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How Did J p Morgan Treat His Workers

How Did J p Morgan Treat His Workers

How did Nazis treat Jews?

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1. How did Nazis treat Jews?


The history of the Jews in Germany goes back at least to the year 321, and continued through the Early Middle Ages (5th to 10th centuries CE) and High Middle Ages (circa 1000–1299 CE) when Jewish settlers founded the Ashkenazi Jewish community. The community survived under Charlemagne, but suffered during the Crusades. Accusations of well poisoning during the Black Death (1346–53) led to mass slaughter of German Jews and they fled in large numbers to Poland. The Jewish communities of the cities of Mainz, Speyer and Worms became the center of Jewish life during medieval times. "This was a golden age as area bishops protected the Jews resulting in increased trade and prosperity




2. how does the king treat his people


how does the king treat his people

bagaimana raja memperlakukan rakyatnya


3. How did snow white's stepmother treat snow white ?

Bagaimana ibu tiri salju putih memperlakukan salju putih?

artiinya seperti itu kira2...
salju putih = arti dari Princess Snow White ;)
She treated Snow White so bad, after Snow White's father passed away, she confine Snow White and try to kill Snow White with a poisoned apple

4. How long do the workers intend to strike​


artinya:Berapa lama para pekerja akan mogok


semoga membantu

5. how should we treat our parents jawabannya


We should treat our parents well, respect for them, and obey to their orders

6. who is jhon?where did he live?how old ia he?who is Edward?does Edward treat Jhon well? put the reasons​


Siapa jhon?

Dimana dia tinggal?

Berapa umurnya?

Siapa itu Edward?

Apakah Edward memperlakukan Jhon dengan baik? Letakkan alasannya


translate doang


siapa Jhon ?

dimana dia tinggal ?

umur berapakah dia ?

siapa itu Edward

apakah Edward memperlakukan Jhon dengan baik ? kasih alasannya

maaf ya , soalnya kamu gak kasih cerita dari soal tersebut

makanya aku transtlet

7. Task 5Listen again and answer the questions.1. Which country did he live in?2. How long did he live there?3. How would you describe his job?4. Why did he like to work as a writer?5. How should you treat your guest according to Grey?​

Jawaban: Terjemahan:

Tugas 5. Mendengarkan kembali dan menjawab pertanyaannya.

Gray berbicara tentang hidupnya.

1. dia tinggal di negara mana?

2. berapa lama dia tinggal di sana

3. bagaimana Anda menggambarkan pekerjaannya

4. mengapa dia suka bekerja sebagai penulis

5. bagaimana seharusnya Anda memperlakukan tamu Anda dengan Grey?

Penjelasan: berhubung soalnya itu Listening dan share soalnya kurang lengkap krna soalny jelas tidak ada Teks cerita ,saya hanya bisa bantu sedikit yaitu dengan terjemahkan ke Indonesia .

Maaf tidak bisa bantu banyak

Semoga bisa membantu:))

8. how do you treat the house

bagaimana kamu memperlakukan rumah

9. Task 5 Listen again and answer the questions. 1. Which country did he live in? 2. How long did he live there? 3. How would you describe his job? 4. Why did he like to work as a writer? 5. How should you treat your guest according to Grey? ​

Where is the text or the story?

10. How do you treat liver disease in dogs?


How do you treat liver disease in dogs?



Diet changes often help. ...

Supplements such as SAM-E or milk thistle may help the liver recover.

Antibiotics are used for infections of the liver. ..

Surgery may be an option for dogs with tumors or cysts

#semoga membantu

#belajar yang rajin

dan tolong di jadikan jawaban tercerdas ya

11. How about treat you a diner​

Must be glamour

Sorry gajel

12. How did Cinderella's stepmother and stepsisters treat her?​


they treat her so bad


mereka memperlakukannya dengan sangat buruk


cruel by making she became servant and treated arbitrarily.

13. how does the speaker of the poem treat his anger?​


He treats his anger like a flower.

14. he is very good at ____ his workers


he is very good at doing his workers


semoga membantu

15. 1.Where did the carter put his animal2.How did the carter treat his animal3.What happened to the animals as a result of the carters treatment​


1. The Carter put his animal in the same stable

2. The charter is equally fond of them, but he pays more attention and affection to the horse because the horse helps him pull his trap.

3. The horse became more arrogant and caused the donkey to die

16. Apa artinya how to treat insect bite or sting


bagaimana cara mengobati gigitan serangga


how to treat insect bite or sting


cara mengobati gigitan atau sengatan serangga

17. how did the old grandfathers son and his sons wife treat him? a.they treated him nicely b.they treated him very badly c.they treated him a like child d.they treated him very carefully

a. they treated him nicely

smoga membantua .they treated him nicely

18. 1. what happened when the wife accidentlly droped an apple. info the box?2.How did the farmer treat his grandfather?3.What can we leam from the strory?​


1. The apple multiplied and filled the box.

2. The farmer ask him to take the coins out of the box every day.

3. Don't be selfish or arrogant because of money/possessions. Or we will regret it.

Semoga membantu :)

19. soal un smp how to treat insect bites

jawaban : b. spider bites should be treated immediately

20. How should you treat a cut or scratch

bagaimana seharusnya anda memperlakukan luka atau goresan

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