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How Does Mill Support The Ideas Of Rousseau And Locke

How Does Mill Support The Ideas Of Rousseau And Locke

Determine the main idea and support ideas of the article and concise into 3 parahraph

Daftar Isi

1. Determine the main idea and support ideas of the article and concise into 3 parahraph


The family's are go to bali beach.in there many also a object travelling


because at paragraph 3 story by object travel at bali's island

2. 1. Why must use the compare and contrast skill and how to use it?( at least more than 100 word )2. Why we must support the evidence of our ideas and how to use it?( at least more than 100 word )3. why we must find the information of our ideas and how to use it?( at least more than 100 word )​


1. To compare is to examine how things are similar, while to contrast is to see how they differ. A compare and contrast essay therefore looks at the similarities of two or more objects, and the differences

2. Because evidence is the support that buttress your claim, making it more solid than it would be alone. if you make a claim or an argument without evidence, your paper could appear to be not particularly well-researched

3. the main idea is a key to understanding what you read. The main idea ties all of the sentences in the paragraph or article together. Once you identify the main idea, everything else in the reading should fall into place.


maap klo salah.. ak gk pinter jelasin beginian :))

3. How does chloe support oslen based on the letter above​


tidak ada gambarnya


btw gambar diatas itu artinya

4. Sentences you find in the paragraph to support the main ideas are called….

explanatory ideas(gagasan penjelas)

5. write at least 5 sentence about moral value of The Script - Superhero Song and pick up the lyrics support your ideas ! (kalau ada yang bisa jawab benar dan lengkap maka saya akan beri jawaban ter-BRAINLY)

Kelas: SMA
Pelajaran: English
Kategori: song intrepretation

The moral value of the song entitled 'Superheroes' by The Script are as follows
- They took away the prophet's dream for the profit on the street
(meaning that all the noble dream from the prophet seems to have been turned into something less meaningful as being used to get profit instead)
- All the kicks and all the blow, he won't ever let it show
(meaning that all the sufferings he's been through shan't be showed for getting sympathy)
- you've been working day and night, that's how a superhero learn to fly
(it's a metaphor of how the real 'superheroes' do to make a good life. Their superpower is their determination)
- everyday every hour, turn a pain into power
(the pain is the source to create 'a great power' within)
- She's got lion in her heart, a fire in her soul
(meaning that she's got a great determination to seize the life)

6. how does ICT support EFL?

ICT : Information and Communications Technology

EFL :English as a Foreign Language

Hiw does ICT support EFL?

ICT really affects the learning process of someone who is trying to understand EFL. With ICT, people can connect with various people around the world with their own language barriers. This way, people can adapt more into others' understanding of English anda hopefully learn from some noticeable mistakes. ICT is also providing a platform where creators make different websites for the sake of learning EFL either for free or for a reasonable amount of money. EFL itself is constantly being used by other people who are also learning and just by chatting, you'll certainly learn a thing or two from your partner.

EFL isn't necessarily learned through texts. Now, EFL can be learned through music, comics, conversations from a post, etc. The possibility is endless. ICT will keep evolving and so does ways to learn EFL. In a way, EFL is always supported by ICT, literally.

smoga terbantu maaf kalo salah :)

7. What is the main ideas of paragraph two three and four?


#Paragraf 2: A sample of this situation is a customer coming to a boutique threeten days after the purchase to return her purchase for it did not fit her.

#paragraf 3: examples of customers complaints are not limited to mistakes on the customer side.

#paragraf 4: the company police should be informed clearly.

Penjelasannya: main idea/ide pokok/pikiran pokok/kalimat utama biasanya berada di depan kalimat atau di akhir kalimat... Biasa kalimat ini mencakup semua isi 1 paragraf.

Maap kalo salah

8. arti dan contoh support ideas

supporting idea maksudnya? kalau itu kalimat kalimat yang mendukung atau memperjelas main idea dari sebuah paragraf.

9. why does the use of lap top support the government's program to save energy?​

Jawaban:Laptops benefit in the energy efficiency and consumption areas even when plugged in to an electric socket because of battery-powered design. Manufacturers often tout how long laptop computers can run on battery power as a selling point -- a laptop wouldn't be very useful as a mobile computing solution if it requires being plugged in every 15 minutes. Extending battery life can be done in two ways: either add a larger, heavier and higher-capacity battery to the laptop or make the laptop's hardware consume less energy and use that energy more efficiently.


