Is 1 5 Equal To 2 10

Is 1 5 Equal To 2 10

1. Twelve plus twenty one is equal to -2. Forty Five minus thirty one is equal to ...3. Sixty six minus Fifteens equal to4. Eighty Five plus Fifteen is equal to ...5. Seventy three plus thirteen is equal to ... plesssssss kak jawab plessssssssssssssssssssssss​

Daftar Isi

1. 1. Twelve plus twenty one is equal to -2. Forty Five minus thirty one is equal to ...3. Sixty six minus Fifteens equal to4. Eighty Five plus Fifteen is equal to ...5. Seventy three plus thirteen is equal to ... plesssssss kak jawab plessssssssssssssssssssssss​



1. dua belas ditambah dua puluh satu sama dengan ( tiga belas)

2. empat puluh lima dikurangi tiga puluh satu sama dengan ( empat belas)

3. enam puluh enam dikurangi lima belas sama dengan ( lima puluh satu)

4. delapan puluh lima ditambah lima belas sama dengan (seratus)

5. tujuh puluh ditambah tiga belas sama dengan ( delapan puluh tiga)


semangat belajarnya ya

2. among the following, wich is equal to ratio 1:5 is

Wich is equal to ratio 1 : 5 is 2 : 10

3. 1/3 of a number is equal to 1/2 of 90

Jawab:  A = 135

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

1/3 x A = 1/2 x 90

A = 1/2 x 90 x 3

A = 135

4. is greater than or equal to dalam custom autofilter mempunyai tujuan

mensortir nilai data terbesar ke terkecil

5. The analogy oh house:people Is equal to stable

house==> a building where people live

stable ==> a building where horses live


6. The analogy of House:People is equal to Stable:......

Life and Love

7. what is 2x3²x5²= equal to​


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


2 x 9 x 25

= 18 x 25

= 450



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

3^2 = 9

5^2 = 25

Cara: (2 x 3^2) x 5^2


2 x 9 x 25

2 x 9

= 18

18 x 25

= 450

Semoga membantu ^ v ^

8. Find x so that the distance between the points (-2,-3) and (-8,-x) is equal to 10. How far up is heaven?​


Find x so that the distance between the points (-2,-3) and (-8,-x) is equal to 10. How far up is heaven?

9. 4,058 mL is equal to ..................L

0,004058 l
sorry if i'm wrong4,058 : 1,000 =
4.058 L
is it in english right? so , is "koma" in indonesian. right?

10. Which statement is correct? 1.2/10 is smaller than 4/5 2.1/3 is greater than 2/3 3.1/5 is equal to 10/15 Tolong dijawab.No ngasal! Ini buat latihan.Yang nggak bisa jangan jawab!

1 benar
-2/10 lebih kecil dari pada 8/10
2 salah
-1/3 itu lbh kecil dari pada 2/3
3 salah
-3/15 lebih kecil 10/15

11. 1 into 2 + 6 into 2 equal to tu


Maksudnya gimana? Bisa diulang pertanyaan nya?


maksudnya gimana kak ngk faham saya

12. Three plus two is equal to... Yranslate ke bahasa Indonesia

Tiga tambah dua sama dengan..3 + 2 =...
itu artinya

13. right angles is equal to


90 degrees

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:



14. Find x so that the distance between the points (-2,-3) and (-8,-x) is equal to 10. ​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

distance [tex]=\sqrt{(-2-(-8))^2+(-3-(-x))^2}[/tex]








So, x is -5 or 11.

15. is 100/99 equal to 0.100?explain​


Not equal

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

0.100 is equal to 0.1 and it is<1

Otherwise,100/99 is >1

So,100/99 is not equal to 0.100

16. 1. Twice a number is equal to six more than the number.



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

lets the number is x

2x = x + 6

2x - x = 6

x = 6

so, the number is 6

17. 30² + 5³ x 12/36 = ... How to read it? For example: 2 + 5 = ... => Two plus five equal .... 10 + 30 = ... => Ten plus thirty equal ...

Thirty squared plus 5 to the power of 3 times twelve divided by thirty six equals

Cara membaca pangkat yang pangkatnya lebih dari 2 itu harus ada "to the power" diikuti dengan angka pangkatnya

Jadi kek gini


To the power of 3=pangkat 3

Kalau yang baca pangkat 2 cukup baca angkanya lalu diikuti kata "squared"

5 bintangnya kk

18. eight divided by four is equal to​




In Indonesia: "Delapan dibagi empat sama dengan"

8 ÷ 4 = 2

semoga membantu^^

19. is (a-b)*c equal to a-b*c?



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

(a-b)*c = ac - bc

so (a-b)*c is not equal to a-b*c

20. Half of the sum of 2 numbers is equal to 21. One third their difference is equal to 4. Find the 2 numbers​


Setengah dari jumlah 2 bilangan sama dengan 21. Sepertiga selisihnya sama dengan 4. Tentukan 2 bilangan

Video Terkait Topik Diatas

Which Phrase Describes Valence Electrons

Which Phrase Describes Valence Electrons

how many valence electrons are there in the outer electron shell oh halohens

Daftar Isi

1. how many valence electrons are there in the outer electron shell oh halohens

Halogens locate at VIIA group, it means that halogens have 7 electrons at outer shell.


2. which line describes his appearance?

Paragraf 2.
Because appearence means "penampilan fisik"Barisan ke dua
Karena mendeskripsikan penampilan fisik dia

3. . which sentence describes the picture?​


Arti which sentence describes the picture adalah kalimat mana yang menggambarkan gambar tersebut.

