Float Object Does Not Support Item Assignment

Float Object Does Not Support Item Assignment

. Sasmita does his assignment everyday. The Interrogative sentence is ..... * 4 points Sasmita does his assignment everyday? Sasmita does not do his assignment everyday. Does Sasmita do his assignment everyday?​

Daftar Isi

1. . Sasmita does his assignment everyday. The Interrogative sentence is ..... * 4 points Sasmita does his assignment everyday? Sasmita does not do his assignment everyday. Does Sasmita do his assignment everyday?​


Does Sasmita do his assignment everyday?


Sorry if it wrong

maaf kalau salah

2. +:he/she/id+verb1+s/es+object–:he/she/it+does not+verb1 +object?: Does +He/she/id+verb 1+object? Example +: Mawar Sings a song –:mawar does not sing a song?:does mawar sing a song= yes, she does= not, she does not (doesn't)tolong bkin ke contoh d atas​


+ : She plays badminton every Sunday

– : She does not play badminton every Sunday

? : Does she play badminton every Sunday?

= Yes, she does

= No, she does not

3. +;he/she/it+verb1+s/es+object–:he/she/it+does not+verb1 +object?: Does +He/she/id+verb 1+object? Example +: Mawar Sings a song –:mawar does not sing a song?:does mawar sing a song= yes, she does= not, she does not (doesn't)tolong bkin ke contoh d atas​


(+) Alvin read a book yesterday

(-) Alvin didn't read a book yesterday

(?) Did Alvi read a book yesterday?

    = Yes, he did

    = No, he didn't

Maaf kalau salah, semoga membantu

(Bikinnya satu doang kan ._.)


1. (+) She works at hospital

(-) She doesn't work at hospital

(?) does She wrok at hospital?

= yes, She does

= Not, She doesn't

2. (+) We play football yesterday

(-) we don't play football yesterday

(?) do we play football yesterday?

=yes, we do

= not, we don't

3. (+) he water's flower in the garden

(-) he doesn't water flower in the garden

(?) does he water flower in the garden?

=Yes, he does

= no, he doesn't

4. (+) She reads book in the home

(-) She doesn't read book in the home

(?) does She read book in the home?

= yes, She does

= no, She doesn't

5. (+) They go to Brunei every year

(-) They don't go to Brunei every year

(?) do They go to Brunei every year?

= Yes, they do

= no, They don't

Semoga membantu:)

silahkan dipilih mau yang mana (◍•ᴗ•◍)

4. Does it change your perspective on bullying or not ? Give reasons to support your answer

It does, firstly, bullying is breaking human right's law. It is also harassing a person making them a victim. Also, bullying could lead to a wide range of negative possibilities such as, head/brain syndromes and especially death. That is why bullying should stop.

5. What does the item look like?​

itu dapat diartikan sebagai berikut :

Seperti apa barang nya?

Semoga membantu dan bermanfaat ya...

6. Mira ... do her assignment lastweek.5 poin*do notdoes notO did notO was not​


Mira ... do her assignment last


do not

does not


was not


menggunakan did not karena lastweekitu adalah masa lampau



7. how does ICT support EFL?

ICT : Information and Communications Technology

EFL :English as a Foreign Language

Hiw does ICT support EFL?

ICT really affects the learning process of someone who is trying to understand EFL. With ICT, people can connect with various people around the world with their own language barriers. This way, people can adapt more into others' understanding of English anda hopefully learn from some noticeable mistakes. ICT is also providing a platform where creators make different websites for the sake of learning EFL either for free or for a reasonable amount of money. EFL itself is constantly being used by other people who are also learning and just by chatting, you'll certainly learn a thing or two from your partner.

EFL isn't necessarily learned through texts. Now, EFL can be learned through music, comics, conversations from a post, etc. The possibility is endless. ICT will keep evolving and so does ways to learn EFL. In a way, EFL is always supported by ICT, literally.

smoga terbantu maaf kalo salah :)

8. We ..the assignment because weare busy preparing the test.doingnot doingdoes​


not doing


kalimat ini merupakan pola kalimat presetn continus.

9. which one does not belong to news item text??? a.sources. b.issue c.event. d.background. e.give information

D. BackGround

# I Hope It Help's!!!!!!!!(d) background does not belong to news item text

10. 7. Farhan ... his assignment three days ago, so Mrs. Sriani sent him a message.A. did not submitB. was not submitC. does not submitD. has not submitted​

A. Did not submit

Semoga membantu

11. make a sentence by using a pattern s+does+not +verb 1 + object tolong dibantu​


She does not like math


semoga membantu

jawabannya I calcutate a number

12. the students.... not.... the assignment, so they gota does, finishb does, finishesc do, finishd do, finishes ​


C. do, finish


karena students termasuk banyak, yang tanpa menggunakan s/es dan Does/Doesn't

13. they do not do this assignment​


Simple Present Tense:

(+) They do this assignment.

(-) They do not do this assignment.

(?) Do they do this assignment?


