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Draw The Major Organic Product Of The Following Reaction:

Draw The Major Organic Product Of The Following Reaction:

Write the mechanism of the following reaction CH3CH2OH + HBr ---->

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1. Write the mechanism of the following reaction CH3CH2OH + HBr ---->

substitution reaction

CH3-CH2-OH + HBr --> CH3 - CH2 - Br  + H2O

I hope its helps...


2. ammonia sulfate is the product from the reaction between ammonia and sulfuric acid.write down the chemical formula of substances involed in the reaction


Ammonium sulfate : (NH₄)₂SO₄
Ammonia : NH₃
Sulfuric acid : H₂SO₄

Reaction :
2NH₃ + H₂SO₄ --> (NH₄)₂SO₄ (balanced)

3. What are the name and formula of the first substitution product of the reaction between methane and chlorine


CH4(metana) + Cl2( clorin) ->Ch2Cl2

(diklorometana)+ H2 ( Hidrogen)

4. Which of the following can be used for cleaning the product

berikut yang mana dapat digunakan untuk membersihkan produk

5. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Fact Brand of the product Name of the product Description of the product Contents or amounts of the product Ingredients of the product Directions for instructions about the product (directions for consumption) Directions for storage of the product Expiry date of the product Warning Manufacturer of the product Available? Statement​


No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Fakta Merek produk Nama produk Deskripsi produk Isi atau jumlah produk Komposisi produk Petunjuk petunjuk tentang produk (petunjuk konsumsi) Petunjuk penyimpanan produk Tanggal kedaluwarsa produk Peringatan Produsen produk Tersedia? Pernyataan


terjemahannya, maaf kalo salah...

6. 1.Brand of the product? 2.Name of the product? 3.Description of the product? 4.Contents or amount of the product? 5.Ingredients of the product? 6.Directions for instruction abiut the product (directions for consumption) 7.Directions for storage of the product 8.Expiry date of the product 9.Warning 10.Manufacturer of the product tolong carikan jawabannya BUKAN diartikan


no problem

nama kamu siapa

rumah kamu di mana

kamu menjual apa

jual dari onlain

kamu menjual pakek apa

posting produk mu

berapa harganyaa


silahkan memebeli produk saya

7. tolong dibantu The name of the product... * The brand of the product * The description of the product? * The use of the product ... * The content of the product... * The direction to use of the product... The direction to use of the product... The expiration date of the product... *


* The name of the product Augmentin

* The brand of the product SB SmithKline Beecham

* The description of the product


Amoxicillin/ Clavunalate potassium

When reconstituted, each 5 ml contains:

-Amoxicillin 125 mg, as the trihydrate,

-Clavulanic Acid 31,25 mg, as the clavunalate potassium

* The content of the product Amoxicillin, Clavulanic Acid

* The direction to use of the product

Direction for mixing(tulis semua kalimatnya sesuai yg digambar), Dosage(tulis semua kalimatnya sesuai yang digambar)

* The expiration date of the product 10 Days



8. 1. Mention the brand of the product !2.The kind of product is...3.Mention of the description of the product !​



2.Children's cought Syrup

3.cough mixture of formula 440 presenter by Pinux

Ini udah aku bantuin

9. What kind of milk is the product made of? a. Refrigerated. b. Organic. c. Reduced. d. Fat.​

d. fat

artinya susu terbuat dari apa, mungkin jawabanya lemak d

10. Tentukan: 1.Brand of the product 2.Name of the product3.Description of the product4.Contents or amount of the product 5.Ingredients of the product6.Directions for instructions about the product (directions for consumption) 7.Directions for storage of the product 8.Manufacture of the productyang ga tau ga usah di jawab ​


1. MANGO, walnut and royal jelly

2. breakfast cereals

3. low fat breakfast cereals contains Mango Pieces, walnut and royal jelly

4. tulis yg didalem table

5. tulis yang ingredients

6. net weigh: 500 g

7. warning : the product may not be suitable for asthma and allergy sufferers

8. tulis yang manucfactured by:

