How Much Is A Brown Horse

How Much Is A Brown Horse

A the horse is light female artiya B the horse is light brown C the horse is lives fteey in a forest D the horse has a scar on its from righat leg

Daftar Isi

1. A the horse is light female artiya B the horse is light brown C the horse is lives fteey in a forest D the horse has a scar on its from righat leg


A. Kuda itu betina muda

B. Kuda itu berwarna coklat muda

C. Kuda itu hidup dengan bebas di hutan

D. Kuda itu memiliki bekas luka di kaki bagian kanannya.

2. 1. A : .......................................................B : that is Rp 10,000.00A. how much is this cost?B. how much is it?C. how much this?D. how much it ?​

1. A : .......................................................

B : that is Rp 10,000.00

A. how much is this cost?

B. how much is it?

C. how much this?

D. how much it ?

Semoga membantu!!

3. Buyer : ....Seller : That's Rp. 50,000.00a. How much is this cost?b. How much this?C. How much is?d. How much is this?​

Jawaban: much this


maaf klo salah


D. How much is this?

kalo yang A,B,C kalimatnya terdengar rancu.


4. 1. buyer: How much does it cost? Seller: .... A. That Rp7,800.00 B. That is cost Rp7.800.00 C.That costs Rp7.800.00 D. That Rp7.800.002. Buyer: .. Seller; That's Rp17,000.A. How much is this?B. How much is this cost?C. How much this?D. How much is?3. Buyer: .. Seller: It is Rp27,900.A. How much it?B. How much does it?C. How much do it?D. How much is it?Tolong jawab yang bener dan yang pertama kali jawab dan bener jawabannya bakal aku jadiin jawaban tercerdas.​


semoga membantu ya!^_^


1.b. that is cost Rp7.800,00

2.b. how much is this cost? much is it?


semoga membantu

5. How much is sixteen plus four?How much is thirty minus eleven?How much is seven times three?​

Sixteen plus four is twenty

Thirty minus eleven is nineteen

Seven times three is twenty-one

6. 13. Is it a horse 2. Bentuk affirmative dari kalimat tersebut adalaha. it isn't a horseb. a horse is it?c. it is a horsed. is it a horse​


C) It is a horse


It is a Horse = itu adalah Kuda

7. 2. How much is a kg of sugar?3. How much is a bottle of oil?​


2. Berapa kg gula?

3. Berapa botol minyak?


Ini diapakan ya?

Kalau diartikan yaitu :

2. Berapa kg gula?

3. Berapa botol minyak?


Semoga membantu:)

8. 1. much - is - of - kilo - a - how - strawberry - ? . 2. is - how - much - the scarf - ?. susun semua kalimatnya dengan benar! .

1. How much is a kilo of strawberry?
2. How much is the scarf?

maaf kalau ada salah semoga membantu:))

9. PJ...Buyer :Seller : That's Rp 10,00a. How much is this cob. How much is this?Buver​


B. How much is this? Maaf kalo salah


a. How much is this cost


Jawaban dari seller adalah harga dari barang yang dimaksud. Maka buyer sebelumnya bertanya tentang harga barang itu. Jawaban yang sesuai adalah a karena menanyakan harga

10. a. How much is this chocolate? ... is this (Rp 15,000)b. How much is this bread? ... it is (Rp 9.500)​


A. Berapa banyak coklat ini? … Apakah ini (Rp 15,000)

B. Berapa banyak roti ini? … (Rp 9.500)


maaf cuma bisa kasi dalam bahasa indonesia

11. Buyer:.... Seller: It is Rp 21.000a. How much it?b. How much is it?c. How much does it?d. How much do it?​ much it?

atrtinya = berapa harganya itu?

12. How much is the pencil? 1.7507. How Much isHow Much is dichiaray ? 95.000How Muchis Socks? 8.000low much is Ball point? 3.500the doll ?20.000​


1) One thousand Seven hundred fifty

2) Ninety five thousand

3) Eight thousand

4) Three thousand five hundred

5) twenty thousand


Kalau salah ya gimana ya, soalnya juga ga jelas.. semoga membantu!

13. how much is a pencil ?it is... ​


it chost one thousand rupiahs


14. my cat is brown. i like ......... very much​


jawaban= my cat is brown. i like it very much

15. TI,7. Horse is running fast. How to spell the "Horse"​


etch ou ar es i

h o r s e



16. 1 A : ........................................................B : it ia Rp 12,000.00A. how much it ?B. how much is it ?C. how much does it ?D. how much do it ? ​


B. How Much Is It?

moga membantu yaa


b. how much is it?


karena disitu ada jawaban it is jadi sudah pasti pertanyaanya is it.Kok dibalik? karena ini pertanyaan jafi dibalik.

17. susunlah kalimat dengan tepat 1. much - is-of-kilo-a-how-strawberry 2. is - how - much - the scarf

1. How much is a kilo of strawberry?
2. How much is the scarf?1.How Much is a kilo of strawberry
2. How much is the scarf

18. tolong jawabkan .caranya tulis kembali 1 how much is kg of sugar ?(rp 12.000)2 how much is abot he ofoil?(rp26.000)3 how much is atooth paste? (rp9.000)4 how much is a kg ofabble ? (rp30.000)5 how much his aloaf of bread? (rp6.000)


berapa harga sekilo gula?
berapa harga sebotol minyak goreng?
berapa harga satu pasta gigi?
berapa harga sekilo apel?
berapa harga setangkup roti?

semoga membantu y.,

19. Citra: What is your uncle's horse like?Salsa It is a dark brown male horse. It is big and it looks strong.The underlined word has the similar meaning with​

Answer :

Which one is it? yang mana yang di underline?? apa bisa di foto?

