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Mia Has 1/2 Of A Pizza

Mia Has 1/2 Of A Pizza

A black paper pizza has been eaten by Mr. Lexiputra.The active sentence of the sentence above is....a.Mr. Lexiputra has eaten a black paper of pizza.b.Mr. Lexiputra ate a black paper of pizza.c.Mr. Lexiputra will eat a black paper of pizza.d.Mr. Lexiputra is eating a black paper of pizza.e.Mr. Lexiputra eats a black paper of pizza.​

Daftar Isi

1. A black paper pizza has been eaten by Mr. Lexiputra.The active sentence of the sentence above is....a.Mr. Lexiputra has eaten a black paper of pizza.b.Mr. Lexiputra ate a black paper of pizza.c.Mr. Lexiputra will eat a black paper of pizza.d.Mr. Lexiputra is eating a black paper of pizza.e.Mr. Lexiputra eats a black paper of pizza.​



Mr. Lexiputra has eaten a black paper of pizza

sorry if that wrong

(maaf jika itu salah)



Mr. Lexiputra has eaten a black paper of pizza

sorry if that wrong


sorry if that wrong

2. QUIZZ DARI @EmakmotorSSS 。◕‿◕。 1.Lina has four slices of pizza and then her sister takes one , how much is the rest? A.three slices of pizza B.Five slices of pizza C.six slice of pizza No copas!!!


4 – 1

= 3

So, the rest is A.three slices of pizza

Semoga membantu

3. 4 children each eat 2/3 of a pizza. How much pizza has been eaten altogether? Choose the correct mixed number​


4 anak masing-masing makan 2/3 dari pizza. Berapa banyak pizza yang telah dimakan seluruhnya? Pilih nomor campuran yang benar

4 x 2/3

= 8/3

= 2⅔

Untuk perkalian pecahan, pembilang dikalikan pembilang, penyebut dikalikan penyebut.

Untuk membuat pecahan campuran, lakukan pembagian pembilang dengan penyebut, sisanya menjadi pembilang pecahan campuran.

Jawabannya seperti di atas.


Semangat belajar....

4. she gives me a .............. of pizza​




karena ia berikan pizza jadi kalo bilang dikit pelit


She gives me ' slice' of pizza

5. Rachel has Rp100.000,00. She used 25% of her money on chocolates and 1/2 of her money on pizza, How much money did she have left?


Rp. 25,000

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Given that

Initial amount (of money) = 100,000

Used = 25%(100000) = 0.25(100,000) = 25,000

(1/2)(100,000) = 50,000

Find the remaining amount =

100,000 - 25,000 - 50,000 =

Rp. 25,000


Materi : SatuandanBilangan(B.inggris)

Pembahasaan soal :

= 25% × 100.000

= 25/100 × 100.000

= 25(10.000)

= 25.000


= 1/2 × 100.000

= 1 × 100.000/2

= 1 × 50.000

= 50.000


= 100.000 - 50.000 - 25.000

= 50.000 - 25.000

= [tex]\boxed{\green{\bf{25.000}}}[/tex]

[tex]\boxed{ \colorbox{lightblue}{ \bf{ \color{blue}{Answer~By~KingOfBGeometry~}}}}[/tex]

6. 2. Dita shared 2/5 of a pizza equally between 2 girls. Each girls got ... of the pizza.a.2b.1/2c. 1/5d.5​


2/5 : 2 = 2/5 X1/2 = 2/10= 1/5 (c)


semoga bermanfaat

7. • At a class party, 3/6 of avegetarian pizza and 1/3 of ameat-feast pizza were eaten.How much pizza was eatenaltogether?tolong di jwb makasihh!!​

jawaban :

5/6 of all pizza has been eaten

penjelasan :

3/6 + 1/3 =

3/6 + 2/6 = 5/6

note : pecahan harus disamakan terlebih dahulu agar bisa dihitung

folow me on facebook : Gilma Ya'z or Gilma Ya'z II for more info

8. 4. Share 1/6 of a pizza equally among 3 children. Then, each child will get _____ of the pizza.

Semoga jawabannya bisa membantu

9. Mia membawa 2 buah pizza untuk makan di rumahnya.Tiba di rumah,pizza tersebut di makan dan tersisa 134 bagian,banyak bagian pizza yg habis adalah....​


[tex]2 - 1 \times \frac{3}{4} = \frac{8}{4} - \frac{7}{4} = \frac{1}{4} [/tex]

jadi, banyak bagian pizza yang habis adalah 1/4 dari sebuah pizza

10. ubahlah kalimat ini ke dalam bentuk passive voice 1.jhon eats pizza2.jhon is eating pizza3.jhon was eating pizza4.jhon has eaten pizza5.jhon Will eat pizzamohon dibantu ya kak(•‿•)​

Kalimat passive voice:

The pizza is eaten by Jhon.The pizza is being eaten by Jhon.The pizza was being eaten by Jhon.The pizza has been eaten by Jhon.The pizza will be eaten by Jhon.


Passive voice merupakan bentuk kalimat yang mengubah bentuk objek menjadi subjek. Fungsi passive voice yakni untuk menunjukkan ketertarikan pada objek yang dikenai tindakan dan bukan kepada objek yang melakukan tindakan.

Untuk mengubah sebuah bentuk kalimat menjadi passive voice, dapat dilakukan dengan cara:

Membentuk kalimat interrogative passive voice (close ended questions) dengan memindahkan kata bantu pada kalimat affirmative passive voice ke awal kalimat. Menambahkan question words pada awal kalimat interrogative passive voice.

