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Is Niagara Falls One Of The Seven Wonders

Is Niagara Falls One Of The Seven Wonders

What is purpose of the text visiting niagara falls

Daftar Isi

1. What is purpose of the text visiting niagara falls

To inform the readers about Niagara falls

2. What is purpose of the text visiting niagara falls

to retell writer experience visiting Niagara falls

3. where is Niagara falls located? whhat countris are separated by Niagara fals? where are the two waterfalls of niagara falls? what is canyon? how big are the horseshoe falls?

Niagara Falls is located at the border of Ontario ( Canada ) and New York ( USA )
Niagara Falls separated Canada and USA
A Canyon is a deep Ravine between pairs of cliffs
Horseshoe Falls is approximately 90 % of Niagara Falls

4. what do you think about the inclusion of taj mahal as one of the seven wonders of the world?

I think it's a wonderful and amazing place. So much people come there to see how the incredible it.

5. where is niagara falls located?

Niagara Falls located on:

1. Border of Ontario, Canada
2. New York, United States

semoga membantu^^In the Ontario and New York City (USA)

6. Taj mahal is regaded as one of the eight wonders of the world

Taj mahal dikenal sebagai salah satu delapan keajaiban dunia

Maaf jika ad kesalahan :) *seharusnya 7 keajaiban sih, tapi soalnya tulis 8artinya = Taj mahal dikenal sebagai salah satu delapan keajaiban dunia

7. Where is niagara falls located

Niagara falls is located in New York, USA

8. What is the tense used is the text visiting niagara falls



What is the tense used is the text visiting Niagara falls?

=> Simple present tense is mostly used in the text visiting Niagara falls.


Text Visiting Niagara Falls adalah descriptive text yang mana simple present tense adalah salah satu unsur kebahasaan yang digunakan dalam teks descriptive. Berikut penjelasan tentang simple present tense:

Simple Present Tense  

Simple present tense digunakan untuk menyatakan fakta /kebenaran umum (general truth), kebiasaan (habitual action), atau kejadian yang terjadi pada saat ini (present). Simple present tense paling sering digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris karena digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan sehari-hari.  


Verbal sentences:  

(+) Subject + Verb1 s/es  

(-) Subject + do/does + not + Verb1  

(?) Do/does + Subject + Verb1?  

Nominal sentence:  

(+) Subject + to be (is/am/are) + Object/Complement  

(-) Subject + to be (is/am/are) + Object/Complement  

(?) To be (is/am/are) +Subject + Object/Complement?  


1. (+) Susi brings her dictionary  

  (-) Susi does not bring her dictionary  

  (?) Does Susi bring her dictionary?

 2. (+) My father drinks a cup of coffee every morning

   (-) My father does not drink a cup of coffee every morning

   (?) Does My father drink a cup of coffee every morning?

3. (+) Amy often swims in the swimming pool

   (-) Amy does not often swim in the swimming pool

   (?) Does Amy often swim in the swimming pool?

4. (+) You usually go to bed at 9

   (-) You do not usually go to bed at 9?

   (?) Do you usually go to bed at 9?

5. (+) She often buys dresses in that supermarket.

   (-) She does not often buy dresses in that supermarket.

   (?) Does she often buy dresses in that supermarket?

6. (+) My teacher writes with a pen, but we write with pencils  

   (-) My teacher does not write with a pen, but we do not write with pencils  

   (?) Does My teacher write with a pen, but we write with pencils ?

7. (+) My mom is very diligent

   (-) My mom is not very diligent

   (?) Is My mom very diligent?

8. (+) My father is in the office

   (-) My father is not in the office

   (?) Is My father in the office?

9. (+) Ammar and Amira are very smart

   (-) Ammar and Amira are not very smart

   (?) Are Ammar and Amira very smart?

10. (+) Egra and Yudi are always friendly

     (-) Egra and Yudi are not always friendly

     (?) Are Egra and Yudi always friendly?

11. (+) Susi is very diligent

    (-) Susi is not very diligent

    (?) Is Susi very diligent?

