There Is A Rectangular Forest With A Total Of

There Is A Rectangular Forest With A Total Of

Is there a wolf in the forest? Make the plural forma Are there wolf in the forest?b. Are there wolves in the forest?c. Is there wolf in the forest?d. Is there wolves in the forest​

Daftar Isi

1. Is there a wolf in the forest? Make the plural forma Are there wolf in the forest?b. Are there wolves in the forest?c. Is there wolf in the forest?d. Is there wolves in the forest​


B. Are there wolves in the forest


Apakah ada serigala di hutan? Buatlah bentuk jamak

Apakah ada serigala di hutan? Buatlah bentuk jamaka Apakah ada serigala di hutan?

Apakah ada serigala di hutan? Buatlah bentuk jamaka Apakah ada serigala di hutan?b. Apakah ada serigala di hutan?

Apakah ada serigala di hutan? Buatlah bentuk jamaka Apakah ada serigala di hutan?b. Apakah ada serigala di hutan?c. Apakah ada serigala di hutan?

Apakah ada serigala di hutan? Buatlah bentuk jamaka Apakah ada serigala di hutan?b. Apakah ada serigala di hutan?c. Apakah ada serigala di hutan?d. Apakah ada serigala di hutan



2. perimeter of rectangular is 40m.The length of rectangular is 15m.The width of rectangular is......cepat yaa​


Perimeter = 2 ( length + width)

40m = 2 length + 2 widht

40m = 2 × 15 + 2 widht

2 widht = 40 - 30

2 widht = 10

widht = 10/2 = 5

perimeter = keliling

length = panjang

widht = lebar

3. The volume of a rectangular container with a square base is 36000 cm3. Its height is 40 cm. What is the length of one side of the square

Volume = 36000 cm³

p×l×t =36000

p×l×40 = 36000

p×l = 36000/40

p×l = 900

Then, if the base is a square. So the length and width is same.

So, s²=900

[tex]s = \sqrt{900 } \\ s = 30 \: cm[/tex]

Maaf ya kalau salah

4. pembenaran kalimat dari : my handbag is a black rectangular leather bag with a long tubular strap of the same material. the bag is about 18" X 12" in size with there compartments. the compartment which a zip in it is the centre one.

18"x12" with three compartments. The compartment has a zip which is in the middle of it. (Kalimat terakhir, bagiannya mpy sebuah resleting yg di tengahnya bukannya?)My handbag is a rectangular black leather bag with a long tubular strap, made of the same material. The bag is about 18" x 12" in size with three compartments. A zip is located on the center compartment.

semoga membantu ^^

5. There is a wild (fox/foxes) in the forest.​



Smoga membantu

6. a 2A current running through an infinitely long wire (up). 10 cm from the wire, there is a rectangular coil with a current 5A running counterclockwise. if the sides of the squares are 5 cm, what is the total force actin on the squares and to which direction?

jawabannya ada di foto ya..
semoga membantu :)

7. The surface area of ​​a rectangular pyramid with a base side length of 10 cm and a height of 12 cm is ... Math in English-


a = 1/2 x 10

  = 5 cm

the height of the upright side

t = √ 12² + 5²

 = √144 + 25

 = √169

 = 13

LΔ = a x t

    = 5 x 13

    = 65

pyramid surface area

Lp = La + 4 x LΔ

    = 10 x 10 + 4 x 65

    = 100 + 260

    = 360 cm²


U-U i know its a homework right-_


10 x 12 = 120

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

terjemahan : luas permukaan persegi panjang dengan sisi 10 cm dan tinggi 12 cm adalah...

jadi, p (sisi) x l (tinggi)

= 10 x 12

= 120

semoga membantu...

8. A rectangular container measures 15 cm by 10 cm by 80 cm. It is completely filled with water. How many litres of water are there in the container?



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

sorry if wrong

9. A rectangular block is 24 cm long. A cube with a volume of 216 cm3 is cut from the block. What is the volume of the remaining block?

V.cube = s³

s = √V.cube

s = √216

s = 6cm

[tex] \: \: [/tex]

V = V.rectangular - V.cube

V = (p × s²) - 216

V = (24 × 6²) - 216

V = 864 - 216

V = 648cm³


648 cm³

penjelasan ada di foto yaa, maaf kalo kurang jelas

kalo ada yang salah bantu dikoreksi :))

10. The backyard of a house is rectangular with a length of 10 m and a width of 6 m. 16 part is used for ponds, 34part is planted with grass, and the rest is covered with coral rock. What is the area of backyard covered with coral rock? Bantu plssSSSS



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

1/6 & 3/4 = 2/12 & 9/12

2/12 + 9/12 = 11/12

12/12 - 11/12 = 1/12

1/12 x 60 = 60 ÷ 12


So, the area of backyard covered with the coral rock is 5cm². :)

Kabarin kl bener :v

Maap kl salah

11. the base of a rectangular tank is 135 m2 the volume of the tank is 6.750 m³ therefore the height of the rectangular tank is​

Volume of a rectangle = area of base . Height
= H = 6750 / 135
= h = 50 cm

12. 3. The length of a rectangular file is 45 cm, If the breadth of file is 20 cm.what is the area of the rectangular file is ... cm²​


450 cm pangkat 2


= 1/2 x a x t

= 1/2 x 20 x 45 (Sistem coret= 2 dan 20 = 10, 10 x 45)

= 450 cm pangkat 2

smoga membantu maaf klo salah :}

13. is there a rain forest in west java


apakah ada hutan hujan di jawa barat?

