What Is The Gcf Of 35 And 63

What Is The Gcf Of 35 And 63

what is the GCF of 4 and 6

Daftar Isi

1. what is the GCF of 4 and 6

KPK dari 4 dan 6 = 2 x 2 x 3 = 4 x 3 = 12
FPB = 2

2. 1. How do you find the GCF of 8 and 12 and what is the answer?2. How do you find the GCF of 15 and 20 and what is the answer?


GCF: Greatest Common Factor

GCF of 8 and 12 is: 4 ( idk how to write the process, sorry)

GCF of 15 and 20 is: 5


hope it'll help, sorry if thats wrong

3. gcf and lcm of 35 and 45?​


gcf: 5

lcm: 315

maaf kalo salah


HCF = Highest common factor = FPB

LCM = lowest common multiple = KPK

      35             45

      /   \            /   \

    5    7         3    15

                            /  \

                          3    5


35 = 5 x 7

45 = 3² x 5

FPB = 5

KPK = 3² x 5 x 7 = 315


HCF is the same number between the factor of 35 and 45 then choose the smallest power

to find LCM, choose all number in the factor of 35 and 45, then use the highest power. If it has a same number between the factor of 35 and 45, just use one of them.

Wish my answer can help, TYSM

4. find GCF of 24 and 32​


Greatest common factor (GCF) of 24 and 32 is 8. We will now calculate the prime factors of 24 and 32, than find the greatest common factor (greatest common divisor (gcd)) of the numbers by matching the biggest common factor of 24 and 32.

5. Determine LCM and GCF of the following pairs of number 12, 16, and 30​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:



6. Mike run 1/7 of 63 km and cycle the rest of the distance. what was the distance Mike cycle?? ​


54 km


DISTANCE CYCLED(FRACTION)=[tex]1-\frac{1}{7} =\frac{6}{7}[/tex]


=[tex]\frac{6}{7} X 63 km=54km[/tex]

7. ¶¶¶ QUIZ #187 ¶¶¶• english version• big point==========1. factorized 187.218 into the prime factorization!2. what is GCF of 187, 231 and 440 ?​

1. 187.218


= 2 x 93.609

= 3 x 31.203

= 3 x 10.401

= 3 x 3467

Prime Factorized of 187.218 Is = 2 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3467.

3467 is a Prime Number.

2. GCF Is Greatest Common Factorization

GCF = FPB (Faktor Persekutuan Terbesar)

187 = 11 x 17

231 = 3 x 7 x 11

440 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 5 x 11

GCF or FPB From 187, 231, and 440 Is :

11 (Eleven).

8. Find the GCF of 45 and 60.



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

45 = 3 x 3 x 5

60 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 5

GCF itu faktor persekutuan besar, itu untuk mengetahui angka paling besar yang dapat dibagi oleh kedua angka (45 & 60)

Jadi kan yang 45 ada dua angka 3, dan satu angka 5, yang 60 ada dua angka 2, satu angka 3, dan satu angka 5.

Yang sama disini hanya satu angka 3 dan satu angka 5. Jadi:

3 x 5 = 15

9. In 63 . 05 What is the value of the digit 5 ? Tolong jawab yah... Jkook~

Tuh giginya giginya giginya gigi jatuh

10. Find the GCF of 12 and 18​

Greatest Common Factor

Indonesian: Faktor Persekutuan Terbesar (FPB)

Greatest Common Factor can be found by using prime factorization


Find GCF of 12 and 18


Prime factorization of 12

12 = 2 × 2 × 3 = 2² × 3

Prime factorization of 18

18 = 2 × 3 × 3 = 2 × 3²

12 and 18 has same number, 2 and 3 are the greatest numbers (at least one). GCF can be calculated as 2 × 3 = 6

∴ GCF = 6

"I hope this answer will help you :)"

11. The area of the town is 63 mile2. If the length is 9 miles, what is the perimeter of the town? translate : Luas kota adalah 63 mil2. Jika panjangnya 9 mil, berapakah keliling kota tersebut?


32 miles

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Given that the town (rectangle-shaped) has the

Area (A) = 63 sq. milesLength (L) = 9 miles

Find the Perimeter (P)


Find the Width (W) first:

A = L × W

W = A/L

W = 63/9

W = 7 miles



Perimeter (P) = 2×(L+W)

P = 2×(9+7)

P = 2×16

P = 32 miles


The perimeter of the town = 32 miles

- 嘉誠 -

12. The length of Mercury thread in a mercury thermometer is 15 mm at the ice point and 63 mm at the boiling point of water. What is the temperature reading when the length of the mercury thread is 3 mm?​


The temperature reading when the length of the mercury thread is 3 mm is -25°C.


Ice point of water is at 0°C.

Boiling point of water is at 100°C.

The temperature is measured at 1 atm (atmospheric condition as assumption).