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran bentuk kalimat  Simple Present Tense karena menjelaskan aktivitas kegiatan berulang dan fakta dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Simple Present Tense:

Kalimat Positive (+)  :

Verbal     :  Subject + Verb1/Verb1+s/es + Object + adverb of time (every day / every morning)

Kalimat Negatif (-)    :

Verbal     :  Subject + do/does not +Verb1 + Object + adverb of time (every day / every morning)

Kalimat Interrogative (?)  :

Verbal    :  Do/Does + Subject + Verb1 + Object + adverb of time (every day / every morning) + ?

Semoga membantu ya.

14. Apakah dia lupa tugasnya”, the English translation is.......... *Does he forget his assignment?What does he forget his assignment?Option 5What is he forget his assignment?Is he forget his assignment?​

Jawaban: Did he forgot his assignment?

atau bisa juga Does he forget his assignment? (A)

• Does he forget his assignment?

15. They often____ (not,do) the assignment, so the teacher ___ (punish) them. a. not do, punish b. do not do, punish c. does not do, punishes d. do not do, punishes


d.do not do , punishes

sorry kalau salah




They maka digunakan DO bukan DOES, teacher adalah kata ganti dia (he/she) maka kata kerja ditambah es dibelakangnya

16. 20 poin1. A transitive verbs is a verbthat ....O a. requires an objectO b. does not requires an objectO c. requires an subjectO d. does not requires an subject​


a.requires an object


semoga membantu:)


a. Requires an object.

17. We ... the assignment because wedie busy preparing the test.doingnot doingdodoes​

doing -> sedang mengerjakan
Not doing -> tidak mengerjakan
Do -> mengerjakan
Does -> sedang mengerjakan tetapi di dalam kalimatnya, harus ada subjek.

jadi jawabannya : Not doing

Karna ada “because”

Semoga bermanfaat , maaf jika ada kesalahan

18. 7. Subhan (do/not)..... His assignment * A. Do not B. Does not C. Did not D. Done notbantu dong Kakak butuh cepat nih terima kasih ​




Semoga membantu yaa :)

19. 2.buat contoh kalimat simple present dengan pola SUBJCT+TOBE+OBJECT, SUBJECT+TOBE+NOT+OBJECT, dan TOBE+SUJECT+OBJECT.3. silakan buat contoh dengan pola SUBJECT+VERB 1+O, SUBJECT+ DO NOT/DOES NOT+VERB 1+OBJECT, dan DO/DOES+SUBJECT+VERB 1+OBJEC​



20. Arrange this wordbecome a good sentence. Assignment-EglishTasnat -Friday-a student-every-does-always-do-not.​


every Friday a student always does

Video Terkait Topik Diatas

Calculate The Volume Of A 5 g Sample Of Pure Gold

Calculate The Volume Of A 5 g Sample Of Pure Gold

A bar of gold has a mass of 3,8 kg. If the density of gold is 19 g/cm3, what is the volume of the gold?

Daftar Isi

1. A bar of gold has a mass of 3,8 kg. If the density of gold is 19 g/cm3, what is the volume of the gold?


so, the bar of gold has a mass : 3,8 kg ⇒ 3800 g

and the density of gold is : 19 g/cm³

this is the formula : Volume = mass / density

   V = 3800 g / 19 g/cm³

   V = 200 cm³

the answer is : V = 200 cm³

2. Today used to measure the weight of gemstones or the amount of gold per 24 parts of pure gold, ……… originally the weight of a seed of the carob tree.


I've been trying to get a chance you have any of them and then we are all I have been there before I get off the phone with my mom is going to be a good day at work and I don't want me too I u too baby girl and she said she was a good baby I you too girl and she said she was a good night baby girl I was just wondering if you want to be a good day at work and I don't want to be a great night at my house is a lot of fun to receive it in a few weeks back and get a ride to school tomorrow at

3. calculate the volume of the prism​


artinya; hitunglah volume prisma


rumus untuk mencari volume prisma adalah:

V=luas alas × tinggi.V=1/2×(panjang×lebar×tinggi)Baca juga: Cara Menghitung Luas Permukaan Prisma.V=s³V=panjang×lebar×tinggi.V=(1/2×5×sisi×apotema)×tinggi prisma.


Prism volume formula/rumus volume Prisma

Volume=Luas alas×tinggi

Large/luas=(2 x ((alas x tinggi) : 2)) + (keliling alas x tinggi prisma).

4. A 2.00-g sample of a large biomolecule was dissolved in 15.0 g carbon tetrachloride. The boiling point of this solution was determined to be 77.85 oC. Calculate the molar mass of the biomolecule. For carbon tetrachloride, the boiling-point constant is 5.03oC .kg/mol, and the boiling point of pure carbon tetrachloride is 76.50oC

we will use boiling point formula:

ΔT = i Kb m

when ΔT is the temperature change from the pure solvent's boiling point to the boiling point of the solution = 77.85 °C - 76.5 °C = 1.35

and Kb is the boiling point constant =5.03

and m = molality

i = vant's Hoff factor

so by substitution, we can get the molality:

1.35 = 1 * 5.03 * m

∴ m = 0.27

when molality = moles / mass Kg

0.27 = moles / 0.015Kg

∴ moles = 0.00405 moles

∴ The molar mass = mass / moles

= 2 g / 0.00405 moles

= 493.8 g /mol

5. A cylinder is of radius 10 cm and the heigth of cylinder is 21 cm calculate the volume of the cylinder ​


6594 cm^3

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

vol cylinder =



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


phi × r² × height

22/7 × 10 × 10 × 21

= 6600

semoga bermanfaat

6. Today used to measure the weight of gemstones or the amount of gold per 24 parts of pure gold, ……… originally the weight of a seed of the carob tree.(a)was a carat(b)a carat was(c)which was a carat(d)that a carat was


