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Which Measurement Is Equivalent To 350 Milliliters

Which Measurement Is Equivalent To 350 Milliliters

Which fraction is equivalent to 7% ?

Daftar Isi

1. Which fraction is equivalent to 7% ?


Pecahan apa yang setara dengan 7%?

2. which of the following is equivalent to 1 <|x-2| < 4?

semoga bermanfaat :)

3. Which of the following is equivalent to -3? -√3 + 3 √-9 - √9 - √3 - √3

a) 3-√3
b) 3i
c) -3
d) -2√3

so, the answer is c

4. Exercise 3.5 Answer these questions in complete sentences. 1. Which is the longest metric unit of measurement? 2. Which is the shorter metric unit of measurement? 3. Which is the heaviest metal? 4. Which is the lightest gas? 5. Which is the simplest atom? 6. Which is the most complicated atom? 7. Which is the biggest city in the world? 8. Which is the least expensive metal? 9. Which are the most important oil-producing countries? 10. Which subject do you find most difficult and why?​


1. The longest unit of measurement is kilometres.

2. The shortest unit of measurement is millimetres.

3. The heaviest metal is osmium.

4. The lightest gas is hydrogen.

5. The simplest atom is hydrogen.

6. The most complicated atom is uranium.

7. The biggest city in the world is New York.

8. The least expensive metal is iron.

9. The most important oil-producing countries are U.S, Saudi Arabia, and Russia.

10. Your own opinion (berikan pendapatmu)

Semoga membantu, ya.

5. The result of measurement is​


Result of Measurement: The result of measurement has two parts; one part is the number and another part is the unit. The known quantity which is used in measurement is called a unit.


maaf kalau salah

6. is it possible to get an exact measurement without any error? Why?

None of the measurement standards in use today can be compared or transferred without error.

7. The result of measurement is .... tolong di jawab​


2 km per jam


ati soal:

Hasil pengukurannya adalah

8. 52 litre equals to how many milliliters?52 litre=???? milliliter ​

Jawaban :

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

1 liter = 1 ×

52 liters = 52 × = mililiters

So, 52 liters equals to mililiters

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

1 liter = 1.000 mililiters

So that :

52 liters = 52 × 1.000 = 52.000 mililiters

9. which of the fractions below is the simplest equivalent fraction of 10/25

= 10:5/25:5
= 2/5

10. Viscosity is a measurement describing the relative difficulty or easy with which liquid flow.


Viskositas adalah pengukuran yang menggambarkan kesulitan relatif atau kemudahan aliran cairan

11. What is the missing fraction? 16 : 8 is equivalent to ... of 16 *​


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:



12. the frations which has value equivalent to 12 1/2 persen to

12,5 % = 12,5/100 = 125/1000 = 1/8jawabannya adalah 1/8 maaf ya klu salah

13. why is it good scientific practice to take each measurement twice? ​

JAWABANRepeating an experiment more than once helps determine if the data was a fluke, or represents the normal case. It helps guard against jumping to conclusions without enough evidence. The number of repeats depends on many factors, including the spread of the data and the availability of resources. HOPE HELPING AND USEFUL :)Sorry if wrong (─.─||)#Let's learn#Study with BRAINLY

14. Yang bener itu “measurement are carried out” atau “measurement is carried out”


measurement is carried out


;) maaf kalo salah


Measurement is carried out.


Measurement adalah kata tunggal, bukan plural.

15. 3.Which of the following is not equivalent to 4:9?(A) 8:18(B)12:27(C) 20:54(D) 28: 63tolong jawab yaahh​


C. 20:54

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

This comparison equivalent with :


(x2) 8:18

(x3) 12:27

(x4) 16:36

(x5) 20:45

(x6) 24:54

(x7) 28:63

16. arti dari this is not a valid measurement

artinya ini bukan pengukuran yang validArtinya "Ini bukan pengukuran yang valid." :)

17. which of the following is equivalent to 1 ≤ |X - 2 | ≤ 4?(pilihan jawaban pada gambar)tolong ya kak, terima kasih!​


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

nilai mutlak


1 ≤ |x - 2| ≤ 4

|x-2| ≤  4  atau |x-2| ≥1

i) |x-2| ≤  4

- 4 ≤x - 2 ≤ 4

-2 ≤ x ≤ 6

ii) |x- 2| ≥ 1

x- 2 ≥ 1  atau x - 2 ≤ -1

x ≥ 3  atau x ≤ 1

HP  { -2 ≤ x ≤ 6  } dan { x ≥ 3  atau x ≤ 1 }

HP x =  {-2 ≤ x ≤ 1   atau 3 ≤ x ≤  6 }

Use trait :

a < f(x) < b


1 ≤ | x - 2 | ≤ 4

1 ≤ x - 2 ≤ 4

3 ≤ x ≤ 6


- 4 ≤ x - 2 ≤ -1

- 2 ≤ x ≤ 1



18. what is measurement?

Pengukuran (measurement) adalah suatu kegiatan yang dilakukan untuk menentukan fakta kuantitatif dengan membandingkan sesuatu dengan satuan ukuran standar yang disesuaikan sesuai dengan objek yang akan diukur. pengukuran yang dilamukan berkali"

19. Find the equivalent fractions.⅔ = ….. = …..⅕ = ….. = …..Which one is the greater fraction?¾ or ⅙ The greater is …..⅖ or ½ The greater is …..Which one is the smaller fraction?⅔ or ⅚ The smaller is …..3/7 or ½ The smaller is …..


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

⅔ = 4/6 = 8/12

⅕ = 2/10 = 4/20

3/4 = 3 : 4 = 0,75

1/6 = 1 : 6 = 0,16

So , 3/4 is the greatest.

2/5 = 2 : 5 = 0,4

1/2 = 1 : 2 = 0,5

So, 1/2 is the greatest.

2/3 = 2 : 3 = 0,66

5/6 = 5 : 6 = 0,83

So, 2/3 is the smallest.

3/7 = 0,42

1/2 = 0,5

3/7 is the smaller

20. fractions equivalent to 1/5

2/10, 3/15, 4/20,5/25

dikalikan saja masing2 numerator dan denominatornya

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