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How Much Is 2 4 Fl Oz

How Much Is 2 4 Fl Oz

1.How much does the? 2. How much is the? 3. What is the price of the chees? 4. How much do these.... Cost?

Daftar Isi

1. 1.How much does the? 2. How much is the? 3. What is the price of the chees? 4. How much do these.... Cost?

1.cheeze cost
2. cheeze weight?

2. tolong jawabkan .caranya tulis kembali 1 how much is kg of sugar ?(rp 12.000)2 how much is abot he ofoil?(rp26.000)3 how much is atooth paste? (rp9.000)4 how much is a kg ofabble ? (rp30.000)5 how much his aloaf of bread? (rp6.000)


berapa harga sekilo gula?
berapa harga sebotol minyak goreng?
berapa harga satu pasta gigi?
berapa harga sekilo apel?
berapa harga setangkup roti?

semoga membantu y.,

3. How much is sixteen plus four?How much is thirty minus eleven?How much is seven times three?​

Sixteen plus four is twenty

Thirty minus eleven is nineteen

Seven times three is twenty-one

4. 1. A : .......................................................B : that is Rp 10,000.00A. how much is this cost?B. how much is it?C. how much this?D. how much it ?​

1. A : .......................................................

B : that is Rp 10,000.00

A. how much is this cost?

B. how much is it?

C. how much this?

D. how much it ?

Semoga membantu!!

5. Buyer : ....Seller : That's Rp. 50,000.00a. How much is this cost?b. How much this?C. How much is?d. How much is this?​


b.how much this


maaf klo salah


D. How much is this?

kalo yang A,B,C kalimatnya terdengar rancu.


6. 1. What label is it?Answer: ......2. What is the brand name of the 5.product?Answer:3.How many chips are there in 1 oz?Answer:4.How much is total fat?Answer:....5.Does the product containcholesterol?Answer:….​


1. Its nutrition facts label of a product.

3.there are twenty Pieces of chips.

4. 980 calories.

5. its not.


semoga membantu

7. 1.how much is it ? (140.000)2.how much are the oranges? (25.000)​


1. it's 140.000

2. just 25.000



8. To reduce 16 ounces of a 25% solution of antiseptic to a 10% antiseptic solution, how much distilled water should a nurse add? 36 oz 12 oz 24 oz


Let x = amt of distilled water


A simple equation

.25(16) = .10(x+16)

4 = .10x + 1.6

4 - 1.6 = .1x

2.4 = .1x

x = 2.4/0.1

x = 24 oz of distilled water



Prove this by seeing the amt of antiseptic is the same (only the % changes)

.25(16) = .10(24+16)

4 = .1(40)

I hope my answer has come to your help. Thank you for posting your question here in Brainly. We hope to answer more of your questions and inquiries soon. Have a nice day ahead!

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

maaf klo salah

9. How much is the pencil? 1.7507. How Much isHow Much is dichiaray ? 95.000How Muchis Socks? 8.000low much is Ball point? 3.500the doll ?20.000​


1) One thousand Seven hundred fifty

2) Ninety five thousand

3) Eight thousand

4) Three thousand five hundred

5) twenty thousand


Kalau salah ya gimana ya, soalnya juga ga jelas.. semoga membantu!

10. susunlah kalimat dengan tepat 1. much - is-of-kilo-a-how-strawberry 2. is - how - much - the scarf

1. How much is a kilo of strawberry?
2. How much is the scarf?1.How Much is a kilo of strawberry
2. How much is the scarf

11. 1. How much is Taman Mini Indonesia Indah ticket?2. How much is Children's Palace ticket?​


Harga tiket masuk TMII saat ini yaitu Rp 20.000 per orang, mobil Rp 20.000, bus atau truk Rp 40.000. Sementara untuk pengendara sepeda motor dikenakan harga tiket masuk Rp 15.000 dan sepeda Rp 1.000.

Istana anak-anak Indonesia Harga Tiket: Rp15.000


ini mungkin ada teks nya, tapi tidak disertakan

itu jawabnya berdasarkan harga sebenarnya.


Menurut ku

Harga tiket masuk TMII saat ini yaitu Rp 20.000 per orang, mobil Rp 20.000, bus atau truk Rp 40.000. Sementara untuk pengendara sepeda motor dikenakan harga tiket masuk Rp 15.000 dan sepeda Rp 1.000.

Istana anak-anak Indonesia Harga Tiket: Rp15.000


12. Quiz>>> Plus- How much is yellow- How much is red- How much is blueQuestion 2Red x Blue =Yellos x Red =​


yellow = 9red = 7blue = 6


Red × blue

= 7 × 6

= 42

Yellow × red

= 9 × 7

= 63

13. 4. apa arti How much is the price​

Berapa harganya?

kalimat tersebut sering di gunakan untuk menanya harga barang, maupun suatu harga yang lain.

semoga membantu,

Kalo salah lapor aja ❣️


How much is the price = Berapa harganya


maaf kalo salah

14. 2. How much is a kg of sugar?3. How much is a bottle of oil?​


Saya terjemahkan dan beri jawaban


2. How much is a kg of sugar ? berapa kg gula

   3 kg sugar = 3 kg gula

3. How much is a bottle of oil ? berapa botol minyak

   5 bottle oil = 5 botol minyak

15. 4. Is-How-much-it-?.The correct arrangement is..​




smoga membantu ya

The correct arrangement is “How much is it?”
Artinya berapakah harga barang itu.

16. how much is sangkuriang

Kalau cerita nya mungkin ada beda versi tapi amanatnya sama
maaf kalau jawaban nya salah ya

17. Buyer:.... Seller: It is Rp 21.000a. How much it?b. How much is it?c. How much does it?d. How much do it?​

a.how much it?

atrtinya = berapa harganya itu?

18. 1. buyer: How much does it cost? Seller: .... A. That Rp7,800.00 B. That is cost Rp7.800.00 C.That costs Rp7.800.00 D. That Rp7.800.002. Buyer: .. Seller; That's Rp17,000.A. How much is this?B. How much is this cost?C. How much this?D. How much is?3. Buyer: .. Seller: It is Rp27,900.A. How much it?B. How much does it?C. How much do it?D. How much is it?Tolong jawab yang bener dan yang pertama kali jawab dan bener jawabannya bakal aku jadiin jawaban tercerdas.​


semoga membantu ya!^_^


1.b. that is cost Rp7.800,00

2.b. how much is this cost?

3.d.how much is it?


semoga membantu

19. 2. How much is a kg of sugar?3. How much is a bottle of oil?​


2. Berapa kg gula?

3. Berapa botol minyak?


Ini diapakan ya?

Kalau diartikan yaitu :

2. Berapa kg gula?

3. Berapa botol minyak?


Semoga membantu:)

20. 1. much - is - of - kilo - a - how - strawberry - ? . 2. is - how - much - the scarf - ?. susun semua kalimatnya dengan benar! .

1. How much is a kilo of strawberry?
2. How much is the scarf?

maaf kalau ada salah semoga membantu:))

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