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Kohler Corporation Reports The Following Components

Kohler Corporation Reports The Following Components

The natari corporation increaces the company,s market dalam refer to the following text

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1. The natari corporation increaces the company,s market dalam refer to the following text

Perusahaan nature meningkatkan pasar perusahaan dalam merujuk pada teks berikut

maaf kalo salah

2. The following substance are the components of sweat, except … . a.Sodium b.Salts c.Water d.Ammonia e.Urea​


cwater maaf kalo salah

3. The Matari corporation focuses on the following sections,except.. A.plantation B.cosmestics C.infrastructure D.Telecommunication





4. the president ........ the reports in her

4. (B) will discuss
5. (C) will graduate

Sorry if any of the anwers is wrong. Hope I help!4. ini A-D bisa jadi jawabannya, tapi mending kamu pakai B. will discuss
5. C. will graduate

semoga membantu! :D

5. What are the element or components of discourse?


Elemen-elemen wacana adalah unsur-unsur pembentuk teks wacana. Elemen-elemen itu tertata secara sistematis dan hierarkis. Berdasarkan nilai informasinya ada elemen inti dan elemen luar inti. ... Berdasarkan sifat kehadirannya, elemen wacana terbagi menjadi dua kategori, yakni elemen wajib dan elemen manasuka.

UNSUR EKSTERNAL. Unsur eksternal (unsur luar) wacana adalah sesuatu yang menjadi bagian wacana, namun tidak nampak eksplisit. ...

Instrumen yang digunakan. Bahasa yang digunakan dalam komunikasi dapat berupa medium lisan maupun medium tulisan. ...

Etika dan Cara Tutur. ...

Alur Ujaran dan Pelibat Tutur. ...

Rasa, Nada. ...

Amanat Tutur.

Bahasa Inggris nya

Discourse elements are the building blocks of discourse text. The elements are arranged systematically and hierarchically. Based on the value of the information, there are core elements and outer elements. ... Based on the nature of their presence, the elements of discourse are divided into two categories, namely the obligatory element and the manasuka element.

EXTERNAL ELEMENTS. The external element (external element) of discourse is something that is part of the discourse, but does not appear explicit. ...

The instrument used. The language used in communication can be in the form of spoken medium or written medium. ...

Ethics and Speech. ...

Speech Flow and Speech Involvement. ...

Taste, Tone. ...

Speech Message.


What are the element or components of discourse?

Arti:Apa elemen atau komponen wacana?

Jadikan jawaban terbaik

6. Which of the following does not belong to the basic components of English wordsSelect one:a. Part of Speechb. Syntaxc. Nound. Inflection​


IT is syntax


I Hope its helpful

7. Practice the following dialog. Pay attention to the words in bold.Answer the following questions based on the dialog.1. What is the dialog about?2. What do you know about a report?3. How are the bold words related to writing reports? 4. What do you think the purpose of making a report is? 5. How many kinds of reports do you know? Explain.​


1. the dialog is about a project report discussion.

2. a report is a type of document written by someone or a group of people to inform the result of an investigation or announce something to the authorities.

3. the bold words are the structure of a report.

4. the purpose is to present an information about something in general.

5. Reference articles and scientific articles are examples of report text.

8. we produce components...the car industry




We produce components of the car industry


We produce components for the car industry

9. my superior....... all the reports​


received (menerima) ?

Maaf ya kalau salah;)


my superior likes all the reports​

Penjelasan: Semoga membantu, maaf apabila ada keslhan

10. siapakah jendral koh Kohler

jendral koh kohler ialah seorang jenderal Belanda yang memimpin KNIL dalam Perang Aceh Pertama pada tahun 1873.Semoga Membantu

Maaf Kalo Salah

11. Given the following holding-period returns, compute the average returns and the standard deviations for the zemin corporation and for the market portfolio !


Jawaban Tertera pada lampiran

12. describe the components and process of communication?

Components of communication :
1. Context is a very broad field that consists different aspects.
2. Sender/encoder is the person who sends message.
3. Message is the information that is exchanged between sender and receiver.
4. Medium is the channel through which encoder will communicate his message.
5. Receiver is the person to whom the message is being sent. He is the one who interprets the message.
6. Feedback is response or reaction of the receiver, to a message. It is the most important component of communication in business.

The process of communication is the steps we take in order to achieve a successful communication.
1. A sender encodes information.
2. The sender selects a channel of communication by which to send the message.
3. The receiver receives the message.
4. The receiver decodes the message.
5. The receiver may provide feedback to the sender.

13. most formal reports are written in the ...​


In paper..


Formal reports are generally written on paper

14. what are the components of the letter!mention them......tolong jawabanya

-Date/ time
-Name of the receiver
-Main body of the letter

15. The followings are classified as abiotic components except

dibawah ini digolongkan sebagai benda mati kecuali...

16. mention the components of narrative text


Remember, narrative text structure uses a story structure that includes story elements such as setting, characters, conflict, plot (rising action, climax, falling action), and resolution. that the text might be a narrative text type. type of our text.







17. Change the following sentences into passive form! a. Every manager submits their reports every week. b. Colombus discovered America in 1492.

Every manager submits their reports every week.

Passive: Managers' reports are submitted by them every week.

Atau, The reports are submitted by every managers every week.

Columbus discovered America in 1492.

Passive: America was discovered by Columbus in 1492.


Kalimat 'every manager submits theirs reports every week' merupakan kalimat active simple present tense.

Jadi, rumus passive simple present tense adalah Object + am/is/are + past participle (v3) + by subject

Pada jawaban saya, ada dua opsi, yaitu

Managers' reports are submitted by them every week. (laporan-laporan manager dikumpulkan oleh mereka setiap Minggu)

The reports are submitted by every manager every week. (laporan-laporan  dikumpulkan oleh setiap manajer setiap Minggu)

Perbedaan jawaban di atas hanyalah memindah subject kalimatnya saja.

Kalimat 'Colombus discovered America in 1492' adalah kalimat active past tense.

Jadi, rumus passive past tense adalah Object + was/were + past participle (v3) + by subject.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Contoh lainnya dari passive dan active simple present tense, dapat diihat di: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/8660066


Detil jawaban

Kelas: X

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Let’s Visit Niagara Falls (bab 5)

Kode: 10.5.5

Kata kunci: change into passive, passive simple present, passive simple past

18. Translate into Indonesian the following words : combine, mix, the mixture, serve, corporation, measure​

gabungkan, campur, campur, sajikan, korporasi, ukur

kalau salah maaaf ya


gabungkan, campur, campur, sajikan, korporasi,


19. passive voice The students handed in the reports​

In the reports is handed by the students. maaf kalau salah

Suara pasif Para siswa menyerahkan laporan

20. mention the components of the curriculum and describes them by the example Clearly​

Arti:Sebutkan komponen kurikulum dan jelaskan dengan contoh Jelas

Kurikulum memiliki komponen-komponen yang saling terintegrasi satu sama lain. Komponen-komponen utama kurikulum yaitu

(1) tujuan

(2) materi

(3) strategi pembelajaran

(4) organisasi kurikulum, dan

(5) evaluasi.

Kelima komponen tersebut memiliki keterkaitan yang erat dan tidak bisa dipisahkan.


texs 1:an an announcement about concert cancellation

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