Karena tidak pilihan jawaban pada soal tersebut, bila saya yang mengambarkan gambar tersebut adalah

1. The room is very neat.

2. The living room is clean and neat.

3. The living room looks comfortable and neat.

4. The things in this room looks expensive and beautiful.


Arti neat adalah rapi. Arti clean adalah bersih. Arti comfortable adalah nyaman. Arti expensive adalah mahal. Arti beautiful adalah indah atau cantik.

Jawaban dari soal di atas adalah tergantung pada pilihan jawaban yang ada.

Pelajari lebih lanjut benda-benda yang terdapat di ruang tamu dalam bahasa Inggris pada


4. Which characteristic best describes simba?

Curious, adventurous, brave and cocky

5. oxygen atom and hydrogen atoms are banded by a pair of electrons which called as​


Chemical bonds


6. tolong bantulisten to the dialogue which picture best describes each​

Kami butuh audio untuk mendengarkannya.

7. apa arti dari which phrase is expressing of goodbye​


kalimat mana yang mengungkapkan selamat tinggal?


semoga membantu


Kalimat mana yang menyatakan selamat tinggal?


maaf klo salah

8. Which of the following colors best describes 'fog'?​


kan biasanya warna kabut hitam atau grey


gray because gray is usually used to color fog or you can color fog using black


sorry if wronggive the brainliest answer dongand also thank you dong just 1 gpp :)

9. Which of the following describes whathappens when we exhale?​


the entry of oxygen and the exit of carbon dioxide.


masuknya oksigen dan keluarnya karbon dioksida

10. which sentence describes the picture​


Examples like this sentence: Mom is cooking using the stove


maaf kalau kurang jelassemoga membantukalau salah maaf

11. tolong bantu jwblisten the captions. which one best describes each picture?

the chef cooking cake (maaf aku lupa bahasa Inggris nya "dengan teliti dan sangat profesional") jd aku itu maksudnya seorang chef tersebut memasak kue dengan teliti dan sangat profesionalchef is decorating a cake (chef sedang menghiasi kue)

12. arti kata which of the following best describes your current life struggles​

mana dari yang berikut ini yang paling menggambarkan perjuangan hidup Anda saat ini
semoga membantu ^^Yang mana dibawah ini yang paling menggambarkan perjuangan hidup anda saat ini

13. Which of following sentences describes the physical appearance bees?

1. A. Describing bees in general.
2. B. Bees belong to flying insects.
3.  D. its tongue is complex. 
     ada di paragraf 2  kalimat pertama.
4.  “They are found on every continent except Antarctica,…”       (pilihan abcd nya gak keliatan)
       The word “they” refers to bees (intinya nomer 4 jawabannya Bees)1.A.Describing bees in general
2.B. Bees belong to flting insect.
3 D.Its tongue is complex

14. a material .... easily release electrons is called an insulator. a. which doesb. which didc. which does notd. which is

D. which is

semoga benar ya

15. Which of the following best describes the broad concept of a market?


Manakah dari berikut ini yang paling menggambarkan konsep pasar secara luas?


maaf kalau salah satu... semoga membantu_*

16. 14. Which statement describes the picture?​


Arti which sentence describes the picture adalah kalimat mana yang menggambarkan gambar tersebut.


maafga bisa jawab ga ada gambar nya

17. which sentence best describes his studies?​


Which sentence best describes his studies?


kalimat mana yang paling menggambarkan studinya?

18. Which pictures best describes each dialogues 4


you didn't upload the pictures


anda tidak upload gambarnya

19. In a model of an atom, electrons move in circular orbits around a nucleus. Which statement about the electrons is correct? A The electrostatic force on the electrons is away from the nucleus. B The acceleration of the electrons is towards the central nucleus. C The speed of the electrons varies continuously. D The velocity of the electrons remains constant.​


B. The acceleration of the electrons is towards the central nucleus.


B. Percepatan elektron menuju inti sentral. Elektron bergerak dalam orbit melingkar di sekitar inti dan ditarik oleh gaya elektrostatik dari inti. Gaya ini menyebabkan elektron bergerak menuju inti, sehingga memiliki percepatan arah inti. Kecepatan elektron dapat bervariasi tergantung pada energi orbitnya, tetapi kecepatannya tidak selalu konstan karena dipengaruhi oleh gaya yang bekerja pada elektron.

jika sesuai tolong bantu jadikan jawaban terbaik ya terimakasih sehat selalu

20. a text which describes a particular person , place or thing is called...

Descriptive text?
kurasa itu jawabannya...

A text which describes a particular person, place or thing is called descriptive text.

Video Terkait Topik Diatas

It Is The Custom For Paper Mills Located

It Is The Custom For Paper Mills Located

where is the post office located?a. it is located between the city Park at the bank.b. it is located between the bank at the mosque.c. it is located between the mall at the bankd. it is located between the mall at the mosque​​

Daftar Isi

1. where is the post office located?a. it is located between the city Park at the bank.b. it is located between the bank at the mosque.c. it is located between the mall at the bankd. it is located between the mall at the mosque​​


c it is located between the mall at the bank

2. where is the post office located?a. it is located between the city Park at the bank.b. it is located between the bank at the mosque.c. it is located between the mall at the bankd. it is located between the mall at the mosque​


a. it is located between the city park at the bank


maaf kalau salah

semoga membantu

3. where is Bali located? it is in the...of Java

It is in the EAST of JavaIt is in the southern of Java

4. Arti dari "Eiffel tower is the most famous landmark in the world. It is located in paris, france. It is about 49 degress north and two degress east. It was designed by alexandre gustave eiffel for the world fair" ????

