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Industries In The Mountains And Basins Region Of Texas

Industries In The Mountains And Basins Region Of Texas

despite the growth of manufacturing and other industries, the economy of the state of texas has remained heavily dependence on oil and gas

Daftar Isi

1. despite the growth of manufacturing and other industries, the economy of the state of texas has remained heavily dependence on oil and gas


Incorrect word:

Despite the growth of manufacturing and other industries, the economy of the state of Texas has remained heavily dependent on oil and gas


Kata "dependence" kurang tepat karena diikuti dengan kata "on".

Kata "dependence" berarti ketergantungan. Sedangkan kata "dependent" berarti "tergantung".

Arti dari kalimat di atas adalah

"Terlepas dari pertumbuhan manufaktur dan industri lainnya, ekonomi negara bagian Texas tetap sangat tergantung pada minyak dan gas."

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai contoh soal incorrect word pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/33478495


2. .... a lot of snow in the mountains


theres a lot of snow in the mountains


3. Name at least 5 of the major industries in Indonesia.


- Textile industry company.
- Food industry company.
- Automotive industry company.
- Handicraft industry company.
- Waste management industrial company.


Semoga membantu

4. the figure is made up of a semicircle in a quadrant. find the area of the shaded region

I hope this helps...................

5. Form of Interstate Cooperation in the Southeast Asia Region Called

ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nasion)

Maaf kalau salah yaa.....

6. arti dari i was thinking of spending ohr holiday in the mountains.​


Saya berpikir untuk menghabiskan liburan di pegunungan.






7. Mountains are natural elevation of the earth's surface having considerable mass, generally steep sides, and a height greater than that of a hill. Every continent has mountain chains, long or short ones, new or old ones. Almost all mountains are formed in chains or ranged. It indicates that the forming of mountains occurs in vast areas. The power of forming cones from the depth in the earth. The process of forming the mountains takes hundreds of years. There are three kinds of mountains according to the way of forming. They are fold mountains that formed as the result of the movement of the earth's crust, pushing one another, block-fault mountains that formed as the result of the strong explosion from the depth, and the last one is volcanoes. tolong bantuin translate :')


Pegunungan adalah tempat alami yang berada di bumi, dengan ketinggian dan massa yang cukup besar, sisi umumnya curam, dan ketinggiannya lebih tinggi dari bukit. Setiap benua memiliki rantai pegunungan, yang panjang atau pendek, yang baru atau lama. Hampir semua gunung terbentuk dalam rantai atau kisaran. Ini menunjukkan bahwa pembentukan gunung terjadi di daerah yang luas. Kekuatan untuk membentuk kerucut di kedalaman bumi. Proses pembentukan gunung memakan waktu ratusan tahun.
Ada tiga jenis gunung sesuai dengan cara pembentukannya. Mereka adalah Gunung Lipat, terbentuk sebagai hasil dari pergerakan kerak bumi yang saling mendorong. Gunung Blok Fault, terbentuk sebagai hasil ledakan kuat dari kedalaman, dan yang terakhir adalah Gunung Berapi.

8. Complete the text with the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets. I love climbing mountains. For me, it's (6)....(exciting) hobby. I think (7)... (beautiful) mountains in the world are in New Zealand. But (8)....(tall) mountains in the world are in Asia, the mountains in England are (9)...(small) than in Asia and the weather is (10) ... (cold). The USA has (11) ... (warm) weather than England, but Asia's weather is (12)...(hot). So, I love going climbing in Asia.​


I love climbing mountains. For me, it's very exciting hobby.

I think the most beautiful mountains in the world are in New Zealand.

But the tallest mountains in the world are in Asia.

The mountains in England are smaller than in Asia and the weather is colder.

The USA has warmer weather than England, but Asia's weather is hotter.

So, I love going climbing in Asia.

