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Shelton Inc Has Sales Of 17 5 Million

Shelton Inc Has Sales Of 17 5 Million

diamond eyes .inc, has sales of 518 million, total assets of 515,6 million, and total debt of 56,3 million if the profit margin is 8%, what that is income? what is ROA? what is ROE?

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1. diamond eyes .inc, has sales of 518 million, total assets of 515,6 million, and total debt of 56,3 million if the profit margin is 8%, what that is income? what is ROA? what is ROE?


Income = 41,440,000

ROA = 8.04%

ROE = 7.25%


Income = sales x profit margin

Income = 518,000,000 x 8%

Income = 41,440,000

ROA (Return on Assets) = Income / Total Assets

ROA = 41,440,000 / 515,600,000

ROA = 0.08037 or 8.04%

ROE (Return on Equity) = Income / Total Equity

ROE = 41,440,000 / (Total Assets + Total Debt)

ROE = 41,440,000 / (515,600,000 + 56,300,000)

ROE = 41,440,000 / 571,900,000

ROE = 0.07246 or 7.25%

2. In January, gold sales (1) .... about 200 million rupiahs per month. In February they (2) .... to 220million rupiahs, (3) .... to a peak of 350 million rupiahs in March. Over the next four months, sales (4).... steadily, reaching (5) .... of 120 million rupiahs in July. In August, there was a (6) .... increase. Salesalmost (7) ...., rising from 120 million rupiahs in July to 210 million rupiahs in August. This was followedby in September to 120 million rupiahs. From September to October, sales (8) .... from 120 million rupiahsto 180 million rupiahs. In October and November, sales (9) .... steady, and there was a small increasein December (10) .... 190 million rupiahs.​


uddijkcjc c rwjcnjiioiw  jjiwejk wk jienjkf m c o vjivi0n


kak aku mau jawab tapi di aku pas mau jawab soal kaka jadi angka bukan huruf

3. Arti dari kata " Budapest has a population of over two million people."

arti budapest
ibukota Hungaria, di bagian tengah utara negara itu; populasi 1.712.210 (2009). Dibentuk pada tahun 1873 oleh persatuan kota Buda di tepi kanan Sungai Danube dengan kota Pest di sebelah kiri.
*budapest memiliki populasi lebih dari dua juta orang
budapest adalah ibu kota hungaria , jadi ibu kota hungaria(budapest) (dulu) memiliki lebih dari 2 juta penduduk

4. Google Inc. became the first partner of this public-private partnership and in 2005 do- nated $3 million ____ development of the World Digital Library (A) which has been supported (B) who supports (C) that is supporting (D) to support (E) Supporting

E supporting
karena kata supporting berupa present participle

5. Opticom, Inc. a manufacturer of fiber optic communications equipment


entah apa itu apa❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

6. kata kerja dalam Lagu Million of Dreams​












7. the united states (has, have) a pupulation of around 250 million​


Jawabannya = has

Semoga membantu

8. Russia is an ..... it takes about eight hours to fly across it. it has a ..... of about million 145 million.​


Russia is an coronavirus it takes about eight hours to fly across it. it has a withdraw of about million 145 million.​


maaf kalau salah

semoga membantu ^ ^

9. Jawaban yang tepat serta penjelasannya adalah: All of the refineries......... a total capacity of over 1 million barrels per day. A. Has B.have C.had D.is having E.are having

karena itu kata subjekAll of the refineries have a total capacity of over 1 million. 

Kenapa have? karena :

1. Subjeknya banyak, dapat dilihat adanya kata all dan "-es"
2. Kalimatnya present tense, dapat dilihat dari kalimat "per days"

It appears that you are talking about the popularity of LPs, or vinyl records, in the music industry. In 1973, LPs were the most popular format for listening to music, with over 80 million units sold. However, over the next 15 years, their popularity began to decline, and by 1988, sales had fallen to around 40 million units. By 1997, sales of LPs had reached their lowest point and were no longer being produced.

The decline in LP sales can likely be attributed to a number of factors, including the increasing popularity of other music formats such as CDs and MP3s, as well as the convenience and portability of digital music. Additionally, the cost and difficulty of producing and distributing LPs may have made them less appealing to both consumers and music producers. Despite this, LPs have experienced a resurgence in popularity in recent years, with some people valuing their sound quality and collectability.

11. Penjelasan dari cos of sales


Harga Pokok Penjualan/Cost Of Sales/Cost Of Good Sold/Cost Of Merchandise Sold adalah semua biaya yang muncul dalam rangka menghasilkan suatu produk hingga produk tersebut siap dijual. dengan bahasa sederhana, Harga Pokok Penjualan yang biasa disingkat HPP/COS/COMS/COGS merupakan biaya yang dikeluarkan dalam suatu proses produksi barang dan jasa yang dapat dihubungkan secara langsung dengan aktivitas proses yang membuat produk barang dan jasa siap jual.