Cara menambahkan akhiran s atau es pada kata kerja:

Akhiran -es ditambahkan pada kata kerja (verb) yang berhuruf akhir -ch (catches), -s (kisses), -sh (brushes), -x (fixes), -z (whizzes) Akhiran -es juga ditambahkan pada kata kerja (veb) yang berhuruf akhir -y yang didahului oleh huruf mati dan akan berubah menjadi -i jika mendapat tambahan akhiran -es tersebut. contoh: study=studies, carry=carries, try=tries. Sedangkan bila -y didahului oleh huruf hidup, maka kerja itu hanya akan mendapat akhiran -s. contoh :pay-pays, say=says Akhiran -es juga ditambahkan khusus bagi kata kerja do dan go. contoh: do=does, go=goes

Keterangan Waktu Simple Pesent Tense:

always = selalu every = tiap often = sering usually = biasanya seldom = jarang rarely = jarang- jarang generally = pada umumnya frequently = seringkali sometimes = kadang-kadang ever = pernah never = tak pernah


Materi tentang simple present: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/1862584



Kelas : 8  

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Bab : 4

Kode : 8.5.4

Kata Kunci : simple present  

9. Victoria Falls is one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World and the major waterfall on the Zambezi River in Africa. It is famous for being the largest waterfall in the world, in the wet season. The African people who live around the falls call it Mosi-oa- Tunya which means "smoke that thunders". The water makes a roaring noise as it falls over the cliff and down into the Zambezi River below. A cloud of water vapor is always seen around the falls. What is the topic of the text above? A.Zambezi River. B.Mosi-oa-Tunya. C.Victoria Falls Facts. D.Seven Natural Wonders.

Jawaban: C. Victoria Falls Facts


pertanyaan : topik dari teks diatas adalah?

Victoria falls facts yang berarti fakta dari victoria falls. karena teks diatas membicarakan tentang fakta2 seputar victoria falls yang termasuk dari seven natural wonders of the world. maka dari itu topik dari teks nya adalah Victoria Falls Facts.

10. Where is niagara falls located

Niagara Falls is located in the America United

11. what is niagara falls

Niagara Falls is the collective name for three waterfalls that straddle the international border between the Canadian province of Ontario and the American state of New York. They form the southern end of the Niagara Gorge.

From largest to smallest, the three waterfalls are the Horseshoe Falls, the American Falls and the Bridal Veil Falls. The Horseshoe Falls lies on the border of the United States and Canada with the American Falls entirely on the United States' side, separated by Goat Island. The smaller Bridal Veil Falls are also on the United States' side, separated from the American Falls by Luna Island.

Located on the Niagara River, which drains Lake Erie into Lake Ontario, the combined falls form the highest flow rate of any waterfall in North America that has a vertical drop of more than 165 feet (50 m). During peak daytime tourist hours, more than six million cubic feet (168,000 m3) of water goes over the crest of the falls every minute.  Horseshoe Falls is the most powerful waterfall in North America, as measured by flow rate.

The falls are 17 miles (27 km) north-northwest of Buffalo, New York, and 75 miles (121 km) south-southeast of Toronto, between the twin cities of Niagara Falls, Ontario, and Niagara Falls, New York. Niagara Falls was formed when glaciers receded at the end of the Wisconsin glaciation (the last ice age), and water from the newly formed Great Lakes carved a path through the Niagara Escarpment en route to the Atlantic Ocean.

Niagara Falls is famed both for its beauty and as a valuable source of hydroelectric power. Balancing recreational, commercial, and industrial uses has been a challenge for the stewards of the falls since the 19th century.

klo tanya artinya jwbnya(: apa niagara falls

semoga bermanfaat

12. where is niagara falls located?

United states of america
Niagara Falls is the name of a set of waterfalls. The waterfalls of Niagara Falls are located on the Niagara River which connects  two of the five Great Lakes. Lake Erie and Lake Ontario (Canada). On the other bank of the river is New York State (USA).


13. where is niagara falls located

niagara is in north america

jadikan jawaban terbaik ya Niagara is in nort america...


14. 1.Because of concern that the large number of tourists would destroy the natural beauty of this scenic wonder2.Tourists today flock to see the two falls that actually comprise Niagara Falls: the 53-meter high Horseshoe Falls on the Canadian side of the Niagara River3.Niagara Falls, one of the most famous North American natural wonders, has long been a popular tourist destination4.It is also possible to get a spectacular view of the falls from the strategic locations along 10 the Niagara River such as Prospect Point or Table Rock, or from one of the four observation towers which have heights up to 500 feet5.Because of concern that the large number of tourists would destroy the natural beauty of this scenic wonder6.The State 15 of New York in 1885 created Niagara Falls Park in order to protect the land surrounding American Falls.7.It is also possible to get a spectacular view of the falls from the strategic locations along 10 the Niagara River such as Prospect Point or Table Rock8.Niagara Falls, one of the most famous North American natural wonders, has long been a popular tourist destination.9.Most visitors come between April and October, and it is quite a popular activity to take a steamer out on to the river and right up to the base of the falls for a close-up view.10.It is also possible to get a spectacular view of the falls from the strategic locations along 10 the Niagara River such as Prospect Point or Table Rock, or from one of the four observation towers which have heights up to 500 feet.​

