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A Particle Is Moving With The Given Data

A Particle Is Moving With The Given Data

A particle moves to the right along the x-axis. After t second, the particle position at X1 = 3 meters and after moving 4 seconds, the particle position at x2 = 12 meters. What is the average speed of the moving particles? ​

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1. A particle moves to the right along the x-axis. After t second, the particle position at X1 = 3 meters and after moving 4 seconds, the particle position at x2 = 12 meters. What is the average speed of the moving particles? ​


3 m/s





v= 12/4

v=3 m/s

2. The displacement x of a point moving in a straight line is given by; The instantaneous velocity of the particle at t = 4 second will be:



x = 3t⁴ + 3t³ - 5t² - 2t - 5

v = dx / dt

v = 12t³ + 9t² - 5t - 2

instantaneous velocity of the particle at t = 4 second will be :

v = 12(4)³ + 9(4)² - 5(4) - 2

v = 890 m/s ✔

3. The displacement(in metres) of a particle moving along x-axis is given by x=18t+5t^2.Calculate: i)instantaneous velocity at t=2s ii)instantaneous acceleration.

Given =

x = 18t + 5t²

Asked =

1.) Instantaneous Velocity at t = 2s

2.) Instantaneous Acceleration.

Answer =

1.) Instantaneous Velocity at t = 2s

[tex]\displaystyle v(t) = \frac{dx}{dt}\\\\v(t) = \frac{d}{dt}(18t+5t^2)\\\\v(t) = 18 + 10t[/tex]

so, when the t = 2s , the velocity will be

[tex]\displaystyle v(2) = 18 +10.2 \\v(2) = 18 + 20 \\v(2)= 38 \text{ m/s}[/tex]

2.) Instantaneous Acceleration

[tex]\displaystyle a = \frac{dv}{dt}\\\\a = \frac{d}{dt}(18+10t)\\\\a = 10 \text{ m/s}^2[/tex]

4. the engine of airplane is able to move the airplane with a forces 10000 newtons. when the airplane is moving with constant of speed 300m/s , the power delivered by the engine is...​


P = F.V

P = 10000. 300

P = 3.000.000 watt

P = 3 MWatt

The power delivered by the engine is 3 MWatt.

5. Complete the sentence with present continous for future. Cellia....to chicago later this month. She got a job there A. Is moving B. Move C. Moved D. Was moving


A. Is moving

Maaf kalo ada yang salah ya :3



semoga bermanfaat

6. A small car with mass of 1000 kg is moving eastward with velocity of 30m/s and big car with mass of 2000 kg is moving southward with velocity of 20 m/s.The magnitude of momentum after colliding is..


dik : m1 = 1000 kg

v1 = 30m/s

m2 = 2000 kg

v2 = 20 m/s

dit: momentum atau p.... ?


karna tidak ada diketahui koefisien dan cuma momentum setelah tabrakan maka menggunakan hukum kekekalan momentum sehingga persamaan seperti ini

p = p'

(m1 x v1) + (m2 x v2) = p'

p' = (1000 x 30) + (2000 x -20)

p' = 30.000 - 40.000

p' = -10.000

jadi besarnya momentum adalah -10.000 atau 10.000... mohon maaf kalau ada yang salah

7. A particle moves for 10 s with velocity 4 m/s and then moves with velocity 6 m/s for another 20 s and finally moves with velocity 8 m/s for next 30 s. What is the average velocity of the particle?


average v= v1 + v2 + v3


= (10×4) + (20x6) + (8 x 30)


= 40 + 120 + 240


= 400 = 133.33 m/s


8. A particle P is moving in a horizontal circle about O. It moves at constant speed V. Which statement is true? ​


There are several statements that could be true regarding a particle P moving in a horizontal circle about point O at constant speed V, but some possibilities include:

The centripetal acceleration of the particle P is given by a = V^2 / r, where r is the radius of the circle.

The direction of the centripetal force acting on the particle P is towards point O.

The particle P has a velocity vector that is tangential to the circle at every point along its path.

The angular velocity of the particle P, which is the rate at which it sweeps out angle as it moves around the circle, is given by ω = V / r.

Without additional information, it is not possible to determine which of these statements, or others, might be true.


