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Consider The Synthesis Of Water As Shown In Model 3

Consider The Synthesis Of Water As Shown In Model 3

A water trough 200cm long has triangular faces as shown. find the capacity of trough in litresTolong kak aku gak ngerti soal ini ​

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1. A water trough 200cm long has triangular faces as shown. find the capacity of trough in litresTolong kak aku gak ngerti soal ini ​


long time ia long time don't worryy

2. A pot contained twice as much water as a bottle. The total amount of water in both the pot and the bottle was 5 l. What was the amount of the water in the bottle?​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

pot = 2 × bottle

pot + bottle = 5 liters

substitute pot with x and bottle with y.

x = 2y

x + y = 5

substitute x with 2y into the equation.

x + y = 5

2y + y = 5

3y = 5

y = 5/3liters


x = 2y

x = 2(5/3)

x = 10/3


3. Why makes the falls called as the largest curtain of water in the world?

Because it's so big and talls?


because the waterfall is very heavy and large

4. the ratio of the volume of water in jug A to the volume of water in jug B is 3 : 5.Jug A countains 900 ml og water.what is the volome of water in jug B in milimeter​


A :B = 3 : 5 = 900ml :B

[tex] \frac{3}{5} = \frac{900}{b} [/tex]

[tex]b = \frac{900 \times 5}{3} = 1500ml[/tex]

volome of water in jug B =1500 mll

5. A glass house is in the shape as shown in the figure . calculate total area of glass needed and calculate the volume of the glass house​


Total Luas seluruh bangunan = L prisma segitiga + L balok

                                                 = 248 m² + 292 m² = 540 m²

Total Volume seluruh bangunan = V prisma segitiga + V balok

                                                      = 60 m³ + 336 m³ = 396 m³

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Bangunan ini adalah gabungan dari prisma segitiga dan balok.

Diketahui :

Prisma segitiga : alas = 5 m

                         tinggi alas = 6 m

                         tinggi prisma = 11 m - 7 m = 4 m

Ditanya : L = ?

              V = ?

L = 2 X Luas alas + Keliling alas + tinggi

  = 2 X (1/2 X 5X6) + (5+5+6) x 4

  = 2 x (15 + 16 x 4)

  = 2 x 124 = 248 m²

Volume = Luas alas X tinggi

             = (1/2 X 5X6) X 4

             = 60 m³

Sekarang kita hitung balok.

Diketahui : p = 8 m

                  l = 6 m

                  t = 7 m

Ditanya : L = ?

              V = ?

L balok = 2 (pl + pt + lt)

             = 2 (8X6 + 8X7 + 6X7)

             = 2 (48+56+42)

             = 2 x 146 = 292 m²

Volume balok = pxlxt

                        = 8 X 6 X 7

                        = 336 m³

Total Luas seluruh bangunan = L prisma segitiga + L balok

                                                 = 248 m² + 292 m² = 540 m²

Total Volume seluruh bangunan = V prisma segitiga + V balok

                                                      = 60 m³ + 336 m³ = 396 m³

6. the anglest at A and B in aparallelogram are trissected as shown. the big of anglest ABC is​

the anglest at A and B in aparallelogram are trissected as shown. the big of anglest ABC is ...

120° degrees

The measure of the anglest ABC is 120° degrees Calculating the sum of the angles using a protractor from 0° to the end point of the anglest, then the anglest ABC is at 120° degrees.

hope this helping :3


7. a scientist conducted an experiment to determine how the amount of salt in the water affects the number of plants that can live in the water. In this experiment the dependent variable is a) the temperature of the water b) the amount of salt in water c) the number of plants in the water d) the water

c. the number of plants in the water

8. 6. A bathtub is known to hold as much as 50 litres of water. In the bathtub,12500 cm3 of water has been filled. How many liters of remaining water isneeded to fill the tub completely?​


37,5 litres


1 litres = 1000cm³

12500cm³=12,5 litres

the water needed to fill the bathtub completely

=50 litres-12,5 litres

=37,5 litres

9. the vertices of the regular hexagon ABCDEF lie on a circle as shown in the figure. The diameter of the circle is 50 centimeters. The perimeter of the hexagon is...cm.

d = 50 cm
K =....?

K =
[tex]\pi \times d = 3.14 \times 50 \: cm = 157 \: cm[/tex]
nih hasilnya........

10. the sides of parallelogram ABCD are represented as shown​ . find DA

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Sifat jajar genjang:

AB \\ DC dan AD \\ BC sehingga AB = DC dan AD = BC


2x + 12 = 5x - 18

3x = 30

x = 10

karena AD = BC maka

AD = 3x - 6

= 3(10) - 6

= 24

11. a piece of wire 144cm long is bent to form a semicircle as shown in the figure. find the diameter of the semicircle, giving your answer in metres.​


0,46 m

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

A mean a piece of wire = a circumference of a semicircle

[tex]c = \pi \: d \\ 144 = 3.14 \: d \\ d = \frac{144}{3.14} \\ d = 45.86 \\ d = 46 \: cm \div 100 \\ d = 0.46 \: m[/tex]

Plz correct my answer if it's wrong .

