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Feedback Interactions In The Human Body Are Important Because They

Feedback Interactions In The Human Body Are Important Because They

_____ bones are there in the human body?​

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1. _____ bones are there in the human body?​



semoga membantu


MAaf Kalo Salah

Jawaban:How Many


Because human bones is countable noun

Arti :

Karena tulang manusia bisa dihitung

2. What are the three types of joints in the human body?


Synarthroses (immovable). These are fixed or fibrous joints. ...

Amphiarthroses (slightly movable). ...

Diarthroses (freely movable).


sinartrosis (sendi mati),amfiartrosis (sendi kaku),diartrosis (sendi gerak)

sorry if wrong ,I hope this helps

3. the human body can fight diseases because ?

The immune system protects the body against disease or other potentially damaging foreign bodies. When functioning properly, the immune system identifies and attacks a variety of threats, including viruses, bacteria and parasites, while distinguishing them from the body’s own healthy tissue

4. One of the essential minerals in the human body is salt. How much salt (NaCl) is in the average adult human body?


Tubuh orang dewasa sehat mengandung 256 gram senyawa natrium klorida (NaCl) yang setara dengan 100 gram unsur natrium. Kadar natrium normal pada serum 310-340 mg/dL. Kebutuhan tubuh akan natrium telah banyak diteliti oleh ilmuwan yang bergerak di bidang gizi dan kesehatan.

5. What is the main cell in a human body?


red blood cells


red blood cells (sel darah merah) are the main type of cell in a human body, even their contribution is only around 4% from the entire human body mass.

the persentage of red blood cells is over 80% from all cells inside each human body.

hope my answer can be understood easily ~

6. How many parts are there in a human body?


Some of the most important organs in the human body are skin, heart, liver, lungs, kidneys and pancreas


Beberapa organ yang paling penting dalam tubuh manusia adalah kulit, hati, jantung, paru-paru, ginjal dan pankreas

7. As parents, women in general play a more important role than men because they are​


good communicators



8. The teeth are .......... substances in the human body. * 4 poin a. a hard b. the most c. the hardest d. more ​


c . the hardest


jadiin jawaban tercerdas ya


c the hardest jadikan jawaban yang terbaik

9. where can the corona virus stay in the human body?​


in the human lung


Jawaban: in lungs(paru paru)

Penjelasan:karena corona menyebabkan

Orang-orang mungkin mengalami



kesulitan bernapas (kasus yang parah)

10. Fill the blanks with the correct answer! 1. The train ............... (leave) at 6.00 a.m.2. They (want) to go to the party 3. It always .... .... (snow) here in January, 4. The human body (contain) 206 bones. 5. Your boss .............. (give) you positive feedback.​​


The train leaving at 6.00 a.m.

They want to go to the party

It always snowing here in January,

The human body contained 206 bones

Your boss giving you positive feedback

11. Bahasa Indonesia Lungs are important in our body


Paru-paru penting dalam tubuh kita


Maaf klo slah

kalimat yang ada di atas apabila di terjemahkan akan menjadi ”paru paru adalah bagian penting dalam tubuh kita”

jika diterjemahkan satu persatu :

lungs = paru paru

are = ( adalah kata sambungan yang membentuk kalimat )

important = penting

in = ( didalam )

our = ( kita )

body = tubuh

12. At the stage of bone development, a fusion process occurs which results in changes in the number of bones in the human body. Find and describe the bone sample in question in the human body.​


Chat aja kalau mau jawab annya

13. Name the longest and smallest bone in the human body​


The femur is the longest bone in the human body and the shortest bone is the stapes found in the middle ear


14. 1.The train....(leave) at 6.00 a.m2.they....(want)to go the party3.it always....(snow) here in january4.the human body.....(contain)206 bones5.your boss.....(give)you positive feedbacktlong jawab​

1. the train leaving at 6.00 a.m 2. they wanted to go the party 4. the human body contained 206 bones 5. your boss giving you positive feedback

15. where are hormones removed from the blood and broken down in the human body


Hormones are produced by glands and sent into the blood steam to the various tissue in the body.

So, the answer that removed place of hormones from the blood and broken down in the human body is endocrine gland.

I am sorry if my answer is wrong:>

16. 1. the train..... (leave) at 6.00 a.m2. they..... (want) to go to the party3. it always..... (snow) here in january4. the human body..... (contain) 206 bones5. your boss.... (give) you positive feedback


the train leaves at 6.0 am.

they wanted to go to the party.

it is always snowing here in January.

the human body contains of 206 bones

your boss gave you a positive feedback

17. Fill the blanks with the correct answer! 1. The train ............... (leave) at 6.00 a.m.2. They (want) to go to the party 3. It always .... .... (snow) here in January, 4. The human body (contain) 206 bones. 5. Your boss .............. (give) you positive feedback.​


1. The train leaves at 6.00 a.m.

2. They want to go to the party

3. It always snows here in January,

4. The human body contains 206 bones.

5. Your boss gives you positive feedback.

18. State the form in which large amount of extra weight are stored in the human body

large amount of extra weight stored as a fat

19. 2. how many important things are there in good food what are they3.Why are charbohydrates important?4.what makes our body strong?5. why are vitamins important artikan ya temen temen​

2 berapa banyak hal penting yang ada dalam makanan enak? apa saja itu

3 Mengapa karbohidrat penting?

4 apa yang membuat tubuh kita kuat?

5 mengapa vitamin penting?


2.berapa banyak hal penting yang ada dalam makanan enak apa saja itu?

3.Mengapa karbohidratitu penting?

4.apa yang membuat tubuh kita kuat?

5.mengapa vitamin penting?



20. Fill the blanks with the correct answer! 1. The train ...... ........ (leave) at 6.00 a.m. 2. They ............... (want) to go to the party. 3. It always ............... (snow) here in January 4. The human body ....... (contain) 206 bones. 5. Your boss (give) you positive feedback.​


Is going to leave






maaf kalau salah

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