Vulcan Flyovers Offers Scenic Overflights

Vulcan Flyovers Offers Scenic Overflights

Apa arti kata vulcan

Daftar Isi

1. Apa arti kata vulcan

Vulkanisme adalah semua peristiwa yang berhubungan dengan magma yang keluar mencapai permukaan bumi melalui retakan dalam kerak bumi atau melalui sebuah pita sentral yang disebut terusan kepundan atau diatrema.

Semoga Dapat Membantu

2. apa arti scenichayoo apa

Scenic menurut kamus besar bahasa inggris permai indah penuh pemandangan
scenic artinya yaitu indah

semoga bermanfaat

3. Makking offers dan accepting offers dan declining offers

Making offers : " do u want any sugar ?"

Accepting offers : " yeah, sure"

Declining offers : " No, thanks. i'm full "

4. Peace Namaste The Vulcan Way Slight Bow Hand on Heart The Cowboy Way Air Hug I heart you​

TERJEMAHAN,. perdamaian namaste cara Vulcan sedikit membungkuk tangan di hati cara koboi pelukan udara aku mencintaimu

5. dalam studi geografi citra foto udara dapat digunakan untukA. mengenali ciri-ciri Wilayah vulcan B memperkirakan waktu erupsi vulkanik C mengenal deposit pasir vulkaD. menjelaskan hubungan ekologis antar wilayah E. memprediksi perkembangan wilayah vulcan ​





6. if the flyovers were very crowded, the government would make a new flyover. the fact: .......​

The government doesnt make a new flyover because it's not crowded


if the fly overs were very crowded, the government would make a new fly over.

the fact: The fly over is not very crowded so the government do not make a new fly over.


Conditional Sentence

if conditional sentence merupakansebuah kalimat pengandaian yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan bahwa sesuatu benar-benar terjadi/nyata jika syarat yang lain terpenuhi. Kenapa harus begitu? Karena dalam pola kalimat if conditional sentence terdiri dari 2 klausa, yaitu main clause (kalimat utama) dan yang kedua sub clause (anak kalimat). Jadi kalimat If conditional sentence itu bisa benar-benar terjadi dan mungkin juga tidak akan pernah terjadi. Dan keduanya bisa saling bertukar tempat (dibolak balik). Dalam kata lain jika kalimat utama didepan, maka anak kalimatnya berada pada kalimat kedua (belakang) dan sebaliknya.

Ada tiga jenis kalimat if conditional:

1. If Conditional Tipe 1

If conditional tipe 1 yang juga disebut Future conditional sentence adalah sebuah kalimat pengandaian yang belum terjadi dan kemungkinan besar akan terjadi dimasa mendatang (future) jika syaratnya (anak kalimatnya) terpenuhi.

Rumus/Pola kalimat:

If + S + V1 (simple present), S + will + Verb 1


If I go to Palembang I will meet Sarah  If we have a yacht, we will sail the seven seas If he have more time, he will learn karate If they tell their father, he will be very angry She will spend a year in the USA if it is easier to get a green card If I live on a lonely island, I will run around naked all day

2. If Conditional Tipe 2

If conditional tipe 2 yang juga disebut present conditional sentence adalah sebuah kalimat pengandaian yang digunakan untuk mengandaikan sesuatu yang tidak akan pernah terjadi karena syarat sub clausenya tidak mungkin terpenuhi, dan apa yang diandaikan bertolak belakang dengan kenyataan yang ada.

Rumus/ Pola kalimat:

If + S + V2 (simple past), S + would + Verb 1


If I were you, I would forgive him If we had a yacht, we would sail the seven seas If he had more time, he would learn karate If they told their father, he would be very angry She would spend a year in the USA if it were easier to get a green card If I lived on a lonely island, I would run around naked all day

3. If Conditional Tipe 3

If conditional tipe 3 yang juga disebut past conditional sentence adalah sebuah kalimat pengandaian yang digunakan untuk mengandaikan sesuatu yang tidak akan pernah terjadi karena syarat sub clausenya tidak akan pernah terpenuhi, karena apa yang diandaikan sudah berlalu di masa lampau (masanya sudah terlewati).

Rumus/ Pola kalimat:

If + S + V3 ( past perfect), S + would have + Verb3

Contoh :  

If Mimi had done her homework, she would have not got a punishment. If we had had a yacht, we would have sailed the seven seas If he had had more time, he would have learnt karate If they had told their father, he would have been very angry She would have spent a year in the USA if it had been easier to get a green card If Ihad lived on a lonely island, I would have run around naked all day


Materi tentang if conditional :

Materi tentang if conditional :



Kelas : 12

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris  

Bab : 2

Kode : 12.5.2

Kata Kunci : if conditional

7. Contoh kalimat making offers and accepting offers


contoh kalimat offers :↓↓

- can l help you ?

- my l give you a hand ?