Okay, I'll do what Ican,

male = pria

dark brown = coklat tua

Ingat, kalau mencantumkan soal yang baik dan jelas agar bisa cepat dijawab yaa

ㅡ Correct me if I'm wrong ㅡ

Jangan lupa jadikan jawaban terbaik!!

Don't forget to make it the brainlist answer!!

20. 2. How much is a kg of sugar?3. How much is a bottle of oil?​


Saya terjemahkan dan beri jawaban


2. How much is a kg of sugar ? berapa kg gula

   3 kg sugar = 3 kg gula

3. How much is a bottle of oil ? berapa botol minyak

   5 bottle oil = 5 botol minyak

Video Terkait Topik Diatas

The Hero Who Seeks Revenge Manga

The Hero Who Seeks Revenge Manga

the writer seeks for her pen friend who has ..

Daftar Isi

1. the writer seeks for her pen friend who has ..

kemungkinan besar jawabannya : gone
"The writer seeks for her pen friend who has gone."
- Si penulis mencari teman penanya yang hilang.

2. Greatest - ?- is - hero - who - yourThe correct arrangement is.... a. Who is greatest your hero ?b. Who is greatest hero your ?c. Who is your hero greatest?d. Who is your greatest hero?​


A. who is greatest your hero ?




d.who is your greatest hero?


kenapa?karena yang ditanya siapa pahlawan terbaikmu? kalau ditranslate akan sama jawabanya.

semoga membantu (^v^)

3. Greates- ?- is - hero - who - your The correct arrangement is.... a. who is your greatest hero? b. who is your hero greatest? c. who is greatest hero your? d. who is greatest your hero? ​


a. who is your greatest hero?

Semoga Membantu(⁠•⁠‿⁠•⁠)

4. Song "Hero" by Mariah Carey Queations 1. what is the song "Hero" about ? 2. according to the song "Hero" , what makes a hero 3. who is your hero ?why ? 4. how does this song make you feel ? PLEASE ANSWER

kelas : X
pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kategori : song
kata kunci : Hero, Mariah Carey

1) The song "Hero" is about how to encourage yourself to be a hero.
2) According to the song "Hero", the strenght and the truth in your heart makes a hero.
3) My hero is my mother. Because she always raises and takes care with her heart.
4. This song makes me feel confident. Because this song makes me believe that I have a hero lies in my heart.

5. 1.who are your favourite heroes?2.why do you like them? your opinion,what are the criteria of the hero? you have a hero?hero in your life?who is he/she? you think you can be a hero?TOLONG JAWAB YA,TERIMAKASI

1.My favorite hero is R.A Kartini

2.because she inspired Indonesian women to get education and a better life. In other words, she supported women’s emancipation. my opinion, heroes are people who want to help another poeple wholeheartedly heroes in real life are my parents. They take care of me, work hard for me, and willing to do anything for the happines of their children :)

5.yes. because i want to make this world a better place by helping another people :)

Semoga bermanfaat :)

6. 1. what is the song "hero" about? 2. according to the song "hero", what makes a hero ? 3. who is your hero?why? 4. how does this song makes you feel?



What is the song "hero" about? This song is about the importance of the confidence, bravery and spirit in facing anything in our live. We're a hero for ourselves. So don't be afraid and just believe in yourself.             According to the song "hero", what makes a hero? The confidence and bravery can make everyone becomes a hero for himself or other. Who is your hero? Why? My Hero is the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. He had brought us out of the dark ages to the era of bright light today, namely Islam. He is my role model. Because of him we know Allah S.W.T.    How does this song makes you feel? The song makes me feel optimistic, confident and brave as long as we are in the right path.


The social function of song are:  

To entertain the listeners. (Untuk menghibur para pendengar) To teach moral value through the lyrics of the songs. (Untuk mengajarkan nilai moral melalui lirik lagu) To provide a way of managing the relationship between our public and private emotional life. (Untuk menyediakan cara mengelola hubungan antara kehidupan emosional publik dan pribadi kita) To express personal feeling and cultural values. (Untuk mengekspresikan perasaan pribadi dan nilai-nilai budaya) To give someone to not only shares their emotions with others, but also to have an emotional connection that just can’t be experienced in any other way. (Memberi seseorang untuk tidak hanya membagikan emosinya dengan orang lain, tetapi juga untuk memiliki hubungan emosional yang tidak bisa dialami dengan cara lain)




Kelas : 10  

Mata Pelajaran: bahasa Inggris  

Bab : 15  

Kode: 10.5.15  


7. Who was the hero in the text?


"Who was the hero in the text?" terjemahan: "Siapakah pahlawan yang ada di cerita/tulisan?"


Jawabannya bakalan ketemu kalo anda menanyakan pertanyaan sekaligus ceritanya disini :)))

8. discussion Questions for Hero1)what is that song"Hero " about ?2)according to the song " Hero" what makes a Hero ?3)who ia your Hero ? why ? 4) how does this song make you feel ? ​


song hero is an song describe about all of heroes did to our country

who make a hero is us

my hero is prophet muhhamad SAW, because he's the best human being in this world and all over era

it make me feel , fun ,but also sad , cause remind me about all of hero was died

9. physics (seeks/seek) to understand the mysteries of the physical world


Physics (seeks) to understand the mysteries of the physical world


Simple present tense merupakan verb tense yang digunakan dalam penjabaran fakta kebenaran umum, kebenaran yang tak terbatas dan aktivitas yang terus- menerus berulang  { habit/ routines }

Keterangan frekuensi yang digunakan dalam menunjukkan aktivitas berulang, yaitu always, usually, often, everyday, seldom, rarely, daily, never, frequently, occasionally , ever, sometimes, regularly.