Menara eiffel adalah hal menonjol yang terkenal di dunia. itu terletak di paris, perancis. sekitar 49 degress utara dan timur dua degres, itu dirancang oleh alexandre gustave eiffle untuk keadilan dunia"Menara Eiffel adalah markah tanah paling terkenal di dunia. Berlokasi di Paris, Perancis. Terletak sekitar 49 derajat ke utara dan dua derajat ke timur. Dirancang oleh Alexandre Gustave Eiffel untuk keadilan dunia."

5. Where is it located?





I do not know !!

What's the place?


Follow me neeI'm ARMY

6. 3 .it is located at the edge of the river mahkam lanjutan yang tadi​


maaf maksudnya gimana ya?


maaf sebelumnya

7. tolong bantu jawab 1.where is the post office is located between the city park and the is located between the bank and the is located between the mall and the bank is located between the mall and the mosque2.where is the city park is located next to the mall is located next to the bank is located next to the is located next to the post office​

1. C. It is located between the mall and the bank

2. C. It is located next to the mosque

1.where is the post office located?

(Dimana kah lokasinya kantor pos ?)

>>>>pertanyaan merujuk pada tempatnya.

Answer ( jawaban ): is located between the mall and the bank .( ini berada diantara mal dan bank )

Reason ( Alasan ):

in the first paragraph , " the post office in my city is located between the mall and the bank " ( Kantor pos di kota saya berada di antara mal dan bank )

2. where is the city park Located?

( dimana kah lokasinya taman kota ?)

Answer ( jawaban ) : is located next to the mosque.

( ini berada di dekatnya masjid )

Reason ( Alasan )

ini the first paragraf ( the last sentence ) , "There is also a little city park in the right side of the mosque"

( Ada juga taman kota kecil di sebelah kanannya masjid )

8. A :What is the shape of a paper?B: It is .......​

It is square


semoga bermanfaat


It is rectangular


Sorry if my answer is wrong.

9. The following statements about recycled paper are RUE, except that ….. .A. it comes from used paperB. it helps preserve forestsC. it has a smooth surfaceD. it is less whiteE. it is mostly used for packaging​ has a smooth surface

Penjelasan:because recycled paper already less smooth than the new ones.

10. it is a pen we............ on the paper with it​




11. 11. It is Bromo mountain. The weather is (a)... there. It is located in (b).... It is (c)...mountain.​



b.East java

c.An active volcanic

12. Old paper like newspaper and exercise paper is not always useless. it can be recycled. it means that paper can be (30) … into new paper as paper is not always made of wood; it can also be made of paper. waste paper is useful. yet, how is it done? first, waste paper is (31) … from everywhere. then, it is sorted into different groups. of course, some of the paper can not be recycled, so it is (32) … . the rest of paper which can be produced is taken to the mills. then, the paper is (33) … by using clean water. then, it is put in the paper making machine. 30. … a. used b. produced c. turned d. made e. exported 31. … a. used b. made c. distributed d. collected e. recycled 32. … a. deleted b. removed c. cleaned d. converted e. thrown 33. … a. cleaned b. used c. deleted d. removed e. taken

Old paper like newspaper and exercise paper is not always useless. it can be recycled. it means that paper can be turned into new paper as paper is not always made of wood; it can also be made of paper. waste paper is useful. yet, how is it done?

first, waste paper is collected from everywhere. then, it is sorted into different groups. of course, some of the paper can not be recycled, so it is removed the rest of paper which can be produced is taken to the mills. then, the paper is cleaned by using clean water. then, it is put in the paper making machine.

semoga membantu<3

13. it is located at the top as protection from rain and heat. it is​




udah emang itu jawaban nya


Semoga membantu

14. Berry : What is the stapler for?Jean : It ... together sheets of paper.A. fastenB.punchC. fastensD.punches​


C. Fastens


Semoga membantu


A. fasten


maaf klo salah

15. Terjemahkan ke bahasa is for writing on the white board2they are for cutting things is for writing off letters on paper is for sharpening your pencil is keeping your stationaries in is to help your draw lines is for sweeping the flor is for sitting in is for wiping letters on whiteboard is your keeping your money in

1. itu untuk menulis di papan tulis2. mereka untuk memotong hal 3. itu untuk menulis surat di atas kertas4. itu untuk mengasah pensil Anda5. itu adalah menjaga alat-alat tulis di6. itu adalah untuk membantu garis panduan imbang7. itu untuk menyapu lantai8. itu untuk duduk di9. itu untuk menyeka huruf di papan tulis10. itu adalah Anda menyimpan uang Anda 

maaf kalau salah.......
1.Hal ini untuk menulis di papan papan putih mereka untuk memotong hal hal.

(Maaf kalau salah)

16. 39. Makassar - is - located - Where - ?A good arrangement for the words a bove isa. Located is Where Makasar?c. Where is Makasar located?b. Where is located Makasar?d. Makasar ​


c. where is makasar located


dimana makassar berada



17. Bromo Tengger SemeruNational Park is.... for its beauty, it is located in easr java​

Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park is a national park that is famous for its beauty, it is located in East Java

Sorry if wrong / Maaf kalau salah

18. 13. what is the meaning of T- Joction? it is..14. what is the meaning of crossroad? it is..15. where is monas located? it is located in..nanti ku foloww btw no 8- 15 tyy​


8. Next to

9. Parking

10. Between

11. across

12. next to

13. Pertigaan

14. Zebra cross atau tempat menyeberang

15. Jakarta


19. Where is seattle located? It is locatek in the state of


dimana lokasi seattle? itu locatek di negara bagian


Where is Seattle located?