ΔT1 = 100-0 = 100°C

Δh1 = 63 mm - 15 mm = 48 mm

Δh2 = 3 mm - 15 mm = -12 mm

So the temperature :

ΔT read = Δh2/Δh1 x ΔT1

ΔT read = (-12/48) x 100°C = -25°C

Tread = -25°C + 0°C = 25°C

Learn More

Mercury Thermometer : brainly.co.id/tugas/18647537

13. bahasa.inggris hal 62-63 LKS tolong di kerjain mau di kumpulkan,soal nya,3. How did the main participant solve the problem4.What is the moral value of the story'5.what is the purpose of the text above​


1.How did the main participant solve the problem?

Answer: By fooling the lion that there is a Alison that just look exactly like herself in the bottom of the well

2.What is the moral value of the story?

Answer: Don't be arrogant and treat people equally

3.What is the purpose of the story?

Answer: To entertain the readers

14. LCM of 54, 63 and 72 is ...???​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

FPB 54, 63, 72.

54= 2 × 3³

63= 3² × 7

72= 2³ × 3²

FPB= semua bilangan, pangkat kecil.

FPB= 3²

= 9

15. the first term of an arithmetic progression is 3, the fourth term is 15 and the 16th term is 63, find the common difference of this progression.​


b = difference = 4

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

U1 = 3, U4 = 15, U16 = 63

U1 = a = 3

U4 = a + 3b

15 = 3 + 3b

3b = 15 - 3 = 12

b = 12/3 = 4

16. GCF of 25 and 50 ( Complete Solution )GCF of 45 and 60 ( Complete Solution )GCF of 42 and 18 ( Complete Solution )Tolong di jawab ya besok harus di kumpulin soalnya.. :'(​


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


25 =             5 × 5
50 = 2 × 2 × 5
gcf = 5

45 = 3 ×        3 × 5
60 = 2 × 2 × 3 × 5
gcf = 3 × 5
gcf = 15

18 =  2 × 3 × 3
42 = 2 × 3 ×      7
gcf = 2 × 3
gcf = 6


17. 2. find the greatest common factor (gcf) of the following numbers using the listing method or prime factorization. (show your solution) a. 108 and 24 b. 28, 63 and 91 ​


a. 12

b. 7

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


[tex]108=2^2\times3^3\\24=2^3\times3\\gcf=2^2\times 3=12[/tex]  (lihat faktor prima yang ada di keduanya, kemudian pilih yang pangkatnya paling kecil)


[tex]28=2^2\times7\\63=3^2\times 7\\91= 7\times 13\\gcf=7[/tex](lihat faktor prima yang ada di ketiganya, kemudian pilih yang pangkatnya paling kecil)

18. Find the LCM and GCF of 32 and 48.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:



LCM = 2^5*3 = 32*3 = 96

GCF = 2^4 = 16

19. write 40 092 in word what is the product of 2608 and 9list all the common factors of 27 and 63​


forty thousand ninety two

2608 x 9 = 23472

27 = 1, 3, 9, 27

63 = 1, 3, 7, 9, 21, 63

common factors of 27 and 63 = 1, 3, 9

20. The sum of two numbers is 63. The ratio of the two numbers is 4:5. Find the first number and the second number!

• first number :
4 / (4 + 5) x 63 = 28

• second number :
5 / (4 + 5) x 63 = 45

Video Terkait Topik Diatas

A Particle Is Moving With The Given Data

A Particle Is Moving With The Given Data

A particle moves to the right along the x-axis. After t second, the particle position at X1 = 3 meters and after moving 4 seconds, the particle position at x2 = 12 meters. What is the average speed of the moving particles? ​

Daftar Isi

1. A particle moves to the right along the x-axis. After t second, the particle position at X1 = 3 meters and after moving 4 seconds, the particle position at x2 = 12 meters. What is the average speed of the moving particles? ​


3 m/s





v= 12/4

v=3 m/s

2. The displacement x of a point moving in a straight line is given by; The instantaneous velocity of the particle at t = 4 second will be:



x = 3t⁴ + 3t³ - 5t² - 2t - 5

v = dx / dt

v = 12t³ + 9t² - 5t - 2

instantaneous velocity of the particle at t = 4 second will be :

v = 12(4)³ + 9(4)² - 5(4) - 2

v = 890 m/s ✔

3. The displacement(in metres) of a particle moving along x-axis is given by x=18t+5t^2.Calculate: i)instantaneous velocity at t=2s ii)instantaneous acceleration.

Given =

x = 18t + 5t²

Asked =

1.) Instantaneous Velocity at t = 2s

2.) Instantaneous Acceleration.