Struktur kalimat dikategorikan ke dalam 2 jenis, Verbal dan nominal.  

1. Rumus Simple present tense ( verbal )

Verbal sentence merupakan kalimat yang predikatnya berupa kata kerja setelah penulisan subject.

(+) Subject + Verb(s/es) + Object/C

(-)  Subject + do/does +not + Verb 1 + Object/C

(?) Do/does+ Subject + Verb 1 + Object/C?

Example :

(+) My aunt and uncle always exercise in the morning { Habit }

(+) The earth rotates around the sun  { Fact }

2. Rumus simple present tense ( Nominal )

Nominal sentence merupakan kalimat yang terdiri dari pengikat subyek dengan diikuti ole kata benda ( noun)/kata sifat ( adjective )/ keterangan ( adverb )

(+ ) Subject + is/am/are +noun/adjective/adverb

(- )  Subject + is/am/are + not + noun/adjective/adverb

( ? ) Is/am/are+ subject +noun/adjective/adverb?

Example :

She is a teacher.

Note :

Penambahan akhiran -s pada kata kerja dalam simple present tense, berdasarakan subject tunggal terdekatnya { He, she, it, name of person and singular noun }


Physics (seeks) to understand the mysteries of the physical world

Informasi yang disampaikan merupakan fakta, maka ini termasuk kategori Simple present tensePhysics merupakan kategori singular noun, sifatnya abstrak, bagian dari ilmu pengetahuan alamMaka, kata kerja / predikat yang megikutinya harus menggunakan suffix -s, yaitu "seeks."


Learn more about :

1. Simple Present  


Level        : Jhs  (8)

Subject     :  English

Category   : Sentence structure

Categorization : 8.5.5

Keywords  : Simple present tense ; Fact ; Physics


10. 1. what is the song "hero" about? 2. according to the song "hero", what makes a hero ? 3. who is your hero?why? 4. how does this song makes you feel?

1. The belief heart
2. The strong of heart when face disbelief of something that exactly we can do it ourselves
3. My heart. Because we need to follow said the heart
4. This song make me feel belief the power of our heart. The strong heart make our personality become about saviour or somebody that inspirited u the most because of his action
2.a honorable action thats worth to award
3.Jesus because His my saviour
4. feel that someone that I can believe that he can save me from all the trouble

11. what is the meaning of revenge the fallen​


balas dendam yang jatuh


maaf kalau salah semoga membantu ^^


artinya balas dendam yang jatuh


12. Queations 1. What is the song "Hero" about ? 2. According to the song "Hero" , what makes a hero 3. Who is your hero ?Why ? 4. How does this song make you feel ?


song hero is about ,, describe some hero to always remind us about our independent

who make hero is us

my hero is prophet muhamad SAW, cause he's rhe only one of human veing in this world who has a high level of honesty

this song make me feel ,become sad cause it make me rwmind to all of hero did in the past to take our independent

13. Who is the hero figure in your life? explain your answer.


Hello, kk coba bantu jawab yaa!

My hero figure in my life is my parents. My parents are really important to me because they are the ones who helped me with problems, homework, taught me things that I don't know and things about life, taught me things that I shouldn't do and things that I should do in life. So these are my hero, and they will always be with me.

But my real hero is my mother because A mother is my mentor and my support system. A mother's love for a child is unconditional and rare. For me, mother is the first influence and nothing less than a superhero.

14. 16. Who is the National hero from Kalimantan​




Hero of Kalimantan

kalimantan barat

abdul kadir raden temenggung

sultan syarif abdurrahman alkadrie

aspar aswin

kalimantan timur

H.abdoel moeis hassan

kalimantan selatan

pangeran hidayatullah

pangeran muhammad noor

gusti muhammad hatta

15. What is the Hero?...What is the Hero?...

Hero adalah PAHLAWAN.
hero = pahlawan
jadi , hero adalah orangyang menyelamatkan sesuatu

16. Apa arti dari the person who seeks news and write in newspaper is reporter...?

artinya: Orang yang mencari berita dan menulis koran adalah Reporterorang yang mencri berita dan menulis di koran adalah reporter

17. Artist Dari forgiveness is the best revenge


Pengampunan adalah balas dendam terbaik.

18. Song "Hero" by Mariah Carey Queations 1. what is the song "Hero" about ? 2. according to the song "Hero" , what makes a hero 3. who is your hero ?why ? 4. how does this song make you feel ? PLEASE ANSWER

1.The song implies that there is a hero inside all of us.
2.Those who have the strength to carry on.
3.(Ini isi dengan seorang tokoh yang kamu anggap sebagai pahlawan,kalo mau simple sih jawab aja "My mother" :>)
4.It makes me feel confidence of myself.

Semoga Membantu!

19. Song "Hero" by Mariah Carey Queations 1. What is the song "Hero" about ? 2. According to the song "Hero" , what makes a hero 3. Who is your hero ?Why ? 4.Which id the song inspiring song? Why do you think so? PLEASE ANSWER


'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*

Terjemahan liriknya:

There’s a hero If you look inside your heart You don’t have to be afraid Of what you are There’s an answer If you reach into your soul And the sorrow that you know Will melt away

Ada seorang pahlawan Jika Anda melihat ke dalam hati Anda Anda tidak perlu takut Dari apa Anda Ada jawaban Jika Anda mencapai ke dalam jiwa Anda Dan kesedihan yang Anda tahu akan mencair

And then a hero comes along With the strength to carry on And you cast your fears aside And you know you can survive So when you feel like hope is gone Look inside you and be strong And you’ll finally see the truth That a hero lies in you