14. The volume of a rectangular container with a square base is 36000 cm3. Its height is 40 cm. What is the length of one side of the square


l = 30 cm

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

[tex]36.000 = {l}^{2} \times 40 \\ \frac{36.000}{40} = {l}^{2} \\ 900 = {l}^{2} \\ \sqrt{900} = l \\ 30 = l[/tex]


15. 5. A rectangular block has a volume of 240 cm³. It has a base area of 30 cm². What is the height of the rectangular block?


8 cm

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

h[tex]\sf_{rectangular~block}[/tex] = V ÷ A[tex]\sf_{base}[/tex]

= 240 ÷ 30

= 8 cm

16. A rectangular plot of land is drawn with a length of 5 cm and a width of 3 cm. The scale used is 1: 600. The actual land area is ​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Jarak sebenarnya = jarak pada peta : skala

Js = jp : s

Maka :

Panjang :

Js = 5 × 600 = 3.000 cm = 30 m.

Lebar :

Js = 3 × 600 = 1.800 cm = 18 m.

Luas sebenarnya :

30 × 18 = 540 m²

Semoga membantu.

17. The backyard of a house is rectangular with a length of 10 m and a width of 6 m. 16 part is used for ponds, 34part is planted with grass, and the rest is covered with coral rock. What is the area of backyard covered with coral rock? Bantu yah plss


kita dapat membuat rumah dengan tinggi dengan 10 meter supaya rumah yang kita buat cantik dan bagus

18. my handbag is a black rectangular leather bag with a long tubular strap of the same maerial. the bag is about 18" X 12 " IN Size with there compartments . the compartment which a zip in it is the centre one

tas saya adalah tas kulit persegi panjang hitam dengan tali panjang maerial tubular yang sama. tas adalah sekitar 18 "X 12" IN Size dengan kompartemen di sana. yang which kompartemen zip di dalamnya adalah salah satu pusat

maaf kalau salah

19. (7)The perimeter of a rectangular carpet is 38 m. Its breadth is 7 m.(a) Find its length.(b) Find the area of the rectangular carpet.​


a. l = 2,7 m

b. A = 18,9 m²

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

a. P = 2 (l.b)

   38 = 2 (l.7)

   38 = 14l

   l = 2,7 m

b. A = l.b = 2,7 x 7 = 18,9 m²

20. I have a refrigerator. The ... of it is rectangular​




translate: aku punya kulkas. ... nya kotak.

*bentuk= shape

semoga ngebantu




Shape (Bentuk), Saya punya kulkas. dan Itu berbentuk persegi panjang.

Video Terkait Topik Diatas

A Calculator Was Used To Perform A Linear Regression

A Calculator Was Used To Perform A Linear Regression

Contoh kalimat Modal verbs used to perform specific functions

Daftar Isi

1. Contoh kalimat Modal verbs used to perform specific functions



2. Mina .. a magazine every week when she was seventeen.A. used to buyB. used to buyingC. used to have boughtD. used to bought​


A). used to buy


Mina used to by a magazine every week when she was seventeen.

# I can do all the hard things, Success is a journey, not a destination.

3. Candles and oil lamp _____ light the houses before the light bulb invented. a. used to b. is used to c. was used to d. was used for


c. was used to



sorry if incorrect

4. What is it used for? a. They are used to tell direction. b. It is used to tell direction. c. It was used to tell direction. d. They were used to tell direction. jgn ngsl!!!

Jawaban: is used to tell direction


penggunaan *it is* untuk benda tunggal




maaf kalok salah, jadikan jawaban terbaik

5. My uncle used to collect old money when she was young Should be corrected! A. Used B. Collect C.she D. Was

C. She
karena uncle itu laki-laki. Jadi seharusnya pakai HeMy uncle used to collect old money when he was young

Semoga membantu :)

6. 1.) When Anang was a child, he games with his friend in the fieldvnear our house. a. Use c. Used to b. Uses d. Was used to 2.) Anita ..... wearing thick clothes although the weather is very hot a. Use c. Used to b. Uses d. Was used to 3.) Mr. Herman ...... staying in nice hotels of his town. a. Use c. Used to b. Uses d. Was used to