Answer =

1.) Instantaneous Velocity at t = 2s

[tex]\displaystyle v(t) = \frac{dx}{dt}\\\\v(t) = \frac{d}{dt}(18t+5t^2)\\\\v(t) = 18 + 10t[/tex]

so, when the t = 2s , the velocity will be

[tex]\displaystyle v(2) = 18 +10.2 \\v(2) = 18 + 20 \\v(2)= 38 \text{ m/s}[/tex]

2.) Instantaneous Acceleration

[tex]\displaystyle a = \frac{dv}{dt}\\\\a = \frac{d}{dt}(18+10t)\\\\a = 10 \text{ m/s}^2[/tex]

4. the engine of airplane is able to move the airplane with a forces 10000 newtons. when the airplane is moving with constant of speed 300m/s , the power delivered by the engine is...​


P = F.V

P = 10000. 300

P = 3.000.000 watt

P = 3 MWatt

The power delivered by the engine is 3 MWatt.

5. Complete the sentence with present continous for future. Cellia....to chicago later this month. She got a job there A. Is moving B. Move C. Moved D. Was moving


A. Is moving

Maaf kalo ada yang salah ya :3



semoga bermanfaat

6. A small car with mass of 1000 kg is moving eastward with velocity of 30m/s and big car with mass of 2000 kg is moving southward with velocity of 20 m/s.The magnitude of momentum after colliding is..


dik : m1 = 1000 kg

v1 = 30m/s

m2 = 2000 kg

v2 = 20 m/s

dit: momentum atau p.... ?


karna tidak ada diketahui koefisien dan cuma momentum setelah tabrakan maka menggunakan hukum kekekalan momentum sehingga persamaan seperti ini

p = p'

(m1 x v1) + (m2 x v2) = p'

p' = (1000 x 30) + (2000 x -20)

p' = 30.000 - 40.000

p' = -10.000

jadi besarnya momentum adalah -10.000 atau 10.000... mohon maaf kalau ada yang salah

7. A particle moves for 10 s with velocity 4 m/s and then moves with velocity 6 m/s for another 20 s and finally moves with velocity 8 m/s for next 30 s. What is the average velocity of the particle?


average v= v1 + v2 + v3


= (10×4) + (20x6) + (8 x 30)


= 40 + 120 + 240


= 400 = 133.33 m/s


8. A particle P is moving in a horizontal circle about O. It moves at constant speed V. Which statement is true? ​


There are several statements that could be true regarding a particle P moving in a horizontal circle about point O at constant speed V, but some possibilities include:

The centripetal acceleration of the particle P is given by a = V^2 / r, where r is the radius of the circle.

The direction of the centripetal force acting on the particle P is towards point O.

The particle P has a velocity vector that is tangential to the circle at every point along its path.

The angular velocity of the particle P, which is the rate at which it sweeps out angle as it moves around the circle, is given by ω = V / r.

Without additional information, it is not possible to determine which of these statements, or others, might be true.


9. Which has the greater momentum: a large object moving slowly or a small object moving fast? A Can't determine from the information given B The small object C The large object D The momentum is the same Cepet yaaa... mksih

C. the large object because momentum is the quantity of motion, larger objects have greater momentum.C bcs the larger the mass the greater the momentum

10. the atmosphere particle called as aesrosol is


aerosol merupakan partikel padat dan cair yg jumlahnya sangat kecil yg terdapat diatmosfer, aerosol dihasilkan dari gas buangan manusia seperti asap dari industri, knalpot kendaraan atau gas freon / CFC dimana aerosol menyebabkan berkurangnya jumlah cahaya matahari yg masuk ke bumi dan selain itu aerosol dapat menyebabkan sulitnya cahaya matahari dipantulkan ke atmosfer dan aerosol dapat mengakibatkan rusaknya lapisan ozon

semoga manfaat

KELAS : 10

11. A particle moves with a position vektor of r(t)=4t^i+(6t-2)j+3k.the vector of the particle at t=1second is

~Vektor Gaya~

r = 4t[tex]^{i}[/tex] + ( 6t - 2 ) + 3k
t = 1

Posisi vektor =__?

karena t = 1 maka posisi vektor
r = 4[tex]^{2}[/tex] + ( 6t - 2 )j + 3k
r = 4. 1[tex]^{i}[/tex] + ( 6(1) - 2 )j + 3k
r = 4. 1[tex]^{i}[/tex] + 3j + 3k

12. Dancing is moving the body together with music


Menari menggerakkan badan bersama dengan musik


Menari adalah mengerakkan Badan bersama dengan alunan musik

13. Apa arti He is moving The Floor

ia bergerak di lantai
maaf klo salah..
semoga membantu*He is moving the floor artinya (ia bergerak di lantai).

14. A body with mass of 2 kg is moving with velocity 2 m/s. A short time later the body is moving with velocity of 5 m/s. The total work applied to the body is ....​Tolongin kaka" mau di kumpulin sebentar lagi

Jawaban :


W = (½ . m . Vt²) - (½ . m . Vo²)

W = (½ . 2 . 5²) - (½ . 2 . 2²)

W = 25 - 4

W = 21 J

15. A ball is initially at rest. The ball is then hit by a stick so that it is moving with velocity of 10 m/s. If the mass of the ball is 250 g, calculate the impuls applied to the ball!