Dan kemudian seorang pahlawan datang bersama Dengan kekuatan untuk melanjutkan Dan Anda membuang ketakutan Anda ke samping Dan Anda tahu Anda dapat bertahan Jadi ketika Anda merasa seperti harapan hilang Lihatlah ke dalam diri Anda dan menjadi kuat Dan akhirnya Anda akan melihat kebenaran Bahwa sebuah pahlawan terletak padamu

It’s a long road When you face the world alone No one reaches out a hand For you to hold You can find love If you search within yourself And the emptiness you felt Will disappear

Ini jalan yang panjang Saat Anda menghadapi dunia sendiri Tidak ada yang mengulurkan tangan Bagi Anda untuk memegang Anda dapat menemukan cinta Jika Anda mencari di dalam diri sendiri Dan kekosongan yang Anda rasakan akan hilang

And then a hero comes along With the strength to carry on And you cast your fears aside And you know you can survive So when you feel like hope is gone Look inside you and be strong And you’ll finally see the truth That a hero lies in you

Dan kemudian seorang pahlawan datang bersama Dengan kekuatan untuk melanjutkan Dan Anda membuang ketakutan Anda ke samping Dan Anda tahu Anda dapat bertahan Jadi ketika Anda merasa seperti harapan hilang Lihatlah ke dalam diri Anda dan menjadi kuat Dan akhirnya Anda akan melihat kebenaran Bahwa sebuah pahlawan terletak padamu

Lord knows Dreams are hard to follow But don’t let anyone Tear them away Hold on There will be tomorrow In time You’ll find the way

Tuhan tahu Mimpi sulit untuk diikuti Tapi jangan biarkan siapapun Tear mereka pergi Tunggu Akan ada besok Dalam waktu Anda akan menemukan jalan

And then a hero comes along With the strength to carry on And you cast your fears aside And you know you can survive So when you feel like hope is gone Look inside you and be strong And you’ll finally see the truth That a hero lies in you

Dan kemudian seorang pahlawan datang bersama Dengan kekuatan untuk melanjutkan Dan Anda membuang ketakutan Anda ke samping Dan Anda tahu Anda dapat bertahan Jadi ketika Anda merasa seperti harapan hilang Lihatlah ke dalam diri Anda dan menjadi kuat Dan akhirnya Anda akan melihat kebenaran Bahwa sebuah pahlawan terletak padamu

୨⎯ "answer" ⎯୧

: ̗̀➛The song tells the story of how weak a human being will be to accompany him on his own

: ̗̀➛myself who will strengthen myself to be a hero(diri sendiri)

cari di google translate

: ̗̀➛myself

: ̗̀➛yes it really inspires me because it can motivate us not to be sad and be able to stand up without asking for help from others

20. Who is the singer of “Hero”?​


mariah carey


maaf salah

Jawaban: Mariah Carey jawabannya


Video Terkait Topik Diatas

How Many Feet Is 1 3 Meters

How Many Feet Is 1 3 Meters

how many square meters is for sale but currently being leased​

Daftar Isi

1. how many square meters is for sale but currently being leased​


bahasa Inggris : how many square meters is for sale but currently being leased :bahasa Indonesia berapa meter persegi untuk dijual tetapi saat ini sedang disewakan


semoga membantu ya kalo membantu tolong subscribe chenel fira official

2. Aje walks 3 kilo meters in 1 week. how many kilo meters aje walks in 1 month?​


3 kilometers in 1 week.

3 kilometers x 4 weeks = 12 kilometers.

So, the answer is 12 kilometers in 1 month.


Aji berjalan sejauh 3 km selama satu minggu. Satu bulan terdiri dari 4 minggu. 3 km x 4 minggu = 12 km selama satu bulan.

i hope it helps you!

3. How tall is the giraffe?a.Five metersb.four metersd.six meters ​


a. Five meters


The giraffe, with its long neck, is the tallest living animal. Males are able to reach a height of 18ft (5.5m). Male giraffes tend to be taller than females.

Semoga Membantu✌

4. Questions:1. Where is Budis book?Answer:2. Where are Budi's shoes?Answer:3. Where is Budi's bicycle?Answer:4.How many meters is the nearest supermarket?Answer:5.Where does Mrs. Melisa want to go?Answer:bantu jawab plissss​


1. it's in his bag's under the table

3. it's in the parking area located 200 meters from here

5.she want to go to supermarket


maaf klo salah

5. A tree is 7 meters high. A giraffe is 2 meters shorter thanthe tree. How tall is the giraffe?​


5 meters

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


maaf kalau salah

tree : 7 m

giraffe : 7-2 = 5 m

6. There is a library in my school. It is on the second floor. It is about seven meters wide and ten meters long. There are eleven bookshelves in the library. They are full of books. Students visiting to library because it is quiet, cool, and comfortable to read in itHow many meters the library area is?A. 7 meters B. 10 meters C. 17 meters D. 70 meters​



C.17 meters.


Di teks tersebut telah dijelaskan: It is about seven meters wide and ten meters long.

in conclusion:

7+10 =

C. 17 meters.


7. A frog is at the bottom of a 78 meter well. Each day he leaps 4 meters up the well. At night, while he is asleep, he slips 2 meters backwards. How many days does it take him to escape from the well?

total dasar sumur di bagi ( katak melompat setiap harinya dikurang katak tergelincir setiap tertidur)

cara penulisan angkanya:
78m : (4m-2m)=... hari (diutamakan dalam kuaung)
78m : 2M= 39 hari

78 m : (4 - 2 m)
: 78 : 2
: 39 hari

Sebenernya ini soal olimpiade matematika SD.
Kalo mau jawaban pake bahasa inggris bilang aja!
Kalo bingung tanya aja!

