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We Decorate The Tree With These Shiny Strips

We Decorate The Tree With These Shiny Strips

we decorate the party with...(balon)...​

Daftar Isi

1. we decorate the party with...(balon)...​




bahasa inggris balon itu baloon

2. Bacalah ini cepat!!1. If tree grow a tree and a tree with the tree in the tree with the tree go the tree​


hah? wkwk maksudnya terjemahannya kah?

jika pohon tumbuh menjadi pohon dan pohon dengan pohon di pohon dengan pohon pergi ke pohon

3. These is a tree...the house


ini pohon.... rumah


bhs inhris


There is a tree Outside the house

4. Observe these family tree and then answer the question


1. grandmother

2. mother

3. cousin

4. uncle

5. father

6. grandmother

7. siblings

8. cousin

9. siblings

10. grandchildren

5. what do we use to decorate the kite

apa yang kami gunakan untuk menghias layang layangpaper,sticks,paint,glue and wool

6. complete the sentence by using passive forms of the verbs in parenthesesThe walls of the Taj Mahal____ (decorate) with many floral designs.A. is decoratedB. is decorateC.are decorateD.are decorated​


A. is decorated

maaf kalau salah

semoga bermanfaat :))


D.are decorated


karena berbentuk passive sehingga menggunakan verb 2

dan kata Wall(s) menunjukkan (s) nya menunjukkan lbh dari 1 sehingga menggunakan are

semoga membantu

maaf kalau salah

7. Complete these sentences with the suitable words.1. A.........is bigger than a twig.2. We can find a..... in fruit.3. A........is a part of plant with bright colour.4. We eat ripe.......that grows on a tree.5. The height of tree depends on its.....

1. A tree is bigger than a twig.
2. We can find a bean in fruit.
3. A flowers is a part of plant with bright color.
4. We eat ripe fruite that grows on a tree.
5. The height of tree depends on its rod.

8. Write sentences (active & passive) using Present perfect tense with these words! 1. She - wash - the shoes 2. We - watch - the film 3. Ms. Lia - explain - the lesson 4. They - catch - the mice 5. The students - decorate - the classroom tolong cpt jawabnya ya makasih

1. She wash the shoes
2. We watch the film
3. Ms. Lia explain the lesson
4. They catch the mice
5. The students decorate the classroom

Maaf jika salah

9. write the sentences using these word tree​

- the tree is very beautiful from down here

- This is one of the biggest tree i have ever seen

10. write the sentences using these word tree​


wheare is the word tree?

This is the biggest tree i have ever seen

11. We must decorate . . . classroom toward the class competition.


we must decorate (our) classroom toward the class competition





12. Look into the dictionary and find the meanings of these wordsfashionable=collection=comfortable=matching=decorate=​


1. Fashionable : Modern, sesuai dengan mode

2. Collection : Koleksi, kumpulan, pungutan, pengumpulan

3. Comfortable : Menyenangkan, senang, nyenyak, enak, cukup, lumayan

4. Matching : Bilangan-bilangan yang sebanding

5. Decorate: Menghiasi

1. fashionable = characteristic of, influenced by, or representing a current popular trend or style.

2. collection = the action or process of collecting someone or something.

3 comfortable = (especially of clothes or furnishings) providing physical ease and relaxation.

4. matching = corresponding in pattern, color, or design; complementary.

5 decorate = make (something) look more attractive by adding extra items or images to it.

13. complete these sentences with tobe (is, am, are)! we the champion​

We are the champion.

Semoga membantu!!

sorry sis the problem is lacking

if you can give a clear question please

that's just my suggestion.

14. Make a sentence in the simple present tense using these words : decorate - balloon ​


susun teka teki dalam bahasa Inggris

15. Nose Pore StripsHow to use1. After cleaning the skin, Wet nose area with clean warmwater for 2-3 minutes, please note strips will not adhereif skin is dry2.Open the nose strips sachet and peel the strip awayfrom the liner. Apply the strip with the shine side downon the nose.3. Allow the strip to dry naturally for about 10 to15 minutes, then peel the strips off and clean with water.Caution Notes​


Nose Pore Strips

How to use

1. After cleaning the skin, Wet nose area with clean warm

water for 2-3 minutes, please note strips will not adhere

if skin is dry

2.Open the nose strips sachet and peel the strip away

from the liner. Apply the strip with the shine side down

on the nose.

3. Allow the strip to dry naturally for about 10 to

15 minutes, then peel the strips off and clean with water.

Caution Notes


indo nya

16. 27. Why should we choose a suitable tree with theclimate, region and space?A. It will make the tree grows wellB. It will be easy to plantC. It won't make the tree grows wellD. we can enjoy the tree​




pertanya annya juga bingungngin



17. compieto the family tree below with correct words.say the words with proper pronunciation​


iam sorry


maaf kalau salah

18. pliss tolong cepet di jawab Write sentences (active & passive) using Present perfect tense with these words! 1. She - wash - the shoes 2. We - watch - the film 3. Ms. Lia - explain - the lesson 4. They - catch - the mice 5. The students - decorate - the classroom


Write the correct answer!

1) She had washed the shoes

2) She has watched the film

3) Ms. Lia have explained the lesson

4) They have catched the mice

5) The students have decorated the classroom

The present perfect tense formula is:

have/has + past participle. The past participle is usually formed by adding -ed or -d to the end of the verb, but there are many irregular verbs in English.


Detail Jawaban:

Mata Pelajaran: Bahasa Inggris

Materi: Sentence

Kode: 2.1.1

Tanggal: 12-11-2020

19. tree diagram of the projector with the blue screen

Gambar pohon Dari projektor dengan layar biru

20. What did his father and his brother decorate the living room with?​


all kinds of objects and materials

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