(a)was a carat

maap kalo salah

7. the volume of a cube is 343cm³.calculate the total surface area,in cm²,of the cube

[tex] \sqrt[3]{343} = 7[/tex]
[tex]6 \times {7}^{2} = [/tex]
[tex]294 \: cm^{2} [/tex]

8. The density of steel is 7850 kgm Calculate themass of a steel sphere of radius 0.15 m. (Firstcalculate the volume of the sphere using theformula V = $rt and then use the density equation.)​


[tex]V sphere = \frac{4}{3} \pi {r}^{3} \\ = \frac{4}{3} \times 3.14 \times {(0.15)}^{3} = 0.01413 \: {m}^{3} [/tex]

[tex]ρ = \frac{m}{V} \\ 7850= \frac{m}{0.01413} \\ m = 7850 \times 0.01413 \\ = 110.9205 \: kg[/tex]

9. calculate the perimeter of a semicircle of diameter 8cm​

Aku jawab pake bahasa Indonesia ya ^^
Jari jari = 8:2 = 4cm
Keliling lingkaran : 2xpi x r
—> 2 x 3,14 x 4cm

10. calculate the length of the simple pendulum having time period of 3 seconds (g=9.8)


[tex] \displaystyle (T)^2 = \left(2\pi \sqrt{\frac{l}{g}}\right)^2 \\ T^2 = 4\pi^2 \frac{l}{g} \\ l = \frac{T^2\cdot g}{4\pi^2}[/tex]

Tinggal masukkan angka-angkanya

[tex] \displaystyle l \approx \frac{(3)^2\cdot (9.8)}{4(3.14)^2} \\ l \approx 2.2364 \; m [/tex]


[tex] \displaystyle \boxed{\bold{l \approx 2.2364 \; m }}[/tex]

11. A cylinder has a height of 15cm and a volume of 500cm. Calculate the radius of the cylinder.



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


t = 15 cm

v = 500 cm


r= ?...


[tex] {r}^{2} = \frac{v}{\pi.t} [/tex]

[tex] = \frac{500}{3.14 \times 15} [/tex]

[tex] = \frac{500}{47.1} [/tex]

[tex] = 10.6[/tex]

sorry if this answer doesn't help

12. The density of carbon tethacholride is 1.59 g/ml. Calculate the volume of 26.4 grams of the liquid.tolong dijawab besok dikumpulkan

V= m/d
= 26,4/1,59
= 16,604 ml3 ( ml pangkat 3 )

13. Calculate the difference (selisih) between the volume of the following!

penyelesaian :

= p × l × t - p × l × t

= 3 × 3 × 6 - 2 × 3 × 2

= 54 - 12

= 42 cm³

Jawaban dan langkah langkah penyelesaian ada di dalam lampiran ya semoga membantu.

Jangan lupa apabila membantu jadikan jawaban tercerdas ya terimakasih ^_^

14. calculate the volume of the space above Please answer!!!!!​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Volume bangun 1 : Kubus : S×S×S



=1.000 cm³

volume bangun 2 : Balok : p×l×t




V.gabungan = 1.000 + 2.400 =3.400 Cm³

15. 2. A sample of strontium exists as a mixture of four isotopes. Information about three of these isotopes is given in the table.(15 points) Mass number 86 87 88 Abundance 9.86% 7.00% 82.58% a. Calculate the abundance of the fourth isotope. abundance % b. The relative atomic mass of this sample of strontium is 87.71. Calculate the mass number of the fourth isotope.



16. Calculate the KE of the liquid flowing in a pipe 5 cm inner diameter at the rate of 500 kg/min. The density of the liquid is 1.15 g/cm³.​


The kinetic energy (KE) of the liquid flowing in the pipe can be calculated as follows:

First, we need to determine the velocity of the liquid. This can be calculated using the equation:

v = Q / A

where v is the velocity (m/s), Q is the flow rate (m^3/s) and A is the cross-sectional area of the pipe (m^2).

To convert the flow rate from kg/min to m^3/s, we need to multiply the flow rate by the conversion factor of 1/60. Then, we need to convert the density from g/cm³ to kg/m³:

Q = (500 kg/min) * (1/60 s/min) * (1000 g/kg) = 50/6 m^3/s

ρ = 1.15 g/cm³ * (1000 cm³/m³) = 1150 kg/m³

Now, we can find the cross-sectional area of the pipe:

A = (π/4) * d^2

d = 5 cm

A = (π/4) * (5 cm)^2 = 19.63 cm^2

A = (19.63 cm^2) * (0.01 m/cm^2) = 0.1963 m^2

Using the velocity and the cross-sectional area, we can now find the volume flow rate of the liquid:

v = Q / A = 50/6 m^3/s / 0.1963 m^2 = 156.41 m/s

Finally, we can find the kinetic energy of the liquid:

KE = 0.5 * ρ * v^2 * A

KE = 0.5 * (1150 kg/m³) * (156.41 m/s)^2 * (0.1963 m^2) = 174444.44 J/s = 174.44 kJ/s

17. A glass house is in the shape as shown in the figure . calculate total area of glass needed and calculate the volume of the glass house​


Total Luas seluruh bangunan = L prisma segitiga + L balok

                                                 = 248 m² + 292 m² = 540 m²

Total Volume seluruh bangunan = V prisma segitiga + V balok

                                                      = 60 m³ + 336 m³ = 396 m³

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Bangunan ini adalah gabungan dari prisma segitiga dan balok.