8. 2 poin32. The distance on a map using 1:700 scale of two places is 8 cm. Howmany meters is in the actual distance? *​


scale 1:700.

distance 8 cm

700x8 = 5600 cm = 56 m

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

semoga bermanfaat

9. 25. How tall is Eiffel Tower ? It is ....a. 1000 metersb. 300 metersc. 300 feetd. 100 feet.26. In which country is Eiffel Tower located ?It is in....a. Parisb. FranceC Frenchd. Italy27. How do the visitors go to the top of the Eiffel Tower?a. On footb. By carC. By liftd. By escalator​






Semoga Membantu :")


25.b.300 meters

26.a.prancis car


maaf klo salah

10. 1. How Many classrooms are there in SMP N 1 Weleri?2. How much rice do you eat in a day? 3. How Many feet does monkey have?4. How much is your mobile phone? 5 . How many school bags do you have?tolong jawab yang bener gue butuh sekarang jawabannya​


Maaf adik soalnya khusus untuk adik (sekolah adik) tapi kakak bantu bahasa indonesia in ya :)

1. Berapa jumlah ruang kelas di SMPN 1 Waleri?

2. Berapa kali makan sehari?

3. Berapa banyak kaki monyet? = 2

3. Ada berapa ponselmu?

5. Berapa banyak tas sekolah yang kamu punya?


Saya cuma bisa jawab nomor 3, karena nomor 1,2,4,5 adalah opsional untuk diri sendiri

Terimakasih! n sehat selalu

11. 1. We bring somethng with our2. I can smell their fragrance with my3How many feet do we have​


1. Hand

2. Nose

3. 2


semoga membantu

12. 1. The distance from Bahrun's house to the POS office is about 4.05 km. How manymeters the distance from Bahrunl's house to the POS office?​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

4,05 km = 4,05 × 1000 (turun 3 tangga) = 4050 m

13. If on a map scale drawing 6,174 feet are represented by 45 inches, then a scale of 20 inches represents how many feet?


0,3 feet

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Translate :

Jika pada skala peta gambar 75 kaki diwakili oleh 45 inci, maka skala 1/5 inci (konversikan ke desimal) mewakili berapa kaki?

Penyelesaian :

\begin{gathered}\frac{75kaki}{45inci} = \frac{x}{0.2inci} \\ \frac{45inci}{75kaki} \times 0.2inci \: = x \\ 0.3kaki = x\end{gathered}










Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

yuyonghagileul balabnida(◍•ᴗ•◍)✧*。

14. Sebutkan how many meters are in a centimeter?


1 M= Cm


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Kali 100 Bro

15. 19. A person travels at a speed of 50 km per hour. Then how many meters can hetravel in 30 minutes ? »Jawaban pilihan bergandaA.250 metersB.25 meters. C.25 000 metersD.250 000 meters​


A person travels at a speed of 50 km per hour. Then how many meters can he

travel in 30 minutes ? »

translate Indonesia

Seseorang melakukan perjalanan dengan kecepatan 50 km per jam. Lalu berapa meter dia bisa

bepergian dalam 30 menit? »

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

50 km: 2 = 25 km

because 1 hour = 60 minutes then divide by 2 into 30 minutes

if 50 km per hour then divide by 2 into 25

so 30 minutes he can travel 25 km

translate Indonesia

50 km : 2 = 25 km

karena 1 jam = 60 menit maka dibagi 2 menjadi 30 menit

jika 50 km per jam maka dibagi 2 menjadi 25

jadi 30 menit dia bisa melakukan perjalanan 25 km

Jawabannya adalah B. 25 meters


C, 25.000 meters

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

30 minutes = ½ hour

50 km/hour x ½ hour = 25 km

25 km x 1.000 = 25.000 meters

I hope this helps! :>

16. How many meters distance if do you meet others?

1-3 meters
hope it helps
semangat bljrny


1 meter is rarely recommended


17. 1.How deep is the well behind the house?(17 meters deep) Answer...... much is the red t-shirt?(Rp.35.000.00)


1. The well behind the house is 17 meters deep.
2. The red T-shirt is Rp. 35.000,00.

@Hope it helps you!
@Sorry if I am wrong!1. The well behind the house is 17 metres deep.
2. The red t-shirt is Rp. 35.000

18. If on a map scale drawing 75 feet are represented by 45 inches, then a scale of 1/5 inch (convert to decimals) represents how many feet?

0,3 feet

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Translate :

Jika pada skala peta gambar 75 kaki diwakili oleh 45 inci, maka skala 1/5 inci (konversikan ke desimal) mewakili berapa kaki?

Penyelesaian :

[tex]\frac{75kaki}{45inci} = \frac{x}{0.2inci} \\ \frac{45inci}{75kaki} \times 0.2inci \: = x \\ 0.3kaki = x[/tex]

19. ana: " that building ?" indah: " it is 12 meters." old c. how long d. how far

B. How long

Semoga membantu :) c. how high
Ana : " how high is that building?"

20. It is a small. It has many feet, it likes to depend. It is a


spider i guess?



i think it’s spider lol


Video Terkait Topik Diatas

Roman Religion Was Adapted From The Carthaginians Egyptians Greeks Germans

Roman Religion Was Adapted From The Carthaginians Egyptians Greeks Germans

the Greeks thought it was a brilliant idea

Daftar Isi

1. the Greeks thought it was a brilliant idea

Menurut Greeks iyu adalah ide yang hebat
Maaf kalo salah

2. ada yang tau terjemahan the fisherman and his wife, adapted from Grimm brother 1812?