It is located in the state of Washington.

Bila diartikan: Di manakah letak Seattle? Seattle terletak di negara bagian Washington


Seattle adalah salah satu kota besar di Amerika Serikat dan termasuk dalam negara bagian Washington.

Pada soal sudah terdapat petunjuk jawaban, yaitu the state of.

The state berarti negara bagian. Sehingga Seattle terletak di negara bagian washington, Amerika Serikat yang dalam bahasa Inggris adalah United State.

Pelajari lebih lanjut teks tentang Seattle pada


20. 1. is-white-paper-the A. The is paper white B. The paper white is C. The paper is white 2.salma:is it number ninety tour? Nilam:...... A. Yes, i do B. Yes, I do not C. No, it is D. No,it is not 3. Teacher:.........? Student: I am fine, thank you


1.C the paper is white

2.D. no, it is not


1.C the paper is white

2.c no it is not


maaf kalau salah

Video Terkait Topik Diatas

Nasa Launches A Rocket At T 0 Seconds

Nasa Launches A Rocket At T 0 Seconds

a rocket burns propellant rapidly and most rockets carry a supply that last just a few seconds ​

Daftar Isi

1. a rocket burns propellant rapidly and most rockets carry a supply that last just a few seconds ​


a rocket burns propellant rapidly and most rockets carry a supply that last just a few seconds


Jika diartikan

sebuah roket membakar propelan dengan cepat dan sebagian besar roket membawa pasokan yang hanya bertahan beberapa detik

Semoga membantu:)

2. Kuwiz (vii)H(t) = height, t = time in secondsH(t) = -t² - 2t + 35 = 0Ketinggian maks saat berapa detik?


Aplikasi Turunan

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

H(t) = -t² - 2t + 35

Turunan pertama dari H(t) adalah -2t - 2

Nilai t akan maksimum ketika H'(t) = 0


-2t - 2 = 0

-2t = 2

t = -1

Ketinggian maksimum yang dicapai adalah

H(-1) = -(-1)² - 2(-1) + 35

H(-1) = -1 + 2 + 35

H(-1) = 36

Fungsi Kuadrat


H(t) = -t² - 2t + 35


H(t) = -(t² + 2t + 1) + 1 + 35

H(t) = -(t + 1)² + 36

Nilai maksimum fungsi H, saat t = xp = -1

Nilai maksimum fungsi H = yp = 36

abaikan ketinggian dan detik

3. Jika dari A ke b di tempuh dalam waktu 18 seconds berapa t dan f

t = 18 s
[tex]f = \frac{1}{t} = \frac{1}{18} [/tex]

4. apa itu nasa ??? dan apa tujuan dari nasa

National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA adalah lembaga pemerintah milik Amerika Serikat yang bertanggung jawab atas program luar angkasa Amerika Serikat dan penelitian umum luar angkasa jangka panjang. tujuanya, Memperluas dan mempertahankan aktivitas manusia di seluruh tata surya,

Memperluas pemahaman ilmiah tentang Bumi dan alam semesta,

Menciptakan inovasi ruang teknologi baru,

semoga bermanfaat

NASA atau NATIONAL AERONAUTICS and SPACE ADMINISTRATION adalah sebuah organisasi bertaraf dunia yang dibentuk oleh pemerintahan negara AS amerika Serikat. Dimana tujuan mereka mendirikan lembaga ini adalah untuk membuat suatu perubahan dimana perubahan tersebut akan berdampak pada masyarakat yang luas dengan program bertaraf masa depan dan berhubungan dengan penelitian alam semesta.

Sejak tahun 2011, NASA memiliki tujuan strategis:

Memperluas dan mempertahankan aktivitas manusia di seluruh tata surya Memperluas pemahaman ilmiah tentang Bumi dan alam semesta Menciptakan inovasi ruang teknologi baru Penelitian aeronautika terdepan Mengaktifkan program dan kemampuan institusi untuk melakukan kegiatan keluar-angkasaan dan aeronautika Berbagi ilmu pengetahuan dengan tenaga pendidik dan mahasiswa untuk memberikan kesempatan berpartisipasi.Pembahasan

NASA sengaja didirikan pada 1958 oleh Presiden Eisenhower dengan tujuan pertama untuk mementingkan kebutuhan masyarakat sipil dibandingkan dengan militer, dan digunakan sebagai program perdamaian dalam ilmu keluar-angkasaan.

Undang-Undang Aeronautika dan Keluarangkasaan Nasional disahkan pada 29 Juli 1958, menggantikan organisasi sebelumnya, Komite Penasehat Aeronautika Nasional. Badan ini resmi beroperasi pada 1 Oktober 1958.

NASA mempunyai visi, untuk mengungkapkan sesuatu yang belum diketahui sehingga kita akan dapat mempelajari yang tidak (belum) diketahui tersebut untuk diambil manfaatnya bagi khalayak manusia. Karena itu, ribuan orang harus bekerja diseluruh dunia selama 50 tahun lebih. Mereka mencoba menjawab pertanyaan dasar : apa yang ada diluar angkasa? Bagaimana cara ke sana? Dan apa yang akan ditemukan? Apa yang nantinya bisa kita pelajari dari sana atau mencoba mendapatkan sesuatu yang membuat hidup lebih baik dibanding dengan di Bumi.