9. Every continent has mountain chains, long or short ones, old or new ones. Almost all mountains are formed in chains or ranges. it indicates that the forming of mountains occur in vast areas. The power of forming comes from the depth in the earth. The process of forming of mountains takes hundreds of years. There are three kinds of mountains according to the way of forming. They are fold mountains, are formed as the result of the movement of the earth's crush, pushing one another. Block-fault mountains are formed by breaking parts of the earth's crush attracting one another. volcanoes are formed as the result of a strong explosion such as lava, stones, and ash gather and from a cone - like - shape. The Alps, the mountain chain which seperates Italy from France, and the Himalaya are the examples of fold mountain. The Andes, the longest mountain chain in the world, is the example of a block mountain. it stretches from the north buff the equator to the Antartic. it's length is about 7.000 miles from the northern part to the southern part of South America. The examples of volcanoes are the mountains in Hawaii. The mountains are still beneficial because of the craters, lakes, and solvates. These places usually become the object of tourism. Volcanic rock is used the manufacture of building materials and volcanic heat is capable of generating electricity.•••••••••••••exercise•••••••••••••1) What are the benefits of mountain?2) How long does the process of forming of mountains happen?3) What is the largest mountain chain in the world?4) What does the world “it” in “it stretches from...” refer to?••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••TOLONG JAWAB SECEPAT MUNGKIN YAA.MAKASIH.

Setiap benua memiliki rantai gunung, panjang atau pendek, yang tua atau yang baru. Hampir semua gunung terbentuk dalam rantai atau rentang. Ini menunjukkan bahwa pembentukan gunung terjadi di daerah yang luas. Kekuatan pembentukan berasal dari kedalaman di bumi. Proses pembentukan gunung memakan waktu ratusan tahun. Ada tiga jenis gunung sesuai dengan cara pembentukannya. Mereka adalah gunung lipat, dibentuk sebagai hasil gerakan menghancurkan bumi, saling mendorong satu sama lain. Gunung blok-kesalahan terbentuk dengan menghancurkan bagian-bagian dari bumi yang saling menarik satu sama lain. Gunung berapi terbentuk sebagai hasil ledakan kuat seperti lahar, batu, dan abu yang berkumpul dan dari bentuk kerucut. Pegunungan Alpen, rantai pegunungan yang memisahkan Italia dari Prancis, dan Himalaya adalah contoh gunung lipat. Andes, rantai gunung terpanjang di dunia, adalah contoh gunung blok. Ini membentang dari utara buff khatulistiwa ke Antartika. Panjangnya sekitar 7.000 mil dari bagian utara ke bagian selatan Amerika Selatan. Contoh gunung berapi adalah pegunungan di Hawaii. Gunung-gunung masih bermanfaat karena kawah, danau, dan solvat. Tempat ini biasanya menjadi obyek wisata. Batu vulkanik ini digunakan pembuatan bahan bangunan dan panas vulkanik yang mampu menghasilkan listrik. •••••••••••••olahraga••••••••••••• 1) Apa manfaat gunung? 2) Berapa lama proses pembentukan gunung terjadi? 3) Berapakah rantai gunung terbesar di dunia? 4) Apa yang dunia "itu" di "membentang dari ..." lihat? • •••••••••••••••••••

10. 5. "First, the reefs in Wakatobi diving sites are unlike others in the region because ofthe dry climate and uplifted limestone." What is the Indonesian of the bold italic word?​


Pertama, terumbu karang di lokasi penyelaman Wakatobi tidak seperti yang lainnya di wilayah ini

iklim kering dan batu kapur terangkat. "Apa bahasa Indonesia dari kata miring tebal?


langsung kepenjelaaan aja karna nggak tau mana yang di italic (kata atau kalimat miring)


First: pertama (menjelaskan hal pertama)

the reefs: terumbu karang

in wakatobi: di wakatobi

diving sites: situs menyelam

are unlike: tidak seperti

others: yang lain

in the: di (tempat)

region: wilayah

because of: karena

the dry climate: iklim kering

dan uplifted limestone: dan batu gamping terangkat

11. what is the purpose of the Texas above? ​

1. B

2. A

3. C

4. C

setauku gitu hehe

12. "First, the reefs in Wakatobi diving sites are unlike others in the region because ofthe dry climate and uplifted limestone." What is the Indonesian of the bold italic wordinVI​


region : wilayah semoga membantu!