The Fisherman and His Wife diadaptasi dari Grimm bersaudara tahun 1812. yang The Fishermanblalala itu jangan ditranslate karena judul buku
Seorang Pemancing dan istrinya,Diadaptasi dari "Grimm Brother" 1812

3. 1.Which beetle was sacred to the ancient Egyptians? 2.Who wore "paper" sandals


1.To the Egyptians the scrarab,or dung beetle,symbolized the sun-God Khepri.They imagined Khepri pushed the sun across the sky in the same way as the beetle pushes dung around.

2.The Egyptians made a kind of paper for writing on,by cutting and flattenig strips from the papyrus reed that once flourished along the river Nile.The word "paper" comes from papyrus.They also made sandals from papyrus,which were worn by people at all levels of society.Priests were forbidden to wear any other material on their feet

Hai,sekian dari saya ya..semoga bisa sedikit membantu ;)


1.Orang mesir kuno menganggap kumbang dung suci

2.orang mesir kuno


maaf kalau salah,semoga membantu

4. the ancient greeks 1............... good at making cakes.some people think


The Ancient Greeks Are Good At Making Cakes.Some People Think

5. Perhatikan gambar dibawah ini! Peristiwa Yang terjadi her dad Arkansas gambar tersebut adalah A. Germans bulan sebagian B. Germans matahari sebagian C. Germans matahari total D. Germans bulan total

Jawaban:D.germans bulan total

maaf jika salah

6. What are the ten plagues? Religion

the ten plagues are the disasters God sent the egyptians when Pharaoh refused to let the Hebrews go free.

7. This is story adapted from a French folktale. Read it carefully and answer the following questions!

1. is a 4 characters ( there was a woman with. her two daughters, and a poor old woman)

2. the younger daughter generous and kind-hearted and the older one was greedy and mean

3. the old woman is a witch or a ghost (I think)

8. From the second paragraph we can conclude thatA. the Greeks discovered to some planets.B. planets travel in orbits around the stars.C. Greeks thought that planets “wandered” in the sky.D. a planet is a body in space that revolves around a star.​


B. planets travel in orbits around the stars.


maaf kalo salah



planet bergerak di orbit mengelilingi bintang


Semoga membantu

jika suka jangan ragu untuk kasih jawaban terbaik atau brainlinest answer ya 

9. the best title for the story' above is.... A.aphrodite. B.pygmalion. C.a sculptor. D.the greeks​

cuma saran, liat google translate aja

10. the ancient greeks 1............. good at making cakes some people think


The Ancient Greeks Are Good At Making Cakes Some People Think


i think the most true is cristhian but christian not from the sky

sorry if not true. I Cant Give My Opinion about Religions who the true Religion is Islam,Christ, Or Jewish.The Religion is freedom for all Poeple. Maybe Moslem Think Islam Is The Right Religion and came from God,But Christian Maybe Think the Right Religion is Christ.

Thanks, Hope Can Help U

12. How did the Egyptians record the knowledge of medicine?​

Ilmu pengobatan bangsa Mesir menjadi dasar dari Ilmu kedokteran modern. Dibuktikan dengan ditemukannya papyrus pada Mesir Kuno yang merupakan buku ajaran ilmu kedokteran yang pertama dalam sejarah. Papyrus tersebut berisi tentang ilmu bedah dan cara pengobatan.

Awal spesialisasi kedokteran juga dimulai dari Mesir.


The ancient Egyptians were known to use honey as medicine, and the juices of pomegranates served as both an astringent and a delicacy." In the Ebers Papyrus, there are over 800 remedies; some were topical like ointments, and wrappings, others were oral medication such as pills and mouth rinses;still others were taken.

Translate in Indonesia:

Orang Mesir kuno dikenal menggunakan madu sebagai obat, dan jus buah delima berfungsi sebagai astringen dan kelezatan. "Dalam Papirus Ebers, ada lebih dari 800 obat; beberapa dioleskan seperti salep, dan pembungkus, yang lain adalah obat oral seperti pil dan obat kumur; masih ada yang diminum.


Semoga membantu dan bermanfaat ^_^

13. Lengkapi kalimat ini (+)islam is the last religion (-) islam is not the last religion (?) Doee islam is the last religion ? (-?) (-?)


(?) is islam the last religion?

(-?) isn't islam the last religion?

14. the ancient greeks 1............. good at making cakes . some people think.


orang Yunani kuno 1 ............. pandai membuat kue. beberapa orang berpikir.

15. what we can learn from Ancient Roman Empire?


•perbudakan bukanlah solusi untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaanmu.

• Obesitas yang menjadi epidemi adalah aib, bukan sesuatu yang pantas untuk dikasihani

• Pertentangan antar kelas akan selalu berujung pada bencana.


semoga membantu

maaf jika salah

16. The major religion in Bali is

Hindu Dharma or Religious Tirtha ("Holy Water Religion")

17. one of the religion tourism is

salah satunya adalah wisata religi contohnya borobudur temple

18. How do plants are adapted to take up and transport water from the soil to the leaves.


Root absorbs more water and minerals, while roots grow. The volume of water in the roots increases, so that the pressure increases, which forces the water into the xylem and up into the stems and leaves!!

19. the ancient greeks ..................... good at making cakes . some people think



(maaf kalau salah)



orang yunani kuno ..................... pandai membuat kue. beberapa orang berpikir

maaf kalau salah

20. Pay attention to the third paragraph! From this paragraph, we can reach the information that the Roman emperors began to use raw materials from the archipelago in…


maaf tapi bagian paragraf nya mana?:)

Video Terkait Topik Diatas

What Is 3 Of $2000

What Is 3 Of $2000

30% of 70 is what percent of 2000

Daftar Isi

1. 30% of 70 is what percent of 2000


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

You want to find a number such that −30%=2000 or equivalently


which can be written as




This gives


which gives



Bahasa Inggris

This might be something you're used to! You can kind of do this without using an explicit unknown, x, although after a while you may well prefer using x. O.K. Beginning with 100%, if you take away 30% you end up with 70% so that 2000 is equivalent to 70%.

