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Click On The Measurement That Is Equal To 20 Cups

Click On The Measurement That Is Equal To 20 Cups

Where the cups are?A. those are one left and right the tableB. that is on left the table C. that is on right the tableD. that is on right the table​

Daftar Isi

1. Where the cups are?A. those are one left and right the tableB. that is on left the table C. that is on right the tableD. that is on right the table​


A. those are one left and right the table


karna gelas nya ada di kiri dan kanan meja tersebut

semoga membantu yaww :)


A.Those are one left and right the table

2. click on the drawing that highlights the part of the heart that gets blood from the body tissues and passes it on to the lungs

7. Pilih gambar yang menunjukkan bagian

jantung yang menerima darah dari jaringan

tubuh dan menyalurkannya menuju paru-paru.

Soal jawaban gambaran yang mana, saya ngga yakin karena ini lebih ke Biology sepertinya.

Semoga membantu.

There are 4 chambers inside the heart with it's functions:

1) left atrium:

  left atrium is located on the left posterior side. Its primary roles are to act      

  as a holding chamber  for blood returning from the lungs and to act as a    

  pump to transport blood to other areas of the heart.

2) right atrium:

  right atrium is the right upper chamber of the heart. The right atrium

  receives deoxygenated blood from the body through the vena cava and

  pumps it into the right ventricle which then sends it to the lungs to be


3) left ventricle:

  From there, blood is pumped out through the aortic valve into the aortic      

  valve into the aortic arch and onward to the rest of the body. The left

  ventricle is the thickest of the heart's chambers and is responsible for

  pumping oxygenated blood to tissues all over the body. By contrast, the

  right ventricle solely pumps blood to the lungs

4) right ventricle:

  The lower right chamber of the heart that receives deoxygenated blood  

  from the right atrium and pumps it under low pressure into the lungs via

  the pulmonary artery.

So now, that you know about the heart chambers and its functions, now the  part of the heart that gets blood from the body tissues and passes it on to the lungs may be right ventricle.

Thankyou! <3

3. Read the textPrinting a File1. Turn the printer on.2. Open the file that you want to print.3. Click "File". And then click “print”.4. Check if the printer's name is the same as the one you are going to use. If it is not thesame, then search for the name of the printer that you are going to use by clicking onthe small triangle or arrow beside it.5. Click "pages" and then type the pages that you want to print.6. Select the number of copies that you want to print by clicking on the arrows beside it.7. Click "OK” or “Print”.​


Baca teksnya

Mencetak File

1. Hidupkan pencetak.

2. Buka file yang ingin Anda cetak.

3. Klik "Berkas". Dan kemudian klik "cetak".

4. Periksa apakah nama printer sama dengan yang akan Anda gunakan. Jika bukan

sama, lalu cari nama printer yang akan Anda gunakan dengan mengklik

segitiga kecil atau panah di sampingnya.

5. Klik "halaman" lalu ketik halaman yang ingin Anda cetak.

6. Pilih jumlah salinan yang ingin Anda cetak dengan mengklik panah di sebelahnya.

7. Klik "OK" atau "Cetak".





4. Drag each word on the right to its pair on the left that means the same or similar. When youhave finished, click the Check button apakah artinya​


Drag each word on the right to its pair on the left that means the same or similar. When you

have finished, click the Check button

Seret setiap kata di kanan ke pasangannya di kiri yang artinya sama atau mirip. Saat kamu

sudah selesai, klik tombol Check

5. The result of measurement is​


Result of Measurement: The result of measurement has two parts; one part is the number and another part is the unit. The known quantity which is used in measurement is called a unit.


maaf kalau salah

6. Half of the sum of 2 numbers is equal to 21. One third their difference is equal to 4. Find the 2 numbers​


Setengah dari jumlah 2 bilangan sama dengan 21. Sepertiga selisihnya sama dengan 4. Tentukan 2 bilangan

7. 5. At the Party Store, paper plates come in packages of 30, paper cups in packages of 15, and napkins in packages of 20. What is the least number of plates, cups, and napkins that can be purchased so that there is an equal number of each?tlg jawab ya, yg gjls ak report ​


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

To find the least number of plates, cups, and napkins that can be purchased so that there is an equal number of each, we need to find the least common multiple (LCM) of 30, 15, and 20.

The LCM of 30, 15, and 20 is 60, so we need to purchase 60 plates, 60 cups, and 60 napkins to have an equal number of each.

By purchasing 60 plates, 60 cups and 60 napkins, the least number of plates, cups and napkins that can be purchased so that there is an equal number of each is 60.

Di Toko Pesta, piring kertas tersedia dalam kemasan 30, cangkir kertas dalam kemasan 15, dan serbet dalam kemasan 20. Berapa jumlah piring, cangkir, dan serbet paling sedikit yang dapat dibeli sehingga?


