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A 1 47 Newton Baseball Is Dropped

A 1 47 Newton Baseball Is Dropped

a 145 g baseball is dropped from a tree 13.0 m above the ground

Daftar Isi

1. a 145 g baseball is dropped from a tree 13.0 m above the ground


given ,

the mass of the baseball , m = 145 g = 0.145 kg

the height of the tree, h = 13.0 m

find the potential energy of the Baseball =?


the potential energy, Ep = m. g. h

(assume that g = 10 kg/m²)

so, Ep = 0.145 × 10 × 13.0

= 18.85Joule

~Potential Energy


» Solutionsthe mass of the baseball ( m ) = 145 g the height of the tree ( h ) = 13,0 m Assume the earth's gravitational force ( g ) = 10 m/s

Convert the mass of the ball to kg

➞ 145 g

➞ 145 ÷ 1.000

➞ 0,145 kg

Using the formula for potential energy that PE = m × g × h, then:

PE = 0,145 × 10 × 13,0

PE = 1,45 × 13

PE = 18,85J

2. jelaskan penerapan hukum newton pada olah raga baseball

hukum newton III,
karena olahrah baseball ada aksi dan reaksinya

3. Lestari sometimes drops dishes. She . . . one yesterdaya. was droppedb. is droppedc. droppedd. drops​


C. Dropped





4. The little boy ... his meal at the party last night. The best predicate to complete the sentence is ... *A. droppedB. was droppedC. is droppedD. have droppedE. is dropping​


A. dropped


kejadian masa lampau jadinya pakai

v2 dari drop yaitu dropped maaf jika salah




Topic:simple past tense

Simple past tense dipakai untuk menyatakan kegiatan tunggal Yang dilakukan dimasa lampau (time signalnya yesterday,last+day/month/year.


5. Misalkan bola baseball bermassa m dan dipukul dengan gaya F, sehingga memiliki kecepatan v. Jika massa bola baseball m dan gaya pukul 2F, bagaimana kecepatan bola baseballnya? Analisis permasalahan tersebut dengan hukum II Newton!Buatlah kesimpulan tentang besaran-besaran fisika yang berhubungan dengan momentum dan impuls pada olah raga baseball!​


Kecepatan bola tersebut jika dipuku  dengan gaya sebesar 2F adalah 2v


Pada mulanya bola yang bermassa m dpukul dengan gaya F sehingga kecepatannya v.

jika pukulannya dibesarkan menjadi 2F, maka kecepatan benda juga akan meningkat. dengan asumsi waktu kontak gaya dengan benda sama maka besar kecepatannya menjadi

Kita gunakan persamaan  momentum dan  impuls

[tex]Ft=mv\\v=Ft/m  [/tex]


[tex]2Ft=mv'\\v'=2Ft/m \\v'=2v [/tex]

Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang materi momentum pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/20824142


6. What is the similar meaning of "dropped"​


Drop. Fall. Let go


Maaf kalau salah


Let fell, released, unheld.


Let fell : Biarkan jatuh.

Released : Melepaskan.

Unheld : Melepaskan.

7. one stone is dropped from the side of a bridge and a second is dropped from the same place a short time later. what do you think about the distance between the stones as a function of time after both have been dropped ? ignore air resistance

satu batu dijatuhkan dari sisi jembatan dan yang kedua dijatuhkan dari tempat yang sama beberapa saat kemudian. apa pendapat Anda tentang jarak antara batu-batu itu sebagai fungsi waktu setelah keduanya dijatuhkan? abaikan hambatan udara

maaf ya aku cuma tau artinya

8. the old baseball is cleaner than the new baseball​


bisbol lama lebih bersih dari bisbol yang baru.

9. Ubah ke plural 1. This is an eraser 2. That is a blue bird 3. This is a rabbit 4. This is a fat man 5. That is a big apple 6. That is a small bag 7. This is a baseball bat


aku gtw coba liat goggle


belajar bhs inggris aja

10. akbar dan dede bermain tarik tambang melawan jefri bila gaya mereka masing-masing 20 Newton.21 Newton dan 47 newton.tentukan : A. bila gaya mereka masing-masing 21 newton.26 newton dan 47 newton resultan. B. siapa yang menang? C.Apa kesimpulan mu?

Akbar : 20 Newton
Dede : 21 Newton
Jefri : 47 Newton
Akbar + Dede VS Jefri
20+21 VS 47
41 VS 47
Maka Jefri menang karena gaya yang Ia berikan lebih besar dari pda Akbar + Dede
Maaf klo slahDiketahui :
F akbar = 20 N
F dede = 21 N
F jefri = 47 N
Ade+ akbar melawan jefri
Ditanyakn : R dan Pemenang ?

