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A Certificate Of Destruction Is Required When

A Certificate Of Destruction Is Required When

what kind of job is required​

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1. what kind of job is required​


Jenis pekerjaan apa yang dibutuhkan


maaf kalau salah, ini translate atau aapa???

2. The tigers is... Because of habitat destruction and ilegal hunting

The tiger is wild ( liar/buas)the tiger is dangerous

i think?

im sorry if im wrong

3. The tiger is.....because of habitat destruction and illegal hunting

Beberapa jawaban yang dapat anda pilih:

- The tiger is extinct because of the habitat destruction and illegal hunting.

- The tiger is rare because of the habitat destruction and illegal hunting.

- The tiger is dead because of the habitat destruction and illegal hunting.

- The tiger is suffering because of the habitat destruction and illegal hunting.

- The tiger is almost extinct because of the habitat destruction and illegal hunting.

Semoga membantu.

4. Indonesia is lead by aa. quennb. kingc. prime ministerd. presidentWhen you go abroad you need a a. identity cardb. certificate of birthc. Driving licence d. passportjangan ngasal ​



Indonesia dipimpin oleh a

Sebuah. quenn

b. raja

c. Perdana Menteri

d. Presiden

Ketika Anda pergi ke luar negeri, Anda membutuhkan file

Sebuah. kartu identitas

b. akta kelahiran

c. Surat ijin Mengemudi

d. paspor

jangan ngasal



1 D

2 D


maaf kalo salah



2.c.driving licence.




5. apa kalian ketahui tentang certificate of origin​


Certificate of Origin (CO) adalah dokumen yang menyatakan di negara mana suatu komoditas atau barang diproduksi. Surat Keterangan Asal memuat informasi mengenai produk, tujuan, dan negara pengekspor.



6. the destruction of rain forests is accelerating the extinction of plants ubah menjadi suara pasif brainly

the extinction of plants is accelerated by the destruction of rain forests

maaf bila salah, semoga bermanfaat

7. what type of experience is required for the job?​


jenis pengalaman apa yang dibutuhkan untuk pekerjaan itu?


experience as a career carier and experience as a worker in the vacant


maaf kalo salah

8. pengertian certificate of deposit

instrumen utang yang dikeluarkan oleh bank dan lembaga keuangan lain kepada investor

semoga membantuinstrumen utang yang
dikeluarkan oleh bank
dan lembaga
keuangan lain kepada

9. What kind of information is required to fill in the form

where is the form.....

10. The phenomenon of beats is the result of sound A. Destruction B. Interference C. ResonanceD. Amplification ​




i dont know

11. Which one is the correct qualification of an applicant required?


unique,responsive,responsible,keep learning,confident,keep updating information


semoga membantu

12. A... is used when we want to borrow books from library,a. identity cardb. driving licensec. birth certificated. library card​


jawaban nya D. LIBRARY CARD

13. What kind of information is required to fill in the form

I think when we are join a club or gruop so when there are something happen we can get notify from them

14. Which of thefollowing correctly defines lattice energy? AIt is the energy required to convert a mole of ionic solid into its constituent ions in the gas phase.BIt is the energy given off when gaseous ions combine to form one mole of an ionic solid.CIt is the energy required to produce one mole of an ionic compound from its constituent elements in their standard states.DIt is the sum of ionisation energies of the components in an ionic solid. Kenapa A bukan B


What affects lattice energy?

This model emphasizes two main factors that contribute to the lattice energy of an ionic solid: the charge on the ions, and the radius, or size, of the ions.


The effect of those factors is: as the charge of the ions increases, the lattice energy increases.

15. la) The heat capacity of a body is defined as the amount of thermal energy required to

Saya akan menjawab dengan dua tipe jawaban.

Jawaban pendek:
".. increase its temperature by a degree Kelvin (or celsius)." 

Jawaban panjang:
"heat capacity”atau kapasitas panas suatu benda adalah jumlah panas atau heat, dalam satuan joule, yang diperlukan oleh suatu benda tersebut untuk menaikkan suhunya sebesar satu Kelvin atau satu derajat celsius. Derajat celsius dan Kelvin adalah sama dan sejajar, bedanya hanya pada nilai, yaitu suhu air beku dalam skala celsius dinyatakan dalam 0 derajan celsius, sedangkan dalam skala Kelvin dinyatakan sebesar 273 Kelvin.

16. The impact of the influx of western penetration into the archipelago on the economy is... . (A) The strengthening of intra-regional trade (B) The strengthening of free trade in the archipelago (C) The destruction of social order in the archipelago (D) The destruction of intra-regional trade (E) The destruction of the Dutch trade monopoly


C) The destruction of social order in the archipelago


ekonomi selalu berhubungan dengan pesan dan memesan

17. What kind of information is required to fill in the form

Informasi apa yang diperlukan untuk mengisi formulir

18. What is the present value of a constant perpetuity of 25 per year where the required rate of return is 5%






19. When you go abroad, you need a/an ....a. identity cardb. certificate of birthc. driving licenced. passport​


1. D. Passport.


Maaf kalau salah

When you go abroad, you need a/an

(Ketika anda/kamu pergi ke luar negeri, kamu perlu../an)



20. If a trip of 270 miles required 12 gallons of fuel, how many gallons are required for a trip of 400 miles


400 miles/270 miles x 12 gallons

= 4.800/270

= 17 210/270

= 17 21/27

= 17 7/9 gallons

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