- shall l bring you a pillow ?

- would you like a cup tea ?

- can a do the dishes for you ?

- can a take you home?

- could l offer you something ?

- how about l help you with this ?

contohkalimatAccepting Offers:

-Thank you .

- yes , please .

- yes please , l really appreciate it .

- l'm pleased to do that .

- Thank you, I really appreciate your help.

- Yes, please, that would be lovely.

- With Pleasure thank you.

- Thank you, it's very kind of you.




8. definisi dari request dan offers

request : suggesting someone on something ( menyarankan)
offers : to attemp to give somebody something that may be taken or refused ( menawarkan)

9. terjemahan dari offers

Mematikan = offers

Semoga Membantu..offers = penawaran.
semoga membantu

10. perbedaan dari suggestions dan offers



Suggestion (noun) dalam bahasa Indonesia berarti saran. Suggestion adalah suatu ungkapan yang digunakan untuk mengekpresikan saran atau nasihat. contoh ungkapan yang dapat digunakan untuk mengungkapkan saran adalah sebagi berikut.

- You should ...

- You ought to ...

- It's better for you to ...

- I suggest you ...

- I advise you to ...

- Why don't we/you ... ?

- How about ...?

- You had better ...

- Let's ...

Contoh kalimat saran:

- You should sleep early (kamu sebaiknya tidur lebih awal)

- How about making a cake? (bagaimana kalau membuat kue?)

- Let's go to the beach (mari kita pergi ke pantai)


Dalam bahasa inggris, Offer dapat digunakan sebagai verb yang berarti menawarkan atau sebagai noun yang berarti tawaran. Offer merupakan suatu ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menawarkan suatu bantuan atau barang. berikut contoh kalimat yang digunakan untuk mengekspresikan offer:

a. Untuk menawarkan bantuan kita dapat menggunakan ungkapan berikut:

- May I help you?

- Can I help you?

- What can I do for you?

- Would you like me to ...?

- Can I lend you a hand with that?

b. Untuk menawarkan barang kita dapat menggunakan ungkapan berikut:

- Would you like some ...?

- Would you like something to ...?

- Should I get you ...?

- What can I get for you?

Contoh kalimat menawarkan:

- Would you like some tea? (apakah kamu mau teh?)

- Would you like me to get you a drink? (apakah kamu ingin saya membantumu?)

- Should I get you a bandage? (haruskah saya mengambilkan perban untukmu?)

Dari penjelasan diatas, kita dapat menarik kesimpulan bahwa penggunaan suggestion dan offer cukup berbeda. Suggestion digunakan untuk memberikan saran kepada orang lain sedangkan offer digunakan untuk menawarkan bantuan atau barang kepada orang lain. Ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suggestion dan offer pun berbeda.

Mudah-mudahan jawaban diatas dapat membantu menjawab pertanyaanmu. Sebagai tambahan, kamu dapat mengunjungi link berikut untuk melihat contoh penggunaan suggestion dan offer dalam dialog.

Detil tambahan:

Kelas: SMA

Pelajaran: bahasa inggris

kategori: expressions

11. 2.what is vulcan 3.what are the basic groups of vulcanic eruption

Nomor 2 jawaban dia

gunung berapi

12. contoh dialog offers

a : hi budi what are you looking for ? . b : hi ana. i am looking for my pen. i think it is gone. a : ohh may i help you to find your pen ? b : thank you very much ana. but i think, i left my pens in my home this morning. a : would you like to use my pen ? i have 4 pens in my pencilcase. b : thank you ana

13. terjemahkan kedalam bahasa indonesia The text tells us about ..a. Eruptionb. Types of volcanic eruptionc. Strombolian eruptiond. Peleean eruptionWhat is Vulcan?a. A type of eruptionb. A name of city in Italiac. A name of Roman fire godd. Italian coastWhat are the basic groups of volcaniceruption?a. Vulcan, Volcanic, Strombolian, Peleeanb. Vulcan, Italian coast, Roman, Peleeanc. Strombolian, Pellean, Vilcanian, Vulcand. Hawaiian, Strombolian, Vulcanian,Peleean​

soal no 2 apa itu volcan


a Atipe dari erupti

B nama kota dari ittalia

udah maaf cuman bisa membantu segitu aja

14. making offers accepting offers declining offers Shall I help You with your homewor k?​


maksudnya artinya?

atau aku jawab ?

artinya :

membuat penawaran menerima penawaran menolak penawaran Haruskah saya membantu Anda dengan pekerjaan rumah Anda?

15. Buat contoh dialog offers


can i have this fish for 20$

16. teks percakapan tentang APD (Alat Pelindung Diri) yang mana di percakapan tersebut ada salah satu kalimat Offers, Accepting Offers atau Declining Offers!


Tina: what do doctors wear?

Tono: it is a Personal Protective Equipment

Tina: why do they wear that?