Dalam beberapa tahun mendatang, NASA akan terus meneliti serta mengembangkan teknologi untuk merancang dan membangun kemampuan dalam upaya mengirimkan manusia untuk menjelajahi Bumi, Mars dan Bulan. Kemudian, mereka membangun stasiun luar angkasa yang dikelola oleh astronot.

Astronot tersebut akan bekerja selama 24 jam, dan 365 hari per tahun. Dan di dalam stasiun luar angkasa tersebut disediakan laboratorium untuk riset. Selain itu, NASA juga merancang pesawat dan roket yang nyaman, hemat bahan bakar, dan ramah lingkungan. Tujuannya adalah mengembangkan generasi selanjutnya dari sistem transportasi udara.

Untuk kegiatan tersebut, NASA akan merealisasikannya pada tahun 2025. Dan Sekarang NASA sedang melakukan penelitian yang belum terjadi sebelumnya, yang bertujuan untuk mencari pengetahuan baru dari Bumi, Matahari, dan Luar Angkasa.

Dengan sumber daya manusia yang hebat, NASA berusaha menemukan sumber energi baru yang akan dipakai oleh umat manusia. Tentu saja energi tersebut diupayakan ramah lingkungan. Mungkin suatu saat nanti Bumi mempunyai energi baru yang lebih ramah lingkungan dibanding dengan nuklir, tapi juga tidaka membahayakan.

Contoh agensi angkasa lain:

Canadian Space Agency China National Space Administration European Space Agency Italian Space Agency Indian Space Research Organisation Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency National Space Agency of Ukraine Russian Aviation and Space Agency Soviet space program (historical) National Aerospace Laboratory, India Deutsches Luft- und Raumfahrtzentrum, Jerman QinetiQ, Inggris ONERA, Prancis CIRA, Italia CNES, Prancis INTA, Spanyol FOI, Swedia VZLU, Ceko VKI, Belgia NLR, Belanda LAPAN, Indonesia ANGKASAWAN,Malaysia F-16,PrancisPelajari Lebih Lanjut Materi tentang pendiri NASA tentang   NASA tentang astronot Jawaban

Kelas: 8

Mapel: Biologi

Bab: 10

Kode: 8.4.10

Kata kunci: nasa, tata surya, lembaga

5. Siapa pendiri NASA dan kapan NASA di dirikan

Presiden Eisenhower mendirikan NASA pada tahun1958 Dwight D Eisenhower pada tgl 29 juli 1958 klo g salah

6. siapakah penemu rocket?​


Roket modern bermula ketika Robert Goddard seorang insinyur dari Amerika Serikat meletakkan corong de Laval pada kamar pembakaran mesin roket, menggandakan daya dorong dan meningkatkan keefisienan pada roket. Kemudian pada tahun 1926, Robert Goddard berhasil meluncurkan roket pertama di Auburn Massachusetts.

Mapel Sains

Bab Penemu Roket

Kelas 9

Kode Kategorisasi 9.5.1


Hasil gambar untuk siapakah penemu roket

Sejak itu teknologi roket terus dikembangkan, hingga Robert Goddard menjadikannya semakin efisien, yang lalu diadopsi oleh Wernher von Braun ketika menciptakan roket V-2. Wernher von Braun, seorang ilmuwan Jerman, berhasil membuat roket jarak jauh pertama, yang disebut V-2 (Vergeltungswaffe 2), pada tahun

7. Siapakah Orang pertama yang berhasil ke bulan?Apakah rocket pertama yang berhasil ke bulan?Siapakah pendiri Nasa?Apakah rocket pertama di dunia?Apakah robot pertama di dunia?siapa yang menciptakan Valkyrie Robot?apakah agama anda?Benda apa yang seperti piring terbang?apa itu ALIEN?Siapakah yang pernah menciptakan pesawat tanpa bahan bakar?apa tujuan Alien?Tahun berapa kita hidup di MARS?Apa yang terjadi setelah alam semesta hancur?

Kita hidup dimars setelah dibantai erpan sama kacungnya

8. sebuah rocket diluncurkan Dari bumi. Selama 15 menit, rocket menempuh jarak 12.000 km. Berapa m/detik kecepatan rata-rata rocket Tersebut?​

Diketahui : 15 menit = 900 detik, jarak yang ditempuh 12.000 km

Ditanya : m/detik ?

Dijawab :

Kecepatan = jarak/waktu

= 12.000 x 1000/15 x 60

= 12.000.000/900

= 120.000/9

= 13.333 meter/detik

Semoga membantu :)


1333,33 m/detik

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

kecepatan = jarak : waktu = 12000 km : 15 menit = 12000 x 1000 m : (15 x 60) detik = 1333,33 m/detik

9. Example: The velocity of a particle moving along the x axis varies in time according to the expression vx = (40 - 5t2) m/s, where t is in seconds. a. Find the average acceleration in the time interval t = 0 to t = 2.0 s b. Determine the acceleration at t = 2.0 s. Example: The velocity of a particle moving along the x axis varies in time according to the expression vx = (40 - 5t2) m / s, where t is in seconds. a. Find the average acceleration in the time interval t = 0 to t = 2.0 s b. Determine the acceleration at t = 2.0 s.


a. - 10 m/s²

b. - 20 m/s²


Vx = (40 - 5t²)


saat t₁ = 0 --> Vx₁ = 40 m/s

saat t₂ = 2 --> Vx₂ = 40 - 5. 4 = 20 m/s

Average acceleration

ar = ΔV/Δt = ( Vx₂ - Vx₁ ) / ( t₂ - t₁ )

ar = ( 20 - 40 )/( 2 - 0 )

ar = - 10 m/s²  ( perlambatan )


acceleration at t = 2.0 s.

a = dV/dt = - 10. t

a = - 10. 2 = - 20 m/s²

10. siapakah pencipta rocket

Roberd huchings guddard.

