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An Object Is Moving North At A Constant Speed

An Object Is Moving North At A Constant Speed

A particle P is moving in a horizontal circle about O. It moves at constant speed V. Which statement is true? ​

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1. A particle P is moving in a horizontal circle about O. It moves at constant speed V. Which statement is true? ​


There are several statements that could be true regarding a particle P moving in a horizontal circle about point O at constant speed V, but some possibilities include:

The centripetal acceleration of the particle P is given by a = V^2 / r, where r is the radius of the circle.

The direction of the centripetal force acting on the particle P is towards point O.

The particle P has a velocity vector that is tangential to the circle at every point along its path.

The angular velocity of the particle P, which is the rate at which it sweeps out angle as it moves around the circle, is given by ω = V / r.

Without additional information, it is not possible to determine which of these statements, or others, might be true.


2. An object with mass 2.7 kg is executing simple harmonic motion, attached to a spring with spring constant k = 310 N/m. When the object is 0.020 m from its equilibrium position, it is moving with a speed of 0.55 m/s (a) Calculate the amplitude of the motion. (b) Calculate the maximum speed attained by the object.


Object mass 2 .7kg is executing

3. An object moving with a speed of 67 m/s and has a kinetic energy of 500 J, what is the mass of the object?


Ek = ½mv²


m = 2.Ek / v²

= 2. 500 / 67²

= 0.222 kg

4. During free fall, (a) it is (c) which is (c)being (d) is up to a full minute, a skydiver will fall at a constant speed of 120 m.p.h,


which is


maaf kalau salaah

5. If an object has a mass of 8 kg moving at a speed of 10 m/s. the kinetic energy ( the object is… J A.400 B.800 C.80 D.40 Dengan cara ya


400 J


The formula for kinetic energy:

Ek = [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex]mv²

Ek = Kinetic Energy

m = mass

v = velocity

So, if the mass of the object is 8 kg, and it's moving at 10 m/s, then:

Ek = [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex] . 8kg . (10m/s)²     = [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex] . 8kg . 100 m²/s²     = 400 kgm²/s² = 400 J

Hence, the kinetic energy of the object is 400 J

6. A car covers 20 km in 30 minutes. It can be ascertained that the car is moving at a speed ...​


40 Km/Hour


The car covers 20 KM in 30 Minutes. That's mean 40 KM in 1 hour.

20 Km × 2 = 40 Km

so the car is moving at speed 40 Km per hour

7. An object has a kinetic energy of 49 J and a mass of 2 kg, how fast is the object moving?

Energi Kinetik


Ek = energi kinetik = 49 J m = massa = 2 kg


v = kecepatan ?


Ek = ½ × m × v²

49 = ½ × 2 × v²

49 = 1 × v²

v² = 49/1

v² = 49

v = 7 m/s ✔

8. a natural object moving round planet in the space is called​


A natural object moving around planet in the space is called satellite.


Satellite artinya satelit.

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9. the engine of airplane is able to move the airplane with a forces 10000 newtons. when the airplane is moving with constant of speed 300m/s , the power delivered by the engine is...​


P = F.V

P = 10000. 300

P = 3.000.000 watt

P = 3 MWatt

The power delivered by the engine is 3 MWatt.

10. 1. the potential energy of an object at an altitude of 10 Meters is 100 joules . the mass of the object is?2. ( from question no. 1 ) if the object is moving at 4m/s , what is the kinetic energy of the object? tolong bantu jawab no. 2​


1. Given: h=10m, PE=100J, g=10m/s

Ask: m=?

Ans: PE=mgh




2. Given: v=4m/s, m=1kg

Ask: KE=?

Ans: KE=1/2mv^2





11. A box is being pushed across a horizontal ground at constant speed. If the push is stopped, the box will. A. Stop immediately B. Continue to move at constant speed C. Start slowing down D. Move at constan speed for a while and the slow down EXPLAIN-!!!