Tono: to protect yourself from viruses.

Tina: where can i buy it?

Tono: my friend sold it ... Do you want it? You will get a special offer

Tina: really?

Tono: yes

Tina: ok. i buy

*semoga membantu

*maaf kalau salah

17. Exampples of offers​


Would You Like This Tea ?

Should I Put Your Bag In Your Room ?

Can I Clean Your Room ?

18. suggestion and offers

Artinya: Saran dan menawarkan
Maaf kalau salah

19. 1. Buatlah 10 kalimat OFFERS besrta jawabannya/responya ( accepted offers dan declining offers)​

1. Hey do you want have some offer for my pen and my make up collection for your limited book?


Ofc (of course) that is a good offer

2. Dude i'm gona trade my ticket concert for your Macbook?


Sorry i'm declining the offer because that is under of my my macbook price

3. Hey wanna do some trust trade? i'm Gona trade my 5 pop it but you must add 5 fidget toy


Oh sure Btw ur pop it is my dream fidget toy

maaf kak hanya bisa tiga Soalnya kehabisan ide:')

+ maaf kalau salah

20. Tolong Buatkan 4 Kalimat Making offers Accepting offers declining offers


accepting offers

- thank you

- yes, please

-I'd like it very much

-thank you, i would

-that would be very nice

declining offers

-no, thanks

-no, i really won't, thank you

-not for me thanks

-no, thanks. im not hungry

-thank you, but im on a diet

Video Terkait Topik Diatas

The Expression Below Represents The Cost

The Expression Below Represents The Cost

make the senteces with the expression below​

1. make the senteces with the expression below​


A. John and Carl started a fight, the teacher yells.

B. Daniel offered the orchestra club 5 new talented members, we might have had enough.

C. had, would have been

D. hadn't, would have been


2. Below the expression of disagreement.............​


•No, I'm not so sure about that.

•That's not always true.

•I don't think so.

•I beg to differ.

•I'd say the exact opposite.

• I totally disagree.


dis·a·gree·ment(noun) : --> lack of consensus or approval.

Whenever there's disagreement, there's no consensus: consensus meanseveryone is on the same page.


i totally disagree
i dont think so
i dont agree with u
i say not yet
iam not with you
maybe, there is ways better

3. Choose the best expression for the picture below​


maaf kak tapi fotonya mana?

kalo gk ada foto gk bisa jawab

4. Complete the expression in each block by adding in the expression in the two blocks below.


Kotak atas sendiri : (15ab + 8bc)

kotak tengah : (8ab + 3bc) (7ab + 5bc)

kotak bawah sendiri : (4ab + bc) (4ab + 2bc) (5ab + bc) (2ab + 4bc)

5. the suitable expression to complete the dialogue below is..​


a. he will get well soon


maaf kalau salah

6. The expression for asking opinion below is ...


Ungkapan untuk meminta pendapat di bawah ini adalah ...

1.for in the morning

2.rocky is student

3.rani is child very smart

7. underlined the expression of compliment from the dialogue below!​


what a great motorcycle, great job

Jawaban: What a great motorcycles you have ( keren sekali sepeda motormu)

Great job ( keren hasil kerjanya)


8. complete the dialogue below with the opinion expression in the box!

dialog n the opini expressionnya mana?

9. apa arti dari the expression below are expression show disagreement,except​

Jawaban: ekspresi di bawah ini adalah ekspresi menunjukkan ketidaksepakatan, kecuali

10. The best expression to complete the dialogue below is…​


-wow you are so great

-you are so smart syifa

-You are very clever

itu bisa di pake semua nya tinggal pilih aja apa yang kamu mau

maaf kalo bener


↪I'm very happy for that, congrats you are great syifa.


Jadikan jawaban terbaik!!semangat belajar!!

11. The expression below is the expressions to invite someone

Jawaban:Making in vitiation

· Would you like to…?

· I would very happy if…?

· We would be delighted if you…?

· Would you care to..?

· We would be pleased if you could…?

· Would you care to…?

12. complete the dialogue below with the appropriate expression​

soalnya mana woy.

nanya tapi ga ada teksnya

13. complete the conversation below with the suitable expression!​

Rina: I'll an English exam to an English exam tommorow.

      : I'm so nervous.

Susan: Sure, No problem.


Tina: Look! Our class is dirty and messy.

         We must clean it before the teacher come to the classes!

Lina: Okay, Lets Clean it now.

Tina: Ok!

Semoga membantu.

14. complete the certain situations below with the expression of hopes.

1. e
2. j
3. b
4. f
5. g
6. a
7. i
8. c
9. h
10. d

semoga membantu :)

15. macth the picture with the expression provided below

pasangkan gambar dengan ekspresi yang sesuai

16. 1. The best expression to complete the dialogue below is . . . . *​


1. Ungkapan terbaik untuk melengkapi dialog di bawah ini adalah

17. Below are the expression of intention, except…​

Below are the expressions of intention,  except...

