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Which Scenario Describes A Mass Migration Caused By Environmental Factors

Which Scenario Describes A Mass Migration Caused By Environmental Factors

examples of pull factors in migration!

Daftar Isi

1. examples of pull factors in migration!

Factors in migration :

1. Lack of employment

2. Lack of natural resources

3. Population density

4. Educational needs

5. Bad social relationships

6. Equity of population

2. Analyze the types of password cracker attacks to determine which scenario best describes a brute force attack !

Jawaban: An attacker attempts every possible combination in the key space in order to derive a plaintext password from a hash

3. the vile area existance is caused by....a. emigrasib. urbanisasic. transmigrasid. migration

Kalo gak salah A. Emigrasi

4. which line describes his appearance?

Paragraf 2.
Because appearence means "penampilan fisik"Barisan ke dua
Karena mendeskripsikan penampilan fisik dia

5. . which sentence describes the picture?​


Arti which sentence describes the picture adalah kalimat mana yang menggambarkan gambar tersebut.

Karena tidak pilihan jawaban pada soal tersebut, bila saya yang mengambarkan gambar tersebut adalah

1. The room is very neat.

2. The living room is clean and neat.

3. The living room looks comfortable and neat.

4. The things in this room looks expensive and beautiful.


Arti neat adalah rapi. Arti clean adalah bersih. Arti comfortable adalah nyaman. Arti expensive adalah mahal. Arti beautiful adalah indah atau cantik.

Jawaban dari soal di atas adalah tergantung pada pilihan jawaban yang ada.

Pelajari lebih lanjut benda-benda yang terdapat di ruang tamu dalam bahasa Inggris pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/4241836


6. Color changes in chameleon seem ___ environmental temperatures as well as by other external stimuliA. to causeB. be caused byC. to have causedD. being caused byE. to be caused by

e. to be caused by

7. why is it likely that climate change will create a mass migration in the future?


Put simply, climate change will cause population movements by making certain parts of the world much less viable places to live; by causing food and water supplies to become more unreliable and increasing the frequency and severity of floods and storms.

semoga bermanfaat

8. Which definition of concentration given below best describes the concept expressed in “in a solution of 10g of salt and 70ml of water, the concentration of the solution by percent mass is 12,5%2?”

1.The amount of water in the solution
2 A word denoting 70g
3 The mass of the solution
4 The amount of a component (solute) present.
5 The amount of solution
  Terjemahan  :

Jumlah 1. air dalam larutan 2 A 70g kata yang menunjukkan 3 Massa solusi 4 Jumlah komponen ( zat terlarut ) hadir . 5 Jumlah solusi

9. which sentence describes the picture​


Examples like this sentence: Mom is cooking using the stove


maaf kalau kurang jelassemoga membantukalau salah maaf

10. ..........is an extremely large wave which is usually caused by earthquake. ​



Usually, it takes an earthquake with a Richter magnitude exceeding 7.5 to produce a destructive tsunami. Most tsunamis are generated by shallow, great earthquakes at subductions zones. More than 80% of the world's tsunamis occur in the Pacific along its Ring of Fire subduction zones.

……is an extremely large wave which is usually caused by earthquake


Apakah gelombang yang sangat besar yang biasanya disebabkan oleh gempa bumi



11. Which best describes adaptation?A. Inherited changes in response to environmental factorsB. A short-term change in behavior in response to a stimuliC. Reproducing as a speciesD. Change in size as an organism ages.​


A. Inherited changes in response to environmental factors


A. Inherited changes in response to environmental factors.


Sorry if it's wrong :)

12. One of examples of natural factors which cause environmental changes is __________ a. waste burning c. deforestation b. earthquakes d. plant fertilization


d. plant fertilization


13. which sentence best describes his studies?​


Which sentence best describes his studies?


kalimat mana yang paling menggambarkan studinya?

14. 3.a baby's development is influenced by both heredity and _______. a. by environmental factors b. environmentally c. the influence of the environment d. environment

a. Enviromental factors (faktor lingkungan)

15. 3 Factors that caused the unbalanced ecosystem.

Basically, the threat to the balance of this ecosystem is caused by the scarcity of animals and plants due to the following 3 factors:

-low reproductive rates,

-natural disasters,

-human activities that harm the environment.


Pada dasarnya, ancaman keseimbangan ekosistem ini disebabkan karena adanya kelangkaan hewan dan tumbuhan akibat 3 faktor berikut ini:

-tingkat reproduksi yang rendah,

-bencana alam,

-aktivitas manusia yang merugikan lingkungan.

16. Flood a disaster which is caused by

by us, humans
sorry if that's wrongby human

because human throw trash to river and the river blow out then it became flood

17. People migration which is counducted to avoid dangerous thing is

People migration which in conducted to avoid dangerous thing is Evacuation (Evakuasi)


Seperti yang kita tahu bahwa migrasi terdiri dari beberapa jenis sesuai dengan tujuannya. Dalam soal ini, pengertian yang dituliskan sangat berkaitan dengan jenis migrasi yang berupa kegiatan evakuasi.

Evakuasi adalah perpindahan langsung dan cepat dari suatu penduduk karena ancaman atau adanya kejadian yang berbahaya.

Faktor pendorong terjadinya evakuasi biasanya karena dipicu oleh faktor kejadian alam atau kejadian sosial

Faktor alam misalnya:

- Terjadinya letusan gunung berapi, badai siklon, banjir, gempa bumi, tsunami, dan lainnya.

Faktor sosial misalnya:

- Terjadinya serangan militer, kecelakaan industri, kebocoran nuklir, konflik internal pemerintahan, kebakaran, teror bom, peperangan, dan wabah penyakit.

Untuk melakukan evakuasi biasanya terdapat tahap-tahap tertentu yaitu:

1. Deteksi

2. Keputusan

3. Alarm

4. Reaksi

5. Perpindahan ke area pusat evakuasi

6. Transportasi

Tahap satu hingga empat disebut sebagai tahap pra-gerakan. Artinya, pelaku evakuasi menyiapkan berbagai hal pada tahap-tahap tersebut sebelum melakukan tindakan evakuasi yang sebenarnya di lapangan.

Semoga jawabannya cukup membantu ya! :)


Pelajari lebih lanjut

Yuk, pelajari juga konsep mitigasi berikut!

1. Pengertian mitigasi bencana


2. Jenis migrasi penduduk



Detail jawaban

Kelas: 10 SMA

Mapel: Geografi

Bab: Mitigasi dan Adaptasi Bencana Alam

Kode: 10.8.7

Kata kunci: Evakuasi, mitigasi bencana alam

18. A baby's development is influenced byboth heredity and(a) by environmental factors(b) environmentally(c) the influence of the environment(d) environment​


I think the answer is D. environment

19. Which characteristic best describes simba?

Curious, adventurous, brave and cocky

20. 14. Which statement describes the picture?​


Arti which sentence describes the picture adalah kalimat mana yang menggambarkan gambar tersebut.


maafga bisa jawab ga ada gambar nya

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