Diketahui :

Vo = 0 m/s (bola diam)

Vt = 10 m/s

m = 0,25 kg

Ditanya :


Jawaban :

Impuls = ∆P

Impuls = m(Vt - Vo)

Impuls = 0,25 kg(10 m/s - 0 m/s)

Impuls = 0,25 kg * 10 m/s

Impuls = 2,5 kg*m/s

Correct me if i wrong

16. she is moving the chairowl​


dia sedang memindah kan kursinya


jadikan jawaban tercerdas ya plis

17. A positive charge Q is placed on a conductive spherical shell with inner radius 1 and outer radius 2. A particle with charge q is placed at the center of the spherical cavity. The magnitude of the electric field at a point in a spherical cavity at a distance r from the center is

The answer and explanation is attached the PNG file

18. 21. A body with mass of 2 kg is moving with velocity 2 m/s. A short time later the body is moving with velocity of 5 m/s. The total work applied to the body is .... a.25 J b. 24 J c. 23 J d. 22 J e. 21 J​


21 J (E)


Known :
m = 2 kg

Vo (initial velocity) = 2 m/s

Vt (final velocity) = 5 m/s

Ask : W

Answer :

[tex]W =\Delta KE\\W = KE_{final}-KE_{initial}\\W = \frac{1}{2} m v_{final}^2- \frac{1}{2}mv_{initial}^2\\W = \frac{1}{2} \times 2 \times 5^2- \frac{1}{2} \times 2 \times 2^2\\W = 25-4\\W= 21 $ joule \\\\Then, the total work applied to the body is 21 J (E)[/tex]

19. A particle moving along the x- Axis, where the position is expressed by : X = 5t^2 + 1, X in meter and t in second, the average velocity in time interval between 2 seconds and 3 seconds is…. (m/sec)

v1 = 5(2²)+1
= 21m/sec

v2 = 5(3²)+1
= 46m/s

v rata-rata =(v2-v1)/(t2-t1)
= (46-21)/3-2
= 25/1
= 25m/s

20. perbedaan the kid is moving the table the kid is under the table​


kalo the kid is moving the table itu artinya anak itu sedang memindahkan meja, kalo the kid is under the table itu artinya anak itu ada dibawah meja itu ^semoga benar^


semoga jawaban ini membantu

Video Terkait Topik Diatas

A Coat That Usually Costs $120

A Coat That Usually Costs $120

this car costs 120 million rupiahs.his car over there costs 120 milion

Daftar Isi

1. this car costs 120 million rupiahs.his car over there costs 120 milion

Pertanyaannya kurang jelas, tapi kalo di translate seperti ini.

Mobil ini seharga 120juta rupiah, mobil dia yang disana seharga 120jt rupiah

Viel Glück! maaf jika ada kesalahan. Jangan lupa klik tombol ‘terimakasih’ atau ‘thanks’ dan tandai sebagai jawaban terbaik / brainliest answer. Kalau ada yang mau nanya sesuatu silahkan message aku yaa!

2. i usually wear rain coat when it is sunny....

I wear an umbrella or a cap.

jadikan jawaban terbaik ya!

3. write "prefer" or "would father" i....This Coat to that coat

I would prefer this coat to that coat.

(btw itu bukan father, itu prefer :v)


yg would father


kayaknya yaw

~salam damai dari jodoh tae

4. artinya:A ballad is a poem that usually tells a story that is similar to a folktale.it is often written in quatrains,and usually in lines that are iambic trimeter.

Sebuah balada adalah puisi yang biasanya mengisahkan sebuah cerita yang mirip dengan cuma. hal ini sering ditulis dalam quatrains, dan biasanya di garis yang iambic trimeter.

5. JAWAB DENGAN BENARwhat fruit that costs Rp. 6000kg?​


buah apa yang harganya Rp. 6000kg?


fruit which costs Rp. 6000 / kg is the fruit ...*

*ini titik2 nya tinggal dijawab pakai buah yg harganya 6000/kg pada percakapan.karena ngga disebutkan buah apa jadinya susah


tadi aku liat di jalan ada yang lagi sale buah naga 6000/ kg


menurut ku jawabannya buah naga

maaf kalau salah

6. mention the cloth that a student usually wearsat school




smg membantu

7. that coat is...a myb minec your​


b. mine


mine ditunjukan untuk kepemilikan. mine artinya milik saya




karena mantel itu pasti memiliki suatu kepemilikan

8. Costs money of that lot house expensive a penulisan yang seharus nya bagaimana

That expensive house cost lot of money.




9. 1. Three magazines [ costs / cost ]Rp. 21,000.2. How much does / do] this postcard[ costs / cost ]?3. This calculator [costs / cost ]Rp. 45,000.4. This umbrella [ costs / cost ]Rp. 10,500.5. How much does / do ] thesesunglasses ( costs / cost ?6. This pencil and that notebook ( costsI cost] Rp. 6,0007. That bag ( costs / cost] Rp. 92,0008. How much [ does / do this hat[costs/cost?​










10. he wore a coat.....he might not catch cold. a.in order that b.provided that c.on condition that d.so as tojawab dong plis:)​


Answer : C


Semoga terbantu yaaaw!