=> Would you like a glass of juice?


10. Di bawah ini adalah ungkapan niat, kecuali ...

Saya berencana untuk segera mendapatkan rumah baru.  => expressions of intention  

Saya ingin pergi berlibur.  => expressions of intention  

Apakah Anda ingin segelas jus?  => expressions of offer  

Saya akan merenovasi rumah.  => expressions of intention  

Saya akan mengikuti kursus. => expressions of intention

Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah Would you like a glass of juice? , karena  bukan  expressions of intention

Expressing intention is an expression that is used to state plans or something intended to do in the future.  (Expressing intention adalah ekspresi yang digunakan untuk menyatakan rencana atau sesuatu yang ingin dilakukan di masa depan)

18. below is not the expression of compliment ​


example of a compliment

1. Wow, you look amazing this night

2. You look so pretty

3. How cool you are

4. What a nice girl you are

5. Wow you look so amazing this evening


Expression of compliment adalah istilah yang digunakan untuk menyebut ekspresi atau ungkapan memuji dalam Bahasa Inggris. Sesuai dengan namanya, expression of compliment berfungsi untuk menyampaikan pujian terhadap orang lain. Ada satu hal yang harus digarisbawahi bahwa memberikan pujian itu terkait dengan budaya.

19. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue below is … *


Dialog Apaan ?


Yang Jelas Dong Pertannyaanya

20. The suitable expression for the conversation below is ....​


ekspresi yg cocok untuk pecakapan di bawah ini adalah..........

mana percakapannya? kok gk di tulis?

Video Terkait Topik Diatas

5 6 Practice A Algebra 1 Answers

5 6 Practice A Algebra 1 Answers

bantu practice 6 dari no.1-5​

Daftar Isi

1. bantu practice 6 dari no.1-5​


1. it's raining heavely and you're late in putting your raincoat. You should be wearing your raincoat now.

2. Don't phone grandma now. She may be having dinner

3. The river is full of water. I believe the water will be flooding the street an hour from now

4. Tania may be using the phone right now. The line is busy

5. Call salma now. She may be waiting for our call right now



2. tolong dijawab dong practice 5 dan terjemahkan practice 6.

practice 5 itu harus dijawab sendiri.
1. apa kamu pernah melakukan/membuat sesuatu berdasarkan instruksi?
2. apa itu sulit?
3. kalau sulit, mengapa? kalau tidak sulit, mengapa?

3. Tolong ya yang ngerti, practice 5 dan practice 6.Terimakasih..

practice 5 hanya mendengarkan/membaca
practice 6 memasukkan data dr bacaan tsb.

menu :
oxtail soup

big and cozy
plenty of flower plants

near my house
jl H. Ari no 2

4. practice 4 choose and cross (x) the corret answers​tolong di jawab soalnya besok di kumpul thx..


29 jawaban nya D nomor 30 jawaban nya D

#Semoga dapat membantumu teman selamat belajar... :)

5. practice 6 nomor 1 dan 3 saja

1. the film doesn't start late

3. people don't often visit the park on sunday

6. Apakah sebutan algebra


Ungkapan algebra linear.

7. tolong dong yang practice 5 no 1-5

1. You : Hello!
Friend : Hi!
You : Your Uniform And Hair looks Tidy
Friend : Thanks So much.
2. You : Hey hi! What are you Doing in this park?
Friend : I feel so bored at home
you : Lets go around This park together
Friend : sure
3. You : Hello brother !
Brother : Hi !
You : What are you doing Brother?
Brother : i am eating the dinner that mom just made
4. You : Hello What Is your name?
N. Classmate : my name is rizky
You : Nice To see you rizky!
N. Classmate : Nice To See You too!
5. You : Hello teacher.
Teacher : Hi Where are you going?
You : Im on the way to My English course Place
Teacher : Oh Ok.
<< MaafKan Saya Kalau Ada yang Salah >>

8. not-algebra-the-is-problem-difficult. a. The problem algebra is not difficult.b. The problem is algebra not difficult.c. Algebra is not the difficult problem.d. The algebra is not problem difficult.​


c.Algebra is not the difficult problem

9. bantu practice 5, no.1-5 ​


1. Played, For

2. Was, For

3. Had, Since

4. Knew, For

5. Didn't/Did not ( Bebas pilih yang mana ), Since


Hope this help you !!