10. passive voice dari kalimat poeple will cut the branches of the trees and take to the mill.​

There are will cut them, and bring them to the mill.

Them = The branches of the trees

Sorry if i wrong.

11. Teori perjanjian masyarakat thomas hobbesjohn lockejaques rousseau

a. Thomas Hobbes
menurut pendapatnya pada awalnya negara dalam keadaan kacau balau sehingga timbul rasa takut diantara warga. Menyadari semua itu, timbul kesadaran warga bahwa untuk menghilangkan kekacauan tersebut perlu sebuah
wadah atau negara dan yang dipimpin oleh seorang raja yang memiliki kekuasaan mutlak.
b. Jhon Locke
menurut pendapatnya bahwa hak asasi manusia (warga negara) harus dilindungi. Untuk melindungi hak asasi itu, dibentuklah perjanjian untuk membuat negara yang akan melindungi hak asasi warga dan menjamin kepentingan masyarakat dalam suatu peraturan perundang-undangan. Jhon Locke menyimpulkan bahwa terbentuknya
negara melalui : ¾ Pactum unionis, yaitu perjanjian antara individu untuk membentuk suatu negara. ¾ Pactum subyectionis , yaitu perjanjian antara individu dan wadah atau negara untuk memberi kewenangan atau mandat kepada negara berdasarkan konstistusi atau UUD.
c. Jean Jacques Rousseau
menurut pendapatnya setelah individu menyerahkan hak-haknya kepada negara penguasa negara yang diberikan mandat oleh rakyat harus melindungi dan mengembalikan hak-hak warga negara. Oleh karenanya penguasa dibentuk berdasarkan kehendak rakyat, hal ini melahirkan sebuah negara demokrasi

12. The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas flinker



rumahkliring: jurnalstrategipendidikan, masalahdanideberkedip


maaf kalau salah

mohon di follow dan di subscribe ya


13. What is the purpose of the text? How are ideas in the text organized?


1. apa tujuan fari teks

2. bagaimana ide ide dalam teks diorganisasikan


maaf klo salah

14. 4. Create a dialogue of your opinion about the following topic!Time is more important than money. Support your opinion with reasons and examples!5. Come up with the ideas and suggestions to improve the English environment in our school. Make a posterand put these ideas and suggestions on the poster!#plissbantu:(​

Jawaban:4. Buat dialog pendapat Anda tentang topik berikut!

Waktu lebih penting daripada uang. Dukung pendapat Anda dengan alasan dan contoh!

5. Munculkan ide dan saran untuk meningkatkan lingkungan bahasa Inggris di sekolah kami. Buat poster

dan letakkan ide dan saran ini di poster!


15. PENEMU TEORI John Locke,J.J,Rousseau,Montesqieau adalah ?

Trias politica / politik tiga serangkai

16. plis bangetttt tolongG. Main ideas. Work in groups and find the main ideas of the paragraph. 1. The main idea of the text:2. The purpose of the text:3. The main idea of the first paragraph:Write the details that support the main idea.4. The main idea of the second paragraph:Write the details that support the main idea.5. The main idea of the third paragraph:Write the details that support the main idea.6. The main idea of the fourth paragraph:Write the details that support the main idea. 7. The main idea of the fifth paragraph: Write the details that support the main idea.​


G. Gagasan utama. Bekerja dalam kelompok dan temukan gagasan utama paragraf.

1. Ide utama teks:

2. Tujuan teks:

3. Gagasan utama paragraf pertama:

Tuliskan detail yang mendukung gagasan utama.

4. Gagasan utama paragraf kedua:

Tuliskan detail yang mendukung gagasan utama.

5. Gagasan utama paragraf ketiga:

Tuliskan detail yang mendukung gagasan utama.

6. Gagasan utama paragraf keempat:

Tuliskan detail yang mendukung gagasan utama.

7. Gagasan utama paragraf kelima:

Tuliskan detail yang mendukung gagasan utama.

Bacalah teks berikut dengan seksama.