nomor satu jawabannya C
1). c. used to
2). a. use
3). b. uses

7. Tolong bantu jawab kakThis text is for questions 5 to 8.Calculator A calculator is a device that performs arithmetic operations on numbers. The simplest calculators can do only addition, substraction, multiplication, and division. More sophisticated calculators can handled exponential operations, roots, logarithms, trigonometric functions, and hyperbolic functions. Internally, some calculators repeated processes of addition. Today most calculators require electricity to operate. Most people like to use portable, battery-powered calculators. Before 1970, a more primitive form of calculator, the slide rule, was commonly used. One of the most primitive calculators, the abacus is still used in some regions of the Far East. Today’s personal computers can still perform such operations, and most are provided with a virtual calculator program that actually looks on screen, like a handheld calculator. The buttons are actuated by pointing and clicking.5. What is the purpose of the text?A. To present the advantage and disadvantage of using calculatorB. To describe the general information of calculatorC. To tell the history of calculatorD. To explain how a calculator worksE. To inform about the kinds of calculator6. It can be concluded that calculators are used to…A. Type letters and wordsB. Operate a virtual calculator programC. Make people’s life easierD. Perform mathematical operationE. Handle business operations7. Most people are familiar with…A. Calculators which require electricityB. The slide rule calculatorC. The abacusD. The portable, battery-powered calculatorE. The virtual calculator8. The buttons are actuated by pointing and clicking (paragraph 3). The underlined word has similar in meaning to …A. ActivatedB. CausedC. FormedD. InspiredE. StoppedThis incomplete text is for numbers 9 .Computer mouse got its 9)____________ because it looks sort of like a mouse. The first computer mouse was a wood box with wheels and buttons. A muse and a computer work together.A. OriginB. NameC. ShapeD. IdeaE. FunctionThis incomplete text is for numbers 10. It is like a very smart pointing stick. A mouse 10)_________ the users to create graphic elements on the screen, such as lines, curves, and freehand shapes.A. AllowsB. Lets’C. MadeD. WantsE. Keeps​

Number 5 is = B .to describe the general information of Calculator

8. a radio is used to .... a vase is used to .... eraser are used to ... rulers are used to ... a calender is used to ...

A radio is used to hear news, listening to a music, ect
A vase is used to put the flower into it as a decoration
Eraser are used to erase pencil's streak
Ruler are used to help you make a straight line and to measure lenght
A calendar is used to mark an event and to inform you what date it is

A radio is used to hear news, listening to a music
A vase is used to put the flower
Eraser are used to erase pencil's streak
Ruler are used to make a straight line and to measure lenght
A calendar is used to mark an event and to inform  what date it is

9. .Choose the best answer to fill the gap in each of the following. 1. When I started to work here I needed a lot of help, but now I ______ all the work on my own. a. am used to doing b. used to do c. get used to doing 2. He ______ several books a month, but he doesn't have time any more. a. was used to reading b. got used to reading c. used to read 3. We were surprised to see her driving – she ______ when we first met her. a. didn't use to drive b. got used to driving c. was used to driving 4. Don't worry, it's a simple program to use. You ______ it in no time, I'm sure. a. used to use b. are used to c. will get used to 5. When I had to commute to work every day I ______ very early. a. used to getting up b. used to get up 6. I'm afraid I'll never ______ in this place. I simply don't like it and never will. a. got used to living b. used to live c. get used to living 7. Whenever we came to Coventry we always ______ in the Central Hotel. We loved it. a. used to stay b. got used to staying 8. When Pete Smith was the head of our office everything ______ well organized. Now it's total chaos here. a. got used to be b. was used to being c. used to be 9. Mr. Lazy was shocked when he joined our busy company because he ______ doing much work everyday. a. wasn't used to b. didn't use to 10. At first the employees didn't like the new open-space office, but in the end they ______ it. a. got used to b. get used to c. are used to

1. When I started to work here I needed a lot of help, but now I ______ all the work on
my own.

a. am used to doing <===
b. used to do
c. get used to doing

2. He ______ several books a month, but he doesn't have time any more.
a. was used to reading
b. got used to reading
c. used to read <=====

3. We were surprised to see her driving – she ______ when we first met her.
a. didn't use to drive <====
b. got used to driving
c. was used to driving

4. Don't worry, it's a simple program to use. You ______ it in no time, I'm sure.
a. used to use
b. are used to
c. will get used to <====

5. When I had to commute to work every day I ______ very early.
a. used to getting up
b. used to get up <====

6. I'm afraid I'll never ______ in this place. I simply don't like it and never will.
a. got used to living
b. used to live
c. get used to living <====

7. Whenever we came to Coventry we always ______ in the Central Hotel. We loved it.
a. used to stay
b. got used to staying<====

8. When Pete Smith was the head of our office everything ______ well organized. Now it's total
chaos here.
a. got used to be
b. was used to being <====
c. used to be

9. Mr. Lazy was shocked when he joined our busy company because he ______ doing much
work everyday.
a. wasn't used to
b. didn't use to <====

10. At first the employees didn't like the new open-space office, but in the end they ______ it.
a. got used to <=====
b. get used to
c. are used to


10. What is it used for? a. They are used to play games. b. They were used for playing games. c. It is used to play games. d. It was used to play games.


Jawaban nya yang D


karena itu adalah 1 console dan menggunakan past tense

11. a special build the pyramids A. was use B. were use C. was used D. were used


A.was use


maaf kalo salah :D, semoga membantu

12. 1. my stories about is life as a policemanA. Use to tellB. Used to tellC. Was use to tellD. Was used to tellTolong di jawab ya kak.....​


A.use to tell

maaf kalau salah kak soalnya setau aku itu jawabannya

13. There ... so many soap operas on television, unlike now. A. not used to beB. didn’t use to beC. didn’t used to beD. was used to be​


D. was used to be

14. To choose a careeer.When I was a child, I wanted to be a teacher I used to play'


untuk memilih karir ketika saya masih kecil saya ingin menjadi guru saya biasa bermain


semoga membantu

15. i used to....., when I was a child

i used to baby diapers when i was a childi used to watched animation, when i was a child

16. A few years ago, Larry______work for a computer company. Now he works in a bank.a. used tob. didn'tC. was used to​


c. was used to


was= telah melakukan/pernah

17. An electronic calculator is a small, portable electronic device used to perform both arithmetic operations and complex mathematical operations. The first solid electronic calculator was created in the 1960 s, building on the extensive history of tools such as the abacus (developed around 2000 BC), and the mechanical calculator (developed in the 17th century AD). It was developed in parallel with the analog computers of the day. In addition to general purpose of calculators, there are those designed for specific markets, for example, there are scientific calculators which include trigonometric and statistical calculations. Some calculators even have the ability to do computer algebra. Graphing calculators can be used to graph functions defined on the real line, or higher dimensional Euclidean space. When was an electronic calculator create?