C. on condition that


Menurut saya jawabannya adalah C

Karena " Condition" adalah suatu kondisi

dan kalimat terakhirnya adalah " He might not catch a cold"


Semoga membantu, maaf kalau kurang mengerti <3

11. write "preper" or "would father" i....This Coat to that coat


i prefer this coat than that coat (?)

12. I know that he bought a coat. Did he buy a new pair of shoes too?.


kalo ada pertanyaan gini pasti ada soal cerita kn, harus nya difoto juga biar bisa tau jawabannya

13. 1. -My father usually rides a motorcycle at 60km/hour -My uncle usually rides a motorcycle at 60km/hour 3. -My camera costs Rp. 4,750,000 -Your laptop computer also costs Rp. 4,750,000 6. -Clayment has a dark complexian -Clayment's brother also has a dark complexion

Degree of Comparison

1. -My father usually rides a motorcycle at 60 km/hour .

-My uncle usually rides a motorcycle at  60 km/hour .

My father usually rides a motorcycle as fast as my uncle.

3. -My camera costs Rp. 4,750,000

-Your laptop computer also costs Rp.  4,750,000

My camera is as expensive as your laptop computer.

6. -Clayment has a dark complexion.

-Clayment's brother also has a dark  complexion.

Clayment's complexion is as dark as his brother.


Secara sederhana, Degree of comparison adalah kalimat berisi perbandingan. Hal yang dibandingkan adalah adjective (kata sifat) atau adverb (kata keterangan). Degree of comparison membandingkan kualitas sifat (adjective) atau kualitas pekerjaan (adverb) dari dua benda/pelaku atau lebih. Kita lihat contoh kalimat berikut ini.

Your book is thicker than mine.

Kalimat di atas diartikan Buku kamu lebih tebal dari buku saya. Kalimat tersebut membandingkan dua benda (buku) dari segi kualitas ketebalan bukunya.

Dini runs faster than Dina.

Kalimat di atas diartikan Dini berlari lebih cepat dari Dina. Kalimat tersebut membandingkan kualitas pekerjaan (berlari) dua pelaku dimana Dini lebih cepat (faster) daripada Dina.

Jenis-jenis Degree of Comparison

Bahasa Inggris, Degree of comparison dibagi menjadi 3 jenis tingkatan, yaitu: Positive, Comparative dan Superlative.

Positive biasanya menggunakan "as". Perbandingan jenis ini adalah membandingkan dua atau lebih orang atau sesuatu yang mempunyai kualitas kerja atau sifat yang sama.


– My sister is 150 cm. Tina is 150 cm. My sister is as tall as Tina. (adjective).

– My sister's bag costs Rp. 400,000. Tina's bag costs Rp. 400,000. My sister's bag  is as expensive as Tina. (adjective).

– Budiman has a tasty milkshake. Mamad also has a tasty milkshake. Budiman's milkshake is as tasty as Mamad's. (adjective).

– Bunga rides car as slowly as Mamad. (adverb).

Comparative adalah membandingkan dua atau lebih orang atau sesuatu yang mempunyai kualitas kerja atau sifat yang tidak sama, dimana salah satunya lebih jika dibanding yang lainnya.  Perbandingan jenis ini, jika kata sifat (adjective) terdiri dari satu suku kata, biasa menggunakan tambahan akhiran "-er" dan jika terdiri dari 2 atau lebih suka kata biasa menggunakan "more". Jika suku katanya menggunakan akhiran -y di ganti menjadi -ier. Perhatikan 3 kalimat berikut ini.

She is shorter than me.

Kata short terdiri atas 1 suku kata. Lebih pendek => short + -er menjadi shorter.

She is more beautiful than me.

Kata beautiful terdiri atas 3 suku kata. Lebih cantik => more + beautiful menjadi more beautiful.

She is busier than me.

Kata busy berakhiran -y. Lebih sibuk: busy => busier


– My brother is taller than Tina. (adjective)

– Mamad rides car as carefully as Romi (adverb)

Superlative untuk membandingkan seseorang atau sesuatu dengan anggota kelompok yang lain.  Perbandingan jenis ini, jika kata sifat terdiri atas  satu suku kata biasa menggunakan -est dan jika kata sifat terdiri atas 2 atau lebih suka kata biasa menggunakan "the most". Jika suku katanya menggunakan akhiran -y diganti menjadi -iest. Di depan adjective biasa ditambahkan artikel "the".

Perhatikan 3 kalimat berikut ini.

She is the shortest in my class

She is the mostbeautiful girl in my class

She is the busiest in my class.