13. Asian type region of the distribution of fauna in indonesia is…


The faunal area of western Indonesia includes Sumatra, Java, Bali, Kalimantan, and the surrounding small islands. ... The fauna of western Indonesia is also known as the Asiatic fauna. Examples of fauna in western Indonesia include the following:l

14. Every continent has mountain chains, long or short ones, old or new ones. Almost all mountains are formed in chains or ranges. it indicates that the forming of mountains occur in vast areas. The power of forming comes from the depth in the earth. The process of forming of mountains takes hundreds of years. There are three kinds of mountains according to the way of forming. They are fold mountains, are formed as the result of the movement of the earth's crush, pushing one another. Block-fault mountains are formed by breaking parts of the earth's crush attracting one another. volcanoes are formed as the result of a strong explosion such as lava, stones, and ash gather and from a cone - like - shape. The Alps, the mountain chain which seperates Italy from France, and the Himalaya are the examples of fold mountain. The Andes, the longest mountain chain in the world, is the example of a block mountain. it stretches from the north buff the equator to the Antartic. it's length is about 7.000 miles from the northern part to the southern part of South America. The examples of volcanoes are the mountains in Hawaii. The mountains are still beneficial because of the craters, lakes, and solvates. These places usually become the object of tourism. Volcanic rock is used the manufacture of building materials and volcanic heat is capable of generating electricity.•••••••••••••••••exercise•••••••••1) What are the benefits of mountain?2) How long does the process of forming of mountains happen?3) What is the largest mountain chain in the world? 4)What does the world “it” in “it stretches from...” refer to?••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••TOLONG JAWAB SECEPAT MUNGKIN YAA.MAKASIH.

2. Hundreeds of years
3. The Andes
1. Craters, lakes, and solvates
4. The mountain

15. find the total area of the shaded region in the figure​


The total area of the shaded reagion in the figure = 76 cm

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Total area of the shaded region:

[tex] = \frac{(5 + 7 + 6) \times 8}{2} + \frac{(7 + 6) \times 8}{2} - 2 \times \frac{8 \times 6}{2}[/tex]

[tex] = 72 + 52 - 48 = 76 \: {cm}^{2} [/tex]

16. look at the map of central java. discuss creative industries in some cities in central java. write your findings in the table​


Creative industry = culinary (candied carica)

City = Wonosobo

Creative industry = gethuk

City = Salatiga

Creative industry = art galery

City = Magelang


Industri kreatif saya maksudkan sebagai industri khas yang di modifikasi atau yang belum pernah ada sebelumnya

17. what ia the best title of Texas​


Apa judul terbaik dari texas

18. The un-shaded region of the following figure is the feasible region of a system of linear inequalities. The maximum value of (2x + 2y – 5) is attained at what point in the feasible region? a. Show the system of linear inequalities used in finding the maximum value b. Show the coordinates and the solutions made to get the coordinates at the corner points in the feasible region. c. Show the table of values 2x + 2y – 5.


chk it, rapikan, feedback

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

19. Textile, building and mining industries show the highestpercentage of strikes, since they give............to large numbers of men concentrated in single Locaties​


Industri tekstil, bangunan dan pertambangan menunjukkan yang tertinggi

persentase pemogokan, karena mereka memberi ............ kepada besar

sejumlah pria terkonsentrasi di satu lokasi


udah aku artikan jawab sendiri yak')

20. the special region of yogyakarta is located in.......island​

is located in javaisland


Ing:the special region of Yogyakarta is located


Ind:wilayah istimewa Yogyakarta terletak di


Jawab:Java Island

Penjelasan:B Inggris kalau diartikan ke B Indonesia itu pasti katanya dibalik ya memang begitu B Inggris ke B Indonesia

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