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The Insert Statement Conflicted With The Foreign Key Constraint

The Insert Statement Conflicted With The Foreign Key Constraint

Write a query to create a FOREIGN KEY constraint in the copy_d_events table. Name the foreign key copy_d_events_fk. This key references the copy_d_clients table client_number column .....

Daftar Isi

1. Write a query to create a FOREIGN KEY constraint in the copy_d_events table. Name the foreign key copy_d_events_fk. This key references the copy_d_clients table client_number column .....


Tulis kueri untuk membuat batasan FOREIGN KEY di tabel copy_d_events. Beri nama kunci asing copy_d_events_fk. Kunci ini mereferensikan kolom copy_d_clients tabel client_nomor .....


maaf kalo salah

2. Kolom yang dijadikan kata kunci kedua akan harus diisi dengan nilai yang berbeda pada reference nya disebut….a. Unique constraintb. Primary key constraintc. Check constraintd. Default definitione. Foreign Key Constraint​


E. Foreign Key Constraint


Umumnya Foreign Key digunakan untuk menghubungkan 2 buah table berdasarkan fieldnya

3. Insert the key mat in the new front cover. the word insert has the same meaning with... a. enter b. put into c. include


b. put into


4. Complete the following statement with the suitable words from the box read the statement in turn


Lengkapi pernyataan berikut dengan kata yang sesuai dari kotak. Baca pernyataan secara bergiliran.

5. with the statement 'one of the current

artinya=dengan pertanyaan salah satu arus

6. Learning foreign language is importanta. What will you say if you agree with the statement?b. What will you say if you disagree with the statement?4. Teenagers do not need friends.a. What will you say if you agree with the statement?b. What will you say if you disagree with the statement?5. Every student should have a mobile phonea. What will you say if you agree with the statement?b. What will you say if you disagree with the statement?​


3) a. yes, i agree. because, if we learn other languages, it can help us communicate with locals there. especially when you're travel to foreign countries.

b. no, I'm disagree. we shouldn't learn their language because, it's not really important for us & we're not communicate with foreigners everyday.

4) a. yes, i agree. not all of teenager comfortable to social with people especially when they're introverts.

b. no, I disagree. because it's important to social with people especially when you're still a teenager. it's very important to make friends.

5) a. yes, i agree. nowadays people use cellphone everyday. not just for communication, we can also use it for doing something. for example: work, social media, online school, etc

b. no, i disagree. because, cellphone can make students not focus on their study.

7. Match the statement in the left colomn with the ones in the right column

Sorry gak bisa jwb krn gak ada soal...

8. do you agree with the statement that foreign culture can make teenager forget the local culture?​


apakah anda anda dengan pertanyaan bahwa budaya asing bisa membuat remaja melupakan budaya local

. di terjemakan atu di jwab

9. G. Match the statement with the reason. tolong bantu mau dikumpulin​


1. she can't go swimming becauss of A. her cold

2. he gets a stomach ache because H. he ate too much ice cream

3. you failed the exam becauss of F. not studying

4. father passed his driving test because B. he drove very carefully

5. they went to a mexican restaurant because G. they love spicy food

6. she didn't go back to the restaurant because of C. the terrible food

7. we didn't play football becauss of E. the terrible storm

8. we lost the game because D. we played really badly


semoga membantu, semangat dan sukses terus yaa!


1. A

2. H

3. F

4. B

5. G

6. C

7. E

8. D

Semoga membantu ^^

10. match the following statement with the response meylina's hobby is cooking​


what is Meylina's hobby?


prtnynny krg jls

11. Complete the following statement with the suitable words from the box read the statement in turns

=> "Lengkapi pernyataan berikut dengan kata-kata yang sesuai dari kotak baca pernyataan secara bergiliran"
Smoga membantu^^

12. which statement is appropriate with the picture​


which statement is appropriate with the picture (pernyataan mana yang sesuai dengan gambar), foto soalnya mana ya kak?


Foto nya mana?Mungkin aku bisa jawab

13. Apa Perbedaan Primary key dengan foreign key??

kalau PK (Primary Key) adalah kunci indeks pada tabel itu sendiri.
kalau FK (Foreign Key) adalah kunci pada tabel lain yang direlasikan ( dihubungkan) dengan Primary key.

mohon koreksinya

14. Which one of the following is TRUE about foreign key field for a given table? a) it is a field that uniquely identifies the record in the table b) the values for the foreign key field can have similar values in different record c) the values for the foreign key field cannot have duplicate values in different record d) none of the above


c) the values for the foreign key field cannot have duplicate values in different record

15. Match the statement an the left with the appropiate explanation pn the right.


1. d
2. h
3. j
4. a
5. e
6. g
7. b
8. f
9. c
10. i

Semoga benar!! :-)

