.... not on​


-it is raining on the eats side of the island. .But... not on​

Arti dari kalimat diatas:

-Di bagian timur pulau, TETAPI  Tidak di .....

18. [tex]QUIZ \ PRIMARY \ SCHOOL \ MATHEMATICS \ OLYMPIAD[/tex] Question : In the figure we have a square of side length 14 cm. On each side we draw a semicircle of radius 7 cm with center at the mind point of the side. Find the area regions.

Luas area = 2 x L lingkaran - L persegi
                 = 2 πr²-s²
                 = 2 22/7.7.7 - 14x14
                 = 22 x 14 - 14x14
                 = 8x14
                 = 72 cm²[tex]\displaystyle L_{\text{1 arsiran}}=2L_t\\L_{\text{1 arsiran}}=2(L_j-L_\Delta)\\L_{\text{1 arsiran}}=2\left(\frac{\theta}{360}\pi r^2-\frac12at\right)\\L_{\text{1 arsiran}}=2\left(\frac{\theta}{360}\cdot\frac{22}7(\frac{1}{2}s)^2-\frac12(\frac{1}{2}s\times\frac12s)\right)\\L_{\text{1 arsiran}}=2\left(\frac{90}{360}\cdot\frac{22}7(\frac{1}{2}\cdot14)^2-\frac12(\frac{1}{2}\cdot14\times\frac12\cdot14)\right)[/tex]
[tex]\displaystyle L_{\text{1 arsiran}}=2\left(\frac{1}{4}\cdot\frac{22}77\times7-\frac12(7\times7)\right)\\L_{\text{1 arsiran}}=2\left(\frac{1}{2}\cdot11\times7-\frac{49}2\right)\\L_{\text{1 arsiran}}=2\left(\frac{77}{2}-\frac{49}2\right)\\L_{\text{1 arsiran}}=77-49\\L_{\text{1 arsiran}}=28cm^2\\\\\L_{\text{total}}=4L_{\text{1 arsiran}}\\L_{\text{total}}=4\times28\\\boxed{\boxed{L_{\text{total}}=112cm^2}}[/tex]

19. arti dari match the expression of greetings on the left side with the responses on the right side​


cocokkan ungkapan salam di sisi kiri dengan tanggapan di sisi kanan


maaf jika salah


cocokkan ungkapan salam di sisi kiri dengan tanggapan di sisi kanan

maaf kalau salah

20. Let it be, let it be, let it be, lrt it be Whisper word of wisdom Let it be (Let It Be, by The Beatles) The verse above uses . . . Pilihan jawaban A. alliteration B. simile C. hyperbole D. metaphor E. assonance


Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be

Whisper word of wisdom

Let it be

(Let It Be, by The Beatles)

The verse above uses assonance (E).


A. alliteration : the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words.

B. simile :  a figure of speech that compares two different things in an interesting way. A simile uses the words "like" or "as" to draw a comparison.

C. Hyperbole: a figure of speech that uses extreme exaggeration to make a point or show emphasis. It is the opposite of understatement.

D. Metaphor: a metaphor simply states the comparison without using "like" or "as".

E. Assonance: the repetition of vowel sounds in nearby words.

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai contoh poetry menggunakan rhyme, alliteraration and assonance pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/8314946


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