10. maaf yang practice 6 nomer 1-5 terima kasih

1. Should be wearing 2. May be having 3. Will be flooding 4. May be using 5. May be waiting

1. You should be wearing

2. She may be having

3. The water will be flooding

4. Tania may be using

5. She will be waiting

11. bantu practice 5 no.1-5​


1. They ware waiting for me when I arrived at the station.  

2. She was swimming in the sea when I saw her.  

3. Were they playing tennis when it started raining?  

4. She was crying when she heared the news.  

5. It was raining when I got up.


1. They were waiting for me when I arrived

2. She was swimming in the sea when I saw her

3. Are they playing tennis when it starts raining?

4. She was crying when she heard the news

5. It was raining when I get up


Maaf klo salah (人´∀`*)

12. -5x 2y + 2yx + 4 x ²y + 6 =ini algebra pls ​

꧁ Pertanyaan꧂──────────

-5x 2y + 2yx + 4x ²y + 6 =


-2(5y - xy - 2x ²y - 3)

⫷ Penyelesaian ⫸

-5x 2y + 2yx + 4x ²y + 6 =

Kalikan bilangan tersebut menjadi seperti di bawah ini

= 10y + 2y x + 4× ²y + 6

keluarkan faktor -2 dari bentuk seperti di bawah ini

= -2(5y - yx - 2x ²y - 3)

Gunakan suku komutatif untuk mengurutkan suku-suku nya

= -2(5y - yx - 2x ²y - 3)

Semoga membantu ^_^───────────


13. Match the questions in the table with their suitable Answers . The questions and answers form a sequential dialog about the object in the picture . Practice the dialog with your friend


Terjemahannya adalahCocokkan pertanyaan dalam tabel dengan Jawaban yang sesuai. Pertanyaan dan jawaban membentuk dialog berurutan tentang objek dalam gambar. Latih dialog dengan teman Anda


Semoga Benar Selamat Belajar

14. answers:4)5)6)thank you for your help​


maaf da pintar bahas inggris

15. tolong kerjakan practice 6 dan practice 7

practice 6:

16. simplify this algebra form5 (4k + 8)​

5 x (4k + 8)

5 x 4(k + 2)

20(k + 2)




Simplify this algebra from 5(4k + 8)


Use this rule:

x(y ± z) = xy ± xz



⇒ 5(4k + 8)

⇒ (5 × 4k) + (5 × 8)

20k + 40


Answer Details

Subject: Mathematics

Class: VII

Material: Algebra

Subject Code: 2

Categorization Code:


17. kerjakan practice 4 &practice 5.practice 6 nya gak usah ya

practice 4
1. pilot
2. electrician
3. photographer
4. driver
5. receptionist
6. flight attendant
7. carpenter
8. tailor

practice 5 tolong diketik soalnya di komen atau difoto yang lebih jelas terus dipost lagi di soal baru
semoga membantu :)

18. Practice 6 Nomor 1 sampai 6 besok di kumpul

1. - prepare the material
    - follow the steps from 1 - 5 
2. to each of the screws on one bulb holder
3. wires ( end of one of these wires )
4. the loose wires
5.through the holes in the back of the card
6. onto the back of the card

19. Activity 3Work in a pairs, Make questionsand answers about your school, then practice it infront of the class1. A: ..............B: ........2. A: ............B:3. AB:B:5. A:B:6. A:B:7. AB:B:9. A:B:10.A:B:.​


A: Hey where's your school

B: At jl. Ahmad Yani

A: oh the school of the city right

B: where can i apply there

A: at the recepcionist

B: what is the extraculliculer there

A: Badminton, volley,soccer, even pingpong

B: not that kind, but like scouting

A:owh we got scouting,Paskibra,english club,and PMR

B:good, good what fasilities they got in there

A: there's a GOR, lots of toilet and sink,a masjid,and a well

B:thank you

A: your welcome

20. Laila, - you - can - me - help - ?Answers:2. i-can-do - What - for - you - ?Answers:3. Wouldmy laptop -- you - in my room - take - ?Answers:4. want - apples - which - do - you - ?Answers:5. you - toto - househouse - come - could - this afternoon - ?Answers:6. i - help - need your - reallyAnswers: ....7 a - tea - cup of -like - ? >Answers:8. help - sorry - you - 1 - can'tAnswers:.....jawab pliss​

laila can you help me?

what can i do for you?

would you take my laptop in my room?

which apples do you want?

would you come to hous this afternoon

i really need your help

like a cup of tea?

sorry i can't help you

Video Terkait Topik Diatas

What Integer Is Closest To 31/7

What Integer Is Closest To 31/7

What is the closest meaning to "stored"??

1. What is the closest meaning to "stored"??

stocked,gathered,hoarded,reserved,savedsaved, received

moga membantu ya :)

2. What is closest meaning of "to abide" ?​


maap kalo salah

3. what is the closest meaning to "kits" (line 1?​


box,container,duffle box


maaf kalo salah ya


4. 7. "I would be able to impart myskills...." (paragraph 2)What isthe closest meaning of theunderline word? *.​



Karena dapat memberikan. Jadinya kata terdekat yaitu menghadirkan.