Diketahui :

Prisma segitiga : alas = 5 m

                         tinggi alas = 6 m

                         tinggi prisma = 11 m - 7 m = 4 m

Ditanya : L = ?

              V = ?

L = 2 X Luas alas + Keliling alas + tinggi

  = 2 X (1/2 X 5X6) + (5+5+6) x 4

  = 2 x (15 + 16 x 4)

  = 2 x 124 = 248 m²

Volume = Luas alas X tinggi

             = (1/2 X 5X6) X 4

             = 60 m³

Sekarang kita hitung balok.

Diketahui : p = 8 m

                  l = 6 m

                  t = 7 m

Ditanya : L = ?

              V = ?

L balok = 2 (pl + pt + lt)

             = 2 (8X6 + 8X7 + 6X7)

             = 2 (48+56+42)

             = 2 x 146 = 292 m²

Volume balok = pxlxt

                        = 8 X 6 X 7

                        = 336 m³

Total Luas seluruh bangunan = L prisma segitiga + L balok

                                                 = 248 m² + 292 m² = 540 m²

Total Volume seluruh bangunan = V prisma segitiga + V balok

                                                      = 60 m³ + 336 m³ = 396 m³

18. a 63.5 sample of an unindentified metal absorb 355 J of heat when it's temperature changed by 4.56°C. calculate the specific heat capacity of the metal​


maaf kalo salah......


19. calculate the volume of pyramid​


High = 6 cm

Side plinth = 5 cm


volume of pyramid...?


V = ⅓ × plinth area × high

V = ⅓ × (s × s) × high

V = ⅓ × (5 cm × 5 cm) × 6 cm

V = ⅓ × 25 cm × 6 cm

V = ⅓ × 150 cm³

V = 150 cm³/3

V = 50cm³

20. A cube with a volume of 27 cm³. Calculate the total surface area of the cube, in cm².​




To find the surface area of a cube, first find the side lengths

formula :

V = s³


[tex] \tt s = \sqrt[3]{V} [/tex]

[tex] \tt s = \sqrt[3]{27} [/tex]

[tex] \tt s = \sqrt[ \cancel3]{ {3}^{ \cancel3} } [/tex]

[tex] \tt s = 3cm[/tex]


Surface area :

[tex] \tt S = 6 \times {s}^{2} [/tex]

[tex] \tt S = 6 \times {3}^{2} [/tex]

[tex] \tt S = 6 \times 9[/tex]

[tex] \boxed{\tt \red{S =54 {cm}^{2}} }[/tex]

Video Terkait Topik Diatas

3 3 Additional Practice Answer Key

3 3 Additional Practice Answer Key

answer the followings questions based on the text in practice 3

1. answer the followings questions based on the text in practice 3

Tidak ada teks nya!

2. Answer of practice 4 answer following questions based on the text in practice 1

Choice C is the best answer. In lines 10-13, the narrator explains that “the machinery of [his] destiny has worked in secret” to prepare him for this journey, as “its clockwork” has propelled him to “this time and place.” By using the phrases “the machinery” and “its clockwork,” the narrator is show- ing that powerful and independent forces are causing him to journey to the North Pole.
Choices A, B, and D are incorrect because they do not indicate the main purpose of lines 10-13. While lines 10-13 mention that these powerful and independent forces have been working “for years, for a lifetime” to convince the narrator to journey to the North Pole, they do not expose a hidden side of the narrator, demonstrate the narrator’s manner, or explain the amount of time the narrator has spent preparing for his expedition.

Maaf ya kalau salah Semoga membantu

3. Answer key of reading power by longman


kunci jawaban "kekuatan membaca" oleh logman


kunci jawaban kekuatan membaca oleh longmen


semoga membantu

4. ATTITUDE is THE KEY, what the answer ?​


pernyataan evaluatif terhadap objek, orang atau peristiwa. ini yng bhs inggris (Evaluative statements on objects, people or events)


maaf jika salah

5. Practice the dialogue and answer the questions

1) Sindhu, ponco
2) they would like to go on a trip together
3) tiogomanik forest, kemadohbatur village, Tewangharjo district,grogoban regency
4) 10.00 or ten o'clock in the morning
5) In grogoban regency

Selamat mengerjakan, ^-^)/

6. looked for-in-she-key-her-yesterday-yard-the answer :.....................

She looked for her key yesterday in the yard

She looked for her key in the yard yesterday

7. tolong bantu jawab practice 2 dan practice 3

Practice 2

was, wasn'twere, waswas, wasn'twas, waswere, weren't

Practice 3





Double the last letter


Change -y


8. q.• Key⁵⁵⁶ ÷ Key⁵⁵¹• 7! + 3! Nt : Bestiehh guwe nih -,​

• Key⁵⁵⁶ ÷ Key⁵⁵¹

= Key^556-551

= Key⁵

• 7! + 3!