Dijawab :
R = F jefri - (Fakbr + F dede)
    = 47 - (20+21)
    = 47 - 41
    = 7 N bergerak ke arah Jefri

Yang menang Jefri

Kesimpulan Gaya bergerak ke arah yang lebih besar

11. combine the followibg sentence 1. his name is peter he is afamous professional athlete he is baseball player ​


his name is peter who is famous professional athlete in baseball player

12. Sebuah bola baseball dipukul dengan gaya sebesar 100 newton dan lama waktu sentuk bola 0,1 sekon. Besar impuls yang di terima oleh bola tersebut adalah


Impuls dari sebuah gaya 100 N ang digunakan memukul bola basket dengan waktu 0,1 s sebesar 10 Ns.


Diketahui :

F = Gaya = 100 N

Δt= Waktu sentuh = 0,1 s

Ditanyakan :

I = Impuls = ......

Penyelesaian :

I = F . Δt

I = 100 x 0,1

I = 10 Ns

Pelajari Materi Lebih Lanjut Pada :  

Materi tentang momentum dan Impuls : https://brainly.co.id/tugas/8874986  


13. Mass is measured in .... and weight is measured in....A. Kilogram and newtonB. Kilogram and metersC. Newton and newtonD. Newton and scondJawab Ya:)​


A.Kilogram and Newton


I think sory if wrong

14. A: He is almost dropped out because he often skips the school. B: implete the


mikir sendiri ndong monyet

15. akbar dan dede bermain tarik tambang melawan jefri bila gaya mereka masing-masing 21 newton.26 newton dan 47 newton tentukan : A.bila gaya mereka masing-masing 21 Newton.26 newton dan 47 newton resultan. B. siapa yang menang? C.Apa kesimpulan mu?

A. Resultan gayanya : (21+26)-47 =0
B. Tidak ada yang menang
C. Tali tidak bergerak

16. He was a library of information about baseball,what thype of figurative language is used


dia adalah perpustakaan informasi tentang bisbol, apa jenis bahasa kiasan yang digunakan



17. apakah my rank is dropped termasuk past tense ?​





karena ada Dropped disana

18. 2. A rubber ball is dropped onto the floor from a height of ℎ metres. The time taken for it to stop bouncing is t seconds. This is given by the formula, where is a number that measures the ‘bounciness’ of the rubber ball. When dropped from a height of 1.25 m, it bounces for 2.5 s. a. Find the value of e b. For how long would the rubber ball bounce if it was dropped from a height of 1.8 m? c. The same rubber ball is dropped again, and this time it bounces for 3.5 s. find the height that it was dropped from.

a. [tex]t=(\frac{1+e}{1-e})\sqrt{\frac{h}{5}}\\2,5=(\frac{1+e}{1-e})\sqrt{\frac{1,25}{5}}\\2,5=(\frac{1+e}{1-e})\cdot0,5\\\frac{2,5}{0,5}=\frac{1+e}{1-e}\\5-5e=1+e\\6e=4\\e=\frac{4}{6}\\[/tex]

b. & c. just substitution the variable

Good luck

19. Dylan is very ... . He plays soccer, basketball, and baseball. ​


dylan is very smart He plays soccer,basket ball,and baseball.



Because he can play soccer, basketball and basesball

20. a ball with a mass of 2 kg is dropped from the top of a building and strikes the ground at a velocity of 10 m/s what is the heigt of the building from which the ball is dropped?

Materi : Kinematika Gerak Lurus
Sub materi : Gerak Jatuh Bebas
Mapel : Fisika
Kelas : X SMA (KTSP)
Keyword : GJB


Diketahui :
m = 2 kg
v = 10 m/s

Ditanya :
h = ?

Penyelesaian :
Gerak jatuh bebas merupakan gerak benda dengan kecepatan awal benda Vo = 0 ,bisa dikatakan benda jatuh secara spontan.

Analisis soal :
A ball with a mass m kg dropped from the building which the height h meter. When the ball strikes, the velocity is 10m/s. The problem is what is the height of the building where the ball was dropped from?

Perhitungan :
v = √2gh
v² = 2gh
(10)² = 2(10)h
100 = 20h
h = 100/20
h = 5 m

So, the height of the building where the ball was dropped from is 5 m


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