The first electronic calculator was created in the 1960

18. As far as yellow goes, it _____ drivers because it has a slightly shorter wavelength than red, but not as short as green. (A) used to caution; (B) using it to caution; (C) was used to caution; (D) was using it to caution; (E) was used to cautioning.


(C). Was used to caution.

19. It is a ... Temple that was used to pray


This is a Temple building used for prayer

20. What is the purpose of the text?a. to present the advantage and disadvantage of using calculatorb. to describe the general information of calculatorc. to tell the history of calculatord. to explain how a calculator workse. to inform about the kinds of calculator​


b. to describe the general information of calculator

Video Terkait Topik Diatas

Use A Graphing Tool To Solve The Equation For X

Use A Graphing Tool To Solve The Equation For X

Form an equation in x use it to solve for X

Daftar Isi

1. Form an equation in x use it to solve for X

4 · 15 = x + 10 + x + 8 + 28
60 = 2x + 46
14 = 2x
x = 7

Sekian,semoga membantu.(x + 10 + x + 8 + 28) / 4 = 15
2x + 46 = 15 × 4
2x = 60 - 46
x = 14/2
x = 7

Kalau boleh jadikan jawaban terbaik yah.

2. Form an equation in x use it to solve for X

(x + 10 + (x+8) + 28) / 4 = 15
2x + 46 = 15 . 4
2x = 60 - 46
2x = 14
x = 7
(x + 10 + x + 8 + 28) / 4 = 15
2x + 46 = 15 × 4
2x = 60 - 46
x = 14/2
x = 7

Kalau boleh jadikan jawaban terbaik yah.

3. Solve the exponential equation for ​


x= -4

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Itu 1 saat:


3x+12= 0

3x= -12

x= -4

[tex]( \frac{9}{8} ) {}^{3x + 12} = 1 \\ ( \frac{9}{8} ) {}^{3x + 12} = ( \frac{9}{8} ) {}^{0} \\ 3x + 12 = 0 \\ 3x = - 12 \\ x = \frac{ - 12}{3} \\ x = - 4[/tex]

[tex] \: [/tex]

»Detail Jawaban: Mapel: Matematika Kelas: X Materi: Eksponensial


4. -1/x=7/2+2/x. Solve the equation


x =

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

-1/x = 7/2 + 2/x

-3/x = 7/2

1/x = -7/6

x = -⁶/ [tex] _7 [/tex]

5. how many ways to solve the linear equation??

there are 4 ways, that is with graph, elimination, substitution, and mix method

6. Solve the equation #goodluck

Jadi Himpunan Penyelesaian dari persamaan adalah {60, 180, 300}

7. Sam was given the quadratic equation -2+4k2=-15 and determined that the best method to solve would be to use the quadratic formula.


[tex] - 2 + {4k}^{2} = - 15 \\ {4k}^{2} = - 13 \\ {k}^{2} = \frac{ - 13}{4} \\ k = \sqrt{ \frac{ - 13}{4} } \\ = \frac{ \sqrt{ - 13} }{2} [/tex]

8. given the functions f(x) = x^2 - x and g(x) = x^2 - 3x - 12 a. solve the equation f(x) = 6 b. solve the equation f(x) = g(x)



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


9. use the cramers rule to solve the following equation system 3x-2y=6 2x+y=11​

Jawaban terlampir

Semoga membantu

10. 1. Solve the equation |x + 2| = 62. Solve the equation |3x - 2| = 2x + 43. Solve |2x - 1| = |x + 4|tolong, Kak. ini harus sekarang​


1. |x+2|=6


x= 6-2

x= 4


x= -6-2

x= -8

maka hp nya adalah x= -8; x= 4

2. |3x-2|= 2x+4

3x-2= 2x+4

3x-2x= 4+2

x= 6

3x-2= -2x-4

3x+2x= -4+2

5x= -2

x= -2/5

maka hp nya adalah x= -2/5; x=6

3. |2x-1|= |x+4|

2x-1= x+4

2x-x= 4+1


2x-1= -x-4

2x+x= -4+1

3x= -3

x= -3/3

x= -1

maka hp nya adalah x= -1; x=5

11. A loom is a tool .......... cloth. use for weavingused to weavinguse to weaveused for weaving​


used to weaving..... ...


1.a.user for weaving

alat tenun digunakan untuk menenun.