– My bag is the cheapest of all (adjective)

– Captain America runs the slowest super hero I ever see (adverb)

Semoga jawaban ini membantu ya.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

1. Materi tentang pengertian Degree of Comparison https://brainly.co.id/tugas/9283426

2. Materi tentang contoh Degree of Comparison https://brainly.co.id/tugas/5878365

3. Materi tentang tujuan Degree of Comparison https://brainly.co.id/tugas/16067074


Detil jawaban  

Kelas: 8

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Comparative and Superlative

Kode: 8.5.7

Kata Kunci: adjective, positive degree, comparative, superlative

14. prepare - need - coat - we - to - a - winter - coming - because - is usually - laboratory - we - for - go - science - to - experimentis


1. we need to prepare a coat because winter is ussually coming

2. we go to science labratory for experoments


Semoga membantu

15. uncle : you look great with that coatDea : ​


Dea: Thank you very much, uncle.

16. artinya:A ballad is a poem that usually tells a story that is similar to a folktale.it is often written in quatrains,and usually in lines that are iambic trimeter.

Artinya:Sebuah balada adalah puisi yang menceritakan kisah yg mirip dengan cerita rakyat. Sering ditulis dalam kuatrain, dan biasanya di baris yg trimeter iambik.

Iambik = berirama iambik

Arti diatas menurut terjemahannya.
Semoga membantu…

Jangan lupa terima Kasih!!!

17. Uncle: happy birthday,dea.you look wonderful with that coat


giving compliment

18. What is a 15% tip on a meal that costs $38.40?


maaf ya aku nga tau:(

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

aku nga tauu maaf yaa kalo aku tau pasti aku kasi kamu tau kok..gpp yak:))

Jangan lupa Jadikan Jawaban Tercerdasss yakk!

19. its......coat(possesive pronoun) is that their baggage?​


it is my coat


ini adalah "possesive adjective" bukan "possesive pronoun"

20. jawaban That ........... costs tenthou sand rupiahs (kotak pensil)​


That PensilCasecosts tenthou sand rupiahs


Karena disitu tertulis kotak pensil dalam bahasa indonesia.

Video Terkait Topik Diatas

Greatest Common Factor Of 32 And 50

Greatest Common Factor Of 32 And 50

1. What is the greatest common factor of 351 and 36?2. What is the greatest common factor of 152 and 24?

Daftar Isi

1. 1. What is the greatest common factor of 351 and 36?2. What is the greatest common factor of 152 and 24?



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Faktor dari 351:

351 = 1 × 351

351 = 3 × 117

351 = 9 × 39

351 = 13 × 27

Faktor dari 351 = {1, 3, 9, 13, 27, 39, 117, 351}

faktor dari 36 :

1 x 36 = 36

2 x 18 = 36

3 x 12 = 36

4 x 9 = 36

6 x 6 = 36

faktor dari 36 adalah 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 18

faktor perseketuannya : 1,3,9

faktor terbesarnya : 9

semoga membantu

2. find the greatest common factor of 24 and 48​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Jadi kalau dari situ, GCF itu mengambil faktor yang sama, tapi diambil pangkat yang kecil, berbanding terbalik dengan LCM

3. What is the greatest common factor of 261 and 45?


45 261

/ \ / \

3 15 3 87

/ \ / \

3 5 3 29

45 = 3² × 5

261 = 3² × 29

FPB = 3²

FPB = 3 × 3

FPB = 9



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

261 = 3 x 3 x 29

45 = 3 x 3 x 5

= 3 x 3

= 9


4. 42 ÷ 228 ÷ 2Is 2 a common factor of 42 and 28?please help​


42 ÷ 2 = 21

28 ÷ 2 = 14

42 = 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 14, 21, 42

28 = 1, 2, 4, 7, 14, 28

FPB = 14


Maaf Kalau Salah

5. what is high common factor of 27,45,60?​


it's 60

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

sorry if it is wrong / maaf kalo salah

hope it helps / semoga membantu

6. what is the common factor of 50 and 20​





[tex] [/tex]








7. Find the greatest common factor for each pair of numbers.1. 28 and 362. 54 and 363. 42 and 24Help pls​


1. 7 and 9

2. 3 and 2

3. 21 and 12

Find the greatest common factor for each pair of numbers.

1. 28 and 36

2. 54 and 36

3. 42 and 24

answer :

1. 7 and 9.

2. 9 and 6.

3. 7 and 6.


syarat-syarat "greattest common factor" yaitu:

- kalian harus dibagi dulu di jawab.

- kalian harus dikali dulu supaya pembagian itu tidak salah.

- kalian boleh memakai pohon faktorisasi atau pembagian.

contoh :

4 dan 2

4 dan 2 harus sama-sama dibagi 2.

jadi hasilnya 2 dan 1.


Apakah kalian sudah ngerti?

kalau kalian sudah ngerti kalian harus belajar lagi ya

selamat berlatih.

thank you.

bye bye.