Rumus membentuk passive voiceyakni:

Simple present tense: Subject + is/am/are + Verb 3.Simple past: Subject + was/were + Verb 3. Simple future: Subject + will be + Verb 3.Simple past future: Subject + would/should + be + Verb 3.Present continuous: Subject + is/am/are + being + Verb 3.Past continuous: Subject + was/were + being +Verb 3.Future continuous: Subject + will being + Verb 3.Past future continuous: Subject + would/should + being + Verb 3.Present perfect continuous: Subject + have/has + being + Verb 3.Past perfect continuous: Subject + had + being + Verb 3.Future perfect continuous: Subject + would + have + being + Verb 3.Past future perfect continuous: Subject + would/should + have + being + Verb 3.

Pelajari lebih lanjut:Active Voice: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/29666042Conditional Sentences: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/193031Direct and Indirect Speech: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/25673522


Detail jawaban  

Kelas: 11

Mapel: B.Inggris

Bab: Passive voice (all tense)

Kode: 11.5.8


11. Islani bought a pizza. He ate[tex] \frac{1}{3} [/tex]of the pizza and the remaining pizza was shared equally among his 6 friends. What fraction of the pizza did each friend get?​


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


12. Mrs. Hanna has 6 children. She bought 10 slices of pizza for her children. How many slices of pizza did each child eatA 1 4/10B1 1/5C1 2/3D1 1/2​


C. 1 2/3

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

10÷6= 5/3, di kecilkan lagi menjadi 1 2/3

13. Miss linda has a pizza, 1/3 shared to Chelsea, the remaining of 1/2 for Anna, and the rest is given to Sarah. The following questions are more than one correct, are A.Chelsea gets more part of the pizza B.Sarah gets a small share C.Anna gets a small share D.sarah didnt gets a part of the pizza


B.Sarah gets a small share

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

A pizza= 1 Pizza=6/6

1/3 shared to chealsea= 2 /6

1/2 shared to Anna= 3/6

Rest for Sarah= 6/6 - 2/6 - 3/6= 1/6

14. Which has several adjectives in front of each noun,describe your favourite pizza and topping

Yang memiliki beberapa kata sifat di depan setiap kata benda, gambarkan pizza favorit dan toping Anda

15. bercise 2Fill in the blank with the correct shapes !1. The television is......2. Pizza has a.....shape3. This fruit has a......shape4. ......has fourequal sides​

1. rectangel

2. circle

3. where the fruit?

4. square

semoga membantu yg nomber 3 mana buah nya terima kasi

16. 4. Share 1/6 of a pizza equally among 3 children. Then, each child will get _____ of the pizza.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

4. Share 1/6 of a pizza equally among 3 children. Then, each child will get _____ of the pizza.

answer : 0,5 pizza

17. Boni membeli 2 pizza dengan ukuran sama besar. Pizza A dipotong menjadi 10 bagian dan pizza B dipotong menjadi 2 bagian. Boni akan menunjukkan dua pecahan senilai di depan teman-temannya. Bagaimana caranya? a. sebaiknya Beni menunjukkan 1/5 bagian dari pizza A dan 1/2 bagian dari pizza B b. sebaiknya Beni menunjukkan 5/10 bagian dari pizza A dan 1/2 bagian dari pizza B c. sebaiknya Beni menunjukkan 2/10 bagian dari pizza A dan 2/2 bagian dari pizza B d. sebaiknya Beni menunjukkan 10/10 bagian dari pizza A dan 2/2 bagian dari pizza B PILIHLAH LEBIH DARI 1

Jawabannya yang B

Karena 5/10 = 1/2

Tolong jadikan jawaban tercerdas


jawabannya Bkarena 1/2 dan 5/10 adalah pecahan senilai.

cara :

1 × 5 = 5

2 × 5 = 10

Jadi, dua pecahan tersebut adalah pecahan yang senilai.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

semoga membantu:)

18. mia has astomacache​


mia has astomacache

(mia menderita astomacache)

19. Mali has half of the cost of a day trip to a theme park for two people, and sarah has one-third of the cost. what fraction of the whole pizza did the cat steal?jawab pls


that is one third the cost of sarah

20. 1. Rio:Ever-asnake-you-has-bittenMia: a snake-never - me-has-no-bittenRio: a dog-bitten-ever-has-meTolong dong ​

Jawaban:Rio: Has a snake ever bitten you?Mia: No, a snake has never bitten me Rio: A dog has ever bitten me

Pembahasan Present Perfect

Digunakan untuk menyatakan Kegiatan atau Peristiwa yg sudah selesai tapi masih ada kaitannya di masa sekarang.

Ciri Present PerfectEverNeverjustsincefor

Rumus Present Perfect(+) S + has/have + V3 + O/C(-) S + has/have + not + V3 + O/C(?) has/have + S + V3 + O/C?


Rio: Ever-a snake-you-has-bitten

=> Has a snake ever bitten you?

(Pernahkah seekor ular menggigitmu?)

Mia: a snake-never - me-has-no-bitten

=> No, a snake has never bitten me

(Tidak, Seekor ular tidak pernah menggigitku)

Rio: a dog-bitten-ever-has-me

=> A dog has ever bitten me

(Seekor anjiing pernah menggigitku)

=== Semoga Membantu ===

Link Terkait

Present Perfect:


DETAIL JAWABAN Mapel: Bahasa Inggris Materi: Present Perfect Level: JHS Kode Soal: 5Kode Kategorisasi: 9.5


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