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Nfl Players Wearing On Neck

Nfl Players Wearing On Neck

We wearing red....on neck

Daftar Isi

1. We wearing red....on neck


we wearing red necklace on neck

Scarf juga bisa.. kayak selendang gitu

2. Is she what on wearing her neck


pertanyaan seharusnya "what is she wearing on her neck" jawabannya adalah "necklace"

3. the boy is wearing something around his neck. what is the nama of the thing on the neck?​

scarf? semogaaa bener yaaa!!!!

4. Task 3 Complete the text based on the picture! (Lengkapilah teks berikut berdasarkan gambar!) Look at this picture! This is my friend. His name is Tino. He is a student of class four. Tino is wearing a complete uniform. He is wearing a red ..... .......... (1) on his hed. He is also wearing a white .(2) and a red ..... .(3). On his neck, he is wearing a red.............(4). He is also wearing a pair of a black .. ...(5) on his feet. .. . O 22 Bahasa Inggris SD-Kelas 4B​








lain kali pake gambar ya , tapi maaf kalau salah

5. dika is wearing a ....... on his neck to complete his school uniform A.CAPB.TIEC.MILKD. SHOES

jwabanny B, goodluck!!Dika is wearing a TIE on his neck to complete his school uniform.

6. How many players are there on one team?​



Berapa banyak pemain dalam satu tim?

Itu bhs.indonesia nya

7. 1. before wearing shoes.i need... on my foot2.i am wearing.. because it is cold3.she wears...on her head it is hot outside4.you have abeautiful ...on your neck​


2. i am wearing jacket

3. cap

4. necklace

8. there are only football players on the field​


hanya ada pemain sepak bola di lapangan

9. Manchester united players ... their newestfootball home kits right now. Select one:a. Have wearingb. Is wearingc. Will wearingd. Was wearinge. Are wearing​


jawaban : A


Maaf jika jawaban salah


Manchester united players are wearing their newest

football home kits right now. Select one:

a. Have wearing

b. Is wearing

c. Will wearing

d. Was wearing

e. Are wearing


Kalimat di atas mengikuti bentuk kalimat Present Continuous Tense dilihat dari kata keterangan waktu now dan To be (is/am/are) + verb-ing.

Rumus Present Continuous Tense:

A. Positif : subject + to be (am, is, are) + Verb – ing + object + adverb of time (Now / today)

Contoh : I am watching TV now.

B. Negatif : subject + to be + not + verb – ing + object + adverb of time (Now / today)

Contoh : Mr. Bean is not going to Jakarta now. atau Mr. Bean isn’t going to Jakarta now.

C. Interogatif  : to be + subject + verb – ing + object + Adverb of time (Now / today)

Contoh : Is Mr. Bean going to Jakarta now?

Semoga membantu ya.

10. father my a tie neck his wears on​


:My father wear a tie on his neck


11. Bantu jawab kak 4. Is-wearing-also-cap-a-Dani-head-his-on-shawl-a-and-neck-on-his


Dani is wearing a cap on his head and also a shawl on his neck.

12. 9. C-K-E-A= ....10. A bottle of ketchup means ....Rangga's New ClothesThis is Rangga. He is putting on his new clothes. He is wearing a blackjacket now. He is also wearing a cap on his head and a shawl on his neck.There is a watch on his hand. His shoes are brown.Nadia's OutfitWhat a nice shoes she is wearing! Nadia is wearing a red skirt now.She is wearing a red T-shirt. On her neck, there is a shawl too.It's color is red. Look at her ear! You can see that she is wearing ear ring.What a nice earing, isn't? She is not wearing a shoes. But, she is wearinga slipper.Answer these following question based on the text above!1. Does Rangga wear a red jacket?2. Does Rangga wear a watch and shoes?3. Does Nadia wear a red skirt and T-shirt?4. Does Nadia wear a shawl on her neck?5. What does Nadia wear, a shoes or a slipper?​


9. cake

10. 1.) no, he doesn't

2.) yes, he does

3.) yes, she does

4.) yes, she does

5.) a slipper


9. Cake


1. No, he doesn't

2. Yes, he does

3. Yes, she does

4. Yes, she does

5. She's wear a slipper


13. Dini is wearing a bow on her​




Dini is wearing a bow on her hair.


Dini sedang memakai sebuah pita di rambutnya.

maaf klu salah

14. Adinda uses ear ring on her....a. headC. earb. neckd. neck​

B. Ear.


Arti dari soal:

"Adinda memakai anting di....."

Jawabannya adalah (B). Ear (telinga).

Sedangkan opsi lainnya:

a. Head❎( kepala).b. Ear✔️C. Neck ❎ (Leher).D. Neck ❎ ( Leher).


Uses =>> Menggunakan.

Ear ring =>> anting.

on her =>> Di.

Note:Arti ring sebenarnya adalah cincin.Tapi, jika digabungkan dengan Ear + Ring maka artinya adalah anting.Arti heradalah diakhusus perempuan. Tetapi, syarat penggunaannya hanyalah untuk menandakan kepemilikan.

========================Detail JawabanKelas: V SDMapel: Bahasa InggrisMateri: Parts of Body (Bagian-bagian tubuh).Kode Kategorisasi: 5.5.4Kata Kunci: Body, and Shape.

15. How many players are there on team

Jawaban: berapa banyak pemain yang ada di tim.

Itu artinya###

Penjelasan: semoga membantu

16. susun kalimat bahasa inggris is-wearing-also-cap-a-dani-head-his-on-shawl-a-and-neck-on-his​


Dani is wearing a cap on his head and also a shawl on his neck



Dani is wearing a cap on his head and also a shawl on his neck

17. the football players (practice) on the fiewld right now


The football players are practicing on the field right now

18. ...... on her left hand to know the timComplete.... on her finger.1. My mother is wearing a ......on her neck.2. Tasya is wearing a .........3. Mr. Yusuf is wearing a .......4. I am wearing a .......... on my hand.5. Mrs. Nurita is wearing a ......... on her veil. ​


1. Necklace

2. Veil

3. Cap

4. Bracelet

5. Pin

semoga membnatu

19. what is the waiter wearing around his neck​


Luckily, bow ties stay close to the neck, eliminating the problem of it being in the way. Bow ties come in a three different styles: Self-tie, clip-on and band collar. Almost all restaurants purchase band collar bow ties for their waiters and waitresses.

20. Is -wearing -also -cap-a-dani-head-his-on-shawl-a-and-neck-on- His Susun kata2 menjadi kalimat


Dani is wearing a cap on his head and also a shawl on his neck


Tense: present continuous tense

subject+Tobe (is ,am,are)+Verb1+ING+Object/Complement

jenis KALIMAT:kalimat POSITIF


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