Bahasa Indonesia

Ini mungkin sesuatu yang biasa Anda lakukan! Anda dapat melakukan ini tanpa menggunakan eksplisit yang tidak diketahui, x, meskipun setelah beberapa saat Anda mungkin lebih suka menggunakan x. BAIK. Dimulai dengan 100%, jika Anda mengambil 30% Anda berakhir dengan 70% sehingga 2000 setara dengan 70%

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

semoga bermanfaat

2. we offer you satisfaction. we have collections of updated games. it is cheap. only Rp.2000 per hour. we have friendly assitant. fresh water is free. 1. what kind of verbs appear in the text? is it the firts, second, or third form of verb ? 2.what do we call this kind of text ? 3.what is the social function of the text?

sorry im not understand1. second verb
2. advertisement
3. make an offer to sell something

3. April 11th 2000 X = What date is it? Y = It is....​


eleventh April of two thousand

4. kuiz malam Romi :What is the date today ( 25 Mei 2000) Wawan:​


Wawan : today's date May 25, 2000


moga membantu

5. The first day of the 21st century was January 1,2000. Which of these is not a correct versionof this date?A. 01.01.2000 C. 01.02.2000B. 1 Jan 2000 D. 01/01/2000​




Because in c it say 1 Februari 2000


karena di C mengatakan bahwa 1 Februari 2000

maaf bila salah

6. Ip= 0,5Np= 1000Ns= 2000 Is=...?​


semoga bermanfaat dan jangan lupa follow ya


0,25 A


Is/Ip = Np/Ns

Is/(0,5) = 1000/2000

Is/(0,5) = 1/2

2 Is = 0,5

Is = 0,25 A ✔️

7. An elevator with a mass of 2000 kg rises with an acceleration of 1.0 m/s/s. What is the tension in the supporting cable?​


T - W = ma

W = mg

T = m(g + a)

Asumsikan g = 10 m/s^2

T = 2000(10 + 1)

T = 22000N


maaf kalo salah


22000 newton


m = 2000kg

a = 1 m/s²

g = 10 m/s²

berat elevator terhadap bumi = m x g = 20000 Newton

tegangan yang ditimbulkan harus melebihi berat elevator terhadap bumi

dengan kata lain percepatan yang dihasilkan harus lebih besar dari percepatan gravitasi

sehingga percepatan sebenarnya tanpa pengaruh gravitasi = g + a = 10 + 1 = 11 m/s²

Tegangan yang dihasilkan = m x 11 = 2000 x 11 = 22000 newton

8. If 2000 is divided by a 2 digit number,what is the largest possible reminder. How to solve it........

2000 ÷ 10 = 200
2000 ÷ 16 = 125
2000 ÷ 20 = 100
2000 ÷ 25 = 80
2000 ÷ 40 = 50
2000 ÷ 50 = 40
2000 ÷ 80 = 25

So, the largest possible reminder is 200

9. A sequence starts 4, 7, 13, 25, 49, ... * 10 poin Pertanyaan ini wajib diisi 9. What is the missing number of these sequence 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, ... * 10 poin 2000 gram berapa kg​

1. 4,7,13,25,49,97.
2. 1,2,4,8,16,32.
3. 2000 gram = 2 kg
Semoga membantu.
Maaf jika salah

10. Read the text and answer the following questions by choosing these options !1 Who is Rizki fajari Amanda ?(1) He is a journalist (2) He is an elementary teacher(3) He is a freelancer (4) He ia A college student 2 What is rizki's parents profession ?(1) Journalist and housewife(2) postman and teacher(3) Architect and nurse (4) Journalist and teacher3 How many members are in Rizki family ?(1) Two (2) Three (3) four (4) Five 4 When Rizki was born ?(1) on march 1st 2000(2) on August 1st 2000(3) on june 1st 2000(4) on December 1st 20005 What is rizki's characteristics ? (1) Honest (2) Enthusiastic (3) flexible (4) introverttolong please ??​


1. (4) He is a college student

2. (4) Journalist and a teacher

3. (4) 5

4. (4) on December 1st 2000

5. (1) Honest

11. 5. Wina : Wow,... How many passengers can she carry? Zita :About 2000. A. What is a big ship B. What a big ship is it!C. How nice is shel D. What ship is wonderfulljawablah pertanyaan berikut dgn benar​


b. what a big ship is it

(kapal yang besar)



12. Pay attention the following examples! (Perhatikan contoh-contoh berikut ini!) Examples: 1. Alma​: What is the date today? (23 July 2001) Yesa​: Today is on the twenty third of July two thousand one. 2. Liza ​: Today is on the nineteenth of June nineteen ninety nine. What is the date tomorrow? Alisa ​: Tomorrow is on the twentieth of June nineteen ninety nine. Answer these questions based on the examples above! (Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini berdasarkan contoh-contoh di atas! 1. Romi ​: What is the date today? (25 May 2000) Wawan​: ………………………………………………………………………….. 2. Salsa : Today is on the tenth of June two thousand fifteen. What is the date tomorrow? Dina : ………………………………………………………………………….. 3. Laras ​: Today is on the second of May two thousand four. What was the date yesterday? ​Rika ​: ………………………………………………………………………….. 4. Dito ​: What is the date today? (22 August 1996) Rudi ​: ………………………………………………………………………….. 5. Fito ​: Yesterday was on the sixth of April two thousand twenty one. What is the date today? Aldi ​: ………………………………………………………………………….. JAWAB PLISS LAGI BUTUH BANGET✊maksh kakak cantik/ganteng


