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Whose Scribes Painted Books And Kept Records Of Taxes

Whose Scribes Painted Books And Kept Records Of Taxes

...... should be kept in file-memos. a. Records of letters b. Records of telephone calls c. Out going business letters d. Letters of recommendation

Daftar Isi

1. ...... should be kept in file-memos. a. Records of letters b. Records of telephone calls c. Out going business letters d. Letters of recommendation


A.Records of letters


Maaf y klo slah

2. Jiaqi, Gwen and Patricia painted the walls of a room together. Jiaqi painted of thewalls. Gwen and Patricia painted an equal amount of the remaining area of the wallsJiaqi painted m? more than the area that Gwen and Patricia each painted. Find thetotal area of the walls that they painted. Give your answer as a mixed number in its4(13)2simplest form​


hwjwjwjwjjww yang diselenggarakan di universitas negeri

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

hwjwjwjwjjww di dunia yang sudah

3. I had some books about medical records today

I had some books about medical records today

should be

I have many medical record books to be finished today

4. E-books are as useful as printed books. Both provide important information and knowledge. E-books are lighter than printed books because they can be kept in a laptop or tablet. E-books are also more portable than printed ones. We can load many e-books in one tablet. However, printed books are safer to eyes than e-books. Reading e-books for a long time has bad effects on the eyes. The rays from the screen may disturb our sights. 24.What is the text about? A. The benefits of e-books B. The importance of books C. The disadvantages of e-books D. The comparison of e-books and printed books 25. What is the good side of printed books? A. They are portable. B. They are safe to eyes. C. They can be kept in one device. D. They deliver more knowledge than e-books. 26. E-books are recommended to people who__ A. have few books B. need many books C. suffer eye problems D. dislike reading books​


24. (D) The comparison of e-books and printed books

25. (B) They are safe to eyes.

26. (B) need many books


24. Teks di atas membahas tentang apa ?

A. Manfaat e-book

B. Pentingnya Buku

C. Kekurangan e-book

D. Perbandingan e-book dan buku cetak ✔

➡ Teks di atas membahas perbandingan antara buku cetak dengan buku elektronik. Ini bisa dipahami pada kalimat, "E-books are as useful as printed books. Both provide important information and knowledge." Di situ dijelaskan bahwa baik buku cetak maupun buku digital sama² menyediakan banyak informasi penting.

25. Apa sisi baik dari buku cetak?

A. Mereka praktis.

B. Mereka aman untuk mata ✔

C. Mereka dapat disimpan dalam satu perangkat.

D. Mereka memberikan lebih banyak pengetahuan daripada e-book.

➡ Ini bisa dipahami pada kalimat, "However, printed books are safer to eyes than e-books." Dijelaskan bahwa salah satu keuntungan buou cetak adalah aman untuk mata dan terhindar dari cahaya radiasi layar handphone.

26. E-book direkomendasikan untuk orang yang..?

A. memiliki sedikit buku

B. butuh banyak buku ✔

C. menderita masalah mata

D. tidak suka membaca buku

➡ Jawaban bisa dipahami pada kalimat, "E-books are also more portable than printed ones. We can load many e-books in one tablet." Dijelaskan bahwa buku digital lebih praktis karena orang-orang bisa menyimpan banyak buku dalam satu genggaman handphone.


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Grade: IX

Subject: English

Category: Reading comprehension

Code: 9.5

5. Apa arti dri there erasers and fourteen of books


ada penghapus dan empat belas buku


Maaf klo salah

6. Nobody likes paying taxes. Event those who know that taxation is necessary andreluctant to pay taxes. It is not pleasant to see part of your monthly income taken away fromyour income tax. Ignorant people think this is injustice and make grievance of it.Every country has a government. The primary duties of a government are to protectthe life and property of the citizens, to maintain law and order, and settle dispute betweencitizens in a just and orderly way through the law-courts, to defend the country from foreignfoes and to maintain and direct education, provide hospitals for the sick and attend tosanitation. All these great to be kept up and have to be paid.Furthermore, schools and teachers have to be provided and supported, healthexperts and sanitary engineers have to be employed. Now where is all from? Tax is neededfor the benefits of the public. It is the people as a whole rich and poor that benefit bysecurity of the life and property, by the sound roads, by public hospital, public school andgood sanitation.Therefore, it is necessary for people to pay taxes. The money will be back to themin the form of public service and facility.24. The topic of the text is about ....A. the description of taxesB.the way people pay taxesc. the necessity of paying taxesD. the objection of paying taxesE. the facilities to pay taxes​