= (7×6×5×4×3×2) + 3×2

= 5040 + 6

= 5.046

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

[tex] {key}^{556} \div {key}^{551} \\ {key}^{556 - 551} \\ = {key}^{5} [/tex]

7! + 3!

= + 3.2.1

= 5.040 + 6

= 5.046

9. practice 3 dan practice 4tolong bantu kak​


1. i should have passed the exam

2. should accept

3. should have came

4. should have followed

5. should have checked

practice 4

2. daddy should not be going over the speed limit

3. my friend should come to my house at 8.00am

4. i should not eat spicy meatballs yesterday

5. i should not think about all my paperwork

6. my friends should not have talked about their personal life.

please mark as brainliest mks

10. 13. Practice - do - swimming - what - you - time.Answer:....​


What time do you practice swimming?

Semoga membantu.

What time do you practice swimming
Artinya : jam berapa kamu latihan berenang?

Semoga membantu
Semangat teruss belajarnyaaa

11. jawaban practice 4 . i hope you answer

1) because they connect to each country<br />2) train ( sorry if its wrong)<br />3) they will pass many country and reach to our destination as fast as they can<br />4) from the post office or mail box<br />5) because it is the duty of our postal service to see that your mail reach to it's destination as fast as possible<br />6) from the mailboxes on regular schedule

12. Practice the dialogues and answer the questiones


Berlatih dialog dan jawab pertanyaan

13. Where is Citra always practice dance?Answer:.​



Dimana Citra selalu berlatih menari?


#semoga membantu

jadikan jawaban terbaik ya ✨

14. practice 5 choose and (x) the correct answer

latihan 5 pilih dan silang jawaban yang benar. (itu artinya)berlatih 5 memilih dan (x)
jawaban yang benar (this is the meaning)

15. Practice 2 and Practice 3?​


Practice 2:

2) Ours

3) Theirs

4) Yours

5) Hers

6) Hers

Practice 3:

1) her

2) her

3) her

4) our

5) her

Semoga membantu. Maaf kalau salah.

16. berikan contoh minimal 3 alternate key dan foreign key


-candidat key (kunci salon)

-primary key (kunci utama)

-alternate key (kunci alternatif)


maaf y klo salah

17. Practice the dialogue below! Then answer the questions! ​


1 because rini is going to cross the road in a very dangerous situation

2 That she should cross the road in the zebra cross

3 yes rini understand it now

18. When does the boy practice aikido?Answer artinya​


sejak kapan anak (laki laki) itu berlatih aikido?


kapan anak laki² itu praktek aikido


semoga membantu:)

19. Task 3Answer the following questions based on the text!1. Who is in the text?Answer: ....2. What is Citra ability?Answer: .....3. How often Citra practice dance?Answer: ....4. With whom does Citra always practice dance?Answer: .....5. Where is Citra always practice dance?Answer:....Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs Kelas VIIIjawab dong secepatnya di tunggu.,,,,,yg paling cepat menjawapin ny akn ku beri jwbn terbaik yaaa!!!​


1. Citra

2. Dance

3. Twice a week

4. With her mother and her younger sister. Usually her niece and her aunt comes to join with them.

5. In the hall house


20. Practice the dialogue below! Then answer the questions !​

mana dialognya jubaedah


Artinya praktikkan dialog tersebut! Kemudian menjawab pertanyaan

Nah pertanyaan nya kamu isi karna kamu tidak menunjukan pertanyaan nya

Terimakasih semoga membantu:)

Video Terkait Topik Diatas

18 8 As A Mixed Number

18 8 As A Mixed Number

express the Following ) Mixed number as improper fracion of improper fraction As mixed number! A. 4 5. B.34/5 8 ​

Daftar Isi

1. express the Following ) Mixed number as improper fracion of improper fraction As mixed number! A. 4 5. B.34/5 8 ​


Rewrite 3\dfrac453  



3, start fraction, 4, divided by, 5, end fraction as an improper fraction.







3, start fraction, 4, divided by, 5, end fraction, equals, start color #11accd, 3, end color #11accd, plus, start color #1fab54, start fraction, 4, divided by, 5, end fraction, end color #1fab54







empty space, equals, start color #11accd, 1, end color #11accd, plus, start color #11accd, 1, end color #11accd, plus, start color #11accd, 1, end color #11accd, plus, start color #1fab54, start fraction, 4, divided by, 5, end fraction, end color #1fab54
















empty space, equals, start color #11accd, start fraction, 5, divided by, 5, end fraction, end color #11accd, plus, start color #11accd, start fraction, 5, divided by, 5, end fraction, end color #11accd, plus, start color #11accd, start fraction, 5, divided by, 5, end fraction, end color #11accd, plus, start color #1fab54, start fraction, 4, divided by, 5, end fraction, end color #1fab54

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


2. divide. express your answer as mixed number11÷4=7÷3=pake caranya tambah pake mixed number​



7:3=2 maaf kalo salah

3. Divide. Express your answer as a mixed number in its simplest form. *


3 1/2

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Perintah: "Operasikan pembagian ini dan tuliskan jawaban Anda dalam bentuk pecahan campuran yang paling sederhana."