12. Linked account untuk Income account for Tracking Sales adalah: A. Cost of Sales B. Purchases Product C. Merchandise Inventory D. Sales Product E. Cost of Goods Sold


D. Sales Product


Sales Product adalah akun penjualan produk, income account adalah akun pendapatan, maka income account for tracking sales adalah Sales Product

13. Give the comparative degree for the situations below. 1. mary is forty years old. Beth is forty two years old. 2. Tokyo has 9 million people. New york has 8 million people, and Jakarta has 10 million people.


1. Comparative Degree Mary is younger than Beth Beth is older than Mary

2. Comparative Degree New York’s population is smaller than Tokyo’s population Tokyo’s population is bigger than New York’s population

=> Superlative DegreeNew York’s population is the smallest of all (jakarta n Tokyo) Jakarta’s population is the biggest of all (New York n Tokyo)

PEMBAHASANComparison Degree

1. Positive Degree

Perbandingan tingkat pertama, yg memandingkan dua hal dengan tingkat yg sama atau setara. Rumusnya

As + Adjective/Adverb + As

2. Comparative Degree

Perbandingan ini Tingkat kedua Yg bermakna lebih dari dan fungsinya utk membandingkan 2 hal, Biasanya ada kata Than (daripada). Rumusnya:

1 syllable, Adj+er = young+er (younger)2-3 syllable, More + Adj = More ExpensiveJika berakhiran y, Adj+ier = Pretty+ier (prettier)

3. Superlative Degree

Perbadingan tingkatan ketiga dalam Comparison Degree yg bermakna Sangat atau paling dalam mebandingkan hal dan biasanya ada kata the. Rumusnya:

1 syllable, Adj+est = Small+est (smallest)2-3 syllable, Most+Adj = most+expensivejika berakhiran y, Adj+iest = prettiest


Pelajari Selengkapnya

Materi Comparison Degree:


=== Semoga Membantu ===

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Materi: Comparison Degree

Kategori: Comparative dan Superlative

Kode Soal: 5

Kode Kategorisasi: 8.5


14. 1. Write the lyrics of the song entittled "93 million miles"2. Analize the lyrics of the song entittled "93 million miles"3. Get the message of the song entittled "93 million miles".​

1. 93 million miles from the sun

People get ready, get ready

'Cause here it comes, it's a light

A beautiful light, over the horizon into our eyes

Oh, my my how beautiful, oh my beautiful mother

She told me, "Son in life you're gonna go far

If you do it right you'll love where you are

Just know

Wherever you go

You can always come home"

240 thousand miles from the moon

We've come a long way to belong here to

Share this view of the night, a glorious night

Over the horizon is another bright sky

Oh, my my how beautiful, oh my irrefutable father

He told me, "Son sometimes it may seem dark

But the absence of the light is a necessary part

Just know

You're never alone

You can always come back home"

Home, home

You can always come back

Every road is a slippery slope

There is always a hand that you can hold on to

Looking deeper through the telescope

You can see that your home's inside of you

Just know

That wherever you go

No, you're never alone

You will always get back home

Home, home

Home, home, home

93 million miles from the Sun

People get ready, get ready

'Cause here it comes it's a light, a beautiful light

Over the horizon into our eyes

2. "93 million miles from the sun is where we live. And 240,000 miles from the moon and that's our geographical location within our solar system. Yet no matter where you are, there you are. And no matter where you are in the planet, you can call that home. I wanted to create a song that acknowledged that home is where the heart is and that's up to you to decide."

3. The song was one of four songs on Love is a Four Letter Word that Mraz wrote with Michael Natter, a guitarist in his 60s who lives up in the mountains of San Diego, and has been playing the same guitar since 1967.[1] Mraz told Artist Direct: "I met him at coffee shop gigs, open mic nights and songwriter nights. He and his wife would play and sing' they are adorable. I invited him to my house to help me change out a toilet, since I figured he would know. He did and brought his guitar over. We change the toilet and he played his guitar. He had all these ideas and riffs that he has been playing for 35 years. He has never had an outlet. I am almost 35, so some of those ideas came into existing same time I was being conceived."

It was based on something Natter would say when the pair were sitting out in the sun, playing guitar. He told Artist Direct: "We'd look at the sun, this fiery nuclear furnace, 93 million miles away, by the time the heat and light gets to us, it's just right."[1] The song was first released as the second promotional single from the album on iTunes, on March 27, 2012.

