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Are Too Many People Going To College Charles Murray

Are Too Many People Going To College Charles Murray

Kalimat acak [infinity] us - join - to - going - are - people - many - how - me - tell

Daftar Isi

1. Kalimat acak [infinity] us - join - to - going - are - people - many - how - me - tell

Tell me how many people going are to join us

Semoga dapat dimengerti yahh!
Terimakasi sudah menanyakan soal ini, ayo kita lanjut ke soal berikutnya? Have fun!

2. There are too many people who want to meet the same person. They are.. To wait for their turn

They are Queuing to wait for their return. mengantri

3. 1. Where is Zaenab?2. Is she going to take a bus?3. Where is she going?4. How many people are there in the picture?5. Are Mamat and Juki Manggarai station too?​

1) she is at Manggarai station
2) no, she is going to Tanah Abang
3) she is going to Tanah Abang
4) two people
5) no

smoga membantu ya!


1. she is at Manggarai Station

2. No, she is going take a train

3. She is going to Tanah Abang

4. Two

5. no


semoga membantu

4. There are…….endangered animals too manytoo muchmanymuch​


c. Many

Semoga bermanfaat dan maaf kalau salah

5. 2. Select the best CAUSE for the following EFFECT.Sumatran Tigers almost became extinct.A. People killed too many of themB. People loved too many of themC. People care too many of themD. People sharing too many of them​


A. People killed too many of them.


The most logical reason is peoplekilledtoomanyofthem. Which, made them closer to extinction. Also, killing too many of them makes them losttheirpopulation.

CAUSE:People killed too many of them.

EFFECT:They lost population drastically, making them closer to extinction.

Hope this helps!


2. Select the best CAUSE for the following EFFECT

Sumantran Tigers almost became extinct

= Pilihlah PENYEBAB terbaik untuk EFEK/DAMPAK berikut

= Harimau Sumatra hampir punah.

A. People killed too many of them ✔

= Orang-orang membunuh terlalu banyak dari mereka ✔

B. People loved too many of them ❌

= Orang-orang terlalu mencintai mereka ❌

C. People care too many of them ❌

= Orang-orang terlalu peduli pada mereka ❌

D. People sharing too many of them ❌

= Orang-orang membagi mereka terlalu banyak❌


Penyebab ini tidak mungkin disebabkan oleh jawaban B dan C, sebab seharusnya jika orang menyukai dan peduli pada Harimau ini mereka akan menyayangi dan merawat mereka, dan akan mencoba mencari cara untuk memperbanyak mereka.

Dan jawaban D juga sepertinya tidak masuk akal, bagaimana cara 'membagi' seekor Harimau? Jadi, penyebab terbaik untuk semakin sedikitnya (hampir punah malahan) Harimau Sumatra ini disebabkan oleh terlalu banyak orang yang memburunya untuk dibunuh.


Maaf kalau kurang jelas..

Semoga membantu :)

6. People are going to celebrate ………………… on December 22nd. *




ya maap klo salah

Jawaban :
Mothers day on December 22nd

Penjelasan :

7. Digma and her family are going to see many animals in.........





semoga membantu

maaf kalo salah

Answer :

Zoo ( Kebun binatang ).

Jadikan jawaban terbaik ya!^^

8. People are going to celebrate ………………… on December 22nd

Mother Day


Hmmm I feel :D


people are going to celebrate MOTHER'S DAY on december 22nd

yg artinya orang2 akan menyelenggarakan HARI IBU pada tanggal 22 desember

semoga terbantuu

jika merasa puas bisa dijadikan jawaban tercerdas yaa terimakasiihh

9. I'm going to do my English homework. Sinta,are you going to do that,too.?

Dina : I'm going to do my english homework. Sinta, are you going to do that too?
Sinta : Yes, i'm.

Dina : Saya sedang mengerjakan tugas rumah Bhs. Inggris. Sinta, apakah kamu mengerjakannya juga?
Sinta : Iya, saya mengerjakannya.

10. sumatra tigers are almost extinct because people killed to many of them.the cause of the sentence is... A. sumatran tigers are almost extinctB. sumatran tigers are almost axtinct becauseC. People killed too many of themD. because poeple killed too many of themE. sumatran tigers are almost ectinct because people​


cause of the sentence is D


yang ditanya adalah penyebab, jadi jawabannya "because people killed too many of them"

semoga membantu


alasan dari kalimat itu adalah...

C. people killed too many of them


maaf kalau salah...

11. i'm going to do my English homework sinta are you going to do that too.?

Saya akan mengerjakan PR Bahasa Inggris saya, apakah Anda akan melakukannya juga?

12. Invite-many-to-how-going-guest-you-are


How many guest you are going to invite


13. Read and choose the right words.1 I feel ill because I ate too many /too much chocolate this morning.2 I can't buy that because I haven't got enough /too many money.3 Are there too many / too much sandwiches?4 There aren't enough / too much buses in my town.5 I like going to the beach when there aren't too much / too many people.6 There isn't enough / too much juice for everyone.​


1. I feel ill because I ate too much chocolate this morning.

2. I can't buy that because I haven't got enough money.

3. Are there too much sandwiches?

4. There aren't too much buses in my town.

5. I like going to the beach when there aren't too many people.

6. There isn't enough juice for everyone.

14. How ……books are you going to buy ? *muchmanysomeany​




Maaf jika salah :(


semoga membantu :)

15. People are going to celebrate Heroes Day on …… *

people are going to celebrate Heroes' day on November 10th


November 10th


Because In This Day Prey For Heroes Died on War

16. why do people need to fill out forms when they are going to banks?

kenapa orang orang butuh mengisi form saat mereka mau pergi ke bank

or the bank need the data to know what they want to do something in there

sorry idk what u mean

sorry if wrong

17. There …………. furniture in Anna’s living room a too much b are to much c is to many d are too many


D are too many furniture in anna's living room

18. People are going to celebrate Independence Day on …………………………


17 August 1945-2020


indonesian independence day is on every august 17th

yg artinya hari kemerdekaan indonesia ada disetiap tanggal 17 agustus

semoga terbantuu

jika merasa puas bisa dijadikan jawaban tercerdas yaa terimakasiihh

19. People are going to celebrate ………………… on December 22nd. *


Mother's Day

semoga membantu yaaa~

people are going to celebrate Mother's day on December 22nd.

20. a; what are people we going to celebrate on december 22 nd this year ?                                    b; they are going to celebrate..... day

they are going to celebrate mom's daythey are going to celebrate mother day

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