Maaf klo salah.yaitu robert anderson

bismillah mudah mudahan bnar

11. 4 poin9. Look at this picture. Tohave one oscillation, thesimple pendulum needs 5seconds. The time periodof this simple pendulum is.LUE кCBO three secondsO fifteen secondsO five secondsO fifty seconds​


Where The Picture.

(Dimana Gambar Nya Kak)

12. Apa itu NASA? Arti NASA dalam bahasa Indonesia dan penjelas apa itu NASA...Mohon bantuannya

NASA adalah organisasi Amerika yang berjalan bidang teknologi sains untuk meneliti luar angkasa.

13. A weather balloon is released and rises vertically such that its distance s(t) above the ground during the first 10 seconds of flight is given by s(t) = 6 + 2t + t 2 , where s(t) is in feet and t is in seconds. (a) Find the velocity of the balloon at t = 1, t = 4 and t = 8. (b) Find the velocity of the balloon at the instant that it is 50 feet above the ground.



velocity (at t=1)

v = s(t)


= 6 + 2t + t²


= 6 + 2(1) + (1)²


= 6 + 2 + 1


= 9/1 = 9 ft/sec

velocity (at t=4)

v = s(t)


= 6 + 2t + t²


= 6 + 2(4) + (4)²


= 6 + 8 + 16


= 30/4 = 7,5ft/sec

velocity (at t=8)

v = s(t)


= 6 + 2t + t²


= 6 + 2(8) + (8)²


= 6 + 16 + 64


= 86/8 = 10,75 ft/sec

velocity at 50 feet above

v = s(t)


= 50


= 5 ft/sec

14. The velocity of a ball thrown directly up in the air is given by v(t) = 20 − 10t, where t is the time in seconds. At what times will the velocity be between 10 m/s and 15 m/s? (0.5s < t < 1s)

v(t)' = 20 - 10t

10 = 20 - 10t

10t = 10

t = 1 s

v(t)" = 20 - 10t

15 = 20 - 10t

10t = 5

t = 0,5 s

0,5s < t < 1s

because :

v(t)' < v(t) < v(t)"

Hope this helps you !

15. Translate Wash them often with soap for at least 20 seconds​


Sering-seringlah mencucinya dengan sabun setidaknya selama 20 detik.


semoga membantu

16. Two rockets are flying in the same direction and are side by side at the instant their retrorockets fire. Rocket A has an initial velocity of +5800 m/s, while rocket B has an initial velocity of +8600 m/s. After a time t both rockets are again side by side, the displacement of each being zero. The acceleration of rocket A is -15 m/s2 . What is the acceleration of rocket B?


The answer is in the picture !

sorry if wrong !

make the brainliest answer pls !

17. quis apa itu nasa? apa tujuan dari nasa​

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) (didirikan 1958) yaitu agensi pemerintah Amerika Serikat yang bertanggung jawab atas program angkasa AS dan riset aerospace umum jangka panjang. Dia adalah organisasi masyarakat yang mengerjakan riset untuk sistem ruang angkasa masyarakat dan militer.

penjelasan: semoga bermanfaat untuk kita semua

18. NASA adalah ?Apa tujuan NASA ?​


NASA adalah national aeronautics and space administration

tujuan nasa untuk meneliti beberapa planet


semoga bermanfaat

19. membuat kalimat tentang rocket​


Cochise pasti menjatuhkannya dengan roket.


maap cuman satu :)

Jawaban:Cochise pasti menjatuhkannya dengan roket.

20. debug rocket Di tembakan vertikal ke atas. tunggu rocket pada t setok do rumuskan dendane h(t) = 40t-5t (dalam meter). hitunglah tunggi maksimum yang Dapat Di capai oleh roket​

h(t) = 40t - 5t²

a = -5

b = 40

c = 0

D = b² - 4ac

D = 40² - 4(-5)(0)

D = 1600

tinggi maksimum

= -D/4a

= -1600 / 4(-5)

= (-1600)/ (-20)

= 80 meter

Video Terkait Topik Diatas

Organisms Are Classified As Excavata Based On

Organisms Are Classified As Excavata Based On

Based on what principle did carolus linnaeus classify living organisms?

1. Based on what principle did carolus linnaeus classify living organisms?

carl linnaeus (may 23rd 1707 - january 10th 1778) he is known as The  "father of modern taxonomy". introduced a modern system of naming organism called binominal nomenclature (binominal).

This is formal naming species of living thing by giving each a name based on two parts. Both of which uses Latin Grammatical Forms. The 1st part use a genus to which the species belong and the 2nd part identifies the species within the genus

2. viruses are classified as non-living creatures because

because the virus can only say the living thing IF VIRUS get into the body of other creature and then virus will be always like parasit in that creatures.thats all thanks you

Because they can be crystallized.

3. Write off them are classified as endangered animals?


a. The Siberian Tiger

b. Blue-Throated Macaw

c. Brown Spider Monkey

d. Siamese Crocodile

e. American Bison

f. The Dhole

g. Bald Eagle


these are the endangered animals that is almost extinct.

apakah benar seperti ini? maaf kalo salah :3

4. make sentences based on the pictures given as many as possible​ masing masing 2 kalimat!