Semoga Membantu

15. London, the capital city of UK has a population of eight million. It is a 24-hour city. Some people say the city never _____, so it's on.


jawabannya adalah stop

16. Porter's Corner has sales of RM4,650 net income of RM490, total assets of RM5,820, and total debt of RM2,760. Assets and costs are proportional to sales. Debt and equity are not. No dividends or taxes are paid. Next year's sales are projected to be RM5,487. What is the amount of the external financing needed? A) −RM28 B) RM469 C) RM611 D) RM1,048 E) RM823




semoga membantu ya gan

17. Choose the correct answer from the words in italics. (ditanda kurung)As I said before, our sales (1. rose ∕ declined) to 500 million euros in the third quarter of last year. Why did they go up so dramatically? This was thanks to the successful launch of our new sports drink 'Vitality'. But as you know, we then had that problem with the contaminated drinks can, and our sales (2. grew ∕ dropped) in the final quarter to 400 million euros.That contamination incident continued to have a negative effect on our reputation at the beginning of this year. As a result, sales (3. decreased ∕ increased) by 50 million euros in the first quarter. They then (4. remained stable ∕ grew) at 350 million euros for the next three months. However, since June our reputation has improved and our sales have (5.risen ∕ fallen) every month, (6.increasing ∕ decreasing) to reach 500 million euros at the end of this fourth quarter.​


1.) Rose

2.) Dropped

3.) Decreased

4.) Grew

5.) Risen

6.) Increasing


As I said before, our sales (1. rose ∕ declined) to 500 million euros in the third quarter of last year. Why did they go up so dramatically? This was thanks to the successful launch of our new sports drink 'Vitality'.

Bukti bahwa jumlah sales nya melonjak sampai 500 milions euros. Maka, jawaban yang tepat adalah rose yaitu meningkat.

But as you know, we then had that problem with the contaminated drinks can, and our sales (2. grew ∕ dropped) in the final quarter to 400 million euros.

Namun, sales mereka menurun karena tempat minuman yang terkontaminasi, dari 500 million euros menurun menjadi 400 million euros. Maka, jawaban yang tepat adalah dropped yang artinya menurun

That contamination incident continued to have a negative effect on our reputation at the beginning of this year. As a result, sales (3. decreased ∕ increased) by 50 million euros in the first quarter.

Insiden kontaminasi itu terus berlanjut dan mendapat hasil yang negatif bagi reputasi mereka. Jadi, hasil sale nya menurun dari 400 million euros menjadi 50 million euros. Maka, jawaban yang tepat adalah decrased yang artinya menurun

Then (4. remained stable ∕ grew) at 350 million euros for the next three months. However, since June our reputation has improved and our sales have (5.risen ∕ fallen) every month, (6.increasing ∕ decreasing) to reach 500 million euros at the end of this fourth quarter.

Bukti bahwa setelah itu semua terjadi, reputasi mereka naik lagi setelah tiga bulan jumlah nya terus bertambah. Dan semua jawabannnya memiliki arti yang sama yaitu naik, tinggi, meningkat.

18. For 2018, Gourmet Kitchen Products reported $22 million of sales and $19 million of operating costs (including depreciation). The company has $15 million of total invested capital. Its after-tax cost of capital is 10%, and its federal-plus-state income tax rate was 36%. What was the firm’s economic value added (EVA), that is, how much value did man- agement add to stockholders’ wealth during 2018




NOP: 22-19=US$3

Tax : 36%

NOPAT= 3 Mio x (1-36%)=1,92 Mio

IC=US$15 Mio

WACC: 10%

EVA=1,92 Mio - (15 Mio x 10%)=1,92-1,5=0,42 Mio

Semoga terjawab. Thanks

19. Shoe Supply has decided to produce a new line of shoes that will have a selling price of $68 and a variable cost of $27 per pair. The company spent $187,000 for a marketing study that determined the company should sell 85,000 pairs of the new shoes each year for three years. The marketing study also determined that the company will lose sales of 24,000 pairs of its high-priced shoes that sell for $129 and have variable costs of $63 a pair. The company will also increase sales of its inexpensive shoes by 19,000 pairs. The inexpensive shoes sell for $39 and have variable costs of $15 per pair. The fixed costs each year will be $1.42 million. The company has also spent $1.29 million on research and development for the new shoes. The initial fixed asset requirement is $4.2 million and will be depreciated on a straight-line basis over the life of the


$1.42 million. The company has also spent $1.29 million on research and development for the new shoes. The initial fixed asset requirement is $4.2 million

20. Million people-the movie-ten-has-

jawabannya bisa dua :

The movie has ten million people
Ten million people has the movie.

semoga membantu

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