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Alyssa Is Jogging Near Central Park

Alyssa Is Jogging Near Central Park

The building is ..... to the Central Park. It's near from here.​

Daftar Isi

1. The building is ..... to the Central Park. It's near from here.​

in front


karena park nya dekat dari sini


2. terjemaah kan is there a park near your house​


Is there a park near your house?

Apakah ada sebuah taman di dekat rumahmu?

ToBe: Is, Am, Are

Is = He, She, It, nama org 1

Am = I

Are = You, They, We, nama org lbh dr 1


He, She, It, I, You, They, We, nama org

Noun = kata benda

Adjective = kata sifat

Adverb = keterangan

Verb = kata kerja

╭┈─────── ೄྀ࿐

╰┈─➤ Simple present

⎙ ToBe

+ ToBe + Object

- S + ToBe + not + Object

? ToBe + S + Object + ?

3. (+)there is a big house near the park(-)(+)​


(+) there is a big house near the park

(-) there is not a big house near the park

(?) is theres big house near the park?


semoga membantu

4. New york city's central park is nearly twice as large _____ second smallest country, monaco




semoga membantu

maaf banget kalo salah!

5. The zoo is in brown street near the park the church is in white street near the library. The school is in street near the bank. Buat dalam bahasa indonesia


Kebun binatang berada di jalan coklat dekat taman gereja berada di jalan putih dekat perpustakaan. Sekolah itu berada di jalan dekat bank

6. Apa bhsa indonesia tanjung national park Tanjung national park is an internationally famous ecoturism destination , which is located in the southwest of central kalimantan peninsula.

Taman nasional Tanjung adalah tujuan wisata internasional yang terkenal, yang terletak di barat daya semenanjung kalimantan tengah.

7. the park ..... near my school

the park is near my school.

sorry because i'm wrongare

maaf jika salah y

8. this park is near the school diganti menjadi prular​

Question (Pertanyaan)

Change this sentence to its plural form.

"This park is near the school"

Answer (Jawaban)

="These parks are near the school."




Hopefully this helped! ^^

9. Prana and Budi ___ jogging at the park now. *c. area. sheb. amd. is​




Karena lebih dari satu orang, maka menggunakan to be jamak (plural), yaitu are

10. Mall Central Park Diresmikan Pada Tahun?

9 september 2010 , tahun: 20101986 maaf kalo slh ya

11. 6. From the tot, we know that...a The park does not have beautiful flowersb. The park does not have beautiful flowersc. The park is near Dayu's houseThe park is near Siti's bouse​

Sorry, i don't know if the park is near Dayu's house and Siti's house. And Which grade are you?

12. Deskripsi Bahasa inggris tentang central park dan artinya


The park which adorns the central office area of South Tapanuli Regency Government in Sipirok is considered to have high artistic value.

No doubt the garden with a variety of flora that is intentionally planted (growing) makes click amazed for anyone who comes to visit.

In fact, not infrequently monitored especially during holidays when the park area around the community service center is turned into a tourist location or used for selfies.

13. 5. Ayu doesn't ... around the jogging track. She is ... around the parknowa. jogs - joggingb. jogging-jogc. jog - joggingd. jogging - jogspliss bantuu!!!​


a.jogs - jogging

semoga membantu:)

semoga membantu:)jgn lupa follow


d.jogging - jogs

14. Mall Central Park Diresmikan Pada Tahun?

9 september 2009

semoga membantuu :D

diresmikan pertama kali pada tahun 2009.

15. From the text, we know that . . . . *A. The park does not have beautiful flowersB. The parks does not have beautiful flowersC. The park is near Dayu’s houseD. The park is near Siti’s house​


percakapan/ceritanya mana?

16. 3. Near - my school - the - Park - is. Arrange these jumble words into​


The park is near my school.


maaf kalo salah

17. Terjemahkan 1. The hotel is on diponogoro street across near the park

hotel itu berada di jalan ponogoro di dekat taman1.Hotel ini berada di jalan diponegoro di dekat taman


18. Mall central park didirikan pada tahun?

Tanggal dibuka: 9 September 2009Mall central park didirikan pada tahun?
9 September 2009


19. people like jogging around the park,.......

manusia suka berlari santai di sekitar parkir

20. 6. From the text, we know that...A. The park does not have beautiful flowersB. The parka does not have beautiful flowersC. The park is near Dayu's houseD. The park is near Siti's house​


dari teks kita tahu bahwa


jawabannya A.

maaf kalau salah ya

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