D.the objection of paying taxes

7. jack painted 3/10 of a wall with yellow colour and 1/7 of the remaining in red, what fraction of the wall was painted red



maaf kalo salah

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

8. Thomas painted 4/9 of a wall red and 1/5 of the remaining part yellow.what fraction of the wall was painted yellow

The fraction of the wall that was painted yellow is [tex] \frac{1}{9} [/tex].

A fraction simply tells us how many parts of a whole we have. You can recognize a fraction by the slash that is written between the two numbers, they are a top number as the numerator, and a bottom number as the denominator. The numerator is how many parts you have. The denominator is how many parts the whole was divided into.

Actually, the best way to learn about fractions is through a picture by seeing how the whole of a circle or a rectangle can be broken up into different fractions.

So, you can see how we discuss about your question below.


• Thomas painted [tex] \frac{4}{9} [/tex] of a wall red. If the wall was standing as the whole (1), so the remaining part will be :

[tex]1 - \frac{4}{9} \\ = \frac{9}{9} - \frac{4}{9} \\ = \frac{5}{9} [/tex].

• Thomas also painted [tex] \frac{1}{5} [/tex] of the remaining part yellow.

Remember, the remaining part was [tex] \frac{5}{9} [/tex]. Then if Thomas painted [tex] \frac{1}{5} [/tex] of the remaining part of the wall, it means he painted [tex] \frac{1}{5} [/tex] of [tex] \frac{5}{9} [/tex] that we can write [tex] \frac{1}{5} \times \frac{5}{9} = \frac{5}{45} [/tex] or [tex] \frac{1}{9} [/tex].

So, the fraction of the wall that was painted yellow is [tex] \frac{1}{9} [/tex].

Pelajari lebih lanjut :

https://brainly.co.id/tugas/12412651 tentang rumus operasi hitung pecahan

https://brainly.co.id/tugas/14425437 dan

https://brainly.co.id/tugas/24021158 tentang contoh operasi hitung campuran pecahan








9. In the library, the ratio of math books to science books is 3 : 4. If total of math books and science books is 700, how many science books are there?​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

[tex] = \frac{4}{(4 + 3)} \times 700[/tex]

[tex] = \frac{4}{7} \times 700[/tex]

[tex] = 4 \times 100[/tex]

[tex] = 400[/tex]

There are 400 science books

10. The following text is for questions 24 to 26.E-books are as useful as printed books. Bothprovide important information and knowledge.E-books are lighter than printed books becausethey can be kept in a laptop or tablet. E-books arealso more portable than printed ones. We can loadmany e-books in one tablet. However, printed booksare safer to eyes than e-books. Reading e-books fora long time has bad effects on the eyes. The raysfrom the screen may disturb our sights.24.) What is the text about?A. The benefits of e-booksB. The importance of booksC., The disadvantages of e-booksThe comparison of e-books and printedbooksHOTS25. What is the good side of printed books?A. They are portable.They are safe to eyes.C. They can be kept in one device.D. They deliver more knowledge thane-books.26.) E-books are recommended to people whoHOTSA. have few booksB. need many booksC. suffer eye problemsp. dislike reading books​


24. C

25. B

26. B

good luck!

11. Jiaqi, Gwen and Patricia painted the walls of a room together.Jiaqi painted 4/7 of the walls. Gwen and Patricia painted an equal amount of the remaining area of the walls.Juagi painted 2/5 m² more than the area that Gwen and Patricia each painted find the total are of the walls that they painted.Give yout answer as a mixed number in its simplest form.PLS ANSWER OR SOMETHING​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


12. 25. A man bought 4 boxes of notebooks and 6 boxes of drawing books. Each box of notebooks has 288 books and each box of drawing books has 60 books. The total of the boxes that he bought is... Books A. 1.152 B. 1160 C. 1368​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

[tex]4 \times 288 = 1152 \\ 60 \times 6 = 360 \\ \\ 1.152 + 360 = 1.512[/tex]

13. whose books are ...........?do you know ?​

Jawaban :


Semoga membantu!
Maaf jika ada kesalahan.
Tolong jangan dihapus.
Jangan lupa dijadikan jawaban tercerdas yaa


whose books are this? do you know?