12. I use this tool for harvesting crops. The sentence has the same meaning with … * 25 poin A. I use this tool so as to harvesting crops B. I use this tool in order to harvesting crops C. I use this tool to harvest crops D. I use this tool so that I can harvesting crops​


Saya menggunakan alat ini untuk memanen tanaman. Kalimat tersebut memiliki arti yang sama dengan … *25 poin A. Saya menggunakan alat ini untuk memanen tanaman B. Saya menggunakan alat ini untuk memanen tanaman C. Saya menggunakan alat ini untuk memanen tanaman D. Saya menggunakan alat ini agar Saya bisa memanen tanaman




13. Solve the equation 2π - x² = 0

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

penjelasan terlampir di foto

14. solve the equation below 3 - 2x - x^2 = 0

Use some tricks.
[tex]$\begin{align}3-2x-x^2&=0 \\ \text{Multipty both }& \text{sides by (-1)} \\ (-1)(3-2x-x^2)&=(-1)(0) \\ -3+2x+x^2&=0 \\ x^2+2x-3&=0 \\ (x+3)(x-1)&=0\end{align}[/tex]
The correct x are:
x = {-3,1}
[tex]x^2-x+3x-3=0 \\ \\ x(\frac{x^2}{x}-{x}{x}+3(\frac{3x}{3}-\frac{3}{3})=0 \\ \\ x(x^{2-1}-1)+3(x-1)=0 \\ \\ (x-1)(x+3)=0 \\ \\ \\ x-1=0 \\ \\ x+3=0 \\ \\ x=1 \ dan \ x=3 \\ \\[/tex]

Jadi x∈{1,-3}

15. solve the following equation​


solve the following equation

soalnya mana ???


memecahkan persamaan berikut

16. solve the quadratic equation below​

Step by step explanation


Nomor 1


[tex]\begin{aligned}\rm \frac{5x+12}{3x}&=\rm x\\\rm 5x+12&=\rm 3x^2\\0&=\rm 3x^2-5x-12\\0&=\rm (3x+4)(x-3)\\&\bf x=-\frac{4}{3}~atau~x=3\end{aligned}[/tex]


Nomor 2


[tex]\begin{aligned}\rm \frac{20-8k}{k-5}&=\rm 3k\\\rm 20-8k&=\rm 3k^2-15k\\0&=\rm 3k^2-15k+8k-20\\0&=\rm 3k^2-7k-20\\0&=\rm (3k+5)(k-4)\\&\bf k=-\frac{5}{3}~atau~k=4\end{aligned}[/tex]

17. Solve the equation=2(3×)-5 1+x=0

1 + x = 0
1 - 1 + x = 0 - 1
x = - 1

2 ( 3x ) - 5
2 ( 3(-1) ) - 5
2 ( -3 ) - 5
-6 - 5
= -11

2 (3x) - 5 = 2 (3.(-1)) - 5
               = - 6 - 5
               = - 11

18. 9 Given the functions f(x)= x² - x and g(x)= x² – 3x – 12,asolve the equation f(x) = 6b solve the equation f(x) = g(x).​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

a.) f(x)=6


x² - x - 6 = 0

(x + 2) (x - 3) = 0

x = -2, and x = 3

b.) f(x) = g(x)

g(x) = 6


=> x² - 3x - 12 - 6

=> x² -3x - 18

(x - 6) (x + 3) = 0

=> x=6,andx=-3

19. solve the equation below x^2 = 3x + 2 = 0

Assume that the typo in the right side of x² is a pus (+) symbol.
x² + 3x + 2 = 0
Factorize it.
(x+1)(x+2) = 0

Get some radixes:
x₁ + 1 = 0
x₁ = -1

x₂ + 2 = 0
x₂ = -2

So, the solution of the equations are:
x = {-2,-1}
[tex]\displaystyle x^2+3x+2=0\\x^2+2x+x+2=0\\x(x+2)+1(x+2)=0\\(x+1)(x+2)=0\\\\x+1=0\\x=-1\\\\\text{or}\\\\x+2=0\\x=-2\\\\\boxed{\boxed{S=\{-1,-2\}}}[/tex]

20. 5. I use this tool for harvesting crops.The sentence has the same meaning with ....a. I use this tool so as to harvesting crops.b. I use this tool in order to harvesting crops.c. I use this tool to harvest crops.d. I use this tool so that I can harvesting crops.​


I use this tool for harvesting crops.

(Saya menggunakan alat ini untuk memanen tanaman)

B. I use this tool in order to harvesting crops.

(Aku menggunakan alat ini untuk memanen tanaman)

Semoga membantu

Video Terkait Topik Diatas

Which Is A Shortcoming Of Limited Respondent Options

Which Is A Shortcoming Of Limited Respondent Options

Which one of the following options is kind of adjectives? Material Adjectives Proper Adjectives Abstract Adjectives Collective Adjectives Concrete Adjectives

Daftar Isi

1. Which one of the following options is kind of adjectives? Material Adjectives Proper Adjectives Abstract Adjectives Collective Adjectives Concrete Adjectives


madsudnya apa

Manakah dari opsi berikut yang merupakan jenis kata sifat? Kata sifat material kata sifat yang tepat kata sifat abstrak kata sifat kolektif kata sifat beton

2. what is the synonim of "limited" ?​

synonyms of limited in adjective can be : restricted, finite, bounded, little, narrow, tight, lean, slight, slender, in short supply, short, meager, scanty, sparse, insubstantial, deficient, inadequate, insufficient, paltry, poor, miserly, basic, rudimentary, patchy
sketchy, minimal, cramped