Pic.1 : - My sister was so noisy in the car
- My sister singing was really unpleasant to hear

Pic.2: - She is studying
- She is doing her homework

Pic.3 : gambarnya unclear

Pic.4 : gambarnya nggak bs diliat

Pic.5 : - Me and my two friends were hanging out together yesterday
- My friend was eating ice cream while we were walking

5. the following animals are classified as pet ,axcept


jk, how the heck i supposed to know the following animals if u don't include them here?!?!

6. Classified the noun based on its class. a. November b. Oil c. Bundle bantu jawab dong yang bisa?




A common noun is the generic name for a person,place,or thing in a class or group.Unlike proper nouns,a common noun is not capitalized unless it either begins a sentence or appears in a title.All nouns name something,but proper nouns name them specifically.Common nouns do not.

7. what is she categorised as based on her age?​


69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69

8. how are living things classified​


The classification of living things includes 7 levels: kingdom, phylum, classes, order, families, genus, and species . The most basic classification of living things is kingdoms. Currently there are five kingdoms.

9. Based On the picture where are the people​?


gambar nya mana


10. The followings are classified as abiotic components except

dibawah ini digolongkan sebagai benda mati kecuali...

11. According to the structure, the bones in babies are mostly classified as .... bones


tony romas baby ribs


12. Muscles based on action are...​JAWAB OI

jawaban:otot berdasarkan tindakan adalah

maaf kalo salah


otot berdasarkan tindakan

itu kaka jawab nya terimakasih

13. 1. The following animals are classified as pets, except....a. catsc. elephantsd. birdsb. dogs​



SEMOGA MEMBANTU itu menurut saya


C Elephant


14. . There are .... directions based on comppass rose​




15. Based on the text, there are

nothing. .................

16. apa arti dari classified as durio

diklasifikasikan sebagai diario *Mungkin, hehe :D*
kalau dalam bahasa inggris sih jawabannya. diklasifikasikan sebagai Durio
mf jika salah

17. what are the name if Indonesian national days celebration based on the circled dates as you know?​


Independence Day

(btw gambarnya mana ya)

18. the following compound are classified as biopolymer, expect

what are the chosen???

19. the word that are classified into ajektive are​


Artinya adalah kata yang diklasifikasikan sebagai inti ajektive adalah

****Maaf kalau salah****

20. The CORRECT statement based on the picture is....a.the grapes are not as expensive as the orange b.the apples are not a expensive as the orange C. the orange are more expensive than the Grapes D.the grapes are the most expensive of all ​


D.the grapes are the most expensive off all



D.the grapes are the most expensive of all

karena harga anggur memang benar lebih mahal dari ketiga buah tersebut

Video Terkait Topik Diatas

Which Of The Following Measurements Contains Two Significant Figures

Which Of The Following Measurements Contains Two Significant Figures

The circular portions of the following figures are semicircles. Find the perimeter and area of each of the following figures. ​

Daftar Isi

1. The circular portions of the following figures are semicircles. Find the perimeter and area of each of the following figures. ​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


Luas = 3x5/2 + 3,14 x 2²/2 = 7,5 + 6,28 = 13,78 m²

Keliling = 3+5 + 3,14x2 = 8 + 6,28 = 14,28 m

(b) Luas = 3,14 x 9/2 + 3,14 x 4,5

= 3,14 x 9 = 28,26 cm²

Keliling = 3,14 x 18/2 + 3,14 x 9

= 3,14 x 18

= 56,52 cm

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


Luas = 3 × 5/2 + 3,14 × 2²/2 = 7,5 + 6,28 = 13,78 m²

keliling = 3 + 5 + 3,14 × 2 = 8 + 6,28 = 14,28 m


Luas = 3,14 × 9/2 + 3,14 × 4,5 = 3,14 × 9 = 28,26 m²

keliling = 3,14 × 18/2 + 3,14 × 9 = 3,14 × 18 = 56,52 cm

2. The two following figures are equivalent to fraction....


2 bilangan berikut yang setara dengan pecahan adalah ?

2/4 dan 3/6

jadi jawaban ny "="

sama dengn karna hasil ny jika dibagi sama sama 0,5

3. When the value of a number is given, the significant figures provide an indication of theuncertainty in the value; for example, a value of 2.7 indicates that the number lies between2.65 and 2.75. Give ranges within which each of the following values lie.

design ......... ........

4. Find the values of the unknown in each of the following figures:


segitiga bca = segitiga sama kaki

jika sudut B= 27° maka sudut A= 27°

sehingga sudut C= 180°- 27°-27°=126°


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

semoga membantu :)

5. What are the definition of the following figures of speech?:a. hyperboleb. metaphor​


Hyperbole are a figure of speech which is extremely exaggerated to make things bigger and more than before

Metaphor are a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.

6. Find the value of the unknown variable/s in each the following figures. ​

semoga membantu

maaf kalau salah

7. The circular positions of the following figures are semicircles.for each of the following figures find its perimetere and area kerjain A,B,and C

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


keliling lingkaran =

[tex]2 \pi r[/tex]

[tex] = 2 \times \frac{22}{7} \times \frac{21}{2} \\ = 66[/tex]

kelililig total = 66 + 2×(36-21)

= 66 + 30 = 96cm

parimeter = 96 cm

luas = luas lingkaran + luas persegi

[tex] = \frac{22}{7} \times {21}^{2} + {(36 - 21)}^{2} \\ = 1386 + 225 \\ = 1611[/tex]

luas = 1611 cm^2

area = 1611 cm^2

a aja ya....

