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A Cash Budget By Quarters Is Given Below

A Cash Budget By Quarters Is Given Below

The money coming into a business is.... A. Budget B. Break even C. Expenditure D. Income E. Cash flow F. Forecast

Daftar Isi

1. The money coming into a business is.... A. Budget B. Break even C. Expenditure D. Income E. Cash flow F. Forecast

uang yang masuk ke bisnis adalah
E.arus kas
F.ramalan cuaca



KET. karena mengeluarkan modal untuk masuk ke bisnis

maaf,kalau salah

2. The card below is best given in​

at graduation day


semoga membantu :-D

3. what kind of the text is given below

jenis teks apa yang di berikan di bawah ini

4. which is bigger, nine halves or nine quarters ? how do you know ? ​

nine halves

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

artinya :mana yang lebih besar, sembilan setengah atau sembilan perempat? bagaimana Anda tahu ?


Nine halves

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

sorry if wrong -_-||

5. Choose one the topics Given below a.passive smoking is a silent killer b why is learning english important

why is learning english importantb. why is learning english important

6. Is the deposit in cash or by check? How do you know?a.The deposit slip is by check because it may not be for immediate withdrawal b.The cash slip is by check because it may not be for immediate withdrawal c.The cash slip is by check because it may not be for immediate loand.The cash slip is by check because it may not be for immediate paymente.The cash slip is by check because it may not be for immediate enrollment ​


What this is I do not understand

7. Is the deposit in cash or by cheque?,how do you know

the deposit is in a cheque, it is written in the slip

8. Jawaban buat is the deposit in cash or by cheque? How do you know

deposit is in cash because it is like a situation where people that want to rent a house they need to pay for a deposit first.

9. Complete the dialogue below with your own words by pattern given

Option 1 :

K : it's a private matter

W : oh come on

K : it really is, why are you so annoying

W : well okay then, sorry

K : it's fine

option 2 :

K : it's for my boss

W : what about your boss

K : he asked me to search for the beegees and send a report to him regarding that matter

W : oh wow okay, have a nice day

K : you too

10. arti is the deposit in cash or by cheque? how do you know

itu menanyakan bahwa uang dalam deposit itu berbentuk uang fisik atau cek...

ditanyakan pula, bagaimana kamu tahu akan hal tersebut...

11. tugas bahasa Inggris passive voice simple present1.A:the government warns the citizens to avoid the crowd...a.the citizens are warns by government to avoid to crowdb.the citizens warns by the government to avoid the crowdc.the citizens are warned by the government to avoid the crowdd.the citizens are warned by the government to avoided the crowd2.A:we see him every Tuesday...a.he is see by us every Tuesdayb.he is seen by us every Tuesdayc.he is seen by we every Tuesdayd.he is saw by we every Tuesday3.A: they buy the house in cash.. a.in cash is buy the house by themb.in cash is bought by them the housec.the house is in cash bought by themd.the house is bought by them in cash​


1. C

2. B

3. D






12. the article given below is not completed so please complete the statement below the topics about television​


the article given below is not completed so please complete the statement below the topics about television


artikel yang diberikan di bawah ini tidak lengkap, jadi lengkapi pernyataan di bawah ini dengan topik tentang televisi

13. make two sentences using can by using words given below cook​


buat dua kalimat menggunakan kaleng dengan menggunakan kata-kata yang diberikan di bawah masak


kayaknya aku nggk bisa kak

14. The production budget is the first budget prepared in the master budget. true false




The first budget a company prepares in a master budget is the production budget. One disadvantage of a self-imposed budget is that budget estimates prepared by front-line managers are often less accurate and reliable than estimates prepared by top managers.

15. dalam hubungan dengan anggaran kas (cash budget ) ,jelaskan kepentingan manajemen perusahaan terhadap laporan arus kas

kepentingan manajement yaitu untuk merencana kan atau mengorganisir suatu perusahaan atau pun mencatat hasil laporan keuangan


16. Make sentences by using the words or phrases given below ​


1. she studies six months a year

2. budi is studying about mathematics

3. my friend is study physics in class

4. we are studying english lessons.

5. they writes about our experience

6. can you write a menu?

7. he is writing a poem

8. you are writing about my family

9. what do you eat?

10.he is eating rice


17. what time is it?write in numbres.it's a quarters past there​




it's a quarters past three

(sekarang jam tiga lewat seperempat)

a quarters (Seperempat)

= 60 menit : 4

= 15

a quarters past three = 03.15


*a quarters past eleven

= 11 . 15

* a quarters past two

= 02 . 15

#Jadikan jawaban terbaik





a quarter to = 45

misalnya: a quarter to three : 2:45

Dan angka yang ditulis di soal (three) dikurang satu,menjadi :2 karena, to artinya adalah akan jadi 3 -1. jadi jawabnya 2:45

a quarter past = 15

misalnya: a quarter past three : 3:15

18. A the article given below is in complete Introduction Television is the most popular form of

Jawaban terjemmahannya : sebuah Artikel yang diberikan di bawah ini adalah televisi pengantar lengkap adalah bentuk paling populer

19. Below is NOT the strengths had by Navarro​


fibawh ini BUKAN kekuatan yang dimiliki oleh navvaro



Di bawah ini yang tidak termasuk kekuatan yang dimiliki Navarro

20. Choose one of the topics given below - passive smoking is a silent killer

pilih salah satu topik yang diberikan di bawah ini

- merokok pasif adalah pembunuh yang diam diam

Video Terkait Topik Diatas

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