I hope this answer can help you :)

3. Which of the following options is cold beverage? *5 poinA. Hot teaB. MilkshakeC. Hot coffeeD. Hot chocolate​


Which of the following options is cold beverage? *

A. Hot tea


C. Hot coffee

D. Hot chocolate

Semoga membantu^^

4. the most controversial fruit which is prohibited from the airline cabin, hotels, and some publictransport. Iparagraph 1). The antonym of the underlined word isA bannedB. allowedc legalizedD. limited.tolong di batuh^_^​



semoga bermanfaat yaaaa

5. The goverment of Japan is a constitutional monarch y in which the power of the emperor is limited and is relegated primarily to ceremoniat duties.the goverment runs under the framework established by the constitution of Japan, adopted in 1947.The meaning of relegated is . . . . The synonym of adopted is . . . . .​


relegated is terdegradasi

adopted : chosen

maaf kalau salah

6. A new gasket has been fitted to the manhole cover of a ballast tank. which of the options given would be suitable to test that the new gasket is correctly fitte



Sebuah gasket baru telah dipasang ke penutup lubang tangki ballast. mana dari opsi yang diberikan yang sesuai untuk menguji apakah paking baru sudah terpasang dengan benar?

7. 24. The options below are the pairs of singular and plural nouns. Which one isincorrect?(A) Person - People.(B) Lady - Ladies.(C) Man - Men.(D) Photo - Photoes.​


d photo -photoes.

itu jawabannyaaaa


24. The options below are the pairs of singular and plural nouns. Which one is


(A) Person - People.

(B) Lady - Ladies.

(C) Man - Men.

(D) Photo - Photoes.


Pilihan dibawah ini adalah pasangan dari singular dan plural nouns. yang mana yang tidak benar? Opsi jawaban D tidak benar.

Singular nouns and Plural nouns

Singular noun adalah kata benda tunggal atau hanya satu.

Contoh (pada opsi jawaban):

Person (orang)

Lady (seorang wanita)

Man (seorang pria)

Photo (foto)

seluruh opsi jawaban untuk singular noun sudah tepat.


Plural noun adalah kata benda jamak atau lebih dari satu.

Contoh (pada opsi jawaban):

People (orang-orang)

Ladies (para wanita)

Men (para pria)

Photos (foto-foto)

pada opsi terakhir tertulis 'photoes' ini kurang tepat, yang tepat yaitu 'photos'

akhiran 'es' digunakan jika huruf terakhir pada suatu kata jamak adalah huruf vokal atau dibaca dengan suara seperti menyebut huruf vokal, contohnya : ladies

akhiran 's' digunakan jika huruf terakhir pada suatu kata jamak adalah huruf konsonan, contohnya : photos

semoga membantu;)

8. Which three management options can be used to manage fortiap






9. what is the similar meaning of "collect" and also "limited" ? don't forget to give indonesian meaning​





Artinya mengoleksi dan terbatas

10. Ranu Kumbolo is accessible from Malang or Lumajang.What is the synonym of accessible ? a. Deficientb. Reachablec. Limitedd. Restrictede. Inaccessible​


the answer is B. Reachable

cmiiw :)


What is the synonym of accessible?

*b. Reachable.


Synonym is a word that has a different form but has the same or similar meaning.

Semoga membantu:-)

11. Essay formal letter to manager of them restaurant to complain of them situation which is limited menu, cold good, rude waiters , did not get what we ordered and others


esai formal surat kepada manejer mereka restoranutk mengeluh tentang situasi mereka yg terbatas menu,baik dingin,pelayan kasar,tidak mendptkan apa yg kita pesan dll


ada kata yg slah deh coba dikoreksi them,of them and,waiters

12. "People only write what is instructed in the space provided. generally, the space is limited." This is one of characteristics of forms. What is it


1) Purchase form  

is also known as purchase order (PO) form. Purchase form is a commercial document which is made by a buyer to a seller and used as a request to purchase products or services. This form contains The company name, client's information, types, quantities, and agreed prices of products or service purchased.


maaf ika salah

13. What is limited in our live?




14. Psd pacific digital solutions limited is an international technology company which

Solusi digital pasifik PSD terbatas adalah perusahaan teknologi internasional yang


kalau di suruh translate itu ya



Translate Indonesia : Solusi digital pasifik PSD terbatas adalah perusahaan teknologi internasional yang

answers to questions:

Psd pacific digital solutions limited is an international technology company which provide software, training and support service.

Semoga bermanfaat^^

15. participants of the state university entrance test, ..... are high school graduates from java, are competing for a limited number of seats.a. which most of themb. a great numberc. most of whomd. the majoritye. a lot of them

menurutku yang pilihan A  menurutku yang A karna mungkin artinya begini kalo A yang kebanyakan dari mereka adalah lulusan SMA dari jawa, bersaing untuk sejumlah kursi.

16. 5) This offer is limited new customers. a) by b) of c) to d) with​

C. to

This offer is limited `to` new customers.

