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12 To The Power Of 3

12 To The Power Of 3

Nilai dari blank to the power of 5 log 625 plus to the power of 6 log 1296 adalah

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1. Nilai dari blank to the power of 5 log 625 plus to the power of 6 log 1296 adalah

5 log 625 + 6 log 1296=
5 log 5^3 + 6 log 6^4 =

2. The Constitution gave the legislative branch of government ________ to pass laws. Select one: a. The power is b. Has the power c. The power d. Of the power


b. Has the power

3. QUIZZ !!!(B.Inggris)The Constitution gave the legislative branch of government ________ to pass laws.a. the powerb. the power isc. has the powerd. of the power#englishtestbyalfan2/2​


A. the power


Dalam Konstitusi Amerika Serikat, legislatif memiliki wewenang untuk menetapkan undang-undang. Hal ini dinyatakan dengan kalimat "the legislative branch of government has the power to pass laws". Artinya, cabang legislatif pemerintahan memiliki kekuatan untuk mengeluarkan undang-undang. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah "A. the power".

A. the power

The Constitution gave the legislative branch of government the power to pass laws.


Konstitusi memberikan cabang legislatif kekuasaan pemerintah untuk mengesahkan undang-undang.

4. what do think about the indonesian military power compared to that of the british army at the time

I think Indonesian military power is so very weak compared to the British army. This is due to the weakness of Indonesia's ideas would be developed, coupled with the level of education far behind them.

5. sedang berada di puncak mengikuti acara kantornya. Cuaca di puncak pada saat malam hari sangat dingin sehingga ayah mengambil kopi panas di dalam termos yang suhunya 70 to the power of 0 C lalu di tuangkan ke dalam gelas. Setelah 2 jam ternyata kopi ayah menjadi dingin dengan suhu 23 to the power of 0 C. Perubahan suhu air kopi dari dalam termos ke dalam gelas setelah 2 jam adalah ….A27 to the power of 0 CB37 to the power of 0 CC47 to the power of 0 CD57 to the power of 0 space C​


jawabanya adalah c

6. Monic : Could you tell me how to operate the new cleaner ? Diaz : Of course. Firstly ………. A.You put on the power button at the side of the cleaner. Firstly...*B.You turn up the power button at the top of the machineC.You turn on the power button at the left side of the machineD.You replace the power button at the side of the cleanerE.You put on the power button at the side and replace of the cleaner​


C. You turn on the power button at the left side of the machine

7. 1...(1) the scanner's power adapter into an electrical outlet 2. insert the other end of this...(2) into the power adapter receptable on the rear..(3) of the scanner. the power indicator on the front panel of the scanner should now be...(4) 3. plug your computer's power cable into an electrical...(5)


8. discuss the extent to which the benefits of monopoly power would exceed the cost

artinya mendiskusikan sejauh mana manfaat kekuatan monopoli yang melebihi biaya

klo bukan itu maksudnya maaf ya:)

9. Penulisan bentuk baku yang benar dari 0,000043 adalah.... A 4 comma 3 cross times 10 to the power of 5 B 4 comma 3 cross times 10 to the power of 4 C 4 comma 3 cross times 10 to the power of negative 4 end exponent D 4 comma 3 cross times 10 to the power of negative 5 end exponent Tolong plissss, mohon dibantu jgn asal njawabnya

itu 4,3 ×10^-5 jadi jawabannya yang d

10. apa arti the power of love

The power of love = Kekuatan cinta
arti dari the power of live: kekuatan cinta

11. tema lagu the power of the dream

Deep within each heart
Jauh di lubuk hati setiap insan
There lies a magic spark
Ada sebuah percik ajaib
That lights the fire of our imagination
Yang nyalakan bara imajinasi kita
And since the dawn of man
Dan sejak mula manusia
The strenght of just "I can"
Kekuatan dari kalimat "aku bisa"
Has brought together people of all nations
Tlah satukan orang-orang dari seluruh penjuru dunia

There's nothing ordinary
Tiada yang biasa-biasa
In the living of each day
Dalam hidup sehari-hari
There's a special part
Ada sebuah peran istimewa
Every one of us will play
Yang setiap kita akan lakoni

Feel the flame forever burn
Rasakan bara terus menyala
Teaching lessons we must learn
Ajarkan pelajaran yang harus kita pelajari
To bring us closer to the power of the dream
Dekatkan kita pada kekuatan impian
As the world gives us its best
Saat dunia berikan kita yang terbaik
To stand apart from all the rest
Untuk berbeda dari yang lain
It is the power of the dream that brings us here
Kekuatan impianlah yang membawa kita ke sini

Your mind will take you far
Pikiranmu 'kan membawamu jauh
The rest is just pure heart
Yang lain hanyalah hati yang murni
You'll find your fate is all your own creation

Kau kan dapati bahwa nasibmu adalah ciptaanmu sendiri
Every boy and girl
Setiap anak laki-laki dan perempuan
As they come into this world
Saat mereka hadir di dunia ini
They bring the gift of hope and inspiration
Mereka membawa kado harapan dan inspirasi