1.brand food

2.breakfast cereals

3.manggo,walnut,and royal jelly

4.Cereals low fat

5.itu yang ingredients kamu tulis semua

6.kamu tulis semua yang warning


8.low fat energi the power of Duck

11. The catabolism consist of four step reaction explain it and mention this product each step.​

Jawaban:Katabolisme terdiri dari empat langkah reaksi jelaskan dan sebutkan produk ini setiap langkahnya.​

Penjelasan:semoga membantu

12. 2. A fixed volume of the enzyme catalase was added to a fixed volume of hydrogenperoxide solution. The diagram shows how the concentration of product changed overthe course of the reaction.What explains the shape of this graph?a. The active sites become saturated.concentrationof productb. The enzyme was denatured.c. The hydrogen peroxide inhibited the reaction.d. The substrate molecules were used up.time​


A. The active sites become saturated concentration of product

Kenapa? Soalnya enzim katalase itu berfungsi untuk menguraikan hidrogen peroksida di dalam tubuh menjadi air dan oksigen (produk hasil)

semoga terbantu :)

13. 1.brand of the product 2.name of the product3.description of the product4.contenst or amounts of the product5.ingredients of the product​


1. Breakfast Cereal

2. Low Fat Cereal

3. low fat breakfast cereals contains mango pieces, walnuts and royal jelly

4. 500g

5. whole grain wheat, corn, rolled oats, palm oil, etc.


14. write one of the 'useful phrases' as an appropriate reaction to each of the following events from the script.


In making an appropriate response or reaction, you need to look carefully at the expression or sentences used as well as its tone, whether it is meant to be humorous or serious one. Then, you can respond it in a creative way too, instead of just ordinary ones so long as appropriate. Here's the possible phrases to respond

- The cruel king has threatened to invade!

(Really? Then we'd better prepare ourselves. for normal reaction)

(What else is new? He's just bluffing. for unusual reaction)

- We are still alive; the soldiers are gone!

(Then we shall pray for them. They have fought bravely to protect us. (normal reaction)

(That's rather ironic for them. They should've been alive instead of us, who aren't trained for war. (uncommon reaction)

- The riddle is solved!

(At last! after a while - normal)

(Are you kidding me? what took you so long to solve such easy riddle - uncommon )

- We need a drum that sounds when nobody beats it!

(Such is impossible! - normal)

(Really? are you still in wonderland? - uncommon sardonic)

- Will the paper drum with the bee work?

(Huh, I don't get it - normal as it's unclear in meaning)

Kelas: SMP

Mapel: English

Kategori: expression and response

15. ..... of the employees have university degrees the major The major The majority The majorities The majors


the majority


16. 16. By reading the text, the users of the product will get the info ...A. the importance of the product for the bodyB. the nutritional content of the productC. the procedure of using the productD. the main substance of the product​


C.the procedure of using the product

17. Which of the following words is the synonym of “major”? *a.Ordinaryb.Significant.c.Secondary.d.Inferior.​


b. significant

semoga membantu


Which of the following words is the synonym of “major”? *








18. Brand of product : the brand of the product is?.... name of product : the product is?... content/amount : the package contains?.... description : the product is?... ingredients : the product is made from?... direction to use


1. Brand of product

The brand of the product is Haus!

2. Name of product

The product is Oreo n Cream

3. Content/Amount

The package containts ice cubes 30% milk 15% Oreos 4% cream cheese 10%

4. Description

The product is refreshing drink, very delicious to drink in hot weather!!

5. Ingredients

The product is made from ice, milk, Oreos, cream cheese.

6. Direction to use & dosage

These are the directions to use the product (-)

7. Direction to store

These are the direction to store the product (-)

8. Expiration date

no date is available on the label.

semoga membantu jawaban kamu!!!

19. Brand Of Product The Brand Of the Product is...


artinya : produk produk ini adalah...

20. A. the name of the product?B. the description of the product?C. the amount of the product?D. the ingredients of the product?E. the direction of the product?F. the direction to store of the product?G. the expiry date of the product?tolong di jawab ya kak (´∩。• ᵕ •。∩`) ​


a. Duos usaha, blueberry soes

b. filled with blueberry cream

c. 35 g

d. (tulis semua isi komposisi/ ingredients)

e. -

f. dont litter

g. -

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