-hope this helped^^

17. Given the 6x6 numpy array r shown below, which of the following options would slice the shaded elements


Mengingat array numpy 6x6 r yang ditunjukkan di bawah ini, mana dari opsi berikut yang akan mengiris elemen yang diarsir:


hanya bisa diartikan

18. "Any supplemental feeding is minimal and limited to natural grains and forages."What is the meaning of the underlinedword?A. Rice.C. Fruit.B. Milk.D. which of the following places is it best to store the product?A. A freezerB. A cupboard.C. A large bowl.D. A closed pan.​


underlined word maksudnya forages kan ya? if so jawabannya

d. plants

a. a freezer

19. Which of the followings is not the impact of deforestation for the organisms in the forest? A. Organisms in the forests lose their habitat. B. The availability of food will increase. C. The carbon dioxide in the air increases as there are fewer trees. D. The fresh water is limited. Serta penjelasannya dan jangan asal yaaaa

B. The availability of food will increase

Reason : because if you do deforestation, the forest that is a source of food will disappear and result in a decrease or even loss of food availability

Maaf kalo salah

20. bikin kalimat dari Respondent tolong dijawab sekarang ya!!!


1. No smoking

2. Dont swim ini this area

3. I like you

Video Terkait Topik Diatas

Building Vocabulary Darwin s Theory Of Evolution

Building Vocabulary Darwin s Theory Of Evolution

Charles Darwin ... the theory of Organic Evolution. a. Intended b. Discovered c. Found d. Invented e. Made

Daftar Isi

1. Charles Darwin ... the theory of Organic Evolution. a. Intended b. Discovered c. Found d. Invented e. Made

B discovered (menemukan)Feeling sih Discovered jawabannya.
Found itu biasanya buat sesuatu yang kita miliki, terus hilang, terus ketemu lagi.
Invented ini menemukan sesuatu yang baru(biasanya dipakai buat bidang teknologi)
Made itu membuat(levelnya jauh dibawah menemukan)
Intended kayaknya udah gak mungkin

2. Charles Darwin's theory of evolution believed that ..


natural selection tend to adapt organism to survive


ini ada textnya.

bisa di pahami aja dengan coba di terjemahkan sendiri..

3. charles Darwin's theory of evolution belived that..​


Darwin's theory holds that environmental effects lead to varying degrees of reproductive success in individuals and groups of organisms. Natural selection tends to promote adaptation in organisms when necessary for survival


sumber dari google


that evolution occurs through a process of natural selection. And it is also argued that all species on earth come from the same ancestor (common ancestor), which develops over time

4. where was the famous Darwin theory published?​




On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, a groundbreaking scientific work by British naturalist Charles Darwin, is published in England on November 24, 1859

5. teori darwin dalam karyanya "the Descent of Man" terkenal dengan nama "Theory of Natural Selection". teori darwin tersebut di kenal dengan teori?

"Theory of Natural Selection" adalah teori seleksi alam. Teori seleksi alam adalah konsep penting dalam teori evolusi yang dicetuskan oleh Charles Darwin. Menurut teori ini, semua makhluk hidup atau spesies di muka bumi pada dasarnya berevolusi atau berkembang dari nenek moyang yang sama. Menurutnya, seleksi alam adalah proses yang menentukan perkembangan makhluk hidup atau spesies.

Teori evolusi ini pada awalnya tidak diterima oleh semua pihak, termasuk gereja dan otoritas agama. Pasalnya, teori yang dikemukakan Darwin bertentangan dengan doktrin agama. Pihak gereja tidak menerima pernyataan bahwa manusia berevolusi dari kera. Namun, setelah mendapat dukungan dari komunitas ilmiah, teori evolusi dianggap sahih. Darwin tidak sendiri dalam menyampaikan ini. Alfred Russel Wallace adalah ilmuwan lain yang mendukung teori evolusi ini.

Mata pelajaran: Sejarah

Kelas: 3 SMP

Kode: 9.10.8

6. Universal Theory of Evolution,yang menyatakan bahwa perkembangan masyarakat tidak perlu melalui tahap-tahap yang tetap .Teori ini di kemukakan oleh……

Universal Theory of Evolution: menyatakan bahwa perkembangan masyarakat tidak perlu melalui tahap-tahap tertentu yang tetap. Menurut teori ini, kebudayaan manusia telah mengikuti suatu garis evolusi yang tertentu. Prinsip ini diuraikan oleh Herbert Spencer yang mengungkapkan bahwa hasil perkembangan dari kelompok homogen menjadi kelompok yang heterogen.

7. 1. What is the text about? 2. How was Darwin’s family? 3. ‘’Charles Darwin was greatly influenced by the geologist Adam Sedgwick … the theory of evolution ‘’ (Paragraph 3) The word ‘’influenced’’ has the similar meaning to … 4. Who did affect Darwin’s development of the natural selection theory? 5. How old was Darwin when the revolutionary theory was publishing?


1. Tentang apakah teks itu?

2. Bagaimana keluarga Darwin?

3. Charles ’Charles Darwin sangat dipengaruhi oleh ahli geologi Adam Sedgwick ... teori evolusi‘ ’(Paragraf 3)

Kata '' dipengaruhi '' memiliki arti yang mirip dengan ...

4. Siapa yang mempengaruhi perkembangan teori seleksi alam Darwin?

5. Berapa umur Darwin ketika teori revolusioner diterbitkan?

maaf saya hanya menterjemahkan nya saja karena ngk ada dialog saya ngk bisah jawab


1. tentang apakah teks itu

2.bagaimana keluarga Darwin

3."charles Darwin sangat di pengaruhi oleh ahli geologi Adam Sedgwick... teori evolusi (paragraf 3) kata"mempengaruhi "memiliki arti yang mirip dengan...