Feel the flame forever burn
Rasakan bara terus menyala
Teaching lessons we must learn
Ajarkan pelajaran yang harus kita pelajari
To bring us closer to the power of the dream
Dekatkan kita pada kekuatan impian
The world unites in hope and peace
Dunia bersatu dalam asa dan kedamaian
We pray that it will always be
Kita berdoa semoga kan selalu begini
It is the power of the dream that brings us here
Kekuatan impianlah yang membawa kita ke sini

There's so much strength in all of us
Ada begitu banyak kekuatan dalam diri kita
Every woman child and man
Tiap perempuan, anak-anak dan laki-laki
It's the moment that you think you can't
Inilah saat yang kau pikir kau tak mampu
You'll discover that you can
Kau kan temukan bahwa kau bisa

CHORUS 2 (2x)

The power of the dream
Kekuatan impian
The faith in things unseen
Keyakinan pada hal-hal yang tak terlihat
The courage to embrace your fear
Nyali tuk mendekap ketakutanmu
No matter where you are
Dimanapun kau berada
To reach for your own star
Tuk menggapai bintangmu
To realize the power of the dream
Tuk wujudkan kekuatan impian

12. 2. The city is having a serious power shortage due to... *A. the extreme cold weather.B. the high supply of electrical power.C. the high demand of electrical power.D. the residents’ daily consumption.E. the unnecessary appliances​


A. the extreme cold weather


2. Kota ini mengalami kekurangan listrik yang serius karena .....

A. cuaca dingin yang ekstrem.

13. Lengkapilah titik dibawah ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara luas persegi dengan sisi segitiga siku-siku! 9 + …. = .... 32 + ....... = .... to the power of.... end exponent Rumus Pythagoras: q squared plus.... to the power of.... end exponent equals.... to the power of.... end exponent

jawaban tugas matematika tantang pythagoras

14. Hissa : Could you tell me how to operate this camera?Shopkeeper : Yes, ma’am. Firstly, ......Hissa : Oh, I see. A. Turn off the power button at the side of the camera. B. Turn up the power button at the top of the camera. C. Replace the power button at the side of the camera. D. Turn on the power button at the left side of the camera. Plis bantu jawab?



Maaf klo salah [ 3

15. THE POWER OF THE DREAM (Celine Dion) 1. to whom does the singer dedicates the song ? 2. what strenght is In the heart ? 3. what is the message of the song ?

1. the singer dedicates the song for those who have a lot of dreams in their life
2. God is the strength of our heart and our portion forever. deep within each heart there lies a magic spark that lights the fire of our imagination and since the dawn of man the strength of just "I can". there's so much strength in all of us
3. the message of the song is that dream will make our lives have purpose and direction. a dream also makes us always "live" and revive all our beautiful dreams armed with confidence and strength that contained in our steps.

16. Sebatang rel kereta api panjangnya 10 m pada suhu 0 to the power of o c. jika saat dilalui kereta suhunya naik menjadi 70 to the power of oc dan koefisiene muai panjang besi 0 comma 000012 divided by to the power of o c. berapakah pertambahan panajng rel tersebut?


Sebatang rel kereta api panjangnya 10 m pada suhu 0°C. jika saat dilalui suhunya naik 100°C dan koefisien muai panjang besi 0,000012/°C.

Maka pertambahan panjang rel adalah … 0,012 m atau 1,2 cm


Rumus pertambahan panjang pada pemuaian panjang adalah sebagaimana berikut:

ΔL = Lo. α. Δt


ΔL = pertambahan panjang akibat pemuaian (dalam satuan m, cm)

Lo = panjang awal (dalam satuan m, cm)

α = koefisien muai panjang (dalam satuan /°C)

Δt = perbedaan suhu (dalam satuan °C)

Dalam soal diketahui:

Lo = 10 m

α = 0,000012/°C

Δt = 100 - 0°C = 100 °C


ΔL = Lo. α. Δt

= (10)(0,000012)(100)

= 0,012 m

= 1,2 cm

17. Suhu di kamar ber-AC adalah 37 to the power of OC. Setelah dihidupkan suhunya turun 2 to the power of OC setiap menit. Suhu di dalam kamar tersebut setelah 7 menit adalah. ​.



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

karena 7x2 = 14

setiap menit suhu turun 2°C

18. Combine like terms to write an equivalent expression for 4y to the power of 2 + 6x - 2y to the power of 2 + 12x

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

1. 4y²+6x-2y²+12x


19. apa arti dari we are given the authority to use the power of good

kita diberi wewenang untuk menggunakan kekuatan yang baikkita diberi wewenang untuk hal yg baik ._.

20. The process of delivering electrical energy from the power plant to the substations is called ?


Electric power transmission.


Electric power transmission is the bulk movement of electrical energy from a generating site, such as a power plant, to an electrical substation. The voltage level is changed with transformers, stepping up the voltage for transmission, then reducing voltage for local distribution and then use by customers.

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