14. 5. Frank and Rita, are these records L? Yes, they're 6. Whose car is that? Is it _____? No, it's not ___; it's my brother's.

6. Is it yours?. No, it's not mine.


Pada dialog di atas menggambarkan tentang kepemilikan atas mobil.

Kepimilikan dalam bahasa inggirs disebut dengan possessive pronoun,hal ini digunakaan untuk menggantikan suatu objek atau sebagai kata ganti kepemilikan dengan posisi sebagai kata benda.


Mine= Punyaku. This bag is mine (Tas ini milikku)Yours= Punyamu. This bag is yours (Tas ini punyamu)

Berdasarkan percakapan di atas maka jawaban yang tepat adalah

"Is it yours?" karena mengklarifikasi apakah mobil itu benar punya kamu.Kemudian karena mobil tersebut bukan punya seseorang yang terlibat dalam dialog, maka jawaban yang harus diungkapkan adalah "No, it's not mine." karena mobil tersebut bukan punyaku (ku: sebagai ornag yang berbicara dalam dialog tsb)

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Baca materi lebih lanjut di sini yaahh https://brainly.co.id/tugas/13993258


15. There were Math and Science books in one section of alibrary. Before an addition of 84 Math books, the ratio ofMath books to Science books was 3: 7. How manyScience books were there if the eventual ratio of Mathbooks to Science books was 6:7?​


Match books = 84

Math book : Science book = 3 : 7

Math book = 80 : 10 = 8

1 step of math book = 8

Science book = ???

8 x 7 = 56.

math book = 84

science book = 56.

16. At a bookstore, 3/8 of the books are fiction books.of the remaining books, 3/5 are assassment books and 1/4 are magazines. The rest are nonfiction books(i) what fraction of the books are nonfiction(ii) arrange the books in ascending order of their quantities.​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


3/8 = 12/32 = fict

sisanya = 5/8

3/5 x 5/8 = 3/8 =12/ 32 assassment

1/4 × 5/8 = 5/32 = magazines

5/8 - 3/8 -5/32 = nonfict

2/8 - 5/32 = nonfict

3/32 = nonfict


nonfict, magazines, assassement, fict

semoga membantu

17. There were some fiction and non-fiction books in a second-hand bookstore.The number of fiction books was 3/5 of the number of non-fiction books. After an equalnumber of fiction and non-fiction books were sold, the ratio of the number of fictionbooks to the number of non-fiction books left was 5:9. There were 240 booksaltogether at first. How many books were sold altogether?​


30 books altogether


# Let the number of non-fiction books initially = a


So, the number of fiction books initially = 3/5 a.

3/5 a + a = 240

3/5 a + 5/5 a = 240

8/5 a = 240

a = 240 : 8/5

a = 240 × 5/8

a = 150

* The number of non-fictions initially initially ==> a ==> 150 non-fiction books

* The number of fiction books initially ==> 240 - 150 = 90 fiction books


# Let the number of non-fiction books sold = b

So, the number of fiction books sold = b


# At last, the number of fiction books ==> 90 - b

# At last, the number of non-fiction books ==> 150 - b


( 90 - b ) / ( 150 - b ) = 5 / 9

( 5 ) ( 150 - b ) = ( 9 ) ( 90 - b )

750 - 5 b = 810 - 9 b

- 5 b + 9 b = 810 - 750

4 b = 60

b = 60 : 4

b = 15

The number of non-fiction books sold ==> b ==> 15

The number of fiction books sold ==> b == > 15

So, the number of books sold altogether

= 15 + 15

= 30

18. If we want to get knowledge, whatshould we do? *O Look for newspaper and magazine.Buy a lot of books.O Borrow a lot of books,Read a lot of books and otherprinted materials.O Sell and buy many expensive books​


read a lot of books and other printed materials

19. what is the different of who and whose​


whose come from the pronoun who, whose is a possessive pronoun. Use it when you’re asking (or telling) to whom something belongs.


whose computer is this?

20. Apa arti the bookcase is big and full of books

Jawaban: Rak buku itu besar dan penuh dengan buku.


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