8. write the result according to the rule of significant figures a) 15.45 + 17.3669 = …. b) 2.560 x 0.203 = …


a) 32.8169

b) 0.51968

maafkalo salah

9. Find the unknown side of each of the following triangles, given that the measurements are in cm.

Find the unknown side of each of the following

triangles, given that the measurements are in cm ?

Aku gak bisa ngejawab

Semoga yang lain bisa menjawab dengan betul betul betul...

10. For each of the following figures, find the area of the blue region(s).​

c. 45 cm²

d. 150,96 cm²

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

c. L = L.trapesium - L.segitiga

= 1/2 x (9+17) x 12 - 1/2 x 17 x 6

= 1/2 x 16 x 12 - 51

= 96 - 51

= 45 cm²

d. L = L.jajaran genjang - L.lingkaran

= 12 x 22 - 3,14 x 6 x 6

= 264 - 113,04

= 150,96 cm²

11. Write examples of the following figures of speech! a. Hyperbole b.Simile C. Metaphor


a. Hyperbole

1. He is running faster than the wind

2. That man is taller than a tree

3. This is the worst day of my lufe

b. Simile

1. This house is as clean as a whistle.

2. He is as strong as an ox.

3. He is as loud as an cricket

c. Metaphor

1. Her long hair was a flowing golden river.

2. kisses are the flowers of affection

3. The calm lake was a mirror

12. Which of the sentence below contains the topic of the text?

yg mana Kalimat dibawah ini yg terkandung dalam topik teks tsbWhere is it? I don't see anything unless you had the picture

13. in each of the following figures ab//cd.Find the values(s) of the unknown(s)​

(a). b? a?

Segitiga memiliki total 180°, karena itu:

180°-(30+38) = 180-68 = 112°

4b = 360°-(112×2) = 360-224 = 136°

b = 34°

a = 180 - 38 = 142°

(b). d? c?

140° = 7c

20° = c

2d = 7c = 140°

d = 70°

(c). e?

7e + 3e = 180° = 10e

e = 18°

(d). f?

2f+6 = 3f-23

-f = -29

f = 29°

14. find the value of the unknown in each of the following figures​

b). Besarnya sudut segitiga sama kaki 180°


<a + <b + <c = 180°

68° + 64° + 2b° = 180°

132° + 2b° = 180°

2b = 180° - 132°

2b = 48°

b = 24°

d). <ABC = 180°


<a + <b + <c = 180°

3d° + 4d° + d° = 180°

8d° = 180°

d = 180° / 8°

d = 22,5°

f).<ABC = 180°


<a + <b + <c = 180°

f° + f° + f° = 180°

3f° = 180°

f = 180°/3°

f = 60°

15. For each following figures,find the total area of shaded regions

Area of shaded egions
= 1/2 area of circle - ( area of triangle + rectangle)

Dari gambar diketahui jari jari = 13,6 cm karena garisnya sampai titik pusat dan diameter = 27,2.


[tex]a = 3.14 \times 13.6 {}^{2} - ( \frac{1}{2} \times 27.2 \times 13.6\: + 16 \times 11) \\ a = 580.744 - (184.96 + 176) \\ a = 580.744 - 360.96 \\ a = 219.784 \: cm {}^{2} [/tex]

16. find the value of the unknown in each of the following figures. plis help part b.​


sudut A = 108°

Sudut B = 144°

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Rumus menghitung Jumlah derajat dari sudut bangunan

(n-2) x 180°

dengan n = jumlah sisi

diketahui gambar tersebut merupakan heksagon (6 sisi)

berarti jumlah sudutnya adalah (6-2) x 180 = 4 x 180 = 720°

122 + 128 + 114 + 104 + 3b + 4b = 720

468 + 7b = 720

7b = 252

b = 36

maka sudut A = 3 x (36) = 108°

sudut B = 4 x (36) = 144°


17. Complete the following dialogis using expressions which contains so , that , or such...​


1. yes, why?

2. thats unfortunate, what kind of injuries he got?

3. damaged, that his face is destroyed

18. Solve the following equations, giving your answers correct to 3 significant figures where necessary. bantu yaaa

[tex] \frac{3}{x - 1} - \frac{2x + 10}{x {}^{2} + 2x - 3 } = \frac{1}{3} \\ \frac{3(x + 3)}{x - 1(x + 3)} - \frac{2x + 10}{x {}^{2} + 2x - 3 } = \frac{1}{3} \\ \frac{3x + 9 - (2x + 10)}{x {}^{2} + 2x - 3 } = \frac{1}{3} \\ \frac{3x + 9 - 2x - 10}{x {}^{2} + 2x - 3 } = \frac{1}{3} \\ \frac{x - 1}{x {}^{2} + 2x - 3} = \frac{1}{3} \\ 3(x - 1) = x {}^{2} + 2x - 3 \\ 3x - 3 = x {}^{2} + 2x - 3 \\ x {}^{2} + 2x - 3x - 3 + 3 = 0 \\ x { }^{2} - x = 0 \\ x(x - 1) = 0 \\ x = 0 \: atau \: x = 1[/tex]

19. Find the value of the unknown in each of the following figures ​

mboh aku gk ngerti ju woyyyyyy

20. Find the area and perimeter of each of the following figures.8 m​


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Luas persegi = sisi x sisi

= 8 x 8 =64

Keliling persegi = 4 Sisi = 4 x 8 = 32


64 cm^2

32 cm

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Dik : S = 8 m

Dit : berapa luas dan keliling?

Jawab :

L = s × s

= 8 × 8

= 64 cm^2

K = 4 × s

= 4 × 8

= 32 cm

semoga membantu ^^

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