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How Long To Bike 6 Miles

How Long To Bike 6 Miles

if the butterflies fly 100 miles (161 km) a day and have to travel 3,000 miles ( 4,830 km), how long will the trip take them?

Daftar Isi

1. if the butterflies fly 100 miles (161 km) a day and have to travel 3,000 miles ( 4,830 km), how long will the trip take them?


They will take the trip 30days


3000:100=30 Days

2. ... is Bandung? It is about 6542 square miles. A. How wide B. How high C. How large D. How long​



maaf klo salah

3. How if we go to school ___________________ bike


How if we go to school using bike

4. How does he go to school and how long does he get to school? ​


he uses a bicycle to go to school, and he got to school in fifteen minutes

5. How does he go to school and how long does he get to school

Bagaimana dia berangkat sekolah dan berapa lama dia sampai ke sekolahbagaimana dia berangkat ke sekolah dan berapa lama dia ke sekolah?

6. If-we-to-by-bike-how-school-go?

how if we go to school by bike?

maaf kalau salahHow if we go to school by bike?

7. how to Plant long beans​


Cara Menanam Kacang Panjang

Persiapkan Lahan. Lahan yang dibutuhkan kacang panjang bisa kamu sesuaikan dengan berapa banyak kacang panjang yang akan kamu tanam. Beri Pupuk.Tanam Benih.Pasang Ajir.Berikan Pupuk Susulan.Basmi Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman.Panen.


How to Grow Long Beans

Prepare the Land. You can adjust the land needed by long beans according to how many long beans you are going to plant. ...

Give Fertilizer. ...Plant the seeds. ...Install Ajir. ...Give Additional Fertilizer. ...Eradicate Plant Pests and Diseases. ...Harvest.


maaf kalau salah ya kakak

semoga membantu


Cara Menanam Kacang Panjang

Persiapkan Lahan. Lahan yang dibutuhkan kacang panjang bisa kamu sesuaikan dengan berapa banyak kacang panjang yang akan kamu tanam. ...

2. Beri Pupuk. ...

3. Tanam Benih. ...

Pasang Ajir. ...

Berikan Pupuk Susulan. ...

6. Basmi Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman. ...

7. Panen.


8. ASSIGNMENT•Make question by using two subjects and answer (she/he and you) based on the pictures provided. EXAMPEL :1. RIDE A BIKE• Do you know how to ride a bike? • Yes, I do. I know how to ride a bike.• Does she / he know how to ride a bike? • Yes, she / he does. She / he knows how to ridea bike. 1. Cook pasta 2. Dance 3. Climb a tree 4. Edit a video? 5. Fly a kite 6. Jump on a trampoline 7. Push up 8. Ride a bike 9. Swim 10.Sing​


ini bahasa indonesia?!



9. The time needed to travel a certain distance varies inversely with the rate of speed. If it takes 8 hours to travel a certain distance at 36 miles per hour, how long will it take to travel the same distance at 60 miles per hour?


10. terjemah dari How long to summer the beef

berapa lama musim panas

11. how long clownfish grow up to

Eggs will generally hatch after six or seven days. the little fish will then become a plantkon and carried by the ocean currents. After 15 days floating, eating and growing, the house will develop into a young Clown fish and get ready to look for anemones as its home

12. How things work?? To long secepatnya ya

cara kerja maaf kalo salahcara kerja
*semoga membantu,tks*jadikan jawaban terbaik yaa!!

13. woman: i've just heard that my PhD proposal's been accepted! i'm going to start my research next year.man: how exciting_______a. how long is it going to take?b. how long will it take?c. how long would it going to take?d. how long would it take? e. how long is it to take?​


b) how long will it take

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

maaf kalau salah ya

14. He _______ ride a bike because he never learned how to ride a bike. *​




he cant ride a bike because he never learned how to ride a bbike

15. 1. How long ..... it ...... (take) to fly to surabaya?

how long will it take to fly to surabaya?
How long does it will take to fly to surabaya

Itu jawabannya

16. My father … (teach) me how to ride a bike when I was 6.​


My father teached me how to ride a bike when I was 6.


semoga membantu ^^ maaf kl ada kesalahan

17. What is the firts think to do how to operate the bike

first, you should stand up.

second, touch the handle and sit in the chair of the bike.

third, use your feet to operate the bike.

fourth, try to keep balance.




18. Solve. Daniel biked 15 milles on Saturday and 6 miles on Sunday. How much farther did Daniel bike on Saturday than on Sunday?

15 miles + 6 miles = 21 miles

Daniel biked 15 milles on Saturday and 6 miles on Sunday. How much farther did

Daniel bike on Saturday than on Sunday

jawab :

= 15 MLS + 6 MLS

= ( 15 + 6 )MLS

= 21 MLS

19. Woman : I've just heard that my PhD proposal's been accepted! I'm going to start my research next year. Man : How exciting!!!...... a) How long is it going to take? b) How long will it take? c) How long would it going to take? d) How long would it take? e) How long is it to take?


Woman : I've just heard that my PhD proposal's been accepted! I'm going to start my research next year.

Man : How exciting!!! How long is it going to take?


Perhatikan kalimat "I'm going to start my research next year." Kalimat ini menyatakan suatu rencana yang akan dilakukan. Sehingga menggunakan present future tense (subject + am/is/are + going to + verb 1).

Tanggapan berupa pertanyaan pun harus berupa kalimat present future tense.

Pilihan B juga termasuk dalam kalimat present future tense. Tetapi, yang membedakan will dan to be going to adalah will digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang akan dilakukan tanpa rencana sebelumnya. Sedangkan to be going to digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang akan dilakukan dengan direncanakan sebelumnya.

Pelajari lebih lanjut contoh kalimat dengan to be going to pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/4039261



20. how to spend a long holiday

in my opinion:
first, Make time for friends and family. Keep the people that matter to you in mind. You don’t want to keep yourself so busy that you have no time to catch up with them. Set aside time that is just for being with family or friends and make the most of it.

second, Trying out something new and having a good time doesn't necessarily mean you have to travel far away from home. There are hundreds of activities that can bring excitement and novelty into your life  and who knows, perhaps it will be a beginning of a new passion?

last, if you're just at home, try to cook what you like, then you can eat as much while watching (movie or anime). I think it would be fun

^_^i think you can swim or any more you like

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