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The First Bricklayer Can Build A Wall In 15 Days

The First Bricklayer Can Build A Wall In 15 Days

the bricklayer (rapair) the wall ​

Daftar Isi

1. the bricklayer (rapair) the wall ​


•tukang batu (memperbaiki) tembok


jadikan jawaban terbaik;)

2. the bricklayer..........(repair) the wall outside

the bricklayer was repairing the wall outside

smoga membantu ^^

3. present continuous forms the bricklayer (repair)the wall outside?​

Present continuous forms

✔️ the bricklayer is repairing the wall outside



Digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang sedang terjadi sekarang.

Rumus Present Continuous

(+) S + is/am/are + V-ing

(-) S + is/am/are + not + V-ing

(?) is/am/are + S + V-ing?

Kalimat Present Continuous

(+) the bricklayer is repairing the wall outside

(-) the bricklayer is not repairing the wall outside

(?) is the bricklayer repairing the wall outside?


I + am

He/she/it/the bricklayer + is ✔️

You/we/they/people + are


Present Continuous



Detail Jawaban

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris


Level: JHS-SHS

Kode Mapel: 5

Kode Kategorisasi: 10.5.3

Kata Kunci: Present Continuous,

4. The tower(build) in 1998... a.was build b.buildt c.will build D.builed e.to build

E. to build


:( :(A.Was build

semoga bermanfaat

5. the bricklayer...(repair) the wall outside. No copasNo asal​pliss jawab




moga terbantu yo

6. 47 Where is the picture? It isa. In the wallb. Under the wallc. Behind the walld. On the wall​


d. on the wall


in = digunakan pada sentence (didalam)

on = digunakan pada sentence (diatas/pada)

under = digunakan pada sentence (dibawah)

between = digunakan pada sentence (diantara)

maaf kalo salah

7. ngpromplete the sentences with present continuous forms.1JohnnyThe bricklayer(erase) the whiteboard.(take) a bath right now.(repair) the wall outside.​

Present Continuous forms

1. I AM ERASING the white board

2. Johny IS TAKING a bath right now

3. the bricklayer IS REPAIRING the wall outside

PEMBAHASANPresent Continuous

Digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang sedang terjadi sekarang.

Rumus Present Continuous

(+) S + is/am/are + V-ing

(-) S + is/am/are + not + V-ing

(?) is/am/are + S + V-ing?

CatatanI + amHe/she/it/Johny + isYou/we/they + are


Present Continuous


Detail JawabanMapel: Bahasa InggrisMateri: GRAMMARLevel: JHS-SHSKode Mapel: 5Kode Kategorisasi: 10.5.3

Kata Kunci: Present Continuous, Be, Verb-ing

8. Eight men can build a bridge in 12 days.Find the time taken for 6 men to build the same bridge.​


8 => 12

6 => X

x = (12 8) /6

x = 16 days

9. "Don't cross out the wall" -The notice is About..-we can find the notice in....

Artinya *Jangan Mencoret Dinding*
Jawabannya di ruangan(In room)
prohibited to cross out the wall

10. In the winter season,we can build

In the winter season, we can build a snowman (boneka salju)

11. Where is the picture ? There is hanging ..................... (10 Poin) on the wall in the wall under the wall above the wall ​


in the wall

Maaf kalo salah :))))

12. the same days in a week and days in a year​


hari yang sama dalam seminggu dan hari dalam setahun


jadikan jawaban yang terbaik ya :)


hari yang sama dalam seminggu dan hari dalam setahun

the same days in a week and days in a year


semoga membantu ^_%


13. Andi can build a model of house in 18 hours while Rio can build the same model house in 12 hours . if Andi and Rio work together, how long will it take for them to build the model house.​


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

if the work together, then the time they'll spend will be

1/18 + 1/12 = 2/36 + 3/36 = 5 /36

then, flip the equation, so it become

36/5 = 7,2= 7 hours and 12 minutes

hope this help you :)


14. I heard a glass shatter on the wall in the apartment above mine At first I thought that I was dreamin'​


wow is that a dream or real


aku mendengar suara kaca pecah di tembok apartemen di atas milikku

awalnya aku mengira aku sedang bermimpi


smeoga membantu ya

dan maaf jika ada kesalahan D:

15. the bricklayer .... (repair) in the diningroom

the bricklayer is repairing in the diningroom (present continuous)

16. c. four daysd. five daysa. Wie wus Yuun2. how many days old the writer spend in his first trip?a. two daysb. three days3. what was the writer's first destination in his first trip?a. franceb. koreac. Taipeid.gerinany​


1.D. five days

2.a. two days


kalo salah maaf


1d.five days

2.b .theree days


17. They build a new high stone wall around the garden.change the sentence below into passive voice


A new high stone wall is built by them around the garden


They build a new high stone wall around the garden

Structure Kalimatnya:Subject => They Verb-1 => build Object => a new high stone wall Complement => around the garden

Berdasarkan keterangan di atas:Kalimat menggunakan pola dari Present Tense karena setelah Subjek (they) menggunakan Verb-1 (build)Kalimat soal adalah kalimat Aktif, karena Subjek melakukan aksi dalam kalimatnya.Untuk mengubahnya ke Kalimat Pasif, maka Objeknya diberi aksi oleh Subjek dalam kalimatnya.

Berikut Rumus yg digunakan:

Active: S + Verb-1 (-s/es) + O

=> They build a new high stone wall around the garden

Mereka membangun sebuah tembok batu tinggi yg baru di sekeliling taman

Passive: O + Be (is/am/are) + V3 + By S

=> A new high stone wall is built by them around the garden

Sebuah tembok batu tinggi yg baru dibangun oleh mereka di sekeliling taman

=== Semoga Membantu ===

Link Terkait

Passive Voice:


DETAIL JAWABAN Mapel: Bahasa Inggris Materi: Passive Voice Level: SHS Kode Soal: 5Kode Kategorisasi: 11.5

Kata Kunci: Active Voice, Passive Voice, Present Tense


18. Andi can build a model of house in 18 hours while rio can build the same model house in 12 hours . if andi and rio work together, how long will it take for them to build the model house?​


Artiny: Andi dapat membangun model rumah selama 18 jam sementara rio dapat membangun rumah model yang sama dalam 12 jam. apakah andi dan rio kerja sama, berapa lama akan dibutuhkan mereka untuk membangun rumah model?

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Jadi kan jawaban yang terbaik y jangan lupa follow...

19. In the winter season,we can build

Di musim dingin, kita bisa membangun

20. write the days of the week in the correct order.remember the first letter is a capital letter?​

Jawaban:Monday TuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday

pls follow



-Selasa= Tuesday







maaf y klw salah

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