42/12 = (42/6)/(12/6) = 7/2 = 3 1/2

42/12 = 42/12 : 6/6 = 7/2 = 3 1/2.

4. mixed number of 13/3​


Pecahan campuran dari 13/3 = ....?

13/3 = 4 ⅓

Pembuktian Hasil:

4 ⅓ = 3 × 4 + 1/3

= 12 + 1/3

= 13/3

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Semoga membantu.

5. Add. Express the sum as a mixed number in simplest form. 3 1/4 + 2 3/4


2¾ + ¼ = 4 × 2= 8 + 3 = 11

11 + 1/4 = 11,25

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Jadikan jawaban tercerdas ya

6. Substract. Express your answer as a mixed number in the simplest form.3- 5/6-1/3​



[tex]3 - \frac{5}{6} = 2 \frac{6}{6} - \frac{5}{6} = 2 \frac{1}{6} [/tex]

[tex]2 \frac{1}{6} - \frac{1}{3} = 2 \frac{1}{6} - \frac{2}{6} = \frac{13}{6} - \frac{2}{6} = \frac{11}{6} = 1 \frac{5}{6} [/tex]

Sorry if it's wrong.

7. Convert 9/5 to a mixed number.

desimal?? jawabannya 1,8

8. 25/4= to mixed number



menggunakan cara porogapit






jadi 254=6+0,25


with a remainder of  






9. the converting improper fraction 45/8 into mixed number is..​


[tex] \frac{45}{8} = 45 \div 8 = 5 \frac{5}{8} \\ semoga \: bermanfat[/tex]

10. How do you write 189% as a fraction, mixed number, or whole number in simplest form?

As fraction:189/100
Mix number:1 89/100

11. multiply. Express your answer as a mixed number in simplest from find. 4/3 x 6/7​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

= 4/3 × 6/7

= (4 × 6)/(3 × 7)

= 24/21

= (24÷3)/(21÷3)

= 8/7

Ubah menjadi pecahan campuran

= 8/7

= (7 + 1)/7

= 7/7 + 1/7

= 1 + 1/7

= 1 1/7

12. Write the improper fraction as a mixed number in simplest form. 25/3 =


Tulis pecahan biasa sebagai bilangan campuran dalam bentuk yang paling sederhana 25/3 =

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

[tex] \frac{25}{3} = 8 \frac{1}{3} [/tex]



8 1/3

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

25/3 = 8 1/3

maaf kalau salah

13. How do you write 184% as a fraction or mixed number in simplest form? tolong beritahu caranya... :)

184 ℅ = 184/100 = 48/25 = 1 23/25

14. How do you write 199% as a fraction or mixed number in simplest form? tlg dengan caranya....

199/100 = 1 99/100 ••••••••••••••

15. Multiply. Express your answer as a mixed number in simplest form. 2 2/ 9 x 7 = ?

Mixed Fraction (Pecahan Campuran).

2 2/9 × 7
= 20 / 9 × 7
= 140 / 9
= 15 5/9

16. 4/3 to mixed number is​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Pecahan campuran dari 4/3 = 1 1/3

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

1 1/3 kak maaf kalo salah

17. Convert into mixed number 10/8


1 2/8

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

semoga membantu jangan lupa follow saya ya


1 1/4

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

10/8 = 1 2/8 = 1 1/4

18. divide.express your answer as mixed number.harus ada caranya ya plis11÷4=7÷3=pake mixed number ya​




Maaf kalo salah

19. give your answer as a mixed number I it's simplest form1 7/8 ÷ 1 1/4​

» Penyelesaian

1 7/8 : 1 1/4

15/8 : 5/4

15/8 × 4/5



1 1/2


1 7/8÷1 1/4=1 1/2

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

maaf kalo benar

20. (6)in its simplest form.Mr Bennett shared 20 muffins equally among 8 children. How manymuffins did each child receive? Express your answer as a mixed number​




twenty divided by eight is two point five

Video Terkait Topik Diatas

How Did J p Morgan Treat His Workers

How Did J p Morgan Treat His Workers

How did Nazis treat Jews?

Daftar Isi

1. How did Nazis treat Jews?


The history of the Jews in Germany goes back at least to the year 321, and continued through the Early Middle Ages (5th to 10th centuries CE) and High Middle Ages (circa 1000–1299 CE) when Jewish settlers founded the Ashkenazi Jewish community. The community survived under Charlemagne, but suffered during the Crusades. Accusations of well poisoning during the Black Death (1346–53) led to mass slaughter of German Jews and they fled in large numbers to Poland. The Jewish communities of the cities of Mainz, Speyer and Worms became the center of Jewish life during medieval times. "This was a golden age as area bishops protected the Jews resulting in increased trade and prosperity




2. how does the king treat his people


how does the king treat his people

bagaimana raja memperlakukan rakyatnya


3. How did snow white's stepmother treat snow white ?

Bagaimana ibu tiri salju putih memperlakukan salju putih?

artiinya seperti itu kira2...
salju putih = arti dari Princess Snow White ;)
She treated Snow White so bad, after Snow White's father passed away, she confine Snow White and try to kill Snow White with a poisoned apple

4. How long do the workers intend to strike​


artinya:Berapa lama para pekerja akan mogok


semoga membantu

5. how should we treat our parents jawabannya


We should treat our parents well, respect for them, and obey to their orders

6. who is jhon?where did he live?how old ia he?who is Edward?does Edward treat Jhon well? put the reasons​


Siapa jhon?

