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In The Word Claustrophobic Phob Is The

In The Word Claustrophobic Phob Is The

What is the unstressed syllable in the word ADOPT?What is the unstressed syllable in the word CHALLENGE?What is the unstressed syllable in the word DOZEN?What is the prefix of the word INVISIBLE?What is the prefix of the word UNEQUAL?Please help me answer yaa.

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1. What is the unstressed syllable in the word ADOPT?What is the unstressed syllable in the word CHALLENGE?What is the unstressed syllable in the word DOZEN?What is the prefix of the word INVISIBLE?What is the prefix of the word UNEQUAL?Please help me answer yaa.


What is the unstressed syllable in the word ADOPT?

Answer: A-

What is the unstressed syllable in the word CHALLENGE?

Answer: -LENGE

What is the unstressed syllable in the word DOZEN?

Answer: -ZEN

What is the prefix of the word INVISIBLE?

Answer: IN-

What is the prefix of the word UNEQUAL?

Answer: UN-


Unstressed syllable adalah:  suku kata yang tidak mendapatkan tekanan dalam pengucapannya.

Jadi yang diminta soal adalah suku kata yang tidak mendapatkan penekanan

Contoh: kata ADOPT.

Pengucapan kata ini adalah denan penekanan di suku kata -DOPT sedangkan A- nya tidak mendapatkan penekanan.

(Bandingkan dengan bahasa Indonesia, misalnya kata KERAS, dimana kalau kita ucapkan maka penekanannya di suku kata -RAS, sedangkan suku kata KE- tidak mendapatkan tekanan.

Sebaliknya misalny kata ENAK, maka penekanannya di suku kata E- sedangkan bagian -NAK tidak mendapatkan penekanan.)

Prefix (awalan kata) :

di kata INVISIBLE adalah IN-

visible (tampak, kelihatan) => INvisible (tidak kelihatan)

di kata UNEQUAL adalah UN-

equal (sama, sederajat) => UNequal (tidak sama, tidak sederajat)

Semoga bermanfaat

2. The word that is closest in meaning with the word 'precious' is​


Noble, glorious, valueable

3. the word admission in the is closest in meaning to

confession, acknowledge, acknowledgement

4. The word "child" in the plural form is ..... ​




maaf kalo salah


The word "child" in plural form is "children"


Plural nouns digunakan untuk benda-benda yang berjumlah lebih dari satu.

5. 1The lock is.....The wall 2A-is-there is the garage-car 3my mother cook in the...... 4my mother is watering in the.... 5the giraffe has.....Keet 6eight plus four is..... 7.....Aclock 8 robert:do you watch television in the living room Robert:yes.... 9plase ,tarn on this......(lampu) 10 I sweep the floor The underline word mens......


1. On

2. There is a car in the garage

3. Kitchen

4. Garden

5. long feet?

6. Twelve

7. It's

8. I do

9. Lamp

10. sweep= menyapu

floor = lantai



6. The word authentic in the Last pragraf is closest in meaning

Paragraph nya mana? Soalnya kurang lengkap

7. Indonesi is the populated country in the word

Indonesia merupakan negara populer di dunia

Semoga membantu:)

8. The meaning of the word in Indonesian is...​


Definition of Indonesian

1a : a native or inhabitant of the Republic of Indonesia. b : the language based on Malay that is the national language of the Republic of Indonesia. 2 : a native or inhabitant of the Malay Archipelago. Other Words from Indonesian Phrases Containing Indonesian Learn More About Indonesian.


maaf kalau ada yang salah

9. the bighest sport event in the word is

World Cup/Piala Dunia
It Hope Will Helps^^footbal / piala dunia

10. The suitable word to fill in the blank in the text below is...


The suitable word to fill in the blank in the text below is...



he had been in the.....

maap kalo salah

11. The word Experiecend in the text is closest in meaning to


knowledgeable, skillfull, skilled, expert.


experienced  (adjective )

having knowledge or skill in a particular field, especially a profession or job, gained over a period of time.

(mempunyai pengetahuan atau kemampuan dalam suatu bidang, khususnya dalam profesi atau pekerjaan, yang didapat dalam suatu jangka waktu.)

12. 1.the................. is the universe autside the atmosphere2the.................is by far the largest onject3the.................is by far the largest planet4the .............is the the second largest planet5 the ....,............ is the the thiladlargest oranet​


1.the.................. adalah alam semesta di luar atmosfer

2the.................. sejauh ini merupakan onject terbesar

3the.................. sejauh ini merupakan planet terbesar

4.............adalah planet terbesar kedua

5 ....,............ adalah thilad

oren terbesar

13. The word" reservation" in the text is closest in meaming to


reservation = reservasi, syarat

sinonim : requirement, objection, challenge,


soalnya ngak jelas jadi Smoga membantu maaf klo salah

14. the biggest sport event in the word is

The biggest sport event in the world is Olympic Games.Is olympic games......

15. The meaning of the word thrived in the text is


semoga bermanfaat^^

16. the word"greet" in indonesia is...

semoga membantu:)

17. The synonym of the word dangerous in the text is

In certain contexts, danger has different synonyms and can be used as a substitute for certain words including threat, reinforcements, disaster, accident, vulnerability, distress, catastrophe, mara, calamity, ill-fated, disastrous, risk.

18. The word “artificial” in the sentence is closest in meaning to …

Jawaban: artificial: non Natural/ Man Made


19. The synonym of the word dangerous in the text is……

menacing · threatening · treacherous · savage · wild · vicious · murderous · desperate · minacious


threatening, harmful, risky


dangerous = berbahaya

20. the word " kebangsaan " in english is? ​


nationality. semoga membantu, maaf kalau salah

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