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When A Principal Is Partially Disclosed

When A Principal Is Partially Disclosed

A..is an area of darkness formed when light is totally or partially blocked​

1. A..is an area of darkness formed when light is totally or partially blocked​


A..adalah area kegelapan yang terbentuk ketika cahaya terhalang seluruhnya atau sebagian

2. An expression that is disclosed when there is someone who wants to ask other persons to come to a place is


Ekspresi yang diungkapkan ketika ada seseorang yang ingin bertanya kepada orang lain

orang untuk datang ke suatu tempat.


maaf kalau salah

3. ( + ) George is a principal. ( - ) .................................. ( ?) ....................................​


(+) George is a principal

(-) George isn't a principal

(?) Is George a principal?

4. Perbedaan disclosed Dan undisclosed

kalau disclosed artinya terbongkar sedangkan undisclosed artinya tidak di beritakan.

Sekian jawaban saya!!!

Maaf yaa kalau menurut anda salah

5. you meet your principal when you attend scout​


Anda bertemu kepala sekolah Anda saat menghadiri pramuka

6. u. Tou are studying now4. Ani : What is Desi doing?Tonoa. He is meeting the principalb. He meets the principalc. She is meeting the principald. She meets the principal​


C. She is meeting the principal



You are studying now : Dalam percakapan ini aku adalah Desi. Yang sedang bersekolah

Ani : Apa yang dilakukan Desi sekarang?

Tono : (maka jawaban yang harus dijawab Tono harus sesuai tense Present Continues Tense, karena percakapan ini dilakukan sekarang dan mempertanyakan hal yang terjadi sekarang)

Present Continuous Tensedigunakan untuk pekerjaan yang sedang dilakukan sekarang.To express continues activity or to express activity on the progress.

Pola kalimat :(+) S + to be + KK ing + O/K(-) S + to be not + KK ing + O/K(?) To be + S + KK ing + O/K*nb : to be yang digunakan adalah are, is, am

Maka yang sesuai dengan pola kalimat positive adalah : C. She is meeting the principal.

Karena menggunakan S + to be + KK ing + OKarena Desi adalah perempuan, maka menggunakan She.


7. 8.He is _______ a teacher _______ a school principal.​


He is Agda a teacher mmk a school prinsipal




He is a good teacher and a school principal


yang pertama mungkin typo? maaf cuma tau segini

8. The students ____ (fight) when the principal arrived​


are fighting

Maaf kalau salah

9. Is mr wahyudi a principal


Apakah pak wahyudi kepala sekolah?

10. He is _______ a teacher _______ a school principal.emm tolong​


he is not a teacher he is a school principal

11. mr.dermawan is our school principal.______ is like a father to us.

he is like a father to us
Mr. Dermawan is our school principal. He is like a father to us.

12. Mr Dormawan is our school principal... is like a father to us

Mr Dormawan is our school principal. He is like a father to us.

Semangat de ngerjain pr nya, semoga membantu yaa :)

13. You meet the principal when you arriveat school


Kamu menemui Kepala Sekolah ketika kamu sampai ke sekolah


Semoga membantu^^

14. You meet your principal when you attend scouts. ​


kamu bertemu kepala sekolah kamu ketika kamu menghadiri pramuka.


udh saya translate

15. Principal is someone who......??

principal itu artinya prinsip berarti jawabnya havejwbannya have,

16. When you meet your principal in the first break

Bila Anda menemui kepala sekolah pada saat istirahat pertama

17. A school is.... By a principal or a headmaster

A school is leaded By a principal or a headmaster

Sebuah sekolah dipimpin oleh kepala sekolah 
A school is headed By a principal or a headmaster.
maaf ya klo slh ..
#SmgaMmbntu :)

18. you meet the principal when you arive at school. ​

Jawaban :

You meet the principal when you arrive at school :

James            : Good morning, Mr. Pandu. How are you doing ?

Mr. Pandu     : Good morning, James. I am doing well. And you ?

James           : I’m great, thank you

Mr. Pandu     : Please, come to class !

James           : Ok

Penjelasan :

Expression of greeting adalah sebuah ungkapan yang dipakai untuk memberikan ucapan salam kepada seseorang ketika bertemu di suatu tempat.

Contoh :

Good morning                                       How are you?How do you do?How are things? How is it going on? How are you doing? How have you been?I’m glad to meet youI’m pleased to meet you I’m happy to meet youIt’s nice to meet you

Pelajari lebih lanjut :

materi contoh expressing of greeting pada link



19. You meet your principal when you attend scouts. .​

Kamu ketemu kepala sekolah kamu jika kamu menghadiri pramuka

20. When you meet your principal in the first break

if you want the answer it is ," Good morning sir.

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