KPK 30, 15, DAN 20

= 2²(3(5)

= (2(2(3(5)

= (4(15)

= 60



8. how to trun off a computer- click start menu- click trun off- click turn off again- trun the monitor then the power supply ofQuestions:1 to trun on a computer first we have to? 2 we must click the trun on after we click start menu if we want? 3 what is the sy nony mous of the word "click"​

My Answer :

1. To Turn on computer, click on power button on CPU, the power button usually placed or left, top, or right.

2.you grammar kinda bad, and you dont need to click run after start menu.

3.i dont really understand aboutthe word "Sy nony"

1. turn on the monitor, click on, click start menu
2. if we want to turn on the computer
3. press (?)

9. Reading First, the empty yoghurt cups are brought to the filling line by an automatic conveyor. Then, thecups are filled automatically. Next, the cups are sealed. After that, the sealed cups are packed in boxes byhand. The boxes are then placed on on pallets. Next, the pallets are wrapped and taken to dispatch.1. A) How is the process of the production done?B) What is the main idea of the text!​


1. A: Frist, an Empty yoghurt cups are brought to the filling line by an automatic conveyor then the cups are automatically filled, after that it will be sealed And gets packed in boxes by hand, the box are put to pallets then the pallets are wrapped and taken to dispatch

B: the automatic system of companys

10. First,the empty yoghurt cups are brought to the filling line by an automatic conveyor. Then, the cups are filled automatically .next,the cups are sealed. After that,the sealed cups are packed in boxes by hand. The boxes are then placed on pallets. Next, the pallet are wrapped and taken to dispatch. The main idea of the text is..

The Production Of A Yogurtproduct of yogurt itu

11. First,the empty yoghurt cups are brought to the filling line by an automatic conveyor. Then, the cups are filled automatically .next,the cups are sealed. After that,the sealed cups are packed in boxes by hand. The boxes are then placed on pallets. Next, the pallet are wrapped and taken to dispatch. The main idea of the text is..

The process of producing a cup of yoghurtSteps to package yoghurt in the factory
(langkah2 mengemas yoghurt di pabrik)
Smoga membantu :)

12. The analogy oh house:people Is equal to stable

house==> a building where people live

stable ==> a building where horses live


13. The correct sequence for using a computer is… * 4 points A. turn on the computer-turn on the screen B. turn on the computer- click the program C. click the program-turn off the computer D. click the mouse-turn on the screen


A turn on the computer-turn on the screen

14. Find x so that the distance between the points (-2,-3) and (-8,-x) is equal to 10. ​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

distance [tex]=\sqrt{(-2-(-8))^2+(-3-(-x))^2}[/tex]








So, x is -5 or 11.

15. First,the empty yoghurt cups are brought to the filling line by an automatic conveyor. Then, the cups are filled automatically .next,the cups are sealed. After that,the sealed cups are packed in boxes by hand. The boxes are then placed on pallets. Next, the pallet are wrapped and taken to dispatch. The main idea of the text is..

How to make yoghurt with pallets.

16. what will you do after checking on the file pilihan ganda nya adalah : a click on to continue b. click down to continue c. click on to stop d. click on to pause bantuin sy y kk &bg ​


a. click on to continue

forgive me if the answer is incorrect

17. The analogy of House:People is equal to Stable:......

Life and Love

18. A value proposition tells the reader why they should click on your ad to learn more about your product. How is your product or service different from any other? Why should the viewer click on your ad to see A value proposition tells the reader why they should click on your ad to learn more about your product. How is your product or service different from any other? Why should the viewer click on your ad to see A value proposition tells the reader why they should click on your ad to learn more about your product. How is your product or service different from any other? Why should the viewer click on your ad to see

a notice or announcement in a public medium promoting a product, service, or event or publicizing a job vacancy.

19. First,the empty yoghurt cups are brought to the filling line by an automatic conveyor. Then, the cups are filled automatically .next,the cups are sealed. After that,the sealed cups are packed in boxes by hand. The boxes are then placed on pallets. Next, the pallet are wrapped and taken to dispatch. HOW IS THE PROCESS OF THE PRODUCTION DONE?

So :
1) Bring the empty yoghurt cups to the filling line by an automatic conveyor
2)Seal the cups
3) Pack the cups in boxes by hand
4) Place the box on pallets
5) Wrap the pallet and take to dispatch

Sorry if there is a mistake

20. Questions no. 1 - 3 refer to the following instructions. First, the empty yoghurt cups are brought to the filling line by automatic conveyor. Then, the cups are filled automatically. Next, the cups are sealed. After that, the sealed cups are packed in boxes , by hand. The boxes are the placed on pallets. Next, the pallets are wrapped and taken to dispatch. 1. The main idea of the text is


First,the empety Youghurt Cups are brought to the filling line by automaticallyp /Youghurt Cups


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