Dimana dia tinggal?

Berapa umurnya?

Siapa itu Edward?

Apakah Edward memperlakukan Jhon dengan baik? Letakkan alasannya


translate doang


siapa Jhon ?

dimana dia tinggal ?

umur berapakah dia ?

siapa itu Edward

apakah Edward memperlakukan Jhon dengan baik ? kasih alasannya

maaf ya , soalnya kamu gak kasih cerita dari soal tersebut

makanya aku transtlet

7. Task 5Listen again and answer the questions.1. Which country did he live in?2. How long did he live there?3. How would you describe his job?4. Why did he like to work as a writer?5. How should you treat your guest according to Grey?​

Jawaban: Terjemahan:

Tugas 5. Mendengarkan kembali dan menjawab pertanyaannya.

Gray berbicara tentang hidupnya.

1. dia tinggal di negara mana?

2. berapa lama dia tinggal di sana

3. bagaimana Anda menggambarkan pekerjaannya

4. mengapa dia suka bekerja sebagai penulis

5. bagaimana seharusnya Anda memperlakukan tamu Anda dengan Grey?

Penjelasan: berhubung soalnya itu Listening dan share soalnya kurang lengkap krna soalny jelas tidak ada Teks cerita ,saya hanya bisa bantu sedikit yaitu dengan terjemahkan ke Indonesia .

Maaf tidak bisa bantu banyak

Semoga bisa membantu:))

8. how do you treat the house

bagaimana kamu memperlakukan rumah

9. Task 5 Listen again and answer the questions. 1. Which country did he live in? 2. How long did he live there? 3. How would you describe his job? 4. Why did he like to work as a writer? 5. How should you treat your guest according to Grey? ​

Where is the text or the story?

10. How do you treat liver disease in dogs?


How do you treat liver disease in dogs?



Diet changes often help. ...

Supplements such as SAM-E or milk thistle may help the liver recover.

Antibiotics are used for infections of the liver. ..

Surgery may be an option for dogs with tumors or cysts

#semoga membantu

#belajar yang rajin

dan tolong di jadikan jawaban tercerdas ya

11. How about treat you a diner​

Must be glamour

Sorry gajel

12. How did Cinderella's stepmother and stepsisters treat her?​


they treat her so bad


mereka memperlakukannya dengan sangat buruk


cruel by making she became servant and treated arbitrarily.

13. how does the speaker of the poem treat his anger?​


He treats his anger like a flower.

14. he is very good at ____ his workers


he is very good at doing his workers


semoga membantu

15. 1.Where did the carter put his animal2.How did the carter treat his animal3.What happened to the animals as a result of the carters treatment​


1. The Carter put his animal in the same stable

2. The charter is equally fond of them, but he pays more attention and affection to the horse because the horse helps him pull his trap.

3. The horse became more arrogant and caused the donkey to die

16. Apa artinya how to treat insect bite or sting


bagaimana cara mengobati gigitan serangga


how to treat insect bite or sting


cara mengobati gigitan atau sengatan serangga

17. how did the old grandfathers son and his sons wife treat him? a.they treated him nicely b.they treated him very badly c.they treated him a like child d.they treated him very carefully

a. they treated him nicely

smoga membantua .they treated him nicely

18. 1. what happened when the wife accidentlly droped an apple. info the box?2.How did the farmer treat his grandfather?3.What can we leam from the strory?​


1. The apple multiplied and filled the box.

2. The farmer ask him to take the coins out of the box every day.

3. Don't be selfish or arrogant because of money/possessions. Or we will regret it.

Semoga membantu :)

19. soal un smp how to treat insect bites

jawaban : b. spider bites should be treated immediately

20. How should you treat a cut or scratch

bagaimana seharusnya anda memperlakukan luka atau goresan

Video Terkait Topik Diatas

How Long To Bike 6 Miles

How Long To Bike 6 Miles

if the butterflies fly 100 miles (161 km) a day and have to travel 3,000 miles ( 4,830 km), how long will the trip take them?

Daftar Isi

1. if the butterflies fly 100 miles (161 km) a day and have to travel 3,000 miles ( 4,830 km), how long will the trip take them?


They will take the trip 30days


3000:100=30 Days

2. ... is Bandung? It is about 6542 square miles. A. How wide B. How high C. How large D. How long​



maaf klo salah

3. How if we go to school ___________________ bike


How if we go to school using bike

4. How does he go to school and how long does he get to school? ​


he uses a bicycle to go to school, and he got to school in fifteen minutes

5. How does he go to school and how long does he get to school

Bagaimana dia berangkat sekolah dan berapa lama dia sampai ke sekolahbagaimana dia berangkat ke sekolah dan berapa lama dia ke sekolah?

6. If-we-to-by-bike-how-school-go?

how if we go to school by bike?

maaf kalau salahHow if we go to school by bike?