5. what is the closest meaning of terrifying​


Terrifying in indonesian is “dahsyat”


6. what is the closest meaning ultimate

closest meaning of ultimate?
being or happening at the end of a process; final; principle: the best achievement - Last.
- Final.
- Highest.
- Maximum.

7. what kind of eclipse happens when the moon is closest to the sun


A solar eclipse occurs when the moon gets between Earth and the sun, and the moon casts a shadow over Earth. A solar eclipse can only take place at the phase of new moon, when the moon passes directly between the sun and Earth and its shadows fall upon Earth's surface.


Hope it helps

8. what is closest meaning come across​


Synonyms/closest meaning for "come across"

- bump into

- discover

- notice

- stumble upon

- uncover

- unearth

- chance upon

- happen upon

- hit upon

- light upon

- meet

• come over

• run into

• run across

9. what is the closest meaning of "chop"​




cut has the closets meaning with chop


Cut, Cut off, Trim, Deduct, etc.

Chop = Cut (something) into pieces with repeated sharp blows of an axe or knife

¥ Semoga membantu

10. The word "buttressed” in line 7 is closest in meaning to






prop up

bolster up

shore up








back up

buoy up



(of a building or structure) strengthened or supported with a buttress.

past tense: buttressed; past participle: buttressed


provide (a building or structure) with projecting supports built against its walls.

"we buttressed the wall as it was showing signs of cracking and collapse"


increase the strength of or justification for; reinforce.


11. what is the closest meaning ultimate

Ultimate artinya Terakhir,Penghabisan
Persamaan kata Ultimate <> Final <> Last<>Ending
- Last.
- Final.
- Highest.
- Maximum.

12. what is the closest meaning of "prevent"?

The closest meaning of "Prevent" word is Relieve. Because prevent have a same meaning of relieve.

Sorry if it was wrong!!Prevent mean mencegah
closest meaning of prevent= c. forestall

13. "browsing"is closest meaning to... ​


bisa juga


14. what is the public place closest to the supermarket​


apa tempat umum yang paling dekat ke supermarket

maaf klw slh


15. what is the closest meaning of 'firm'?​



meaning is a for profit business organization

16. What is closest in meaning to the underlined word?. ( pointed )


Terdapat 9 makna 'pointed' di Kamus Bahasa Inggris Terjemahan Indonesia.

Pointed /point·ed/

Adjektiva (kata sifat)


Yang berujung




Yang menusuk hati




Penggunaan Kata Pointed

Berikut adalah daftar referensi dari penggunaan kata "pointed" di dalam Kamus dan Tesaurus.

Taper Become Pointed (Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia)

Pengertian taper become pointed taper become pointed berarti meruncing kesimpulan taper become pointed adalah taper become pointed berarti meruncing. Taper become pointed masuk ke dalam...

Pengertian bristle pointed adalah bulu runcing menunjuk. Kesimpulan bristle pointed adalah bulu runcing menunjuk. Bristle pointed masuk ke dalam bahasa inggris yaitu b...

Needle Pointed (Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia)

Pengertian needle pointed adalah jarum menunjuk. Kesimpulan needle pointed adalah jarum menunjuk. Needle pointed masuk ke dalam bahasa inggris yaitu bahasa jermanik y...

Pointed Outward (Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia)

Pengertian pointed outward adalah teracung. Kesimpulan pointed outward adalah teracung. Pointed outward masuk ke dalam bahasa inggris yaitu bahasa jermanik yang pertama kali ditut...

17. What is the closest meaning of remote


idont know what you speak


gw gak ngerti ini gw jawab buat nyelasin misi

remote = kecil/terpencil
maaf kalau salah

18. 5. Hazard" What is the closest meaning to the underlined word?​




Semoga bermanfaat

19. What is the closest meaning of " affordable"?



itu yang saya ketahui

The synonym of 'affordable' is inexpensive.

20. you know what?My extended family is going to.Tje underlined word is closest in meaning to

yang mana yang digaris bawahi? kalau extended, jawabannya bisa far,distance,distant

Video Terkait Topik Diatas

Lcm Of 12 And 27

Lcm Of 12 And 27

The LCM of 8 and 12 is

1. The LCM of 8 and 12 is



lcm (a , b ) = ( a . b ) / gcd (a , b)

lcm (8 , 12) = ( 8 . 12 ) / gcd (8 , 12)

lcm (8 , 12) = 96 / 4

lcm (8 , 12) = 24


2. LCM of 18 and 27 is bantu jawab ya kak​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

LCM Artinya Kelipatan Persekutuan Terkecil. Maksudnya Adalah, Bilangan Terkecil Yang Dapat Dibagi Oleh Kedua Bilangan.

Contohnya Disini Adalah Bilangan Terkecil Yang Dapat Dibagi Oleh 18 Dan 27. Jawabannya Adalah 54.