8. Find The Highest Common Factor of 12 and 18​


jadi jawaban nya adalah 6

9. I. Draw the factor trees for each numbers. Find the prime factors for each number. Find the greatest common factor of each set of number. 1) 10, 30 2) 12, 15 and 24 3) 48, 60 and 72 II. Draw the factor trees for each numbers. Find the prime factors for each number. Find the lowest common multiple of each set of number. 4) 18, 26 5) 6, 16 and 34 mohon bantuanya


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

10. what is the difference between the smallest factor and greatest factor of 108

greatest factor = 108
smallest factor = 1


maaf kalau salah

11. Highest common factor and lowest common multiple of 50 and 70​


Answer: LCM of 50 and 70 is 350

12. 2. find the greatest common factor (gcf) of the following numbers using the listing method or prime factorization. (show your solution) a. 108 and 24 b. 28, 63 and 91 ​


a. 12

b. 7

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


[tex]108=2^2\times3^3\\24=2^3\times3\\gcf=2^2\times 3=12[/tex]  (lihat faktor prima yang ada di keduanya, kemudian pilih yang pangkatnya paling kecil)


[tex]28=2^2\times7\\63=3^2\times 7\\91= 7\times 13\\gcf=7[/tex](lihat faktor prima yang ada di ketiganya, kemudian pilih yang pangkatnya paling kecil)

13. what is the sumof the greatest common divisior of 20 and 36 and the least common multiple of 10 and 12

the greatest common divusir of 20 and 36 is 4
the least common multiple of 10 and 12 is 60

14. Find all common factor of 20 and 30


Temukan semua faktor persekutuan dari 20 dan 30


Maaf klo salah

15. the greates common factor of 48 and 72 is​



Step-by-step explanation:

Factors of 72: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24, 9, 18, 36, 72

Factors of 48: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24, 16, 48 Therefore, the greatest common factor of 48 and 72 is 24.

Hope it helps :D

16. What is the greatest common factor of 152 and 24?


the greatest common factor of 152 and 24 is 8

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

factors of 152 are 1, 2, 4, 8, 19, 38, 76, 152

factors of 24 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24

so the greatest common factor of 152 and 24 is 8

17. what common factor relates the work of the nurse and the framworker? plis jawabbb​


doctor is a job related to nurses

and coolies are jobs related to frame workers

18. what is the common factor of 8y,12y​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


Faktor dari 8y dan 12y adalah 4y karena 8y=2x4y dan 12y=3x4y

19. Find the lowest common multiple of 25, 27, and 32​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

25: 5²

27: 3³

32: 2^5

2^5 × 3³ × 5²


Sorry if it false

20. the highest common factor of 210 and 315 is

210= 2x3x5x7

315 = 3²x5x7

The highest common factor of 210 and 315 is 3×5×7 = 105

Answer :

210 = 2 x 3 x 5 x 7
315 = 3² x 5 x 7

FPB = 3 x 5 x 7
FPB = 105

Video Terkait Topik Diatas

Which Of These Operations Is Not Closed For Polynomials

Which Of These Operations Is Not Closed For Polynomials

which of the following account is not closed?

1. which of the following account is not closed?

ini jawabannya



semoga bermanfaat

2. which of these following is not parts of speech​


pidatonya mana maaf ni

3. which of these living being is not a microorganism?​


The study of microorganisms is called microbiology. Microorganisms can be bacteria, fungi, archaea or protists. The term microorganisms does not include viruses and prions, which are generally classified as non-living.

4. which of these types of cells is most likely to divide?

jenis sel mana yang paling mungkin untuk di bagi

itu bahasa Indonesia nya

5. which one of these that is not included as the parts of speech?


yang mana yang tidak termasuk sebagai bagian dari pidato





6. Which of these word is wrong in the sentence i do not drink milk yesterday.

Jawaban:I didn't drink the milk yesterday



I did not drink milk yesterday.


Yesterday itu past tense, makanya pakai "did"

kalau sudah ada "did", maka "drink" tidak usah diganti menjadi "drank"

7. Which of these building is not new? The librar IN​


Which of these building is not new? The llibrary in

artinya :

Manakah dari bangunan ini yang tidak baru? Perpustakaan di

8. Different types of polynomials


Jenis-jenis Polinomial secara umum, yaitu:

1.) Monomial

⇒ Pernyataan matematika yang terbentuk dalam satu suku saja, seperti 7x², 12, 6a²b³, dan sebagainya.

2.) Binomial

⇒ Polinomial yang bentuknya dinyatakan dalam dua suku, seperti 2x + 4, 3a⁴ + 9b²c, − 10u⁵ − 5v³, dan sebagainya.

3.) Trinomial

⇒ Polinomial yang bentuknya dinyatakan dalam tiga suku, seperti 5x² − x + 6, 8y⁵ − 4y³ + 2, 36x⁷ + x⁴ − 12, dan sebagainya.

∴ Polinomial yang terdiri lebih dari tiga suku tidak memiliki nama khusus.