7. how to Plant long beans​


Cara Menanam Kacang Panjang

Persiapkan Lahan. Lahan yang dibutuhkan kacang panjang bisa kamu sesuaikan dengan berapa banyak kacang panjang yang akan kamu tanam. Beri Pupuk.Tanam Benih.Pasang Ajir.Berikan Pupuk Susulan.Basmi Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman.Panen.


How to Grow Long Beans

Prepare the Land. You can adjust the land needed by long beans according to how many long beans you are going to plant. ...

Give Fertilizer. ...Plant the seeds. ...Install Ajir. ...Give Additional Fertilizer. ...Eradicate Plant Pests and Diseases. ...Harvest.


maaf kalau salah ya kakak

semoga membantu


Cara Menanam Kacang Panjang

Persiapkan Lahan. Lahan yang dibutuhkan kacang panjang bisa kamu sesuaikan dengan berapa banyak kacang panjang yang akan kamu tanam. ...

2. Beri Pupuk. ...

3. Tanam Benih. ...

Pasang Ajir. ...

Berikan Pupuk Susulan. ...

6. Basmi Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman. ...

7. Panen.


8. ASSIGNMENT•Make question by using two subjects and answer (she/he and you) based on the pictures provided. EXAMPEL :1. RIDE A BIKE• Do you know how to ride a bike? • Yes, I do. I know how to ride a bike.• Does she / he know how to ride a bike? • Yes, she / he does. She / he knows how to ridea bike. 1. Cook pasta 2. Dance 3. Climb a tree 4. Edit a video? 5. Fly a kite 6. Jump on a trampoline 7. Push up 8. Ride a bike 9. Swim 10.Sing​


ini bahasa indonesia?!



9. The time needed to travel a certain distance varies inversely with the rate of speed. If it takes 8 hours to travel a certain distance at 36 miles per hour, how long will it take to travel the same distance at 60 miles per hour?


10. terjemah dari How long to summer the beef

berapa lama musim panas

11. how long clownfish grow up to

Eggs will generally hatch after six or seven days. the little fish will then become a plantkon and carried by the ocean currents. After 15 days floating, eating and growing, the house will develop into a young Clown fish and get ready to look for anemones as its home

12. How things work?? To long secepatnya ya

cara kerja maaf kalo salahcara kerja
*semoga membantu,tks*jadikan jawaban terbaik yaa!!

13. woman: i've just heard that my PhD proposal's been accepted! i'm going to start my research next year.man: how exciting_______a. how long is it going to take?b. how long will it take?c. how long would it going to take?d. how long would it take? e. how long is it to take?​


b) how long will it take

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

maaf kalau salah ya

14. He _______ ride a bike because he never learned how to ride a bike. *​




he cant ride a bike because he never learned how to ride a bbike

15. 1. How long ..... it ...... (take) to fly to surabaya?

how long will it take to fly to surabaya?
How long does it will take to fly to surabaya

Itu jawabannya

16. My father … (teach) me how to ride a bike when I was 6.​


My father teached me how to ride a bike when I was 6.


semoga membantu ^^ maaf kl ada kesalahan

17. What is the firts think to do how to operate the bike

first, you should stand up.

second, touch the handle and sit in the chair of the bike.

third, use your feet to operate the bike.

fourth, try to keep balance.




18. Solve. Daniel biked 15 milles on Saturday and 6 miles on Sunday. How much farther did Daniel bike on Saturday than on Sunday?

15 miles + 6 miles = 21 miles

Daniel biked 15 milles on Saturday and 6 miles on Sunday. How much farther did

Daniel bike on Saturday than on Sunday

jawab :

= 15 MLS + 6 MLS

= ( 15 + 6 )MLS

= 21 MLS

19. Woman : I've just heard that my PhD proposal's been accepted! I'm going to start my research next year. Man : How exciting!!!...... a) How long is it going to take? b) How long will it take? c) How long would it going to take? d) How long would it take? e) How long is it to take?


Woman : I've just heard that my PhD proposal's been accepted! I'm going to start my research next year.

Man : How exciting!!! How long is it going to take?


Perhatikan kalimat "I'm going to start my research next year." Kalimat ini menyatakan suatu rencana yang akan dilakukan. Sehingga menggunakan present future tense (subject + am/is/are + going to + verb 1).

Tanggapan berupa pertanyaan pun harus berupa kalimat present future tense.

Pilihan B juga termasuk dalam kalimat present future tense. Tetapi, yang membedakan will dan to be going to adalah will digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang akan dilakukan tanpa rencana sebelumnya. Sedangkan to be going to digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang akan dilakukan dengan direncanakan sebelumnya.

Pelajari lebih lanjut contoh kalimat dengan to be going to pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/4039261



20. how to spend a long holiday

in my opinion:
first, Make time for friends and family. Keep the people that matter to you in mind. You don’t want to keep yourself so busy that you have no time to catch up with them. Set aside time that is just for being with family or friends and make the most of it.

second, Trying out something new and having a good time doesn't necessarily mean you have to travel far away from home. There are hundreds of activities that can bring excitement and novelty into your life  and who knows, perhaps it will be a beginning of a new passion?

last, if you're just at home, try to cook what you like, then you can eat as much while watching (movie or anime). I think it would be fun

^_^i think you can swim or any more you like

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