Karena 54 Dapat Dibagi Oleh 18 dan 27 Dan Juga Tidak Ada Bilangan Dibawah 54 Yang Bisa Dibagi Oleh 18 dan 27 Sekaligus.


Semoga Membantu : )

Mohon Dimaafkan Jika Salah

[tex]Regards, Ikann[/tex]



3. Determine LCM and GCF of the following pairs of number 12, 16, and 30​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:



4. find the LCM of the following numbers. 3,7 and 96,9 and 122,5 and 8. PLS BANTU ​


Hasil LCM di atas adalah

3,7 dan 9 =63

6,9 dan 12=36

2,5 dan 8=40

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Langkah 1 = Ubah ke bentuk perkalian bilangan prima berpangkat. Lalu pilih pangkat TERTINGGI.

Langkah 2= Gunakan tangga bersusun seperti cara gcd.. Kali ini, tidak usah diberi tanda.. Semuanya dikalikan.

Langkah 3 Terakhir=Tentukan LCM

5. gcf and lcm of 35 and 45?​


gcf: 5

lcm: 315

maaf kalo salah


HCF = Highest common factor = FPB

LCM = lowest common multiple = KPK

      35             45

      /   \            /   \

    5    7         3    15

                            /  \

                          3    5


35 = 5 x 7

45 = 3² x 5

FPB = 5

KPK = 3² x 5 x 7 = 315


HCF is the same number between the factor of 35 and 45 then choose the smallest power

to find LCM, choose all number in the factor of 35 and 45, then use the highest power. If it has a same number between the factor of 35 and 45, just use one of them.

Wish my answer can help, TYSM

6. Find the smallest value of such that the LCM of n and 54 is 108.​


54 = 2 × 3³

108 = 2² × 3³

LCM = 2² × 3³ = 108

7. LCM of 54, 63 and 72 is ...???​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

FPB 54, 63, 72.

54= 2 × 3³

63= 3² × 7

72= 2³ × 3²

FPB= semua bilangan, pangkat kecil.

FPB= 3²

= 9

8. The LCM of 9, 12 and n is 252. If n is odd, find all the possible values of n.​


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

9 = 3²

12 = 2² x 3

LCM (n, 9, 12) = 252

252 = 3² x 2² x n

252 = 9 x 4 x n

n = 252/36

n = 7

The possible values of n are :

n₁ = 7

n₂ = 2 x 7 = 14

n₃ = 3 x 7 = 21

n₄ = 2² x 7 = 28

n₅ = 2 x 3 x 7 = 42

n₆ = 3² x 7 = 63

n₇ = 2² x 3 x 7 = 84

n₈ = 2 x 3² x 7 = 126

n₉ = 2² x 3² x 7 = 252




Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Semoga membantu

dan jadikan jawaban tercerdas ya

10. 1.) HCF and LCM of 18 and 242.) Find the HCF and LCM of 30, 36, 48.​


Note: when we have to find HCF of 3 numbers we first find HCF of 2 numbers and then that HCF is used as divisor and the third number is the dividend.

For full process refer to the above attachment

11. the LCM of 36 and 72 is​

~ Teori Bilangan

Least Common Multiple = KPK

36 = 3² . 2²

72 = 3² . 2³

Maka :

lcm(36 , 72) = 3² . 2³

lcm(36 , 72) = 72 ✓

12. what is the hcf and lcm of 20, 16

jadikan jawaban yg terbaik y

13. Berapakah LCM of 12,18,81?

LCM (Least common multiple) atau KPK dari 12, 18, 81

Jawaban terlampir pada foto

maaf kalo salah '-

semoga membantu :)

14. LCM of 4 and 6 is? ini jawaban nya apa ya​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

LCM Adalah Bahasa Inggris Dari KPK (Kelipatan Persekutuan Terkecil).

Nah, Misalkan KPK Dari 4 dan 6 Berarti Angka Terkecil Yang Bisa Dibagi 4 atau 6.

Misalkan 24. 24 Bisa Dibagi 4 Dan Juga 6 Kan. Tapi Apakah 24 Adalah Angka Terkecil Yang Bisa Dibagi 4 dan 6? Tentu Tidak. Ada Yang Lebih Kecil Lagi Yaitu 12.


Semoga Membantu : )

Mohon Dimaafkan Jika Salah

[tex]Regards, Ikann[/tex]

15. Find the LCM and GCF of 32 and 48.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:



LCM = 2^5*3 = 32*3 = 96

GCF = 2^4 = 16

16. HCV and LCM of 70 and 140 is.. bantu jawab kak​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

KPK : 70 = 2 × 5 × 7

140 = 2 × 2 × 5 × 7

hasilnya = 2 × 2 × 5 × 7


FPB : 2 × 5 × 7

= 70

semoga membantu

17. Find the HCF and LCM of 63 and 77 using prime factorization


Find the prime factorization of 63

63 = 3 × 3 × 7

Find the prime factorization of 77

77 = 7 × 11

HCF = 7

Find the prime factorization of 63. 63 = 3 × 3 × 7.