12. task(2) rewrite the sentences in the passive form beginning the sentences as shown​

The bridge isn't used very often by most peopleFrench and English are spoken by people in MontrealFlights are canceled by the airline every weekendNew computers are bought by them every two yearsNew expensive cars are bought by them for the senatorsThat silly reality show is watched by millions of people every saturdayAn apple pie is being baked by her for us

Semoga membantu

13. A flask contained 4 times as much water as a jug at first. After 1.05 l ofwater were poured from the flask into the jug, both containers had thesame amount of water. How many litres of water are there in the jug now?​


The water there in the jug now are 1,75 L.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


Flask = F

Jug = J

F = 4J

F - 1,05 = J + 1,05


F - 1,05 = J + 1,05

4J - 1,05 = J + 1,05

4J - J = 1,05 + 1,05

3J = 2,10

J = [tex]\frac{2,10}{3}[/tex]

J = 0,70 L

F = 4J

F = 4 X 0,7

F = 2,80 L

Jug now:

0,70 L + 1,05 L = 1,75 L

14. Two similar toy houses are as shown. Find the values of the unknowns. ​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

x = 100°

120/180 = 180/y

y = 180 x 180 : 120

y = 270 cm

z / 150 = 120 / 180

z = 150 x 120 : 180

z = 100 cm

semoga membantu, rate dan jadikan jawaban terbaik ya❤️

15. A figure is made up of a rectangle and a semicircle as shown in the diagram below. what is the area of the figure?


Area itu bahasa inggris dari Luas, maka

Area of square = S x S

= 7 x 7

= 49 cm²

Radius = Diameter / 2

= 7 / 2

= 3.5 cm

Area of [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex] circle = [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex] x [tex]\pi[/tex] x r²

= [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex] x [tex]\frac{22}{7}[/tex] x 3.5²

= 19.25 cm²

Are of the figure = 49 + 19.25 = 68.25 cm²


phi [tex](\pi )[/tex] untuk [tex]\frac{22}{7}[/tex] digunakan apabila jari-jari/radius berkelipatan 7, sedangkan

phi untuk 3.14 digunakan apabila jari-jari/radius tidak berkelipatan 7

16. what kind of expression shown in the sentence ebove?​

ekspresi apa yang ditunjukkan dalam kalimat di atas?


itu terjemahan ya

17. A mass of an ideal gas of volume v, at pressure p, undergoes a cycle of changes as shown in the graph.


Sebuah massa gas ideal volume v, pada tekanan p, mengalami siklus perubahan seperti yang ditunjukkan pada grafik.



A mass of an ideal gas of volume v, at pressure p, undergoes a cycle of changes as shown in the graph.

Sebuah massa gas ideal volume v, pada tekanan p, mengalami siklus perubahan seperti yang ditunjukkan pada grafik.

semoga membantu

18. refer to the exhibit. consider the ip address configuration shown from pc1. what is a description of the default gateway address?

Consider the ip address configuration shown from pc1. what is a description of the default gateway address is It is the IP address of the Router1 interface that connects the PC1 LAN to Router1.


Maksud dari jawaban tersebut adalah Gateway default digunakan untuk merutekan paket yang ditujukan untuk jaringan jarak jauh. Alamat IP gateway default adalah alamat perangkat Layer 3 pertama (antarmuka router) yang terhubung ke jaringan yang sama. Gateway default bertindak sebagai titik akses atau router IP yang digunakan komputer jaringan untuk mengirim informasi ke komputer di jaringan lain atau Internet. Secara default, ini berarti  gateway ini akan digunakan secara default kecuali  aplikasi menentukan gateway lain. Dari segi pengertian, gateway secara umum dapat dikatakan membantu menghubungkan  jaringan komputer yang satu dengan jaringan komputer yang lain dengan protokol yang lain.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Pelajari lebih lanjut materi tentang penjelasan tentang gateway default: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/16848422


19. 3. It can be inferred from the passage that.... a. Atmospheric circulation moves water vapor around the sea b. The water cycle describes the continuous movement of water on, above and below the surface of the Earth. c. The sun, which drives the water cycle, heats water in the Misisipi river. d. water evaporates as water vapor into the air as a result of condensation


b. The water cycle describes the continuous movement of water on, above and below the surface of the Earth.


20. A container consists of a cylinder of diameter 1.4 m and an inverted cone. The height of the container is 3.6 m and it contains water to a depth of 3 m, as shown below. Given that the volume of the water in the container is 2464 litres, find the height of the cylinder. (Take π 22/7)

Diketahui :

r = 0,7 m = 7 dm

tinggi tangki = 3,6 m = 36 dm

Diasumsikan :

tₖ = tinggi kerucut

tₜ = tinggi tabung

tinggi tangki = tinggi kerucut + tinggi tabung

36 = tₖ + tₜ --> ( i )

Volume air pada kerucut = ⅓πr²tₖ

Volume air pada tabung = πr²tₜ

Volume air = 2.464 liter

Volume air pada kerucut + volume air pada tabung = volume air

⅓πr²tₖ + πr²tₜ = 2.464

πr².( ⅓tₖ + tₜ ) = 2.464

(22/7).(7)².( ⅓tₖ + [30 - tₖ] ) = 2.464

154.( -⅔tₖ + 30 ) = 2.464

( -⅔tₖ + 30 ) = 2.464 ÷ 154

-⅔tₖ + 30 = 16

-⅔tₖ = 16 - 30

-⅔tₖ = -14

tₖ = -14 ÷ [-⅔]

tₖ = 21

Masukkan nilai tₖ pada ( i ) :

36 = tₖ + tₜ

tₜ = 36 - tₖ

tₜ = 36 - 21

tₜ = 15

Maka, tinggi tabung adalah 15 dm = 1,5 m

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