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Olive Is Allowed To Bring One Friend

Olive Is Allowed To Bring One Friend

....is allowed to bring a call phone during the exam

Daftar Isi

1. ....is allowed to bring a call phone during the exam

Diperbolehkan untuk membawa sebuah telepon genggam selama ujian berlangsung.

Itu artinya, kalau salah, di kritik aja gpp.

2. Which one is allowed in salon​

Yang mana diperbolehkan di salon


yg mana yg diperbolehkan di salon


semoga membantu :)

maaf klau slh

3. 9. Bring animals is not allowed16. Do not bring foods from outside​


Jika disuruh menggunakan kata must/mustn't maka jawabannya seperti ini :

9. You must not bring animals.

10. You must not bring foods from outside.




9. Dilarang membawa hewan

16. Jangan membawa makanan dari luar

Semoga membantu...

4. 1. Your friend is in critical condition. You ________ bring him to the doctor.​


Your friend is in critical condition. You should bring him to the doctor.

Teman kamu kondisinya kritis berarti kamu harus membawanya/memberikan dia ke dokter.

semoga membantun yaaa...

5. Students are not allowed to bring school phones because?

Because phones will make the students not focusing to the lesson and students can cheat during tests and worksheets.Because we go to school to learn not to play mobile phones

6. is nadya allowed to play gadget​


Apakah Nadya diperbolehkan bermain gadget

Itu terjemahannya ya semoga membantuu :))

7. Ristin:"My friend will help me to bring this book."a.Ristun will help me to bring this book.b.her friend will help to bring this book.c.her friend will help you to bring this book.d.her friend will help her to bring this book

A, Ristun will help me to bring thos book

8. you are not allowed to bring foods in the restaurant​


kamu tidak dibolehkan membawa makanan ke restoran

9. lala is helpful girl.today her friend doesnt bring umbrella. the rain is hard . lala wants to accompany her friend until the rain stops. what should lala say to her friend? hari 1/30

Jawaban: "do you want me to share my umbrella with you?" atau "let me  stay with you until the rain stops"


10. Pendapat opinion tentang students are not allowed to bring mobile phone to school

"I think that's a good idea. Because if students are allowed to bring mobile phone, they will not focus on their study or perhaps they will always playing on their mobile phone. So, i think it's a good idea, I'm agree with it"

Kasih love dan jadiin best yaa

11. the following is one expression to introduce your friend. it is ...​


C. Let me introduce you to my friend, Lia

~Semoga membantu~

12. TRAINED TO AID A PERSON WITH A DISABILITY ARE WELCOME 3. Where can we find the text above? a. At home b. At animal shelter At grocery shop d. At pet shop 4. From the text we know that.... a. It is not allowed to bring any pet inside b. It is allowed to bring dog only c. Dogs are welcome d. It is allowed to bring service animals insidetolong bantu saya jawab no tiga dan empat ​


sangat susah untuk di jawab

13. Your school has a new rule. Students are not allowed to bring their mobile phone to school.Create a dialogue between you and your friend based on the situation above!​


x: do you know our school has a new rule?

y:i didnt know that. whats the new rule?

x: were all not allowed to bring our mobile phone and our gadget to school

y: thats bad and good in the same time

x: yea cause we can be able to learn more then just playing games but sadly we can miss so many information

y: yea i hope theres a better way


maaf klo salah

aku cuma iseng jawab soalnya

Me:why can't we bring a phone

Iruta:because most kids playing their phone like every time exam,lunch,even swiming

Me:oh i didn't relized that

Iruta:of course your too busy on your phone duh

Me:ooop's sorry

Maaf ya kalau salah duh nya boleh di tulis dan ngak ditulis

Semoga membantu

14. why should students be allowed to bring their mobile phones to school?write two arguments!​


because in this corona situation we are advised to use cellphones to help keep our distance and not touch


15. The following dialogue is for number 122. Passenger : Is it allowed to bring a bird on theplane? Custom Officer: I am sorry,that is not allowed.The underlined sentence expresses about ....​


Is it allowed to bring a bird on the plane? (kalimat ini yg digaris-bawah?)

jawabannya: asking for permission


16. Why is vera allowed to borrow one book only?She has not returned a bookB She doesn't have a member cardShe doesn't bring her member cardDA student may borrow one book only.​


-She has not returned a book


Its simple, If you havent returned a book or even alot of books in a library, You cannot borrow  for more books, You should first Give the book that you borrowed already and then you can borrow a new book, And why does there is this type of system? Well it's because al lot of book in *Indonesia Library havent been returned yet, and books does cost money,so thats why the system of Give Back, Borrow another is a thing

(Hope its usefull, Sorry if its all wrong)

17. Your friend forgot to bring a pen. And you only bring one pen to do the assignment from your teacher. What will you suggest him?


sugest him to borrow your friend's pen

18. Lala is a helpful girl. Today her friend doesn't bring her umbrella. The rain is hard. Lala wants to accompany her friend until the rain stops. What should Lala say to her friend?

Do you want me to accompany maybe until the rain stops? if you want later I will accompany.i will accompany you until the rain stop

19. write your opinion about the following statements. a. Students are allowed to bring mobile phone to school..... b. Students are allowed to wear clothing (no uniform) to school​


tulis opini anda tentang pernyataan berikut

A.siswa diizinkan membawa ponsel ke sekolah

B.siswa diizinkan mengenakan (tanpa seragam)ke sekolah


gue cuma artiin maaf kalau salah

20. Susunlah menjadi kalimat yg benar! enter-no one-room-the-allowed-is-to

no one is allowed to enter the roomno one is allowed enter to this room ,,,
maaf kalau salah

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