Find the prime factorization of 77. 77 = 7 × 11.

LCM = 3 × 3 × 7 × 11.

LCM = 693.

18. Find the Lcm of 11 and 19



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

11 = 1 × 11

19 = 1 × 19

LCM = 1 × 11 × 19 = 209

19. What is the HCF and LCM of 72 and 120

[tex]FPB,KPK(72,120) 72=2^3.3^2 120=2^3.3.5 FPB=2^3.3=24 KPK=2^3.3^2.5=8.9.5=360[/tex]

20. the lcm of 6, 12 and n is 660. Find the possible values of n.​

sorry if wrong

I hope this helps.....


Video Terkait Topik Diatas

Water Is To Moisten As Spade Is To Dig

Water Is To Moisten As Spade Is To Dig

The ground’s impossible to dig, it is as .....hard/hardly as stone

Daftar Isi

1. The ground’s impossible to dig, it is as .....hard/hardly as stone

the ground's impossible to dig, it is as hard as stone.


Jawab : the underlined word it's refers to your hand

3. Water is believed as the (important) substance to consume

Air dipercaya sebagai zat (penting) untuk dikonsumsi

Air dipercaya sebagai zat (penting) untuk dikonsumsi

4. dinda needs some water to drink she is

Jawabannya = thirsty (haus). Jadikan jawaban terbaik yahh!

5. structure " this water is so hot to drink

structure " this water is so hot to drink


bangunan "air ini sangat panas untuk di minum

6. We use this to water flowers.what is it ?

water and fertilizerWater and watering can

7. The water is.... To swim


The water us coldto swim

8. why is water vital to humans?

because humans can't life without water

9. 1.mirror is used to2. towel Is used to3. theet brush is used to4 Shampoo is used to5. Soap is used to6.Water is used to7.Shower is used to8toilet is used to9tub is used to10 dipper is used to?​


1.berkaca 2.wipe the body 3.brushing teeth4.clean take a shower6.for clean pee hold water draw water


# semoga membantu maaf kalau salah

10. 6. A bathtub is known to hold as much as 50 litres of water. In the bathtub,12500 cm3 of water has been filled. How many liters of remaining water isneeded to fill the tub completely?​


37,5 litres


1 litres = 1000cm³

12500cm³=12,5 litres

the water needed to fill the bathtub completely

=50 litres-12,5 litres

=37,5 litres

11. dinda needs some water to drink. she is

very thirsty

begitu ya maksudnywDinda needs some water to drink. She is thirsty.
(Dinda butuh air untuk diminum. Dia haus)

12. 30. look at the picture below! it's function is ....a. to dig a ricefieldb. to plough a ricefieldc. to carry a farmerd. to water a ricefield​

Maaf sebelumnya kak gambarnya mana ya?

Look at the picture below! it's function is ....
Answer :
b. to plough a ricefield

Mungkin seperti ini, maaf kalau salah
Semoga membantu

13. According to the passage, which of the following is true about water cycle?a. The water cycle is also known as the rain cycleb. The water cycle is also known as the recyclec. The water cycle is also known as the hydro carbond. The water cycle is also known as the hydrologic cyclemohon bantuannya ​


a. The water cycle is also known as the rain cycle

14. 3. Water that is underground is called4. The water we can drink is calledRead. Complete the definitions.1. Water in lakes, rivers, and swamps is called2. Water in the clouds or sky is referred to as​

3. surface water

4. purified water

1. freshwater


15. A washing machine is.....used towash laundry,as.....and sheets.the term is mostly.... to machine that use water as..... to dry cleaning

Mesin cuci adalah ..... digunakan towash laundry, seperti ..... dan sheet.bagiannya sebagian besar .... untuk mesin yang menggunakan air sebagai ..... untuk membersihkan kering

16. 30. Look at the picture below! It's function isa. to dig a ricefieldb. to plough a ricefieldC. to carry a farmerd. to water a ricefield​

Jawaban: Dig a ricefield


maaf kalo salah ya

17. To use water to clean soap or diet from something is


is it the right sentences?

18. sand is chosen as one of the media of hydrooonics because it is like a sponge easy to hold water​


Pasir dipilih sebagai salah satu media hidroonois karena seperti spons yang mudah menahan air

semoga membantu


Biar Enak Kita Terjemahakan saja Yukkk ^_____^

Pasir dipilih sebagai salah satu media hidrooonik karena merupakan spons yang mudah menahan air


Selamat Belajar

19. Data:The boat is full of water. it is going to sin​


perahunya penuh dengan air. perahunya akan tenggelam

20. water is believed as the.... (important) substance to consume

Water is believed as the most important substance to consume.

Video Terkait Topik Diatas

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