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3 Comparing Salaries From Different Times

3 Comparing Salaries From Different Times

How are people paid their salaries in different countries ?

1. How are people paid their salaries in different countries ?

Transfer ke rekening.

2. Kalimat different from


My skin tone is slightly different from/to my mother.

(Warna kulit saya sedikit berbeda dengan ibu saya.)

Buying a used car is very different from/to buying a new one.

(Membeli mobil bekas sangat berbeda dengan memberi mobil baru.)

3. contoh kalimat different from

your dress is different from Anni

4. what are the different fromboth picturs​


makasih pointnya?sama sama

5. contoh kalimat yang menggunakan kata different from

that girl is different from the other.
artinya : perempuan itu berbeda dengan yang lain

6. Which picture is different from the others?


Picture that different from the others is C

look beside the door in C picture

it's different from the others


[tex]hope \: this \: help \\ follow \: me[/tex]

7. what makes orangutans different from monkeys

bacause orang utan has a different body structure, his body is bigger than a monkey, and orang utan doesnt has a tail.Orang utan has big body and strong. Orang utan lives in kalimantan and sumatera. Orang utan has red brown fur. Orang utan doesn't has tail.
Monkey has body like human, monkey has tail and monkey has smart brain.

8. why are mulberry plants different from others?​


mengapa tanaman murbei berbeda dari yang lain?



9. what makes disease different from infection​


disease is adjective invection is verb

10. The buyer candidate…….our product with the others. *?A. Is comparing B. Was comparingC. Will compareD. Will be comparing​


A. is comparing


The buyer candidate (is comparing) our product with the others.

= Calon pembeli tersebut sedang membandingkan produk kami dengan yang lain.

Maaf kalau salah. Semoga dapat membantu.

11. what makes biography different from another text?

bioghraphy telling about person's life
menceritakan ttg riwayat hidup seseorang/perjalanan hidupnya

biography is more like detailed description of someone's life. it involves more than just a basic facts. It usually written by someone other than that person. 

12. what makes disease different from infection​


Infection is a kind of body's immune response, against the attack of the pathogen.

Disease occur when the body's immune system gets weakens and the pathogen starts harming the cells of the body part where it has infected.

13. what are the different from thpicturs?​


apa yang berbeda dari gambar ini?

14. 1.make a comparison sentences in English (comparing fruits and comparing height)


- the strawberries is more expensive than the blueberries

(stroberi lebih mahal daripada blueberry)

-the price of 1 kg oranges is as cheap as the price of 1 kg apples

(harga 1 kg jeruk sama murahnya dengan harga 1 kg apel)

- andi is taller than ani (andi lebih tinggi daripada ani)

- she is shorter than me (dia lebih pendek daripada saya)

semoga membantu :)

15. What makes a museum different from library

at museum we can see a lot of historical thing, while at library we can see a lot of book. sorry Kalo grammar nya agak gimana gitu

16. what the different from "season and weathers"


Nanti di translate sendiri ya, karena keyboard ku ga support GBoard

Season adalah musim, musim itu ada musim kemarau, musim hujan, musim dingin, musim panas, musim semi, musim itu biasanya berkepanjangan

Weathers adalah cuaca, cuaca itu ada Hujan, panas, cuaca biasanya hanya 1 hari


Sorry ga bisa translate, hp ku ga support gboard

Season adalah musim
Weathers adalah cuaca

17. what makes the hotel different from othe hotels?

maaf ya kalo salah

18. tuliskan 5buah kalimat menggunakan different...from..

she is a different girl
this apple is different then the other
i got this from my brother
she got the letters from me
i am a different girl

19. make a dialogue with your partner with degree of comparisons of adjectives!Choose one of the following tropics 1.comparing two restaurants 2.comparing twomotorcyclese 3.comparing two stored 4.comparing twotwo persons

i'll take the 2nd choice

A:hey b!
B:hey a!
A:can i ask you something?
A:ok i want you to compare the difference beetwen this "A" motocycle With "B" motocycle
B:hmmm i think B motocycle more better than A motocycle.
B:because the B motocycle is have more safety features.
A:oh..ok then,thank u for ur opinion
B:sure no problem!

sorry if i wrong....

20. how were radicals different from liberals?

if we talk in the economic development, The liberal believe that government intervention in the economy should be minimal.  Trade between nations should be free and the market within a country should be allowed to operate without significant government intervention.  The radical approach holds just the opposite view.  Or we can say that Radicals believe that the government must intervene very strongly in the economy.

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