9. Which has the greater momentum: a large object moving slowly or a small object moving fast? A Can't determine from the information given B The small object C The large object D The momentum is the same Cepet yaaa... mksih

C. the large object because momentum is the quantity of motion, larger objects have greater momentum.C bcs the larger the mass the greater the momentum

10. the atmosphere particle called as aesrosol is


aerosol merupakan partikel padat dan cair yg jumlahnya sangat kecil yg terdapat diatmosfer, aerosol dihasilkan dari gas buangan manusia seperti asap dari industri, knalpot kendaraan atau gas freon / CFC dimana aerosol menyebabkan berkurangnya jumlah cahaya matahari yg masuk ke bumi dan selain itu aerosol dapat menyebabkan sulitnya cahaya matahari dipantulkan ke atmosfer dan aerosol dapat mengakibatkan rusaknya lapisan ozon

semoga manfaat

KELAS : 10

11. A particle moves with a position vektor of r(t)=4t^i+(6t-2)j+3k.the vector of the particle at t=1second is

~Vektor Gaya~

r = 4t[tex]^{i}[/tex] + ( 6t - 2 ) + 3k
t = 1

Posisi vektor =__?

karena t = 1 maka posisi vektor
r = 4[tex]^{2}[/tex] + ( 6t - 2 )j + 3k
r = 4. 1[tex]^{i}[/tex] + ( 6(1) - 2 )j + 3k
r = 4. 1[tex]^{i}[/tex] + 3j + 3k

12. Dancing is moving the body together with music


Menari menggerakkan badan bersama dengan musik


Menari adalah mengerakkan Badan bersama dengan alunan musik

13. Apa arti He is moving The Floor

ia bergerak di lantai
maaf klo salah..
semoga membantu*He is moving the floor artinya (ia bergerak di lantai).

14. A body with mass of 2 kg is moving with velocity 2 m/s. A short time later the body is moving with velocity of 5 m/s. The total work applied to the body is ....​Tolongin kaka" mau di kumpulin sebentar lagi

Jawaban :


W = (½ . m . Vt²) - (½ . m . Vo²)

W = (½ . 2 . 5²) - (½ . 2 . 2²)

W = 25 - 4

W = 21 J

15. A ball is initially at rest. The ball is then hit by a stick so that it is moving with velocity of 10 m/s. If the mass of the ball is 250 g, calculate the impuls applied to the ball!

Diketahui :

Vo = 0 m/s (bola diam)

Vt = 10 m/s

m = 0,25 kg

Ditanya :


Jawaban :

Impuls = ∆P

Impuls = m(Vt - Vo)

Impuls = 0,25 kg(10 m/s - 0 m/s)

Impuls = 0,25 kg * 10 m/s

Impuls = 2,5 kg*m/s

Correct me if i wrong

16. she is moving the chairowl​


dia sedang memindah kan kursinya


jadikan jawaban tercerdas ya plis

17. A positive charge Q is placed on a conductive spherical shell with inner radius 1 and outer radius 2. A particle with charge q is placed at the center of the spherical cavity. The magnitude of the electric field at a point in a spherical cavity at a distance r from the center is

The answer and explanation is attached the PNG file

18. 21. A body with mass of 2 kg is moving with velocity 2 m/s. A short time later the body is moving with velocity of 5 m/s. The total work applied to the body is .... a.25 J b. 24 J c. 23 J d. 22 J e. 21 J​


21 J (E)


Known :
m = 2 kg

Vo (initial velocity) = 2 m/s

Vt (final velocity) = 5 m/s

Ask : W

Answer :

[tex]W =\Delta KE\\W = KE_{final}-KE_{initial}\\W = \frac{1}{2} m v_{final}^2- \frac{1}{2}mv_{initial}^2\\W = \frac{1}{2} \times 2 \times 5^2- \frac{1}{2} \times 2 \times 2^2\\W = 25-4\\W= 21 $ joule \\\\Then, the total work applied to the body is 21 J (E)[/tex]

19. A particle moving along the x- Axis, where the position is expressed by : X = 5t^2 + 1, X in meter and t in second, the average velocity in time interval between 2 seconds and 3 seconds is…. (m/sec)

v1 = 5(2²)+1
= 21m/sec

v2 = 5(3²)+1
= 46m/s

v rata-rata =(v2-v1)/(t2-t1)
= (46-21)/3-2
= 25/1
= 25m/s

20. perbedaan the kid is moving the table the kid is under the table​


kalo the kid is moving the table itu artinya anak itu sedang memindahkan meja, kalo the kid is under the table itu artinya anak itu ada dibawah meja itu ^semoga benar^


semoga jawaban ini membantu

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