1. Today is on the twenty fifth of May two thousand

2. Tomorrow is on the eleventh of June two thousand fifteen

3. Yesterday is on the first of May two thousand four

4. Today is on the twenty second of August nineteen ninety six

5. Today is on the seventh of April two thousand twenty one

1. today is on twenty five may two thousand

2. tomorrow is eleven june two thousand fifteen

3. yesterday is one may two thousand four

4. today is on twenty two august nineteen ninety six

5. today is on seventh of april two thousand twenty one

13. The result of - 2000 :(-40): (-10) is....mohon di jawab dengan cepat ​


-2000 : (-40) = 50

50 : (-10) = -5

moga membantu


jawabannya adalah : -2000:(-40)= 50:(-10)= -5

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

jadi hasilnya adalah -5 semoga membantu

14. A small car with mass of 1000 kg is moving eastward with velocity of 30m/s and big car with mass of 2000 kg is moving southward with velocity of 20 m/s.The magnitude of momentum after colliding is..


dik : m1 = 1000 kg

v1 = 30m/s

m2 = 2000 kg

v2 = 20 m/s

dit: momentum atau p.... ?


karna tidak ada diketahui koefisien dan cuma momentum setelah tabrakan maka menggunakan hukum kekekalan momentum sehingga persamaan seperti ini

p = p'

(m1 x v1) + (m2 x v2) = p'

p' = (1000 x 30) + (2000 x -20)

p' = 30.000 - 40.000

p' = -10.000

jadi besarnya momentum adalah -10.000 atau 10.000... mohon maaf kalau ada yang salah

15. a 2000 Kg ship is sailing at a velocity of 30 m/s: a. what is the ship's momentum? b. what is two actions could the ship take to reduce its momentum?

a. the ship's momentum: 60,000 kg m/s

b. two actions to reduce ship's momentum: reduce the mass and speed of the ship

Further explanation

Momentum is generally possessed by moving objects.

Momentum is the product of the mass and the velocity of an object

Can be formulated:

[tex]\boxed{\bold{P=m\times v}}[/tex]

p : momentum (kg.m/s)

m : mass (kg)

v : velocity (v)

From this formula it can be concluded that momentum is directly proportional to the mass and velocity of the object

If 2 objects collide with velocity va and vb, then the law of conservation of momentum will occur:

mava + mbvb = mava '+ mbvb'

the total momentum before and after the collision is equal (in the absence of external forces)

Collisions can be elastic, inelastic, and completely inelastic (the colliding objects stick together)


a 2000 Kg ship is sailing at a velocity of 30 m/s


a. the ship's momentum

b. two actions could the ship take to reduce its momentum


a. the ship's momentum

[tex]\tt p=2000~kg\times 30~m/s\\\\p=\boxed{\bold{60,000~kg.m/s}}[/tex]

b. two actions to reduce ship's momentum

Because momentum directly proportional to the mass and velocity of the object, then the actions that can be taken are:

1. reduce the load/mass of the ship by removing some of the objects on the ship2. reduce the speed of the ship by braking / slowing down the ship

Learn more



impulse and momentum:


Answer details

Grade: 10

Subject: Physics

Chapter: Momentum and Impuls

Code: 10.6.9

16. My Dear Teacher,I found discipline, guidance,friendship, and love, all at oncein one person that is you!Happy teacher's day!Wish you all the best.Athan15 oktober 2000Date10.Answer the question :1) What is the text about2) What is the purpose of the text3) Why does Athan give the card​


1) Text about what: about his gratitude to the teacher

2) What is the purpose of the text: to commemorate teachers' day

3) Why did Athan give the card: to thank the teacher


maaf kalo salah

jadikan yang terbaik

17. The figure shows a square cardboard.A 6-cm square is cut from each of its corners and the remaining cardboard is then folded along the dotted lines to form a square tray.If the volume of the tray is 2000 cm^3,find the length of a side of the original cardboard. mohon di bantu yaa.

Jawab: Ha.........

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

18. if 3a3-187=2000 the value of a is?




Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

3a³ =2000 + 187

3a³ =2187

a³ =2187/3

a³ = 729



19. It is known that a 10kg cupboard with a potebtial energy of 2000 J is elevated to the 8th floor of an apartment building. What is the height of the apartment's 8th floor? (g = 10 m/s²)pake cara ya kaa​


Pada soal diketahui :

Massa (m) = 10 kg

energi potensial (Ep) = 20000 Joule

Gravitasi = 10 m / s²

Yang ditanyakan yaitu tinggi lantai ke-8 apartemen : h = ?

Maka,kita dapat menggunakan persamaan energi potensial di atas untuk mencarinya

Ep. = mgh

2000 = 10. 10. h

h = 2000/10x10 = 2000/100 = 20m

jadi tinggi apartemen tersebut adalah 20 meter


energi potensial adalah energi yang dimiliki sebuah benda karena benda tersebut mempunyai ketinggian.ketinggian ini diukur relatif dari tanah.

Energi potensial yang dipengaruhi oleh percepatan gravitasi bumi disebut dengan energi potensial gravitasi.

Persamaan energi potensial gravitasi dapat dituliskan :

Ep = mgh

Keterangan :

Ep = energi potensial (Joule)

m = massa (kg)

g = percepatan gravitasi (m/s²)

h = ketinggian (m)


Kelas : 8

Mapel : Fisika

Bab : usaha. dan energi


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

semoga membantu y kk^_^

terimakasih atas poinnya:^)

20. Ip= 05Np= 1000Ns= 2000Is= ...?​


0,25 A


Is/Ip = Np/Ns

Is/(0,5) = 1000/2000

Is/(0,5) = 1/2

2 Is = 0,5

Is = 0,25 A ✔️

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