16. which of the statement below goes with the text

Manakah dari pernyataan ini yang tidak sesuai dengan teks

17. Berikut ini yang merupakan constraint yang berfungsi untuk menentukan field yang merupakan kunci dari tabel ialah?a. primary keyb. not nullc. uniqued. foreign keye. contstraint for table​




semoga membantu kawan

18. Working with the IF Statement.​


Saya coba memakai Ms. Excel 2013 kak:

TAX diisi di sel D2, rumusnya =IF(C2<100;50;100)

Total Price Before Tax diisi di sel E2, rumusnya =B2*C2

Total Price After Tax diisi di sel F2, rumusnya =E2+D2

RATE diisi di sel G2, rumusnya =IF(F2>3500;"HIGH";"REASONABLE")

Count of Items diisi di sel C11, rumusnya =COUNT(C2:C9)

Average of tax diisi di sel D12, rumusnya =AVERAGE(D2:D9)

Min ITEM PRICE diisi di sel C13, rumusnya =MIN(C2:C9)

Max ITEM PRICE diisi di sel C14, rumusnya =MAX(C2:C9)


Untuk lebih jelasnya, amatilah lampiran.

19. Look at the following statements. Then, give you opinion about the statements.1. Breakfast is the most important meal.What will you say if you agree with this statement?________________________________________________________________________What will you say if you disagree with the statement?________________________________________________________________________2. Every junior high school student should join the extracurricular activity.What will you say if you agree with this statement?________________________________________________________________________What will you say if you disagree with the statement?________________________________________________________________________3. Learn foreign language is important.What will you say if you agree with this statement?________________________________________________________________________What will you say if you disagree with the statement?________________________________________________________________________4. Teenagers do not need friends.What will you say if you agree with this statement?________________________________________________________________________What will you say if you disagree with the statement?________________________________________________________________________5. Every student should have a mobile phone.What will you say if you agree with this statement?________________________________________________________________________What will you say if you disagree with the statement?tolong di jawab yang benar ya!!! ​


1. Yes, I agree, because breakfast is the most important food for us so that we stay healthy and fit in our days.

2. Yes, I agree, because with extracurricular activities, we can develop our talents and we can also be more active in all school activities.

3. Yes, I agree, because by learning a foreign language we can more easily communicate if there is someone from abroad who wants to talk to us.

4. I disagree, because even though we are teenagers we still need friends, because no one can live alone, so we must be easy to socialize.

5. I disagree, because there are some people who cannot afford to buy a telephone and they can only rely on modest communication tools or they only rely on the phone owned by their parents.


Saya cuman bisa jawab yang diantara agree atau disagree saja, saya tidak terlalu bisa kalau harus jawab dua-duanya.

Semoga Membantu


20. Government should have more fdi (foreign direct investment) than fpi (foreign portfolio investment). to what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement?


Government should have more FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) than FPI (Foreign Portfolio Investment). I am not agree because FPI (Foreign Portfolio Investment) is generally considered to be a more liquid and less risky investment option than FDI (Foreign Direct Investment).


FPI (Foreign Portfolio Investment) is normally taken into consideration to be a greater liquid and much less volatile funding choice than FDI (Foreign Direct Investment). Because overseas securities are traded regularly, an investor trying to liquidate an overseas portfolio can promote off property like shares or bonds with relative ease. With FDI (Foreign Direct Investment), funding bucks are greater intricately tied up in a selected business, which makes it more difficult for traders to go out of their positions.  When figuring out whether or not to take an FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) or FPI (Foreign Portfolio Investment) approach, traders need to recollect their urge for food for threat and the time frame for seeing a go back on funding. Additionally, traders need to recollect different elements that would make making an investment out of the country a greater risky prospect, consisting of political upheaval and foreign exchange threats.

FPI biasanya dianggap sebagai pilihan pendanaan yang lebih likuid dan tidak terlalu fluktuatif dibandingkan FDI (Foreign Direct Investment). Karena sekuritas luar negeri diperdagangkan secara teratur, investor yang mencoba melikuidasi portofolio luar negeri dapat mempromosikan properti seperti saham atau obligasi dengan relatif mudah. Dengan FDI (Foreign Direct Investment), dana dana lebih terikat secara rumit dalam bisnis tertentu, yang membuat lebih sulit bagi para pedagang untuk keluar dari posisi mereka.

Saat mencari tahu apakah akan mengambil pendekatan FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) atau FPI atau tidak, para pedagang perlu mengingat kembali keinginan mereka akan makanan untuk ancaman dan kerangka waktu untuk melihat kembalinya pendanaan. Selain itu, pedagang perlu mengingat berbagai elemen yang akan membuat investasi di luar negeri menjadi prospek berisiko yang lebih besar, yang terdiri dari pergolakan politik dan ancaman valuta asing.

Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang FDI dan FPI: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/34265550


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