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A Circular Arena Is Lit By 5 Lights

A Circular Arena Is Lit By 5 Lights

The new moon phase is when the part of the Moon that is lit by the Sun is _____________ _____________ from the Earth.

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1. The new moon phase is when the part of the Moon that is lit by the Sun is _____________ _____________ from the Earth.


Fase bulan baru adalah ketika bagian Bulan yang diterangi matahari berada _____________ _____________ dari Bumi

2. 5. A: "What is the shape of the wheel?"B: "It is ...."a. ovalb. comicalc. circulard. spherical​

C. Circular

Maaf kalau salah. Semoga membantu

c. circular


3. Wijaya is readinga teen-lit romance novel

wijaya sedang membaca novel romantis remaja

4. A Circular Mirror Has An Area of 616 cm2 The Radius Of The Mirror Is Help​


radius circular mirror is r = 14 cm

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

area = π r²

616 = 22/7 x r²

616 ÷ 22/7 = r²

616 x 7/22 = r²

196 = r²

r² = 196

r = √196

r = 14

5. "Just turn left at that traffic lights" is a phrase to ......​


Just turn left at that traffic light" is an expression for hint

6. 3. The hat is like a cone. It isa. pyramidalb. circulare, conicald. cuboid​


C) conical,ssmoga membantu


c. conical

cone,conical in indonesian is kerucut

7. 1. are/ circular/ wheels./ Thesel 2. spherical./The/ building/ shapel of the/is 3. Tile/ rectangular./ buiding/in/ this/is/ a 4. toy/is/ spherical./ a/box/my/in/ room/The 5. moon/ sky/ in/ The/ the circular./is Tolong disatukan menjadi kalimat yang benar tidak di terjemahkan


1. These are circular wheels

2. the shape of the building is spherical

3. tile in this building is a rectangular.

4. the toy box in my room is a spherical.

5. the moon in sky is the circular.

8. 5. A: What is the birthday hat like? B : It is like .... a. circular C. oval b. triangular d. conical Dialogue is for numb​


D.conical Dialogue is for numb / kerucut


D. conical


topi ulang tahun berbentuk conical = kerucut


9. Harry is fixing the lights, kalimat tersebut dapat di terjemahkan ke bahasa indonesia yaitu....


Harry sedang memperbaiki lampu.

Maaf ya kalo salah.



"Harry sedang memperbaiki lampu"

10. 5. There is a box of package on the table. Its shape is .... a. square prism. b. hexagonal, C. circular, d. pentagonal.​

A. square prism


11. The hat is like A cone. It is..... A. Cubical B. Conical C. Circular D. Triangular


B. Conical


The hat is like A cone. It is..... ( Topi itu seperti kerucut. Ini..... )

A. Cubical ( Kubus )  

B. Conical ( Kerucut )

C. Circular ( Melingkar )

D. Triangular ( Segitiga )

Semoga membantu... Jadikan jawaban tercedas ya.... ✪ ω ✪


12. the thing is circular . people it for pay something bought it us a ​



benda itu berbentuk lingkaran. orang itu untuk membayar sesuatu membelikannya untuk kami



13. If the angular velocity of a circular motion is w,its frequency is...Hz


• Gerak Melingkar

ω = w

f = __?

ω = 2π f

w = 2π f

f = w / (2π) Hz ✔️

14. Tolong bantu di jawab!! 1. are/circular/wheels./These/ 2. Spherical./The/building/shape/of/the/is 3. Tile/rectangle./buiding/in/this/is/a 4. toy/is/sphere./a/box/my/in/room/The 5. moon/sky/in/The/the/circular./is


1. These wheels are circular

2. The shape of the building is spherical

3. Tile in this building is a rectangle

4. The toy box in my room is a sphere

5. The moon in the sky is circular

15. There are three light bulbs A, B, and C. Lamp A lights up every 2 minutes. Lamp B lights up every 3 minutes. Lamp C lights up every 5 minutes. One time an observer observed lamp A lights up at the 1st minute. Lamp B lights up 2 minutes after lamp A. Meanwhile, lamp C lights up 3 minutes after lamp A turns on. Specify: a. At what minute are the three lamps turn on together for the first time (since lamp A is on) b. At what minute did the three lights turn on together for the second time (since lamp A is on) c. The three lights pattern together lo


a) All lamps turn on together for 1st time at minutes 9

b) All lamps turn on together for 2nd time at minutes 39

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Known : t₁ = 2 min

              t₂ = 3 min

              t₃ = 5 min

              Pre-condition : t₁ = minutes 1

                                       t₂ = minutes 3

                                       t₃ = minutes 4

Asked : a. t when all lamps turn on together = ? 1st time

             b. t when all lamps turn on together = ? 2nd time

Answer :

The problem can be resolved through LCM (Least Common Multiple)

* Lamp will turn on the following minutes after pre condition :

 A : 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39

 B : 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39

 C : 4, 9, 14, 19, 24, 29, 34, 39

a) All lamps turn on together for 1st time at minutes 9

b) All lamps turn on together for 2nd time at minutes 39

16. 2. Change the sentence into Indonesia!a. It is a cubical dice.b. It is a rectangular ruler.c. It is a circular clock.​


A.ini adalah dadu berbentuk kubus

B.ini adalah penggaris persegi panjang

C.ini adalah jam berbentuk bulat


A. ini adalah Dadu berbentuk kubus

B. ini adalah penggaris berbentuk persegi panjang.

C. ini adalah jam berbentuk lingkaran

17. an athlete completes one round of a circular track and return to the starting point.what is the distance covered by the athlete and his displacement

Seorang atlet melengkapi satu putaran trek melingkar dan kembali ke point.what awal adalah jarak yang ditempuh oleh atlet dan perpindahan nya

18. 1. A house with equipment includes: a) A 70 watt TV lights up 10 hours per day b) A 150 watt stove is lit 24 hours per day c) 4 pieces of 10 watt lights are lit 15 hours per day, if the electricity price for each kWh is Rp. 1350,-, what is the electricity cost that must be paid every month (30 days)? Perhatikan gambar rangkaian berikut! R = 302 w 12V 202 R2 120 Rs = WW 60 R = 10 a. b. Jika amperemeter di pasang pada hambatan R2 dan Ramaka gambarkan letak amperemeter pada rangkaian! Jika Voltmeter di pasang pada hambatan R, dan R, maka gambarkan letak amperemeter pada rangkaian! Hitunglah hambatan dan arus total yang mengalir pada rangkaian Hitunglah arus yang melewati R2 dan R3​


⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀

19. thomas alva edison invented..... a. electric lightb. electric lightsc. an electric lightsd. the electric lights​


b . electrical light


karna benar





20. #16 is 늘 1 Mr Koh wants to put up street lights along one side of a road that is km 2 1 long. He puts up the lights at km apart. There is a street light at each end of 10 the road. How many street lights are there altogether?


aku gak ngerti bahasa inggrisnya

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