Maaf kak, terus saya harus jawab apa? :v

15. Where is niagara falls located

niagara falls is located in America niagara falls is located between the canadian province of ontario and the usa's state of new york

16. One of the seven wonders of the ancient world the great pyramid of giza was a monument of wisdom and

One of the seven Wonders of the world is Pyramid of Giza. The pyramid of Giza was a monument of wisdom and prophecy


Piramida Giza merupakan peninggalan dari era Kerajaan Lama Mesir yang dibangun sekitar 4.500 tahun yang lalu. Dibangun oleh Firaun Khufu, Piramida Giza berdiri setinggi 138 meter dan merupakan struktur buatan manusia tertinggi di dunia hingga Katedral Lincoln selesai dibangun di Inggris pada abad ke-14.

Dalam artikel yang diterbitkan pada November 2017 di Jurnal Nature, melalui proyek Scan Pyramids, para ilmuwan melaporkan penemuan dua rongga yang sebelumnya tidak diketahui di Piramida Giza. Dua rongga tersebut memiliki panjang 30 meter dan terletak di atas lorong raksasa yang dikenal sebagai galeri besar yang mengarah ke ruang pemakaman Khufu. Ruang kosong yang lebih kecil terletak di belakang sisi utara piramida dan terdiri dari koridor yang panjangnya belum diketahui.

Para ilmuwan akan terus melakukan lebih banyak pengujian di Piramida Giza. Mereka pun tengah mengembangkan robot yang di masa mendatang dapat memasuki ruang kosong yang kecil dan mengintip ke dalam menggunakan kamera resolusi tinggi.

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai materi Piramida Giza pada link berikut ini  https://brainly.co.id/tugas/4277038



17. where is Niagara Falls located

in the border of america and canada

I hope this is true for you, have a nice day !
Brainly is the Best !

18. Where is niagara falls located

artinya dimana niagara jatuh beradaDimanakah letak air terjun niagara

19. Tolong artikan semua nya Visiting niagara falls Niagara falls is the collective name for three waterfalls that croos the international border between the canadian province of ontario and the USA's state of new york

Mengunjungi air terjun Niagara

Air terjun Niagara adalah kesatuan nama dari tiga air terjun yang melintasi batas internasional antara provinsi Ontario Kanada dan New York Amerika Serikat

20. cari lah noun pronoun verb to be teks di bawah ini! Tolong di bantu ya kawanNiagara Falls is a famous area of waterfalls. It is one of the most beautiful natural wonders of North America. It is on the Niagara River, about halfway between Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. The Niagara River forms part of the border between Canada and the United States. At Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada is on one side of the river, and the U.S. state of New York is on the other side.Niagara Falls really has two waterfalls. The Horseshoe Falls are in Canada, and the American Falls are in the United States.The Niagara River drops into a steep gorge or canyon, at the falls. Most of the water flows over the Horseshoe Falls. They are not as high as the American Falls, but they are 2,600 feet (792 metres) wide–about 0.5 mile (0.8 kilometre). The American Falls are about 1,000 feet (305 metres) wide.Beyond the falls are the Whirlpool Rapids. There, the powerful swirling water has carved a bowl out of the rock.At night, coloured lights shine on the thundering falls. About 10 million people visit Niagara Falls each year.​

(Niagara Falls: noun) is(to be) a famous area of waterfalls. It(pronoun) is one of the most beautiful natural wonders of North America. It is on the Niagara River, about halfway between Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. (The Niagara River: noun) forms(verb) part of the border between Canada and the United States. At Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada is on one side of the river, and the U.S. state of New York is on the other side.

Niagara Falls really has two waterfalls. The Horseshoe Falls are(to be) in Canada, and the American Falls are in the United States.

The Niagara River drops(verb) into a steep gorge or canyon, at the falls. Most of the water flows(verb) over the Horseshoe Falls. They are not as high as the American Falls, but they are 2,600 feet (792 metres) wide–about 0.5 mile (0.8 kilometre). The American Falls are about 1,000 feet (305 metres) wide.

Beyond the falls are the Whirlpool Rapids. There, the powerful swirling water has carved(verb 3) a bowl out of the rock.

At night, (coloured lights: noun) shine(verb) on the thundering falls. About 10 million people visit(verb) Niagara Falls each year.

Penjelasan: nanti kamu tinggal list noun, pronoun, verb, dan to be-nya. jenis katanya tepat di samping kata tersebut di dlm kurung. ada pronoun atau to be yg sama gak (perlu) aku tandai.. maaf kalo msh kurang.

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