Sistem Budidaya di Jawa

Pemerintah kolonial Belanda menerapkan The Cultivation System atau cultuursteisel (Belanda) pada lahar pada pertengahan abad ke-19. Dengan sistem tersebut, Pemerintah Belanda berencana memonopoli budidaya tanaman ekspor di Jawa. Akibatnya, banyak ava menjadi perkebunan Belanda

Sistem tersebut mewajibkan penduduk desa untuk mengabdikan 20% dari lahan budidaya mereka untuk mengekspor hasil panen yang diputuskan oleh Belanda. Diantaranya adalah tembakau, tebu, karet, dan coklat. Penduduk desa kemudian harus menggarap perkebunan Belanda selama 60 hari dalam setahun . Untuk memastikan orang tidak luput dari pekerjaan, Pemerintah Belanda membatasi mobilitas manusia. Orang tidak diperbolehkan bepergian dengan bebas tanpa izin. Mereka yang melanggar aturan ditangkap dan dipenjarakan

Untuk menangani dan mengontrol proses tersebut, Belanda membangun jaringan perantara lokal, yang mendapat keuntungan besar dari sistem tersebut. Belanda memberikan banyak bonus jika residensi memberi lebih banyak hasil panen daripada sebelumnya mengakibatkan masyarakat setempat mengalami penindasan yang parah.

Sistem Budidaya sangat sukses. Belanda memperoleh banyak uang untuk menjalankan pemerintahan kolonial mereka. Antara tahun 1832 dan 1852, 19% dari total pendapatan Belanda berasal dari koloni mereka di Jawa. Angka tersebut meningkat menjadi 35% antara tahun 1860 dan 1866

Bagi masyarakat lokal, sistemnya sangat buruk. Mereka menderita karena standar hidup mereka. Mereka bekerja keras untuk bercocok tanam tetapi mereka mendapat sedikit uang, karena pemerintah Belanda menerapkan penetapan harga melalui faks

Dari beberapa sumber (PR / 200

Penjelasan: jawabannya kamu kerjain sendiri yah

17. Tolong bantu y apa jawaban dari soal di bawah ini 1. What is the activiti that the subject and his brother do on their holiday? 2. How does the subject get his ideas?

Jawaban: Teksnya mana?

18. How does the word "tetra" relate to the game tetris ? use evidence from the text to support your response


In Tetris, all of these pieces have four blocks. The word "tetra" that is actually came from the Greek prefix "tetra-", means "four". That's why there's a shape in 3 dimensions that is called "tetrahedron"

19. Find 5 short paragraph of different topic and locate the topic and main ideas of each of them

tentukan 5 paragraf pendek dari topik yang berbeda dan temukan topik dan gagasan utama dari masing - masing topik

20. ka tolong jawab semua ya1.identify structure of the letter above! Main ideas Paragraph 1 main ideas:paragraph 2 main ideas:paragrap 3:paragraph 4:paragraph 5:2.what does the writer tell in the body of the letter? 3.what expression does the writer use to introduce her name? 4.what does the writer want desti to do?


1. Main ideas.

You can find a paragraph main ideas either at the beginning or at the end of the paragraph. But in some paragraphs, the main ideas are located both at the beginning and at the end of the paragraph. Let's take a look!

- Paragraph 1: The main idea of this paragraph is greeting. This paragraph is the very 1st paragraph of the letter so it's the opening of the letter itself.

- Paragraph 2: It's the first body of the letter. The main idea of paragraph 2 is to introduce the writer. There are name, age, job, and address. The objective of this paragraph is to give the receiver an idea of who's sending the letter.

- Paragraph 3: It's the second body of the letter. The main idea of this paragraph is to introduce family members who live with the writer.

- Paragraph 4: It's the third body of the letter. The main idea of paragraph 4 is to tell the receiver more about the writer's self and to remind the receiver where they've met before. The writer thinks that they have the same hobby because they met at a dance competition.

- Paragraph 5: Paragraph 5 is the closing paragraph of this letter. The main idea of this paragraph is the writer's request of the receiver's reply about her self.

2. The writer introduce herself, her family members, and also her hobby in the body of the letter.

3. The expression she uses to introduce herself is a formal introduction expression. She says 'My name is Vera Anjani'.

4. Vera wants to know about Desti and her family so she wants Desti to reply the letter. If possible, Vera also wants Desti to include her phone number because she wants to call Desti.

I hope it helps!

Detail tambahan

Kelas: SMP

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Kategori: Miscellaneous

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