~Semoga membantu~

9. which of these is the correct code for creating a list of names?


mana dari ini adalah kode yang benar untuk membuat daftar nama?

Selengkapnya tentang teks sumber iniDiperlukan teks sumber untuk mendapatkan informasi terjemahan tambahan

Kirim masukan

Panel samping


maaf kalau salah

10. Which one is the correct statement ? It is ...... This are not hers These was not hersThese is not hers These are not hers​


These is not hers


semoga membantu

11. Which of these sentences is correct about Rio’s library? *​


It has a window


Semoga Membantu;)

12. which of the underlined parts of these sentences is right

a completendak tahu mi ........

13. which of these is not a part of soil?a.humusb.bits of rickc.clayd.plastic​




soalnya plastik bukan bagian dari tanah.

sorry kalo salah


D. Plastic.

maaf kalo salah, semoga membantu!


14. which statements is not true about the speed of these animals​


Pernyataan mana yang tidak benar tentang kecepatan binatang ini

15. Which of these is an example of investigating an intensive property?


Properti intensif adalah properti massal , artinya ini adalah properti fisik lokal dari suatu sistem yang tidak bergantung pada ukuran sistem atau jumlah material dalam sistem. Contoh sifat intensif meliputi suhu , T ; indeks bias , n ; kepadatan , ρ ; dan kekerasan suatu benda, η .

Sebaliknya, sifat ekstensif seperti massa , volume , dan entropi sistem adalah aditif untuk subsistem karena mereka meningkat dan menurun seiring mereka tumbuh semakin besar dan kecil. [3]

Kedua kategori ini tidak lengkap karena beberapa sifat fisik tidak hanya intensif atau ekstensif. [4] Misalnya, impedansi listrik dari dua subsistem adalah aditif jika - dan hanya jika - keduanya digabungkan secara seri ; sedangkan jika mereka digabungkan secara paralel , impedansi yang dihasilkan lebih kecil dari pada kedua subsistem.

Istilah kuantitas intensif dan ekstensif diperkenalkan oleh fisikawan dan kimiawan Amerika Richard C. Tolman pada tahun 1917. [5]


Properti intensif

Properti intensif adalah kuantitas fisik yang nilainya tidak bergantung pada jumlah zat yang diukurnya. Misalnya, suhu suatu sistem dalam kesetimbangan termal sama dengan suhu bagian mana pun darinya. Jika sistem dibagi oleh dinding yang permeabel terhadap panas atau materi, suhu masing-masing subsistem identik; jika suatu sistem dibagi dengan dinding yang tidak tembus panas dan materi, maka subsistem dapat memiliki suhu yang berbeda. Demikian juga untuk densitas sistem yang homogen; jika sistem dibagi menjadi dua, sifat ekstensif, seperti massa dan volume, masing-masing dibagi menjadi dua, dan sifat intensif, kepadatan, tetap sama di setiap subsistem. Selain itu, titik didih suatu zat adalah contoh lain dari sifat intensif. Misalnya, titik didih air adalah 100 ° C pada tekanan satu atmosfer , yang tetap benar berapa pun jumlahnya.

Perbedaan antara sifat intensif dan ekstensif memiliki beberapa kegunaan teoretis. Misalnya, dalam termodinamika, keadaan sistem kompresibel sederhana sepenuhnya ditentukan oleh dua properti intensif dan independen, bersama dengan satu properti ekstensif, seperti massa. Properti intensif lainnya diturunkan dari dua variabel intensif tersebut.


Contoh properti intensif meliputi: [3] [5] [4]

potensi kimia , μ

warna [6]

konsentrasi , c

kepadatan , ρ (atau berat jenis )

permeabilitas magnetik , μ

titik leleh dan titik didih [7]

molalitas , m atau b

tekanan , hal

Indeks bias

Konduktansi spesifik (atau konduktivitas listrik)

kapasitas panas spesifik , c p

energi internal spesifik , u

rotasi spesifik , [ α ]

volume tertentu , v

potensi reduksi standar , [7] E °

tegangan permukaan

suhu , T

konduktivitas termal


Lihat Daftar properti bahan untuk daftar yang lebih lengkap yang secara khusus berkaitan dengan bahan.


yang lebih lengkap ada di wiki pedia

16. Which Statement Is Not True About The Speed Of These Animals


which one animal ?............

17. Which of these is not a prime number?A. 2B. 17C. 31D. 39​




because 39 can still be divided by 3 which is not a prime number

18. which one of these expressions below is greeting​

Expressions of greeting :

Good morning / afternoon / evening.
How are you? (Apa kabar?)
How are you doing?
How is everything?

19. Which of these is a GOOD use of body gestures?​


what is Good body,are you going,i don't know

20. Which of these picture is Tasmanian Devil?​


Manakah dari gambar berikut yang merupakan Tasmanian Devil?


gambarnya mana kak?

kalau tidak ada gambarnya, saya hanya bisa menerjemahkan, tidak bisa jawab lebih lanjut

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