4. siapa yang mempengaruhi perkembangan teori seleksi alam Darwin

5.berapa umur Darwin ketika heory revolusioner di terbitkan

8. Berikan contoh dari Universal Theories of Evolution dan Unilinear Theories of Evolution!

Universal theories of evolution misalnya urbanisasi
unilinear theories of evolution misalnya
pemakain alat komunikasi / gaya bahasadari zaman ke zaman.

9. Charles Robert Darwin was born in Shrewsbury, England, on February 12, 1809. He came from a wealthy family and never had to work. He studied medicine and theology. In 1831 he graduated from University of Cambridge with a degree of theology. He began a career as a scientist quite by chance. On December 27,1831, 22 years old Charles Darwin joined the crew of the HMS Beagle as a naturalist.The five years expedition collected hydrographic, geologic, and meteorologic data from South America and many other regions around the world. Darwin's own observation on this voyage led to his theory of natural selection. Charles Darwin was greatly influenced by the geologist Adam Sedgwick and naturalist John Henslow in his development of the theory of natural selection, which was to become the foundation concept supporting the theory of evolution. Darwin's theory holds that environmental effects lead to varying degrees of reproductive success in individuals and groups of organisms. Natural selection tends to promote adaptation in organisms when necessary for survival. This revolutionary theory was published in 1859 in Darwin's now famous On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection. Why did the writer compose the text? A.Explain the revolutionary theory of darwn B.Entertain the readers about Charles Robert Darwin C.know how Darwin studied medicine and theology D.give brief information about the theory of evolution

Menurutku jawabannya

B.Entertain the readers about Charles Robert Darwin


B Entertain the readers about Charles Robert Darwin

Maaf kalo salah, semoga membantuuu

10. example vocabulary building

she is building the house for me

11. 1. charles darwin........the theorhy of organic evolution. a. intended b. discovered c. found d.invented e. made

B. Discovered 

maaf kalau salah ragu antara b. discovered & .d.invented
tapi kalo kata aku b :)

12. buatlah percakapan tentang vocabulary building

Building = bangunan
Santi : "Wow Look ! that is very tall building"
Fina : "Wow, amazing. I think that is a new building."
Tio : "Yeah, It has built some weeks ago ,friends.."

13. jawaban soal vocabulary building kelas 11​


halaman brp y??



14. Berikan 2 contoh dari Universal Theories of Evolution dan Unilinear Theories of Evolution?

untuk mengambil contoh dari 2 teori diatas kita harus tahu perbedaan dari kedua teori tersebut

unilinear theory of evolusion = manusia dan masyarakat merupakan budaya yang satu kesatuan yang mengalami perubahan.

universtal theory of evolusion = masyarakat merupakan hasil dari perkembangan budaya.

contoh unilinear = urbanisasi .

universal = perubahan mode pakaian, penggunaan alat komunikasi.

15. 2. Charles darwin secara khusus memusatkan perhatian pada evolusi makhlup hidup, tPernyataan dari Charles Darwin tersebut ada dalam mahakaryanya berjudul...A. On The Origin Of Species3. On The Spot sevenC. On The Bigbang. Out Of Afrika Theory.. Out Of Yunan Theory​


on the origin of species

16. sama ini jugak:you need to rebuil your evolution building first.tolong ya artiin

you need to rebuild your evaluation building first
artinya : kamu perlu membangun kembali evaluasi kamu terlebih dahulu

semoga membantu:)

17. Charles Robert Darwin was born in Shrewsbury, England, on February 12, 1809. He came from a wealthy family and never had to work. He studied medicine and theology. In 1831 he graduated from University of Cambridge with a degree of theology. He began a career as a scientist quite by chance. On December 27,1831, 22 years old Charles Darwin joined the crew of the HMS Beagle as a naturalist.The five years expedition collected hydrographic, geologic, and meteorologic data from South America and many other regions around the world. Darwin's own observation on this voyage led to his theory of natural selection. Charles Darwin was greatly influenced by the geologist Adam Sedgwick and naturalist John Henslow in his development of the theory of natural selection, which was to become the foundation concept supporting the theory of evolution. Darwin's theory holds that environmental effects lead to varying degrees of reproductive success in individuals and groups of organisms. Natural selection tends to promote adaptation in organisms when necessary for survival. This revolutionary theory was published in 1859 in Darwin's now famous On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection. Why did the writer compose the text? A.Explain the revolutionary theory of darwn B.Entertain the readers about Charles Robert Darwin C.know how Darwin studied medicine and theology D.give brief information about the theory of evolution


B. Enterte

Entertain the readers about Charles Robert


soal ini menjelaskan tentang biodata Charles Robert dan karirnya

semoga membantu :)

18. apa yang di maksud vocabulary building???

Cara membangun  kosakata kita agar lebih baik lagi.

19. vocabulary building play the guitar=​


play the guitar : bermain gitar


the guitar:gitar


play the gitar=bermain gitar

20. GARDA What's vocabulary building and give example​


garda apa itu perbendaharaan kata dan berikan contohnya

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