D. , because thing cant stop immediately and it cant instantly slow down either

12. 6 A car travels due north at a constant speed of 30 ms-for 2.0 minutes. The car then travels due east at a constant speed of 20 ms- for four minutes. What is the total distance travelled by the car? A 140 m B 8400 m C 9000 m D 9100 m​


jawabannya b


semoga membantu

maaf kalo salah

13. john rides his bike 49 miles with a constant speed of 12mph and another 29 miles with a constant speed of 12mph what is his average speed for the total trip?​

12 MPH

because john's bike in both distances covered has a constant speed of 12mph therefore the average speed that john travels is around



(whilst the time it takes for john to complete both distances is about

49miles+29miles=78 miles divided by the average speed around 12mph equals 6,5 hours.

(49÷12)+(29÷12)=4,0833333+2,41666=6,5 hours)

14. Dialogue:_________________The old car is still faster than the horse cart.The carts is....than the car.The car can run 80kilometers an hour,and the horse cart can run only 20 kilometers an hour.____________________1)The most suitable word to complete the sentence is....A)FasterB)NearerC)SlowerD)Shorter2)The old car still FASTER than the horse cart.The underlined words means....A)Capable of moving at low speedB)Capable of moving at high speedC)Incapable of moving at high speedD)Capable os moving at medium speed3)The HORSE CART can run only 20 kilometers an hour.The synonym of the underlined words is....A)Horse drayB)Horse farmC)Horse stableD)Horse charioteer

The carts is....than the car.The car can run 80kilometers an hour,and the horse cart can run only 20 kilometers an hour.

The cart is dry horse so

It is run slower than car

)The most suitable word to complete the sentence is .

C slower

According to the text car runs run 80kilometers an hour and cart runs 20 kilometers an hour.

2)The old car still FASTER than the horse cart.The underlined words means

B)Capable of moving at high speed

Faster is able to move quickly

3)The HORSE CART can run only 20 kilometers an hour.The synonym of the underlined words is..

A)Horse dray

Horse cart same meaning horse dray

Horse dray is a horse that pulls a dray or heavily built wagon, cart, truck, or horse-drawn trolley

15. When the frequency of a wave is increased, what happens to :A.) the wavelength if the speed is constant?B.) The speed of the wave if the Wavelength is constant? Mohon bantuannya, hari ini duenya​


A. Wavelength = speed/frequency, so if frequency increased wavelength will decereased

B. Speed = wavelength. Frequency, so if frequency increased speed will increased

terjemahan :

roda pendaratan pesawat terdiri dari piston dan silinder D dan pegas yang dimuat secara hidrolik

dan dua pivot link OB dan CB .

jika Roda gigi bergerak di sepanjang runway

pada kecepatan konstan dengan roda mendukung beban konstan yang stabil sebesar

24 kN ,hitung total gaya yang di dukung pin pada A .

17. An object is thrown vertically up with a speed of 20 m / s. When the object reaches its maximum height is ... s


t = Vo / g

t = 20 / 10

t = 2 second

18. ............ is an air moving across the surface of the planet or through the atmosphere at a speed fast enough to be noticed

adalah udara yang bergerak di seluruh permukaan planet atau melalui atmosfer pada kecepatan cukup cepat untuk diperhatikan
Hurricane or Tornado..

19. A 10N force is needs to move an object with a constant velocity of 5m/s. What Power must be delivered to the object by the force?

P = W/t = (F s)/t = F x s/t = F x (v) = 10 x 5 = 50Wattp=w/t p=FV then p=10 x 5= 50 watt okay

20. the speed of boat on calm water is 25 km per hour. If the boat is moving on a river whose water flows at speed of 5 km per hour. Find the speed that boat as : a. it is moving in yhe same direction as the water flowb. it is moving againist the direction of the water flow

Vkapal = 25 m/s
Vsungai = 5 m/s

a. Searah arus
Vkapal + Vsungai
= 25 m/s + 5m/s
= 30 m/s

b. Berlawanan arus
Vkapal - Varus
= 25 m/s - 5 m/s
= 20 m/s

nangkep soalnya begini, maaf kalau salah

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